The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024

Friday, May 26, 2023

Here is an updated list of all those I exposed as a criminal, a fraud, a cheat and liars around the woodland school of art


Photo sourced from an indigenous gathering and ceremony last week. 

Good afternoon and once again a sincere thank you for all the kindness and support from those who have aligned themselves with the truth concerning this art fraud in our woodland school of art. It’s been one of the craziest and most warped experiences of my entire life. An undertaking that would break just about anyone on the planet. The depth of deceptions and lies these crooked bastards would go through is truly unprecedented in art fraud history. 

These names and the galleries who played a role in this fiasco is massive. This will be a permanent record of their deceit. We will not forget. This is truth and reconciliation and these individuals should and will be held accountable. Let’s get started with this “black listed” group of deceivers: 

Norval Morrisseau - Sexual abuser of innocent children and young boys. Lied to an entire nation through multiple generations regarding his sick sex crimes. Forever disgraced as a pedophile. 

Gary Lamont - Arrested, charged and convicted as a serial sexual rapist. Recently charged with more sex crimes and formally charged in the Morrisseau art fraud. He is officially completely destroyed...

Morrisseau estate - All of Morrisseau’s children exposed as being involved in the fraud of their “sexual predator“ fathers legacy including brother Wolf and nephews Benjamin and Bruce Morrisseau. 

Christian Morrisseau - Recently deceased but forever marked as the major player from the estate of Norval Morrisseau who was heavily involved in producing, marketing and distribution of hundreds and hundreds of fakes. A legacy of crime, fraud and multi generational deceptions. Disgusting. 

Gabe and Michelle Vadas - Both of them guilty of lying to the art buying public for hiding their involvement in creating, working on and finishing hundreds of socalled Morrisseau originals. Defrauding hundreds of collectors and institutions worldwide. A disgrace beyond imagination. Gabe Vadas serving Morrisseau as his sexual pimp acquiring homeless boys off the streets of Vancouver. Utterly disgraceful individuals. Perverting the authenticity in our woodland school of art.

Kinsmen Robinson gallery - Shut down permanently for a year now. Forever disgraced for selling fakes to the Canadian art buying public. Mostly the Phil Cote fakes and the black drybrush garbage. Guilty of manipulating hundreds of collectors as they were the primary dealer of the Vadas sourced socalled Morrisseau’s. 

Maslak McLeod gallery - Shut down permanently a decade ago. Guilty of selling the black drybrush fakes along with the Phil Cote sourced fakes throughout the 1990’s. A national disgrace.

Art world of Sherway - Run by Donna Child who sold dozens of fake Morrisseau art being backed by Wolf Morrisseau and the now deceased Christian Morrisseau. It’s a national disgrace. Permanently shut down. 

Art cube gallery - Was run by disgraced dealer Sunny Kim. Sold various waves of Morrisseau fakes. Permanently shut down.

Bearclaw gallery - Sold fake Morrisseau art (the black drybrush fakes) sourced through Gary Lamont

Bremner & Bremner - Recently, director of gallery Paul was arrested and charged for selling fakes and creating false provenance. 

Eagle spirit gallery in Vancouver - Rob Scott knowingly selling the fake Morrisseau (black drybrush garbage) 

Qualicum artworks gallery - Ran by disgraced former owner and fake Morrisseau art dealer in Marlowe Goring Its been permanently shut down.

David Voss - Recently arrested and charged as one of the architects of the fraud from Thunder Bay ont.

Jeff Cowan - Recently arrested and charged for being involved in the art fraud 

Jim White - Again recently arrested and charged for being a major player in the art fraud. His business called White distribution is heavily involved. On many levels including copyright fraud.

Randy Potter - forever disgraced fake Morrisseau art dealer who ran one of the biggest scams in art fraud history called: Potter auctions. It’s been permanently shut down and exposed. Randy Potter? Dead.

Ugo Matulic - Disgraced Fake Morrisseau art dealer and proponent. Had a blog called norvalmorrisseau.blogspot.com which has been permanently removed and destroyed along with his credibility. Good riddance. 

Joe Otavnik - Forever disgraced fake Morrisseau art collector. A fuckin nobody in the art world.

John and Joan Goldi - Forever disgraced fake Morrisseau art collectors. Ran a website called Morrisseau hoax exposed. It’s been permanently shut down and destroyed along with their credibility. Done. 

Michael Moniz - Forever disgraced fake Morrisseau art collector. Died over a decade ago. Done.

John Zemanovich and wife - sold me out and lied to me about gallery representation with Raven art gallery. Betrayed me and chose to sell paintings I gifted them because they were too impatient to work out financial situations between us. John was a former apprentice who is now working with a lawyer named Jonathan Sommer under the guise “Morrisseau art consulting”. It’s fuckin gross really. 

Ritchie stardreamer Sinclair - a white cultural appropriator who lives in denial of the real truth concerning his delusional obsession with our woodland school and the reality of Morrisseau being a sexual predator on children. It’s disgusting how phoney this guy actually is. Gross.

Cory ding dong Dingle - newly hired bitch monkey of the Norval Morrisseau estate. A liar and cheat. Someone I once trusted who ended up being a complete scum bag bullshitter. Fuckin weak and cowardly and one who believes in homogenizing. Pure white settler mentality. 

James McCue - a white cultural appropriator who painted backgrounds for Morrisseau but now thinks it’s simply ok to insult our artform with his shady philosophy and homogenizing. White settler thinking, really.

Rod and Vic waters - These 2 are a husband and wife duo who are perhaps the sickest and worst racists I’ve ever had the unfortunate experience of running into. Absolutely disgusting people who grossed me out beyond belief. It’s hard to realize that there are truly sick people who live this way on our stolen Indian land. Ugly and gross personalities who should be arrested and charged with racism crimes.

Janet Spicer - a dysfunctional stolen land occupier who betrayed my family and lied to us. A colonizer who has no idea about the genocide of my people. A denier of truth. Disgusting. 

Lysse Paqette - a compulsive liar who deceived my family and chose to spread misinformation on me and got caught. A highly unstable personality who knows absolutely nothing about truth and reconciliation. 

Kurtis Staven - a complete piece of shit who stole my former website and intellectual property. A pretendian who came into my life as a chronic liar, manipulator and outright bullshitter. A toothless rat who deserves what’s coming to him. What a fuckin joke of a human being. 

In the spirit of truth and reconciliation let these accounts of my experience and investigations stand the test of time. Not one of these corrupt bastards could ever bring themselves to apologize for their behaviours and actions. It is perhaps the darkest chapters over the last 2 decades of my life. All of these people are individuals in whom I deeply regret ever meeting. They simply couldn’t be honest either with me or themselves. They are the spiritually bankrupt. The broken souls of society. The fuckin snakes in the grass. They hide amongst the people pretending to have your best interests only to be exposed for the rotten pieces of shit they are who hide in the shadows as opportunists. Thinking only of themselves and their hidden agendas. Manipulating those in whom they come into contact with. Be warned and be careful. Not everybody you meet, has your back.

More to come...all my relations, MAJ

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Creating in the studio tonight, the bones of a Jacobson original (48 x 60 inches)

Interesting fact: I draw out every image in one shot with a pen. Never pencil. I trust my art so much and the spirit of it that I get it right, the first time
Burning the midnight oil here @ Jacobson native art. I’ve got dozens and dozens of commissions to execute. I’m also preparing for our second season in the gallery business out here in the Kootenay mountains. We’ll be in a new and exciting location with incredible new partnership under the umbrella of truth and reconciliation. 

Exciting times and I’m super excited about the energy and spiritual power that we bring to the table. We fully understand what it means to be “agents of the Creator”. Instruments of the great spirit and like last season we were blessed to reach tens of thousands of souls and had such a transformational experience. 

Any how back to painting and working on this piece which is destined for Toronto. I got big moves coming that way so stay tuned. In the meantime here’s an amazing DJ set by Hannes Bieger from Germany. I paint a lot listening to these incredible electronic music sets. They are highly meditative and therapeutic. I’m an old school raver and used to throw 2000 to 4000 people parties in Vancouver back in the day. Anyways much love and respect...more to come. All my relations, MAJ

Hannes Bieger live @ Beatport: 

Friday, May 12, 2023

Honest message to Morrisseau art consulting, don’t be like the Goldi’s & risk it all to save a lie...


Pictured here: screen capture of Morrisseau art consulting, being run by former apprentice John Zemanovich and lawyer Jonathan Sommer Toronto Ont.

Good evening to each and everyone and thank you for all the love and support of these last few months. The woodland school of art is going through a major shift and transformation. The knowledge of Norval Morrisseau being exposed as a sexual abuser of children and of taking Sexual advantage of young homeless boys on the streets of Vancouver and elsewhere is a major dose of reality and truth coming forward. 

In the world of First Nations art here in this stolen country called Canada, this truth and awakening is absolutely heart shattering. Every day I struggle with this knowing. To digest just how fucking shocking it really is. It is heart wrenching as well because I had admired Morrisseau for years, most of my life. But the truth is just that, no matter how ugly, difficult, bitter and challenging to deal with, to confront and process, it must be done. The illusion must be exposed. The lies must be unravelled and the record must be set straight. We are in a different time now. The time of truth and reconciliation. This is about those who were hurt, sexually abused and raped by the predator, Norval Morrisseau.

My message to you John Zemanovich and Jonathan Sommer is: be careful. You don’t know to what extent this knowledge is. I know for a fact that Zemanovich knows about Norval sexually abusing one of his sons. We both were made aware of this but we simply didn’t know about how far down the scale this reality truly is. 

I’m glad that Kevin Hearn followed through with both Dallas and I saying that it was very ignorant and rude of you guys to put that cartoon caption shit on line and using it as advertising for your shitty consulting business of Morrisseau, the sexual abuser of children and his bullshit art, it was totally inappropriate. Also, you’ve made your move like dipshit Dingle of the spiritually bankrupt Norval Morrisseau estate, deleting my comments and blocking me from sharing this truth. It’s quite evident that denial is where you two piss ants wanna swim. It’s so weak of the both of you. Pathetic and I will not forget. That you side with a historic sexual abuser. Let that sink into your fuckin heads and heart. It’s super gross of you to not even acknowledge that or the victims/survivors. 

Don’t be stupid like the Estate or KRG,  like Maslak McLeod and the  Goldi’s, like Ugo Matulic, like Jim White, Gary Lamont and all those others who aligned themselves with a lie. Look what happened to them? They’ve lost more than just their credibility. I will tell you this: It’s a much different situation then dealing with the fraud. Denying this truth is choosing to live in the lie. You will be held accountable. Every move is being observed and watched. You are not in possession of this truth. But it’s coming. Trying to deny this is much like Canada in denial of the residential school children being murdered. Trying for decades to sweep that truth underneath the carpet. Trying to hide the truth, the truth of genocide against my people, against me. 

The same can be said of trying to hide and deny these historic sex crimes of the forever disgraced sexual abuser of children in Norval Morrisseau. I stand in absolute affirmation of everything I am sharing about this newly exposed reality. I have been honoured by living survivors who want to come forward and share their truth with the entire world. I stand in solidarity with them. 
More to come and all my relations, MAJ

Saturday, May 6, 2023

What does Harvey Weinstein, Jimmy Seville, Norval Morrisseau, Gary Lamont, Bill Cosby and others like them have in common? Historic sexual abuse


Pictured here: Historic sexual abuser Norval Morrisseau with his sex puppet (not adopted son) in Gabe Vadas
Pictured here: Serial rapist Jimmy Seville destroying the lives of hundreds of innocent children 

Pictured here: Chronic sexual rapist Harvey Weinstein being exposed for his sex crimes

Pictured here: America’s dad, Bill Cosby being arrested and charged for being a serial rapist

Good afternoon to each and everyone who continues to discover the truth here @ Jacobson native art. Today we are going to make some true comparisons regarding the actual history of these chronic sexual abusers including that shyster shaman bullshit in Norval Morrisseau. Before I ever met either Norval or Gabe I was warned about them and their disturbing behaviours. The rumours were thick and heavy about their sexual conduct. I wasn’t sure to even believe it until I met them. 

By this time Norval was confined to his wheelchair and couldn’t talk much. The ravages of a lifetime of alcoholism and Parkinson’s had really taken effect. It was a sad experience to tell you the truth. I was excited and felt honoured but to see Norval like this wasn’t how I expected it. In the beginning of the friendship everything seemed ok. But over time I began to see the reality of this relationship manifesting right before my eyes. I was shocked to see Gabe Vadas on numerous occasions giving Norval Morrisseau sips from a Mickey of alcohol. It happened during every visit I had and I was taken back by that.

They would lie in the Canadian media saying that Norval had been sober for years. Not true. I witnessed a whole different scenario. After the visits Gabe and Michelle would take Norval back to the nursing home. Then I’d have some social time with just Gabe. I tried to be his friend but this guy was just too obsessed with fear, doubt, hidden agendas and so on. It was really fuckin weird actually. 

Then during one of my visits Gabe started to open up. He went into graphic detail about what it was like to get “poked by the shaman” were his exact words. I was taken back because for years these guys were saying how Norval had adopted him as his son. 

But why would your adopted father have sex with you? 

That’s not right. That’s not even cultural in any of our traditions and culture. I then started to realize that those rumours I used to hear were right. That there was something very wrong with this picture. When Gabe Vadas was sharing this truth about being sexually “poked by the shaman” as his initiation into being a Chuka-chee sex shaman, he started to cry. I knew then something was very fucked up and wrong with this picture. 

Nowhere in our culture is a shaman or medicine man given the right to use sex as an initiation. It’s not our way. We don’t do things like that. It’s wrong. It’s abuse of power and that’s exactly what that is. Also when getting to know this guy in Vadas, I also felt weirded out by him and felt as though he was trying to groom me. I should’ve slapped him across the head for that but it was a freaky situation where I think this guy was trying to confess to me about what had happened, but also was still in the behaviour of the abuse. That’s how sex abuse works. The abuser is always looking for a way to find new opportunities for the abuse to continue. It’s a sickness. It’s utter weakness is what it truly is. 

Stealing the energy and power of others to make the abuser be in control, to have power. It’s absolutely disgusting and maybe I should’ve done more then to investigate. As we all know I got involved in this thing because I was only trying to help. The legacy of Morrisseau was important to me at that time and I figured I should just concentrate on that. And so I did. But now, here in 2023 the energy has shifted and changed dramatically. This new revelation about the historic sex crimes of Norval Morrisseau is something that I can never ever align myself with ever again. For me, all things Morrisseau has been utterly destroyed by this pathetic, sick and twisted behaviour. I will never have respect for those who sexually abuse children, the weak, the poor, the sick and those with mental heath issues. 

The tide has turned and this new reality will no doubt be given the time and focus that it truly deserves. I am honoured by these victims and survivors coming forward. I will go to bat for them and do whatever I can to share and expose this story. Propping up sexual abusers and hiding their filthy deeds is wrong. The time of hiding underneath a rock is over. Norval Morrisseau is no better then the likes of that filthy serial rapist and old pal of his in Gary Lamont. They are cut from the same cloth. No wonder they became such good friends. Hanging out together and abusing victims all throughout Canada and Indian country. It’s horrific. 

The whole thing has now become a major wake up call. Our woodland school of art has no need for predators like this. Including the so-called founder himself. He’s a fuckin skinner and will forever remain one permanently in my eyes. The next phase of this awakening will be very very eye opening. There is much more to come so stay tuned....all my relations, MAJ