The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024
Monday, August 5, 2024
It is an overwhelming success with regard to my fabric lines with Northcott fabrics and Jacobson native art
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Sharing our love and healing through our culture and spirituality @ Jacobson native art
Pictured here is Sagein and I feeling super blessed and content. We live each day as full as we can. We play, create, learn and grow together as a family. Our little unit is the best I’ve ever had it. I feel so much joy and happiness being a father. I grew up without one so I know the value and I comprehend my role better than most. It’s a true privilege to lead by example and to keep them close to me each and everyday. My life is complete and I have no need for anything else. I don’t care about living the colonizers path or the colonial dream of money, fame, sex, drugs and rock and roll. It doesn’t work. It’s weak. It’s actually pathetic. It’s too easy to fall for those carrots. Look at Morrisseau and his spiritually bankrupt lifestyle. Broken family, a broken man, a sexual abuser and his broken children. Too many broken relationships etc. It’s not the path of true and realistic success. His legacy is that of a fraudulent man a fraud of a human being. A fraudulent legend. No wonder the problems and issues. It’s unclean.
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Important news today @ Jacobson native art: Vatican formally renounces Doctrine of discovery after decades of Indigenous demands
By Nicole Winfield The Associated PressPosted March 30, 2023 4:45 am
The Vatican on Thursday responded to Indigenous demands and formally repudiated the “Doctrine of Discovery,” the theories backed by 15th-century “papal bulls” that legitimized the colonial-era seizure of Indigenous lands and form the basis of some property law today.
A Vatican statement said the 15th-century papal bulls, or decrees, “did not adequately reflect the equal dignity and rights of indigenous peoples” and have never been considered expressions of the Catholic faith.
It said the documents had been “manipulated” for political purposes by colonial powers “to justify immoral acts against Indigenous peoples that were carried out, at times, without opposition from ecclesial authorities.”
The statement, from the Vatican’s development and education offices, said it was right to “recognize these errors,” acknowledge the terrible effects of colonial-era assimilation policies on Indigenous peoples and ask for their forgiveness.
The statement was a response to decades of Indigenous demands for the Vatican to formally rescind the papal bulls that provided the Portuguese and Spanish kingdoms the religious backing to expand their territories in Africa and the Americas for the sake of spreading Christianity.
Those decrees underpin the “Doctrine of Discovery,” a legal concept coined in a 1823 U.S. Supreme Court decision that has come to be understood as meaning that ownership and sovereignty over land passed to Europeans because they “discovered” it.
It was cited as recently as a 2005 Supreme Court decision involving the Oneida Indian Nation written by the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
During Pope Francis’ 2022 visit to Canada, during which he apologized to Indigenous peoples for the residential school system that forcibly removed Indigenous children from their homes, he was met with demands for a formal repudiation of the papal bulls.
In the statement, the Vatican said: “In no uncertain terms, the Church’s magisterium upholds the respect due to every human being. The Catholic Church therefore repudiates those concepts that fail to recognize the inherent human rights of Indigenous peoples, including what has become known as the legal and political “doctrine of discovery.”
The Vatican offered no evidence that the three 15th-century papal bulls (Dum Diversas in 1452, Romanus Pontifex in 1455 and Inter Caetera in 1493) had themselves been formally abrogated, rescinded or rejected, as Vatican officials have often said.
But it cited a subsequent bull, Sublimis Deus in 1537, that reaffirmed that Indigenous peoples shouldn’t be deprived of their liberty or the possession of their property, and were not to be enslaved.
It was significant that the repudiation of the “Doctrine of Discovery” came during the pontificate of history’s first Latin American pope. The Argentine Francis, who even before the Canadian trip, had apologized to Indigenous peoples in Bolivia in 2015 for the crimes of the colonial-era conquest of the Americas. It was issued while he was in the hospital Thursday with a respiratory infection.
Cardinal JosΓ© Tolentino de MendonΓ§a, prefect of the Vatican’s culture office, said the statement was a reflection of the Vatican’s dialogue with Indigenous peoples.
“This Note is part of what we might call the architecture of reconciliation and also the product of the art of reconciliation, the process whereby people commit to listening to each other, to speaking to each other and to growth in mutual understanding,” he said in a statement.
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Why sexual abusers like Norval Morrisseau must be exposed....living or dead
Good afternoon and here’s to a beautiful day here @ Jacobson native art. This is a very real and honest reality that I’ve been blessed to expose because I have the inner strength to do so. For one: I am not afraid of anyone on this earth. I don’t give a shit about who you are, what you have done, how much money your worth, how famous one may be, if you hurt and abuse children? Your going down. I will sink your battleship. I will come with all my power and resources to expose these sick sexual predators and shine the light into these dark arenas. Morrisseau is no exception.
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Our heart and soul is beginning to heal now around the trauma of recovering our residential school children...
It sure has been a very challenging and difficult journey over these last 14 months going through this deep and dark trauma of discovering all these murdered children across our stolen lands...known as colonial Canada. Many of these children are still yet to be discovered. This has been a challenging time processing all of this. I feel as though I am beginning to come to terms with this horrific reality. The emotional scaring has been so difficult to examine and feel. In honour of these beautiful children I had to go through it to truly understand my relationship to this. What it means to me as an Anishanabe, a 60’s scoop survivor, a direct descendent of the horror of residential schools.
Monday, April 4, 2022
Back in the flow and creating spiritual medicine for the world @ Jacobson native art
I’m simply happy today to be back painting. I have dozens and dozens of pieces on the go. It’s time to refocus myself and plan my next course of actions as I sit in the spiritual world channeling these images and stories putting them down on to the canvases. Recording the spirit and sacred teachings of my people, the great Anishanabe...
Enjoy this new track. I love high energy tribal beats when painting in the studio. This is Bantwanas feat. Khonaye - Amanz’Endlini
All my relations...MAJ
Friday, March 18, 2022
Maintaining some peace and serenity in this crazy and fucked up world we all live in
We have experienced some racism, discrimination and ugly bullies who have tried to flex their shit on us but we beat that vibe inside and out by praying and petitioning the great powers of the Universe on their behalf and on behalf of their entire family bloodlines. I call these types of prayers and requests “unfuckable”. Because they bring you immediate spiritual armour from their madness and other associated ‘spiritual sicknesses” that they don’t even know they carry and have.
It’s why I wear medicine and crystals and precious stones etc. Because these things protect me from getting hit. It’s an old Indian trick passed down from those super smart grandma’s and grandfathers in the spirit world. The ancestors. Look, I’m already a pretty fuckin wild cat as they say. Being out here in nature spirit like this each and every day for more than 5 years now has truly answered so many questions. I live in a very small community of 300 souls out here on the east shore of Kootenay lake.
We are tucked away deep in these mountains. Quietly hidden from the rest of humanity while the entire world tries to recover from the Covid pandemic. We are super fortunate in this regard as well. We have become masters of self isolation and social distancing by Mother Nature’s very existence out here each and every day. All those who live here are pretty much on the same beam of light in this regard as well. It’s the one thing we all have in common living out here. That somewhere within us all out here, we can connect, learn and grow in the knowledge that we are all children of Mother Earth.
All my relations, MAJ
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
The reality is we are healing from genocide, colonialism and oppression here @ Jacobson native art
Yet the denial of these truths continues on in how this thing called Canada all came to be. It’s so fucked. What’s even more fucked is how white Canadian settlers think that this is a natural occurrence. Conquer and destroy is their motto. White pride being heralded as the great light upon humanity. Makes me wanna barf. Ignorance of their own history and campaigns of murder upon my people. I see it in the settler. Their black abyss looking eyes. Soulless and empty...in dire need of light and healing.
Most of them Fuckin abusers and nothing more.
To combat this “fuckedupness“ we paint, we create, we teach and share, we sing, we drum and we dance. That’s how we fight this blackness and sickness of Canada. Guilty of crimes against humanity, selfish oppression of my people and our culture and yet still, I’m thriving and am fully alive. Fuck you to all who think otherwise. I have you and your flag of shit completely beat and mastered each and every day that I’m alive. Not only that but so does my kid, my son. He’s 4 years old and I teach him every single day about these beautiful ways in which we have as Anishanabe. He will learn about the truth behind what has happened to our people from every generation since it’s beginning. He is a direct descendant of all these murdered residential school children.
He embodies their light by being the seed they couldn’t kill, that they couldn’t destroy. Like me, his father. We shed this darkness by actually practicing our culture each and every day. We give reverence and actual living proof of experience by acknowledging these children who were taken way too soon by a corrupt and murderous nation in Canada. I can laugh at the devil right in front of his ugly clown face.
And I don’t pity you at all. Your an embarrassment. It’s really the same shit being done by Russians towards the people of Ukraine. It’s just disguised a little differently. We First Nations are world leaders in unravelling the colonizer’s lies. That’s why they hate us so much. Because from every generation since then, we remind them of their crimes, of their hate, of their lies and deceptions, of just how corrupt their society truly is when being built as it has on the truth of what they did and continue to do. Which of course is murder, crimes against humanity, stealing our land and resources and continual and perpetual oppression of us to have your white settler/Canadian immigrant way of life.
We are still in the discovery of the truth phase when it comes to this idea of truth and reconciliation....
All my relations, MAJ
Monday, November 29, 2021
Dear Canada, I’m ashamed of you for murdering our Residential school children...it’s so disgusting!
These are indeed very dark and challenging times. The very fact that the international criminal court will not follow through with an investigation into these Active crime scenes is perhaps some of the greatest injustice I have ever seen in my lifetime. It’s beyond appalling and should be recognized for the abortion of the rule of law that it is.
That is exactly what the rule of law is on our holy and sacred lands. A grotesque perversion of colonial white settler racism in its ugliest and shittiest of forms. Oh Canada, your home on stolen lands. Killing little innocent children in the name of progress, in pride of being a so called Canadian. Super fuckin gross and super fuckin disturbing if you ask me.
Everything I have said has come true up to this point. The absurd apology of the pope of the Catholic Church is meaningless. It has zero depth and weight. Apologizing for murder wouldn’t cut it in any courtroom across Canada as a solution that would suffice. How the fuck could it? Any normal person knows that getting away with crimes against humanity is much like nazi Germany getting away with war crimes against the Jews.
It is skin crawling disgusting. I think of anyone being proud to be a Canadian and it gives me the major shivers and hee bee gee bees. Holy fuck is right. Giving your life in honour of this country and it’s real history of murdering tens of thousands of innocent children and building your settler dreams on the very backs of these dead children makes you really think about values. I know this:
I’m absolutely grateful to be awake and to have the veil lifted so that I can truly see things as they are. I am a sovereign Anishanabe. I will continue to speak for those whose voice was robbed of them by Canada and their agents of death, the Catholic and Christian churches along with the RCMP. All twisted fucks. I’m in a place of deep healing and reflection and I will need some time to rest for a while...my soul is tired. My heart is heavy and I need time to heal from these continual acts of genocide...MAJ
Monday, November 8, 2021
The centre of my Universe @ Jacobson native art
Good afternoon to each and everyone. Wishing you all blessings in the highest good. I wanted to share some of the profound magic and spiritual energies between my son Sagein Wisdom and I. He has a deep fascination with our cultural ways and practices. My little chief as I call him. He is such an inspiration to me. Such a strong character and curiosity at 3 and a half years old.
This is a photo of him running the smudging ceremony at the studio and with the eagle feather he is blessing me with the sacred medicines. He has a natural way about himself with these regards. He instinctively knows how to use these tools in a gentle and loving way. He makes me so super proud. He really is the most profound and life changing soul I have ever met in my entire life. Nobody even comes close.
My journeys in life have been plenty. I’ve been to hundreds of sweatlodge ceremonies. I’ve sponsored several peyote meetings as well. I have learned many different prayer songs and ways to communicate with the spirit. My culture has been the foundation for me to heal from these active crime scenes of genocide upon my people across these stolen lands being occupied by the abuser in Canada. The deadly cause and effects of colonialism have been a major unwanted thorn in our sides. The time for real change is upon us.
We are survivors of genocide, but we are also some of the most beautiful souls on this planet. We live in 2 worlds at the same time. Our new found heritage and the cultural strength and power that that represents, and the evil and wicked regime of this sick and twisted colonial occupation. So it is here, in this reality that I aim to father my son with the very best of who I am, each and every day. He deserves it and so do I. After all the shit Ive had to live through and overcome I am so much better prepared than my parents ever were. I have slain many dragons and have broken multi generational cycles. I am a change agent and have created my whole life out of defeating the odds. Those who really know me know this to be fact.
And that is where this all matters. It’s for him, my boy. To have a much deeper and better experience moving forward one day at a time. He will reap the benefits of my experience. He will know what I know in these regards. He is willing to learn and to bring more light to the human being experience. And for that, my heart sings...for him, my little chief, my warrior’s prayer living the most beautiful and enlightened life that I can give him. My dream come true...my Sagein Wisdom...
All my relations, MAJ
Enjoy this prayer song by Louie Gonnie. A master in ceremonies of the peyote way...
Thursday, September 30, 2021
The reality of truth and reconciliation @ Jacobson native art
Good afternoon to each and everyone who continues to find me here @ Jacobson native art. Well as many of us know today is the first annual national truth and reconciliation day. Definitely another move in the right direction but a very small move it is. There is such a list of grievances against this nation called Canada.
There are many agents who are guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity including the Catholic Church, many other Christian churches as well including many of the police forces as well as the RCMP. It’s absolutely disgusting on so many levels. How, (their rule of law was invented on stolen Indian land) when the white man says to follow the rule of law but they cannot follow it themselves. They choose to find ways to hide from their crimes, to bend the law, the rules and everything else they get their fuckin hands on, to their own advantage. It’s a real dr. Jeckel and mr. Hyde scenario.
Canada and most Canadians simply cannot be fully trusted. Most Canadians are complete airheads when it comes to the history of how Canada came to be. (Even the white man in me knows this) How they got what they got....(stolen goods from stolen lands resources etc). Most Canadians dont even know how bad they got it. They are so colonized and assimilated that they literally can’t even think for themselves so they vote for white colonial so-called leaders to do the thinking for them.
And that is exactly the reason why Canada continues to fail miserably with us First Nations. Obviously there are tens of thousands of more reasons on top of that but the reality is Canada is a genocidal program built on the murder of us First Nations and the continual raping and exploitation of our resources. Our wealth. The colonial doctrine of discovery is a racist and discriminatory action against First Nations and other indigenous tribes throughout the world.
Canadians whether they know it or not, their so called country is built on this foundation. Land theft, resource theft, murder, rape, stealing our children, racism, discrimination, hate, violence, force and control. Building your dreams as Canadians on the backs of oppression, on the very backs of us First Nations. That is what Canada is. That is what it means to identify as a Canadian. It’s gross I know. But this is the truth. And we cannot have true reconciliation until we deal with these matters of truth.
I’ve always said since my awakening into my own process of decolonization and for the last few years now being in the pursuit of my sovereignty as Anishanabe that reconciliation will take time. In fact, the way I see it is that the cultural fabric of this country is still in the discovery of the truth phase. We have not even truly begun to deal with what real reconciliation will look like.
Still even in the thickness of all of this, I must continue to remain hopeful. The fog of assimilation is beginning to lift albeit very slowly across our lands. I have friends who wouldn't be able to grasp any of this 5 years ago. They now can talk more openly with me about it. I see organizations and people beginning to stand up more and more with regard to how this must shift and change for all First Nations and Canadians alike.
Monday, September 20, 2021
Healing the souls of our children @ Jacobson native art
Painting in progress...
Title of tripdych: Healing the souls of our children, Size of each canvas: 30 x 48 inches (total of 90 x 48 inches) 2021The spiritual reality of this has had and continues to have a very deep and profound effect on me. I am a direct product of the genocide and abuses of residential schools and what Canada has tried to do in wiping out my family bloodlines as Anishanabe. I am a 60’s scoop survivor. I truly represent the seeds they couldn’t destroy.
I am alive and I have a son who is also a seed they cannot destroy. We are the true spirit and life of the Anishanabe. We are stronger than ever and we will overcome. It is our destiny. We are masters at living in 2 worlds at the same time. It makes us very powerful. We will continue to thrive and move forward with a steadfast spirit honouring our ancestors, our children and ourselves.
I’m currently working on several paintings here in the studio. I am working on the above mentioned tripdych set titled: Healing the souls of our children. It has been very challenging to find the light of inspiration in such a dark energy with regard to the murder of our children. But this painting needs to happen. I must find their love, light and power and share this with the world.
Their spirits are guiding me in this piece. It has been one of the hardest paintings I’ve ever had to make. To find this painting in a sea of darkness...that’s exactly how it has been. I will continue to find a way within to accomplish this feat...to honour them, the souls of our children for all generations...past, present and future. All my relations, MAJ
Friday, September 10, 2021
Proud to announce: Worldwide campaign “Honouring the residential school children” with Northcott fabrics & Jacobson native art
Good day to each and everyone. It is with great pride and love that I am truly honoured to announce my new Official worldwide campaign with Northcott fabrics and Jacobson native art. This new partnership and collaboration with regard to “Honouring the residential school children“ will be an initiative formed in the spirit of truth and reconciliation. We are releasing the collection: HEALING WATERS from 2022 to 2024.
This initiative is centred in love and healing for all the families and children effected by the residential schools tragedy. The whole reason for this release is to help find a way for First Nations, Canadians, Americans and those around the world to contribute to the solution of healing and well being for all involved.
This campaign with the release of this collection “Healing waters” is specifically designed for quilters around the world. This is an opportunity for all of us to collaborate and work together. My goal is to see these chosen quilts to be offered to the families directly effected by these on going tragedies.
We all have a role to share in the healing of the cultural fabric of this country. This campaign is designed to help bring us together. There was a time not so long ago during first contact between us First Nations and settlers where the “gifting of blankets” came from a place of love, care, warmth and comfort.
Let us come together through the actions of these principles and share our gifts with those in need. Each selected quilt will be offered to a First Nations family directly effected. These quilts will obviously be donated to this cause. Your family name and created quilt will have an opportunity to be a part of this legacy.
You will be remembered with respect and honour for sharing your love with such a deep and transformative cause. We can find the answers. We can work together and heal. It is our birthright to appreciate one another and to find meaningful ways of widening the circle between us. All of us. We all have something to bring to the table of brotherhood, sisterhood. We are the human family.
We are the solution we each have been searching for. The time for healing is now. We honour the past by learning from it, by making it better today. I truly and sincerely want to thank you all for sharing and participating in this opportunity. Together we can make the change we wanna see in our world. All my relations, MAJ