This tragedy hits home for us here @ Jacobson native art. The mother of our son is from Cowessess First Nations. This means that because we follow matriarchal way of our teachings my son is tied to Cowessess. This is his First Nation. Those children recently discovered would have been great aunties and uncles, cousins family members of both Kassondra and our boy Sagein Wisdom.
We’ve had some time to cry for these children, these lost relationships with our family members. We will carry on for each and everyone of them. I painted with a new apprentice last night who is also Anishanabe. Before he came, he placed an offering and spirit feast on behalf of our family for the lost children in Kamloops, for those precious 215. He is living up that way and made the trip to come and learn more about this art form and the spiritual powers and energies contained in the practice of it.
Pictured above along with the candle lights of 751 is my son Sagein smudging with shell, white buffalo sage and an eagle feather. My son is 3 years old and he is such a powerful spirit. He is the strongest yet most gentle loving medicine I have ever known...he has the power to move mountains. With a strong resilience and spirit of self determination, we Anishanabe will walk in love strength and pride for them, for ourselves and our loved ones. We are the seeds they couldnt kill...we will live on for them. For us...
All my relations....MAJ