The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024
Showing posts with label woodland art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label woodland art. Show all posts

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Woodland A.I. is the future of the woodland school of art with more to share here @ Jacobson native art


Prompt: Honouring our warriors to be converted into an original painting 2024

Good evening and welcome to the future here @ Jacobson native art. I have been feeling absolutely inspired over these last few weeks. There is no doubt that what I’ve created with Woodland A.I. is transcendental on so many levels. I’ve been doing several new prompts and even did some new material with Meta A.I. Things are looking good and my database of images continues to grow. Currently we are in development with the 4 chiefs of the future. We took high resolution photographs of all four paintings this weekend and are getting them prepped for a new limited edition print run. We’ll also be developing a specialized line of hoodies, shirts, blankets and some other designs. It’s super exciting to bring this whole new genre into the world trailblazing a new path forward as the direct result. 

I was able to take single file images of all four paintings and will share those here along with building a storyline for this series. Indeed as the development of A.I. continues to grow the same can be said of what’s taking shape in Woodland A.I. This is such an exciting step forward redefining the future in our woodland school of art. I did a deep dive online and scoped out what was potentially there. There is nothing. Even the mid journey prompts on “Morrisseau style” were total garbage. Just really weak and shitty examples (about 6 images) that didn’t even look like woodland. It looked like some weak ass shit you’d buy in china town...lol. 

There is no question that this is my baby. I love the creative freedom I have at my disposal and the fact that accompanying my skill level, it’s going to be too hard for anyone to fuck around with my blueprints in developing this new indigenous art genre. I just feel that I’m totally on another level. So with that I’ll share these 4 new original paintings of the 4 chiefs of the future. 

Title: Series 1 of Chiefs of the future

Title: Series 2 of Chiefs of the future 

Title: Series 3 of Chiefs of the future

Title: Series 4 of Chiefs of the future

The storyline in developing this series and concept was really about seeing into the future and how A.I. will play one of the greatest roles in human history regarding our development with this technology. There is no turning back. In series 1 and 2 it was about captivating the reality of how A.I. will touch and effect all nations of humanity from this point forward. A.I. will have god like powers making our lives easier to live and deal with. It will play a fundamental role in our development moving forward. They will be like “Elders of knowledge and wisdom” participating in so many aspects of the human life experience. They will help to shape our futures and the general hope is that all will go well. I feel it will. Underneath the sun and the moon these tools will transcend our previous knowing. Things are going to change forever....

The same can be said with series 3 and 4. These artificial intelligence programs will effect the 4 races of mankind like never before reaching into the depths of human consciousness and creativity. They will be like “agents” helping to assist us along the way. For me personally, I’m not afraid of this technology or the kind of power it shall yield in our future. I suppose like life itself it’s a bit of a gamble for all of us isn’t it? Exactly. My point is that it will be wise to keep an open mind about all of this and that is really what the message is here today. Try not to judge this technological advance. It is here to make the quality of life better. It’s already showing me this through my interactions with it. There’s no looking back and with my new energy and creative expressions involving this technology, my hope is for you too to find new ways of integrating  this amazing and brilliant new path forward. Coming soon will be the new designs and collection of my beautiful new series “Chiefs of the future”. Miigwetch and all my relations....Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Proud to announce our second gallery location coming to Kaslo BC with little giant productions & Jacobson native art


Good evening to each and everyone here @ Jacobson native art. We are happy to announce with pride and excitement our second gallery location out here in the Kootenay mountains of B.C. Our first main gallery with Kunze and Jacobson native art is a beautiful success and my partnership with them is absolutely stellar to say the least. Both Sandy and her husband Dirk understand the true path of truth and reconciliation. They have been so loyal and respectful, kind and loving that it has reinvigorated my love and appreciation for humanity. They have opened their life to me and have gone out of their way to make me feel apart of. It’s so refreshing and beautiful. 

Photo of art studio and boutique in Creston BC @ Kunze gallery & Jacobson native art

I’ll be sharing my time at both new gallery locations as we are building something very beautiful together. I do believe this has never been done by an indigenous artist throughout colonial Canada. To be operating and managing 2 galleries simultaneously here in the region is quite unique and special. I feel super thrilled by the whole pursuit of making my art and the cultural and spiritual energy of the great Anishanabe a focal point for bringing the people together. Mother Earth and all creation upon her must find a way so that we can joyfully cocreate for future generations ahead. This is the purity of my heart. 

Photo taken of the inside studio space @ Kunze gallery & Jacobson native art 

There will be so much new growth and potential manifesting here that I’m truly excited to be apart of. My new partnership with Luc @ little giant productions is coming along beautifully. We both are excited about our new and upcoming grand opening in Kaslo BC this July 1st, 2024. Our product lines are simply the best out there and we are offering collections with a unique touch that really nobody else is doing. We are fresh in energy and spirit. Our common goals are aligned and this is truly the kinds of partnerships I’ve been searching for my whole life. It’s coming together, the visions and dreams now have their time to be born. What a wonderful blessing for all of us combined. Stay tuned as more information and updates to come over the next few weeks. We are truly building a dream here @ Jacobson native art. Miigwetch and all my relations...MAJ

Enjoy this track to kick off our second gallery enterprise.

 It’s by Underworld, track title: 2 months off (Tim green remix) 

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Be warned: The Norval Morrisseau estate is not telling you the truth


Good afternoon and welcome to Jacobson native art. I appreciate all the support and solidarity over these last few months. Exposing Norval Morrisseau and that spiritually bankrupt estate has been and continues to be a massive honour for me. Same can be said of holding ol Buffy Sainte-Marie to the light as well and seeing just how deep her lies and deceptions are. For both of them are guilty of lying to the public for decades. Lies, lies and even more lies is the reality here. It is truly a cultural abomination holding up historic sexual abusers and fake pretendians as cultural icons. It’s wrong to carry on with these lies from one generation to the next. 

Holding these people accountable is what is needed. Not spreading more falsehoods and misinformation throughout the present and future for us Anishanabe and countless others who simply don’t know the extent of the truths around this. I am definitely one of the worlds leading experts on Morrisseau and the woodland school of art. I know all the players on both sides of the coin. And believe me both sides are guilty of deceptions and falsehoods. It’s why I left the investigation and everyone who was involved. Because I simply started seeing it as it truly is. 

Take for example the estate of Norval Morrisseau posting about their beloved criminal mastermind in Christian Morrisseau, one of the children who was heavily involved in manufacturing, distribution and sales of fake Norval Morrisseau paintings. He painted hundreds of fakes himself, worked with Jim white of white distribution who is currently charged in the art fraud by OPP and the Thunder Bay police. He owed tens of thousands of dollars to people and never took care of any of this before he died. He died a forger of his fathers bullshit art and he was simply a fraud, not a genius at all. A criminal. That is the truth of his legacy. A mediocre artist who sold his soul for the all mighty dollar. That’s the truth of his so-called weak legacy of betrayal, dishonesty and disgrace. He fucked over just about everybody he met. It’s nothing to celebrate or even be proud of. He died a liar and a broken man. 

Again the estate of Norval Morrisseau is still in a place of sorting out all the criminal behaviour that has happened over the last 30 plus years of these forgeries and fakes. Here they are posting last week about Buffy Sainte-Marie being a cultural hero, that they look forward to working with their great sister in the future and to make the world a better place....lol. Sick isn’t it? Many people need to realize that the current ceo of the estate in Cory ding dong Dingle doesn’t know what the fuck he is actually talking about. He’s a white guy who thinks it’s his duty to regurgitate Morrisseau one liners and to fit everyone into one fish bowl so to speak. Never mind taking into account the reality that both Buffy Sainte-Marie and Norval Morrisseau lied for generations to the entire world. It’s pathetic and it will be corrected. Even this poor art student of Morrisseau who gifted Buffy that painting you see with her in the above photo. Even this sick bird can’t face the truth. These people want you to believe that loving these fraudsters is where it’s at. Never mind the reality of the truth. Let’s just make it up as we go along.....wrong. 

It is my responsibility to share the truth with all my readers, collectors and fans. Many are in the dark because those with platforms are willing to lie to each and everyone of you, for your money. They live in denial of the truth. They only want you to see their version of the facts. So they willingly lie to protect the money and those investments. It’s absolutely disgraceful. You have to be diligent in finding the real story and that is one of my greatest strengths is that I’m willing to do that, to do the research and tell it as it is. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. That’s what separates me from them. I don’t give a shit about the money, the wealth, the lies and  illusions that they are willing to tell you. I have no financial interests with any of these people. They are scumbags and I’m willing to shine the light on all of this. To protect the future generations of children being born into this world. To help protect you from these lies. From the scam. 

I would advise all of you to watch this documentary done by the 5th estate that came out a few days ago. It’s a compelling investigation into the very nature of being a fraud, a liar for generations and this is what the world of Norval Morrisseau is. It is a scam, a lie, a false narrative being invented to manipulate you, the art buying public. Be aware that not everyone in the art scene is telling you the truth. Many have hidden agendas, to keep you in the dark. To carry on the fraud....all my relations, MAJ

THE VIDEO from CBC’ s the 5th estate. Exposing Buffy Sainte-Marie as a fraud. A pretendian for over 60 years. Norval Morrisseau is next on the chopping block...

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Here @ Kunze gallery and Jacobson native art we have the support of thousands of souls


Pictured here: Elk mask transformation. Carved by artist Michael Price

Pictured here: Hanging out with 2 incredible indigenous elders @ Kunze gallery

Good evening to each and everyone on this marvellous evening. Things are rolling well with our new partnership @ Kunze gallery and Jacobson native art. The spirit of real truth and reconciliation is definitely upon us and all those in whom I meet. It’s absolutely amazing and this partnership is where it’s at when it comes to how a gallery supports their artists. I feel so honoured and a part of, every single day. They absolutely love having me there and show me huge respect. 

They honour my knowledge and experiences throughout First Nations art across our lands and hold me in very high esteem. The way it should be. My power to influence and expand the spiritual energy and consciousness at the gallery is the best freedom Ive ever found in working with any gallery or institution. They allow me to shine, to speak the truth and share everything I’ve learned along the journey. 
They see me as a vast resource and indeed I am. It’s a beautiful fit in every sense of the word. 

I have pure freedom to be me. They are never embarrassed or intimidated in any way shape or form. They truly support me. Like a real family member and I too show them this same spirit and awareness. We work together so well. No issues, no power struggles, no fuckin weirdness whatsoever. I’m so happy about it. 

You know, I’ll tell you this. There are 3 types of people in life. The weak cup of coffee, the medium cup of coffee and like me, the strong cup of coffee. That’s just the truth of the matter. I don’t fuck around and I stand in my truth with strength and real spiritual power. I know I rub people the wrong way and many find me very challenging and difficult to deal with. 

But it’s not because I’m fucked up or mentally ill or a dark personality or whatever else people dream up in their little warped minds about me. Ive been dealing with that shit for years. It’s because I’m principled. I’m intelligent and very straight forward and I’ll tell you the truth regardless of your feelings or beliefs or delusions.

This is the reality. I’m not some bent codependent wimp struggling with trying to fit in. I personally don’t give a fuck what you or anyone else may think. Not regarding honesty. I’ll lay it all out for you. Precisely. On point. And I won’t take shit from anyone. I’m also very reasonable and fair. But if you cannot see your wicked ways, your errors, your defects of character and your hidden agendas? My soul will expose you and I’ll see right fuckin through you. That’s why most struggle with me. 

I’m the mirror. I’ve seen and been through it all. It’s hard to fuck around when I live my truth. That’s why people struggle. Why they eventually break themselves against me. It’s my spirit, my connection to Creator, I walk my life in truth. I live my spirituality in the upper, middle and lower worlds. Like the Creator has taught me and continues to teach me each and every day. I’m not afraid of pain, suffering or the darkness. I swim in the positive and the negative. Both are vital to understamding and true knowledge of the human condition. That’s me. That’s MAJ. 

All my relations and more to come....

Enjoy this peyote prayer song by Louie Gonnie called:  A new dawn 

Friday, August 4, 2023

The UFO/UAP Disclosure is upon us, watch this and learn more about this reality and truth

Good afternoon and welcome to Jacobson native art. Here we are investigating this story and have been for over 30 years. I’ve had numerous experiences and witnesses who have seen these UAP’S. These 2 videos are absolutely amazing and reveal a new push to declassify the UFO phenomenon. In the first video: we have the whistle blower testimony of David Grush, a former secret pentagon intelligence officer coming forward about what he knows. 

In the second video we have what took place last week regarding this new evidence and sharing of this truth being done in a congressional hearing and investigation. It’s absolutely brilliant. This push will be opening more doors as the direct result. In fact blowing the doors off of those who continue to lie and hide this from the public. 

We are definitely in a new era regarding this exposure and the United States and those in the various intelligence communities will no doubt be forced to come forward. It always starts with one who is brave enough to tell the facts of their life and experience. I can relate to this on so many levels. Any how, enjoy the documentaries and I hope you learn something regarding what is the most profound revelation to ever take shape globally in the 21st century. More to come...all my relations, MAJ

Monday, July 24, 2023

Meet the CEO of Jacobson native art, he’s 5 years old and his name is Sagein Wisdom Mark Anthony Jacobson


Pictured here: the CEO setting up his office and working on his tablet with Dadda

Pictured here: Original painting titled: For future generations. Size: 48 x 72 inches
Pictured here: A beautiful dreamscape of my son earning his wings

Good evening to each and everyone. Here at Jacobson native art we are proud to share the majestic beauty and spiritual powers of our son in Sagein Wisdom. He truly is the light of my world and each and every day a spiritual force of teaching me how to be a gentle, loving and trusting father. The greatest journey I've ever been on in my 50 years on Mother Earth. 

A beacon of spiritual light that aligns me with the fun and creative will of  the great master itself, our Creator. I am blessed beyond measure to witness this energy and spirit each and every day. The greatest of my loves, our son. So with that, I welcome you all to whom it is a fine privilege to share in this magical life and the one in whom we work for. Our boy. All my relations and more to come. MAJ 

This track is for you my boy. To always know and remember our deepest love and honour for you. In life and in death, I’ll be here for you. This I trust in the great foreverness...

Track by Wilkinson and Becky Hill:  Here for you

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Celebrating our opening night with Kunze gallery and Jacobson native art


Good afternoon to each and everyone and what an amazing spiritual experience we all had that attended our opening night festivities. We came together in the real spirit of truth and reconciliation. My second season is officially off to a brilliant start. We shared in prayer and a powerful sacred smudging ceremony where everyone got blessed. I also performed a real and true adoption ceremony bringing the entire Kunze family into my Thunderbird clan. A real privilege for us all. 

Pictured here: A photo of yours truly sharing the sacred power and cleansing of the smudging ceremony 

It is very inspiring for me to see the willingness of my relatives want to share and participate in our good Indian ways. The spiritual energy and powers of our cultural way of life most certainly was inspiring for all who attended. I feel honoured and it is such a beautiful feeling to carry our Anishanabe teachings and practices to a whole new audience out here in the Kootenay mountains, Creston BC. 

Here is a new article written in the local news about our partnership and the festivities that were involved. I wish you all a beautiful afternoon and thank you for all the love and support moving forward. All my relations....MAJ 

LINK: https://www.mycrestonnow.com/34432/featured/creston-welcomes-newly-renovated-grain-elevator-with-art-show/

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Our 2nd season is here in partnership with Kunze gallery and Jacobson native art


Good evening to each and everyone and just wanted to share this amazing new relationship I’ve been developing for over 2 years now. In the real spirit of truth and reconciliation both Kunze gallery and Jacobson native art are proud to announce this exciting partnership. We are both honoured to be grassroots in our approach in expanding our consciousness and spiritual energy towards widening the circle. 

This is officially my second season and I’m absolutely in joy as we continue to push forward expanding the vision. The Kootenay region is much like a new born child in this regard. We are creating ally’s and alliances that will help with the fundamental changes needed in how we approach the future. The next 7 generations to come. Any how, enjoy the photos and wish me luck...

More to come. All my relations, MAJ

Friday, May 26, 2023

Here is an updated list of all those I exposed as a criminal, a fraud, a cheat and liars around the woodland school of art


Photo sourced from an indigenous gathering and ceremony last week. 

Good afternoon and once again a sincere thank you for all the kindness and support from those who have aligned themselves with the truth concerning this art fraud in our woodland school of art. It’s been one of the craziest and most warped experiences of my entire life. An undertaking that would break just about anyone on the planet. The depth of deceptions and lies these crooked bastards would go through is truly unprecedented in art fraud history. 

These names and the galleries who played a role in this fiasco is massive. This will be a permanent record of their deceit. We will not forget. This is truth and reconciliation and these individuals should and will be held accountable. Let’s get started with this “black listed” group of deceivers: 

Norval Morrisseau - Sexual abuser of innocent children and young boys. Lied to an entire nation through multiple generations regarding his sick sex crimes. Forever disgraced as a pedophile. 

Gary Lamont - Arrested, charged and convicted as a serial sexual rapist. Recently charged with more sex crimes and formally charged in the Morrisseau art fraud. He is officially completely destroyed...

Morrisseau estate - All of Morrisseau’s children exposed as being involved in the fraud of their “sexual predator“ fathers legacy including brother Wolf and nephews Benjamin and Bruce Morrisseau. 

Christian Morrisseau - Recently deceased but forever marked as the major player from the estate of Norval Morrisseau who was heavily involved in producing, marketing and distribution of hundreds and hundreds of fakes. A legacy of crime, fraud and multi generational deceptions. Disgusting. 

Gabe and Michelle Vadas - Both of them guilty of lying to the art buying public for hiding their involvement in creating, working on and finishing hundreds of socalled Morrisseau originals. Defrauding hundreds of collectors and institutions worldwide. A disgrace beyond imagination. Gabe Vadas serving Morrisseau as his sexual pimp acquiring homeless boys off the streets of Vancouver. Utterly disgraceful individuals. Perverting the authenticity in our woodland school of art.

Kinsmen Robinson gallery - Shut down permanently for a year now. Forever disgraced for selling fakes to the Canadian art buying public. Mostly the Phil Cote fakes and the black drybrush garbage. Guilty of manipulating hundreds of collectors as they were the primary dealer of the Vadas sourced socalled Morrisseau’s. 

Maslak McLeod gallery - Shut down permanently a decade ago. Guilty of selling the black drybrush fakes along with the Phil Cote sourced fakes throughout the 1990’s. A national disgrace.

Art world of Sherway - Run by Donna Child who sold dozens of fake Morrisseau art being backed by Wolf Morrisseau and the now deceased Christian Morrisseau. It’s a national disgrace. Permanently shut down. 

Art cube gallery - Was run by disgraced dealer Sunny Kim. Sold various waves of Morrisseau fakes. Permanently shut down.

Bearclaw gallery - Sold fake Morrisseau art (the black drybrush fakes) sourced through Gary Lamont

Bremner & Bremner - Recently, director of gallery Paul was arrested and charged for selling fakes and creating false provenance. 

Eagle spirit gallery in Vancouver - Rob Scott knowingly selling the fake Morrisseau (black drybrush garbage) 

Qualicum artworks gallery - Ran by disgraced former owner and fake Morrisseau art dealer in Marlowe Goring Its been permanently shut down.

David Voss - Recently arrested and charged as one of the architects of the fraud from Thunder Bay ont.

Jeff Cowan - Recently arrested and charged for being involved in the art fraud 

Jim White - Again recently arrested and charged for being a major player in the art fraud. His business called White distribution is heavily involved. On many levels including copyright fraud.

Randy Potter - forever disgraced fake Morrisseau art dealer who ran one of the biggest scams in art fraud history called: Potter auctions. It’s been permanently shut down and exposed. Randy Potter? Dead.

Ugo Matulic - Disgraced Fake Morrisseau art dealer and proponent. Had a blog called norvalmorrisseau.blogspot.com which has been permanently removed and destroyed along with his credibility. Good riddance. 

Joe Otavnik - Forever disgraced fake Morrisseau art collector. A fuckin nobody in the art world.

John and Joan Goldi - Forever disgraced fake Morrisseau art collectors. Ran a website called Morrisseau hoax exposed. It’s been permanently shut down and destroyed along with their credibility. Done. 

Michael Moniz - Forever disgraced fake Morrisseau art collector. Died over a decade ago. Done.

John Zemanovich and wife - sold me out and lied to me about gallery representation with Raven art gallery. Betrayed me and chose to sell paintings I gifted them because they were too impatient to work out financial situations between us. John was a former apprentice who is now working with a lawyer named Jonathan Sommer under the guise “Morrisseau art consulting”. It’s fuckin gross really. 

Ritchie stardreamer Sinclair - a white cultural appropriator who lives in denial of the real truth concerning his delusional obsession with our woodland school and the reality of Morrisseau being a sexual predator on children. It’s disgusting how phoney this guy actually is. Gross.

Cory ding dong Dingle - newly hired bitch monkey of the Norval Morrisseau estate. A liar and cheat. Someone I once trusted who ended up being a complete scum bag bullshitter. Fuckin weak and cowardly and one who believes in homogenizing. Pure white settler mentality. 

James McCue - a white cultural appropriator who painted backgrounds for Morrisseau but now thinks it’s simply ok to insult our artform with his shady philosophy and homogenizing. White settler thinking, really.

Rod and Vic waters - These 2 are a husband and wife duo who are perhaps the sickest and worst racists I’ve ever had the unfortunate experience of running into. Absolutely disgusting people who grossed me out beyond belief. It’s hard to realize that there are truly sick people who live this way on our stolen Indian land. Ugly and gross personalities who should be arrested and charged with racism crimes.

Janet Spicer - a dysfunctional stolen land occupier who betrayed my family and lied to us. A colonizer who has no idea about the genocide of my people. A denier of truth. Disgusting. 

Lysse Paqette - a compulsive liar who deceived my family and chose to spread misinformation on me and got caught. A highly unstable personality who knows absolutely nothing about truth and reconciliation. 

Kurtis Staven - a complete piece of shit who stole my former website and intellectual property. A pretendian who came into my life as a chronic liar, manipulator and outright bullshitter. A toothless rat who deserves what’s coming to him. What a fuckin joke of a human being. 

In the spirit of truth and reconciliation let these accounts of my experience and investigations stand the test of time. Not one of these corrupt bastards could ever bring themselves to apologize for their behaviours and actions. It is perhaps the darkest chapters over the last 2 decades of my life. All of these people are individuals in whom I deeply regret ever meeting. They simply couldn’t be honest either with me or themselves. They are the spiritually bankrupt. The broken souls of society. The fuckin snakes in the grass. They hide amongst the people pretending to have your best interests only to be exposed for the rotten pieces of shit they are who hide in the shadows as opportunists. Thinking only of themselves and their hidden agendas. Manipulating those in whom they come into contact with. Be warned and be careful. Not everybody you meet, has your back.

More to come...all my relations, MAJ

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Creating in the studio tonight, the bones of a Jacobson original (48 x 60 inches)

Interesting fact: I draw out every image in one shot with a pen. Never pencil. I trust my art so much and the spirit of it that I get it right, the first time
Burning the midnight oil here @ Jacobson native art. I’ve got dozens and dozens of commissions to execute. I’m also preparing for our second season in the gallery business out here in the Kootenay mountains. We’ll be in a new and exciting location with incredible new partnership under the umbrella of truth and reconciliation. 

Exciting times and I’m super excited about the energy and spiritual power that we bring to the table. We fully understand what it means to be “agents of the Creator”. Instruments of the great spirit and like last season we were blessed to reach tens of thousands of souls and had such a transformational experience. 

Any how back to painting and working on this piece which is destined for Toronto. I got big moves coming that way so stay tuned. In the meantime here’s an amazing DJ set by Hannes Bieger from Germany. I paint a lot listening to these incredible electronic music sets. They are highly meditative and therapeutic. I’m an old school raver and used to throw 2000 to 4000 people parties in Vancouver back in the day. Anyways much love and respect...more to come. All my relations, MAJ

Hannes Bieger live @ Beatport: 

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Important news today @ Jacobson native art: Vatican formally renounces Doctrine of discovery after decades of Indigenous demands


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Honest message to Jamie “Colonizer” Kastner of There are no fakes @ Jacobson native art


Good afternoon to each and everyone following the truth here at Jacobson native art. Today I’d like to officially comment on this bizarre reality of “Frankenstein” Jamie Kastner who was the worst person I’ve ever worked with in the entire film industry. What a complete moron this guy really is. Still trying to control the narrative eh weirdo?

This fucked up guy can never be trusted. He’s rude, obnoxious and an extreme example of self will run riot. It’s embarrassing watching this guy trying to take our stories and our truth as First Nations and trying to control it and make the narrative all about himself. Nobody likes you, Kastner, let’s get that straight. Everyone around the film thinks your a complete bozo....and you are. 

This fight with the OPP and Thunder Bay police makes you look ridiculous. These are not your stories to control. We willingly shared these truths throughout the film because it was simply the right thing to do. This had absolutely nothing to do with us trusting you. Your job was to simply help us tell this story. That’s it. But here you are splashing yourself all over the Canadian media in your diaper making this all about you. 

Yuck. Let’s get this straight ok settler. You need to cooperate with the investigation. You need to get out of the way and let justice serve it’s course. If the Canadian legal system needs those interviews to pursue the truth? Then get lost and go do something else. You look like a total fool getting in the way of all the hard work people like myself have done on that warped behalf of the fraud. Let justice happen and be a good little settler boy and get the fuck out of the way. This story isn’t about you. You embarrassed yourself and your family bloodline behaving the way that you do. 

It’s pathetic. You are not an ally with us First Nations. You are no friend to me and you shouldn’t be speaking about truth and reconciliation because you don’t know how that works. Your heart doesn’t have the knowledge. You lack the sensitivity and spirit. Also, nobody wanted to do a second follow up film with you because of how you are as a human being. You are lost in the abyss of colonialism. A broken ghost of the past. You are not in the here and now with us. Nobody from this wants to ever work with you again or collaborate with you in any way, shape or form. Go home and get lost. You are not wanted. (Maybe one day I’ll pity you and pray for you, but not today dipshit)

There will be more to come concerning the sexual abuse by Norval Morrisseau and his filthy and fucked up legacy of lies. The truth is coming like a freight train...all my relations, MAJ

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Why sexual abusers like Norval Morrisseau must be exposed....living or dead


Good afternoon and here’s to a beautiful day here @ Jacobson native art. This is a very real and honest reality that I’ve been blessed to expose because I have the inner strength to do so. For one: I am not afraid of anyone on this earth.  I don’t give a shit about who you are, what you have done, how much money your worth, how famous one may be, if you hurt and abuse children? Your going down. I will sink your battleship. I will come with all my power and resources to expose these sick sexual predators and shine the light into these dark arenas. Morrisseau is no exception. 

My son is 5 years old. He’s pure. He’s an innocent little child and I am his protector. I am his guardian down here on this planet. He is the most spectacular soul Ive ever had the privilege of being around day in and day out. He’s been with me every single day since his birth. He truly is the light of my world. If anyone ever tried to hurt my boy? I will wipe you off the face of this earth. I will devour you. I will destroy you. End of story. That is how sacred and pure our children are and I’m sure there are many who will agree with me. 

Children are the greatest energy and teachers in the entire world. They are so holy and sacred and this world can thank my son, Sagein Wisdom for putting these teachings into the very core of my being. He is my everything. This is how I feel about our children, how I feel about my son. He has taught me so much about love. About what truly matters in life. So, when it comes to protecting our children and being a strong advocate for them, I’m there. No matter what, who, why, where, how or when...I’m there. 

Protecting sexual predators is not only absolutely fuckin disgusting it is and should be beneath us all. But unfortunately that isn’t the reality. Things like fame, money, wealth, social stature and the like make those around these predators say and do the most absurd of things. They protect them. They hide the crimes of these abusers and are willing to sell their very souls to protect their own interests associated with the abuser. Hiding the truth at any cost they deny, pretend like everything is good to go. Unfortunately for most of them their time of hiding these crimes  eventually comes to an end. 
We are definitely in that time regarding Morrisseau. I will be relentless in standing up for these survivors. Of speaking up for the truth. The time of hiding underneath a rock hoping against hope that these truths never get exposed: is over. Your number is up. I am both honoured and grateful that the truth of these discoveries has found me. That I can serve the greater good in shining the light on these grotesque discoveries. There is much more to come regarding this reality. 

In the meantime as the evidence of these truths is being gathered these photos of my son and I hanging out with this rcmp happens to be a neat little story. Like Ive mentioned we live deep in these Kootenay mountains and there are no cops around here for a hundred miles. This guy named Dave comes by to visit us periodically because my son has taken a liking to him. He’s a friend to our family under the umbrella of truth and reconciliation. We talk about the cultural fabric of this country and Canada’s role along with the churches and the police forces in what is now being discovered as genocide to our people, to our children. 

These crimes against humanity is what we are talking about here. These beautiful little children who were murdered by Canada and their agents must have their justice. I believe in this with all my heart and soul. You can definitely say the exact same thing regarding sexual abuse survivors. I believe in them with all my heart and soul as well. This is the primary reason why the historic sex crimes of Norval Morrisseau and those like him, must be exposed. This is about healing. It’s that honest and that pure. Because many of them too, were once innocent little children. 

More to come as this massive story continues to unfold. Stay tuned and thank you for trusting my soul. All my relations...MAJ

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Why the Norval Morrisseau estate is a complete failure

Pictured here: Fake Morrisseau painted by Phil Cote for Maslak McLeod (early 1990’s)

Good afternoon to each and everyone following the truth here @ Jacobson native art. This article will go into the very reasons why the estate of Norval Morrisseau is a complete scam and why they are guilty of gross negligence throughout Morrisseau’s legacy and the woodland school of art. They can never be trusted. They are liars and live on the backs of those of us who did the real work. They did fuck all. 

This is a painting done by a great artist in Steven snake. Unfortunately the subject matter of this painting is of Norval Morrisseau painting a Phil Cote fake sourced from a Maslak McLeod catalogue. It’s disgusting and what’s even worse is that the estate of Norval Morrisseau does absolutely nothing to correct these issues. They sit back and say nothing, do nothing and hide underneath a rock. It’s so weak and embarrassing. Their only focus is the money. This is why the estate is not the representation of our woodland school. That reality now sits with us living artists who are indigenous and have the right to paint these stories and teachings. White settlers who hide behind Morrisseau are not capable of speaking up in this regard. This art form belongs with us, the great Anishanabe. 

Pictured here: A Steven Snake painting of Norval Morrisseau with a fake black drybrush thunderbird image 

This is how warped and distorted this whole art fraud of Morrisseau’s legacy has become. It’s so multi layered and in need of being cleaned up but those dipshits like Gabe Vadas and Ding dong Dingle do absolutely nothing. These weak and shallow individuals continue to ride the coat tails of those of us who did the hard work of confronting these issues on behalf of Morrisseau but now more importantly for the authenticity of our woodland school of art. The estate is an embarrassment to us. It is broken and will probably never have the same feel ever again. It’s over for them. 

This is why they have no power in my world. They are an embarrassment to the industry, the woodland art movement and will be exposed for their inability to function properly. You see when you boil off all the shit around the estate you see who they are and what they’ve become. Naked and soulless, empty of any real meaning. This is the true estate of Norval Morrisseau. A legacy built on lies, deceptions and absolute gross negligence. The next reality coming for them is how do you continue to hide the sexual abuse of innocent little children? Huh? What? Really? Exactly. You won’t be able to. This is what is coming next for them. The hunger for money will cease and you will be confronted with this on a much larger scale then you can imagine. It’s absolutely disgusting what these people have done including that grand shaman shyster bullshit in Norval Morrisseau himself. Guilty of historic sex crimes. The biggest let down of my entire life. The art and life of sexual abuser Norval Morrisseau....

More to come. All my relations, MAJ 

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Follow up interview last night with CTV @ Jacobson native art


Pictured here: Fake Morrisseau’s from the police investigation 

Good afternoon and once again just keeping this short as there is going to be a major landslide of truth coming forward soon enough. I feel the reporter here did a good job minus the babbling in the last portion of the video and written interview concerning that fuck nut in Cory “ding dong” Dingle from that dysfunctional and ass backwards estate. Enjoy the link. Have a beautiful day. All my relations, MAJ


Thursday, December 1, 2022

Happy 5th birthday to my incredible and beautiful son Sagein Wisdom @ Jacobson native art

Enjoying life and things are well here at the studio. My son celebrates 5 years of being on Mother Earth. What a gift. This lil guy has effected me and changed my life in such a way he truly is my shining light in this world and in this life. Here he is resting after another masterpiece sculpture from him...lol. He’s the best, what class. What a mind, what a soul. My boy...my greatest love in  the entire universe...

Happy birthday sonny boy. We enjoy these incredible DJ sets when we hang out and create together. It’s the coolest thing. It’s another reason why he’s such a Jacobson boy. He loves music and dancing and singing...such a joy. I love you...


Enjoy this 2 hour set by Artbat from the Ukraine playing in Rio de Janeriro Brazil.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

We did it. Our new art gallery and studio is open and ready for the world here @ Jacobson native art

A beautiful good morning to each and everyone. I have exciting news to share with you. It’s finally happened and we are here deep in the Kootenay mountains opening up our very own First Nations art gallery and studio. It literally is a dream come true. I feel so happy and joyful. It’s been a vision of mine for quite some time and now, we are here. 
Pictured above here is our Golden eagle which will welcome every single soul who enters our creative temple. It is an honour to be able to share our culture and art with the world. Our passion and enthusiasm is off the charts. Everyone is getting excited for our grand opening this coming Saturday. 

This is room one of three that we are building. This section will house some original art in paintings, carvings, masks, limited edition prints on canvas and various products through my publisher at native northwest. I’ll have a smudging ceremony section as well where fellow souls can receive some help and guidance. 

This 3rd photo showcases where much of the purchasing business will be handled. The atmosphere is deeply spiritual and filled with authentic indigenous art and culture throughout our studio grounds. Our mission and desire is to share our wealth of spirit and that knowledge with each and everyone. This will be a major cultural experience where all are welcome. 

Here in this 4th photo is another example and perspective of our gallery. We will be having a sacred fire pit behind the gallery space with a full on tipi experience with an outdoor art studio. We are also building our sweatlodge and will have that up and running in a couple weeks. It’s been super busy getting ourselves  organized and ready for our launch. Every day is absolutely worth it in every way. I’m so grateful for this amazing opportunity. 
Here’s another shot giving you a view of our room one experience. We have a wood stove here as well to help us keep warm when the seasons change. My partner Johnny and his wife are absolutely stoked. Our connection is deeply spiritual and filled with daily fun and laughter. It’s truly healing how we all share and communicate with one another. It’s so refreshing for my soul as well. 

We even have some Norval Morrisseau art to share with our new friends, clients and collectors from around the world. We will offer sound education and advice when dealing in woodland art. Our love and passion for our culture and art is the foundation stone of this vision. We are here to share our light with all of you. 

Here is the entry to our gallery space. It’s a big sliding wooden door being protected by the eagle staff hanging above. This is a unity staff which will be shared with all my relations. That is the vision and the gift that I was given regarding the development of this space. The ancestors and our residential school children want me to share my medicine with the world. And so....I shall. 

What an absolute blast we’ve been having on our new journey. The excitement and anticipation is so much fun. I really am beginning to feel at home here in these mountains. I love it here so much. I get to wake up right in the heart of Mother Earth each and everyday. The blessings are in manifestation and this dream is now a reality. I am so thankful and honoured to be Anishanabe. To be a voice for my culture, the spirits of creation and our Mother Earth. To walk in beauty once again...

More information and photos to come. I’ll update you all as I continue to explore this new vision with various experiences and new stories. I wish you all a wonderful new day and thank you for being a part of my life, art and journey. All my relations, MAJ