The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024
Showing posts with label creativity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creativity. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Life is good...Enjoy this latest release here @ the studio of Jacobson native art 2024


Title of original painting: Her spirit guides. Size: 24 x 36 inches. 

Good evening and welcome to a new year with fresh and new exciting energy for 2024. I’ve been very busy this winter season working on several commissions and staying very busy with my own pieces as well. I have about 52 paintings on my waiting list and I haven’t been able to even think about other galleries inquiring about how to get new work. Presently I’m very happy with how the demand has grown for my works. I’m busy. Lots to do. So there really isn’t any room to even get on my waiting list. 

Cadillac problems in the business of dealing art. Everyone’s been super patient and loyal to me. No whiners or complainers. Everyone knows now that when it comes to Jacobson art? Quality takes time. Perfecting the art form is where it’s at for me these days. Getting the balance and composition down perfectly, or as close as I can to it. I simply just draw the image out in one shot with a pen, never a pencil. I have reached another level in mastership of the art. I trust it so much that I get it right, the first time. 

It’s a beautiful thing. The strength and confidence to move way beyond many of the previous masters before me including ol dirty Morrisseau himself....lol. After these last few years of all that it feels absolutely phenomenal to have shone the light on the whole fuckin thing. Much like chopping the head off of that fake myth of all that weird grand shaman bullshit. I mean really, what a joke that whole sick reality will always be. The colonized world of  Pedophile Morrisseau 

I’ve had some emails over the last couple weeks about my new direction and such and a couple people mentioned that I should post a couple permanent links to my articles exposing the truth and the evidence I discovered. I probably will figure something like that out as resources for a truthful and honest perspective for all future woodland school artists and true knowledge keepers of our Anishanabe art. 

Any how we are dealing with lots and lots of snowfall out here in the Kootenay mountains of B.C. I’m very happy out here but there’s no doubt the strength and power of Mother Earth and her seasons will test your resolve. Living in the mountains takes a kind of true and dedicated soul because she’ll put you to work out here and on that note, enjoy this latest design and I look forward to revealing more new originals over the next few months. Miigwetch and all my relations...

MAJ - Rainbow Thunderbird πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Enjoy this deadly new track I just discovered called: Legacy by Oveous 

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Enjoying the artistic process of being an artist at Jacobson native art

 Good day to each and everyone. Wishing you all good health, strength and blessings. Just feeling quite happy these days. Working on new paintings, doing backgrounds, filling in colours, colour details etc in the studio. 

I have about 38 canvases on the go at the moment. All being worked on in different stages. Also been working on the new website, investing in inventory, creating new ideas towards marketing etc in the world of what I do as an artist. 

Life is good out here deep in the Kootenay mountains. I’m very excited about life and the new changes coming for all humanity and the planet. I see things in a good light, regard;ess of the struggle to get there, we will find a better way. Hope and faith are important principles in the life of an artist. And with that, enjoy yourselves as much as possible. Don’t let the struggles of the pandemic get you down...

All my relations and enjoy this beauty of a track:.....MAJ