The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Important news today @ Jacobson native art: Vatican formally renounces Doctrine of discovery after decades of Indigenous demands


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Honest message to Jamie “Colonizer” Kastner of There are no fakes @ Jacobson native art


Good afternoon to each and everyone following the truth here at Jacobson native art. Today I’d like to officially comment on this bizarre reality of “Frankenstein” Jamie Kastner who was the worst person I’ve ever worked with in the entire film industry. What a complete moron this guy really is. Still trying to control the narrative eh weirdo?

This fucked up guy can never be trusted. He’s rude, obnoxious and an extreme example of self will run riot. It’s embarrassing watching this guy trying to take our stories and our truth as First Nations and trying to control it and make the narrative all about himself. Nobody likes you, Kastner, let’s get that straight. Everyone around the film thinks your a complete bozo....and you are. 

This fight with the OPP and Thunder Bay police makes you look ridiculous. These are not your stories to control. We willingly shared these truths throughout the film because it was simply the right thing to do. This had absolutely nothing to do with us trusting you. Your job was to simply help us tell this story. That’s it. But here you are splashing yourself all over the Canadian media in your diaper making this all about you. 

Yuck. Let’s get this straight ok settler. You need to cooperate with the investigation. You need to get out of the way and let justice serve it’s course. If the Canadian legal system needs those interviews to pursue the truth? Then get lost and go do something else. You look like a total fool getting in the way of all the hard work people like myself have done on that warped behalf of the fraud. Let justice happen and be a good little settler boy and get the fuck out of the way. This story isn’t about you. You embarrassed yourself and your family bloodline behaving the way that you do. 

It’s pathetic. You are not an ally with us First Nations. You are no friend to me and you shouldn’t be speaking about truth and reconciliation because you don’t know how that works. Your heart doesn’t have the knowledge. You lack the sensitivity and spirit. Also, nobody wanted to do a second follow up film with you because of how you are as a human being. You are lost in the abyss of colonialism. A broken ghost of the past. You are not in the here and now with us. Nobody from this wants to ever work with you again or collaborate with you in any way, shape or form. Go home and get lost. You are not wanted. (Maybe one day I’ll pity you and pray for you, but not today dipshit)

There will be more to come concerning the sexual abuse by Norval Morrisseau and his filthy and fucked up legacy of lies. The truth is coming like a freight train...all my relations, MAJ

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Why sexual abusers like Norval Morrisseau must be exposed....living or dead


Good afternoon and here’s to a beautiful day here @ Jacobson native art. This is a very real and honest reality that I’ve been blessed to expose because I have the inner strength to do so. For one: I am not afraid of anyone on this earth.  I don’t give a shit about who you are, what you have done, how much money your worth, how famous one may be, if you hurt and abuse children? Your going down. I will sink your battleship. I will come with all my power and resources to expose these sick sexual predators and shine the light into these dark arenas. Morrisseau is no exception. 

My son is 5 years old. He’s pure. He’s an innocent little child and I am his protector. I am his guardian down here on this planet. He is the most spectacular soul Ive ever had the privilege of being around day in and day out. He’s been with me every single day since his birth. He truly is the light of my world. If anyone ever tried to hurt my boy? I will wipe you off the face of this earth. I will devour you. I will destroy you. End of story. That is how sacred and pure our children are and I’m sure there are many who will agree with me. 

Children are the greatest energy and teachers in the entire world. They are so holy and sacred and this world can thank my son, Sagein Wisdom for putting these teachings into the very core of my being. He is my everything. This is how I feel about our children, how I feel about my son. He has taught me so much about love. About what truly matters in life. So, when it comes to protecting our children and being a strong advocate for them, I’m there. No matter what, who, why, where, how or when...I’m there. 

Protecting sexual predators is not only absolutely fuckin disgusting it is and should be beneath us all. But unfortunately that isn’t the reality. Things like fame, money, wealth, social stature and the like make those around these predators say and do the most absurd of things. They protect them. They hide the crimes of these abusers and are willing to sell their very souls to protect their own interests associated with the abuser. Hiding the truth at any cost they deny, pretend like everything is good to go. Unfortunately for most of them their time of hiding these crimes  eventually comes to an end. 
We are definitely in that time regarding Morrisseau. I will be relentless in standing up for these survivors. Of speaking up for the truth. The time of hiding underneath a rock hoping against hope that these truths never get exposed: is over. Your number is up. I am both honoured and grateful that the truth of these discoveries has found me. That I can serve the greater good in shining the light on these grotesque discoveries. There is much more to come regarding this reality. 

In the meantime as the evidence of these truths is being gathered these photos of my son and I hanging out with this rcmp happens to be a neat little story. Like Ive mentioned we live deep in these Kootenay mountains and there are no cops around here for a hundred miles. This guy named Dave comes by to visit us periodically because my son has taken a liking to him. He’s a friend to our family under the umbrella of truth and reconciliation. We talk about the cultural fabric of this country and Canada’s role along with the churches and the police forces in what is now being discovered as genocide to our people, to our children. 

These crimes against humanity is what we are talking about here. These beautiful little children who were murdered by Canada and their agents must have their justice. I believe in this with all my heart and soul. You can definitely say the exact same thing regarding sexual abuse survivors. I believe in them with all my heart and soul as well. This is the primary reason why the historic sex crimes of Norval Morrisseau and those like him, must be exposed. This is about healing. It’s that honest and that pure. Because many of them too, were once innocent little children. 

More to come as this massive story continues to unfold. Stay tuned and thank you for trusting my soul. All my relations...MAJ

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Why the Norval Morrisseau estate is a complete failure

Pictured here: Fake Morrisseau painted by Phil Cote for Maslak McLeod (early 1990’s)

Good afternoon to each and everyone following the truth here @ Jacobson native art. This article will go into the very reasons why the estate of Norval Morrisseau is a complete scam and why they are guilty of gross negligence throughout Morrisseau’s legacy and the woodland school of art. They can never be trusted. They are liars and live on the backs of those of us who did the real work. They did fuck all. 

This is a painting done by a great artist in Steven snake. Unfortunately the subject matter of this painting is of Norval Morrisseau painting a Phil Cote fake sourced from a Maslak McLeod catalogue. It’s disgusting and what’s even worse is that the estate of Norval Morrisseau does absolutely nothing to correct these issues. They sit back and say nothing, do nothing and hide underneath a rock. It’s so weak and embarrassing. Their only focus is the money. This is why the estate is not the representation of our woodland school. That reality now sits with us living artists who are indigenous and have the right to paint these stories and teachings. White settlers who hide behind Morrisseau are not capable of speaking up in this regard. This art form belongs with us, the great Anishanabe. 

Pictured here: A Steven Snake painting of Norval Morrisseau with a fake black drybrush thunderbird image 

This is how warped and distorted this whole art fraud of Morrisseau’s legacy has become. It’s so multi layered and in need of being cleaned up but those dipshits like Gabe Vadas and Ding dong Dingle do absolutely nothing. These weak and shallow individuals continue to ride the coat tails of those of us who did the hard work of confronting these issues on behalf of Morrisseau but now more importantly for the authenticity of our woodland school of art. The estate is an embarrassment to us. It is broken and will probably never have the same feel ever again. It’s over for them. 

This is why they have no power in my world. They are an embarrassment to the industry, the woodland art movement and will be exposed for their inability to function properly. You see when you boil off all the shit around the estate you see who they are and what they’ve become. Naked and soulless, empty of any real meaning. This is the true estate of Norval Morrisseau. A legacy built on lies, deceptions and absolute gross negligence. The next reality coming for them is how do you continue to hide the sexual abuse of innocent little children? Huh? What? Really? Exactly. You won’t be able to. This is what is coming next for them. The hunger for money will cease and you will be confronted with this on a much larger scale then you can imagine. It’s absolutely disgusting what these people have done including that grand shaman shyster bullshit in Norval Morrisseau himself. Guilty of historic sex crimes. The biggest let down of my entire life. The art and life of sexual abuser Norval Morrisseau....

More to come. All my relations, MAJ 

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Welcome to a new era in truth and reconciliation. Up next: Norval Morrisseau estate


Good evening to all of you following the truth in this story. This is just a short post to acknowledge the next chapter in this horrific and devastating new development regarding the historic sex crimes of the now disgraced Norval Morrisseau and the estate. 

This is by no means in any way, shape or form, a joke. What happened to Lamont and the other perpetrators of these art crimes will no doubt follow suit with the legacy of Morrisseau. I stand in the truth along with all survivors of sexual abuse. Your time of hiding underneath the last fuckin rock, is over. 

The truth of our Creator is now on its way. To set the record straight...once and for all. Your denial of these truths will mean absolutely fuckin nothing. This is being designed and hand delivered by the great spirit itself. There is no doubt in my heart about it....

More to come. All my relations, MAJ

Enjoy this track by Judas Priest: Heavy duty - Defenders of the faith 

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Follow up interview last night with CTV @ Jacobson native art


Pictured here: Fake Morrisseau’s from the police investigation 

Good afternoon and once again just keeping this short as there is going to be a major landslide of truth coming forward soon enough. I feel the reporter here did a good job minus the babbling in the last portion of the video and written interview concerning that fuck nut in Cory “ding dong” Dingle from that dysfunctional and ass backwards estate. Enjoy the link. Have a beautiful day. All my relations, MAJ


Friday, March 3, 2023

Charges laid in decades long art fraud investigation into the art and legacy of the now disgraced Norval Morrisseau


Video: OPP and Thunder Bay police Art fraud investigation results

Good afternoon and once again this is just a quick and short post about the art fraud investigations regarding now discovered sexual predator and child abuser in Norval Morrisseau. There will be much more to come regarding these new allegations. This whole thing has been a constant cesspool of newly discovered truths about the once iconic and former mentor in Morrisseau.  It’s devastating to me but what lays ahead regarding exposing this is far more important. 

I send a shout out to APTN national news for quoting me and sharing my truth in this story. Have yourselves a safe weekend and I look forward to bringing you the final chapter in my Morrisseau investigations. All my relations, MAJ 

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Sexual predator Norval Morrisseau art fraud investigation update:


Pictured above: The black drybrush rape paintings 
Good evening,

Just a quick update that the long awaited Norval Morrisseau “sexual predator“ art fraud investigation appears to have some results. On Friday March 3rd, at 10.00 am eastern time will be the announcement. There was a time when I would have cared more about this result but finding out information that Morrisseau is and was a sexual abuser of children has really changed all of that. 

Cleaning up some of this garbage is necessary more for our woodland school of art and the future generations who would be misled by these abominations. There are more than 12 waves of fakes out there. We’ll see what work has been done on this behalf. This investigation simply has just scratched the surface of what lies beneath. It’s taken the police forces over 14 years to come to these conclusions. We’ve known about this for much longer. I told you this was gonna happen. Wait until what comes next...

More to come and stay tuned here @ Jacobson native art. All my relations, MAJ