The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024
Showing posts with label master artist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label master artist. Show all posts

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Happiness and pure satisfaction, reaching new levels of mastery in the woodland school of art


Good evening to each and everyone and welcome to another beautiful session here @ Jacobson native art. The weekend is upon us and I’m feeling absolutely wonderful and joyfully...just happy. Truly satisfied with my current creativity and process. I’m feeling a whole lot of gratitude because quite frankly I’m pushing myself and artistic blueprints into beautiful new energies and designs. The spirit feels so close these days and my connection to the Creator and the true wisdom throughout our Mother Earth is at levels I’ve never even dreamed of. I’m living each and every day right in the belly of Mother Earth. I have direct access to her spirit,  to many of the animal clans of our culture. Everything is fully alive. Each season fully felt and experienced. It is an intimacy of true devotion to the spirit of our woodland school of art. 

I realize as the older I get, the clearer I become because I seek truth and connection with what really matters to me. My life is such a gift as is each of yours. This next chapter for me is about clearing away the bullshit and the toxic people who perhaps will never be able to fully understand or accept me. Good riddance. At this level, there’s a reason why they get removed from the fold. They are not ready and usually get themselves in the way. In the way of healing, of progress, of truth. They are still stuck in the world. Their sense of self attached to the social constructs of the colonizer. Still broken within...
Picture taken of my backyard out here in Crawford Bay BC. (Kootenay mountains)

My vision is clear. My spirit is at peace. My heart is at ease. I can see things as they are in their pure situation and circumstance. I am detached from the world and most of its people like never before. This is what is important to me. The pure freedom to be and express myself. Without limitation. Dancing in the holiness of life. Being a great artist and living my truth, our truth, the truth. Founded in my culture and throughout many of our ceremonies I am so proud to be Anishanabe. To be a spearhead of the Creators ever advancing creation. 
Miigwetch and all my relations...Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Enjoy this track by Monolink. Track title: Father ocean (Ben Bohmer remix)

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Life is good...Enjoy this latest release here @ the studio of Jacobson native art 2024


Title of original painting: Her spirit guides. Size: 24 x 36 inches. 

Good evening and welcome to a new year with fresh and new exciting energy for 2024. I’ve been very busy this winter season working on several commissions and staying very busy with my own pieces as well. I have about 52 paintings on my waiting list and I haven’t been able to even think about other galleries inquiring about how to get new work. Presently I’m very happy with how the demand has grown for my works. I’m busy. Lots to do. So there really isn’t any room to even get on my waiting list. 

Cadillac problems in the business of dealing art. Everyone’s been super patient and loyal to me. No whiners or complainers. Everyone knows now that when it comes to Jacobson art? Quality takes time. Perfecting the art form is where it’s at for me these days. Getting the balance and composition down perfectly, or as close as I can to it. I simply just draw the image out in one shot with a pen, never a pencil. I have reached another level in mastership of the art. I trust it so much that I get it right, the first time. 

It’s a beautiful thing. The strength and confidence to move way beyond many of the previous masters before me including ol dirty Morrisseau himself....lol. After these last few years of all that it feels absolutely phenomenal to have shone the light on the whole fuckin thing. Much like chopping the head off of that fake myth of all that weird grand shaman bullshit. I mean really, what a joke that whole sick reality will always be. The colonized world of  Pedophile Morrisseau 

I’ve had some emails over the last couple weeks about my new direction and such and a couple people mentioned that I should post a couple permanent links to my articles exposing the truth and the evidence I discovered. I probably will figure something like that out as resources for a truthful and honest perspective for all future woodland school artists and true knowledge keepers of our Anishanabe art. 

Any how we are dealing with lots and lots of snowfall out here in the Kootenay mountains of B.C. I’m very happy out here but there’s no doubt the strength and power of Mother Earth and her seasons will test your resolve. Living in the mountains takes a kind of true and dedicated soul because she’ll put you to work out here and on that note, enjoy this latest design and I look forward to revealing more new originals over the next few months. Miigwetch and all my relations...

MAJ - Rainbow Thunderbird 🌈🦅🌈

Enjoy this deadly new track I just discovered called: Legacy by Oveous 

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Finished another piece. Look, the reality is this: Mastering Morrisseau was easy. Mastering me? Good luck


Title of painting: Honouring the sacred. Size: 24 x 36 inches. 

Good evening folks and I’m feeling a ton of gratitude and happiness. The gallery is moving along nicely and my spirit is feeling strong and super confident about the direction my life is going in. I will continue to move beyond Morrisseau and his legacy as that is permanently tainted with the truth coming forward regarding his historic sexual abuse. It truly separates me from that on a permanent scale. 

I can never look at his art and legacy in the same light ever again. The delusion has been smashed. Forever. In my view there are much greater artists in our woodland school of art than Morrisseau. Carl Ray, Roy Thomas, Saul Williams to name just a few, myself included. People tell me this all the time that I’m a much more superior artist. 

My technique, my line work, my detailing and inlay designs are far superior. It’s just the truth. It’s the way it is because the art doesn’t lie. I prefer hanging Jacobsons in my home than any Morrisseau any day of the week. This is the reality for me and I might also add, many collectors as well. My style and spirit is a better feel. I also believe that to be true. 

Any how, there is much more to come regarding the exposure of these facts. This reality has completely changed my views and I look forward to disclosing this powerful and life changing story with the world....

More to come, MAJ

Enjoy this track by XX and young Turks in: a violent noise

Friday, June 23, 2023

Finished this last night in the studio, here @ Jacobson native art: The best is yet to come


Feeling joyful and excited as life moves forward and I feel absolutely happy about this latest piece for a beautiful soul who is a gem of a human being. The theme of the piece is “She’s beautiful at play in a joyful spirit. The size of this original on stretched canvas is: 36 X 48 inches. 

I’m pleased with the outcome and will sit back and enjoy the rest of the day. Things are rollin at our new gallery collaboration with Kunze  gallery out here in the Kootenay mountains. Loving life and looking forward to the discoveries of meeting all kinds of new souls throughout our second season...

All my relations, MAJ 

Enjoy this beauty of a track by Anyma and Chris Avantgarde called: Consciousness

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Celebrating our opening night with Kunze gallery and Jacobson native art


Good afternoon to each and everyone and what an amazing spiritual experience we all had that attended our opening night festivities. We came together in the real spirit of truth and reconciliation. My second season is officially off to a brilliant start. We shared in prayer and a powerful sacred smudging ceremony where everyone got blessed. I also performed a real and true adoption ceremony bringing the entire Kunze family into my Thunderbird clan. A real privilege for us all. 

Pictured here: A photo of yours truly sharing the sacred power and cleansing of the smudging ceremony 

It is very inspiring for me to see the willingness of my relatives want to share and participate in our good Indian ways. The spiritual energy and powers of our cultural way of life most certainly was inspiring for all who attended. I feel honoured and it is such a beautiful feeling to carry our Anishanabe teachings and practices to a whole new audience out here in the Kootenay mountains, Creston BC. 

Here is a new article written in the local news about our partnership and the festivities that were involved. I wish you all a beautiful afternoon and thank you for all the love and support moving forward. All my relations....MAJ 

LINK: https://www.mycrestonnow.com/34432/featured/creston-welcomes-newly-renovated-grain-elevator-with-art-show/

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Our 2nd season is here in partnership with Kunze gallery and Jacobson native art


Good evening to each and everyone and just wanted to share this amazing new relationship I’ve been developing for over 2 years now. In the real spirit of truth and reconciliation both Kunze gallery and Jacobson native art are proud to announce this exciting partnership. We are both honoured to be grassroots in our approach in expanding our consciousness and spiritual energy towards widening the circle. 

This is officially my second season and I’m absolutely in joy as we continue to push forward expanding the vision. The Kootenay region is much like a new born child in this regard. We are creating ally’s and alliances that will help with the fundamental changes needed in how we approach the future. The next 7 generations to come. Any how, enjoy the photos and wish me luck...

More to come. All my relations, MAJ

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Creating in the studio tonight, the bones of a Jacobson original (48 x 60 inches)

Interesting fact: I draw out every image in one shot with a pen. Never pencil. I trust my art so much and the spirit of it that I get it right, the first time
Burning the midnight oil here @ Jacobson native art. I’ve got dozens and dozens of commissions to execute. I’m also preparing for our second season in the gallery business out here in the Kootenay mountains. We’ll be in a new and exciting location with incredible new partnership under the umbrella of truth and reconciliation. 

Exciting times and I’m super excited about the energy and spiritual power that we bring to the table. We fully understand what it means to be “agents of the Creator”. Instruments of the great spirit and like last season we were blessed to reach tens of thousands of souls and had such a transformational experience. 

Any how back to painting and working on this piece which is destined for Toronto. I got big moves coming that way so stay tuned. In the meantime here’s an amazing DJ set by Hannes Bieger from Germany. I paint a lot listening to these incredible electronic music sets. They are highly meditative and therapeutic. I’m an old school raver and used to throw 2000 to 4000 people parties in Vancouver back in the day. Anyways much love and respect...more to come. All my relations, MAJ

Hannes Bieger live @ Beatport: 

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Celebrating life and having fun in my playground @ Jacobson native art


Good evening to each and everyone. Just a short post today about being happy and joyful about where my life is at these days. I get to go zipping around on my atv for hundreds of kilometres at times visiting spots where Mother Earth is in her splendour. I know these mountains better than people who have been living out here for over 40 years.

I love it so much and it’s super healing and powerful. Excites my spirit every single time. These are a couple shots of today’s ride. Enjoy this track as it was something I was listening to while riding throughout these mountains today....free as a Thunderbird. All my relations, MAJ

The track: Child Inner by Freek Strano 

Saturday, April 15, 2023

As a master artist and spiritual being, I am in a very powerful place with myself these days


Public statement here @ Jacobson native art. My spirit is thriving and my life is blessed. I am proud to be a father to my son, Sagein Wisdom who is the light of my world. I’ve been sober for 25 years now. Grateful to have been recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. One day at a time. 

My energy is aligned with the  spiritual wisdom of truth. I am destroying dragons and useless myths built on the corruption and lies of the colonizer. I am truth and reconciliation. I am light. I am power. I am love. 

I am a master. I am sovereign as my birthright of being Anishanabe. I am Rainbow Thunderbird. I am a guardian and protector for my people for future generations to come. I am honoured to be apart of the living legacy of the great Anishanabe. All my relations. 🌈🦅🌈

P.S: Enjoy this track by Hannes Bieger titled: Poem for the planet. It has encrypted messages from me to you. I am an artist. I use all forms of creativity to get my messages across...


Sunday, January 29, 2023

For the record: Here @ Jacobson native art I stand by every word I’ve ever written...


Just a short but sweet and direct message. I fully stand by everything I’ve ever written here on this site. There are no lies and I only speak the truth. No matter how hard, difficult or challenging, you’ll hear it here right from me with no filter or any sugar coating whatsoever. 

I stand in the light of truth. In the direct power of my culture. More to come...All my relations, MAJ 

Enjoy this track by Nox Vahn and Joesph Ray titled: Inhibitions 

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Here @ Jacobson native art we dance, we paint, we create

 Good day to each and everyone. Ive been back in the studio working on my commissions. The energy is moving and I’m feeling good about getting back into the art. I’m a huge music fan as well and enjoy working while listening to 2 to 5 hour DJ sets by some of the worlds best innovators in electronic music. 

Progressive house with thick base lines, snappy tribal beats with epic layers and layers intelligently put together inspire me greatly. My dad was an ol disco boy in the 1970s. For me I grew up dancing and loving music. It’s no wonder this style of music inspires me so greatly. I love dancing as well and like my father, I ruled a few dance floors in my day. 

Any how, enjoy this profound DJ set from Ben Bohmer. As he creates this set flying in a hot air balloon over Turkey...absolutely fuckin stunning. Wishing you all blessings and take care out there...all my relations, MAJ