The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024
Showing posts with label education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label education. Show all posts

Friday, February 12, 2021

The pride and joy @ Jacobson native art 2021

 Good afternoon to each and everyone. Wishing you the highest good as we all continue to endure this pandemic and the many struggles that are happening for millions of people worldwide. I have been struggling myself a little around here at the studio lately. I’ve had some weird outside energy pop into my life that was quite frankly, discriminatory. 

It is still so unfortunate that the reality is that the cultural fabric of this country and how the approach must be made better and better each and every day with regard to the educational process regarding colonialism and genocide to our people as First Nations.

It blows my mind just how unaware and how unfortunately, the average Canadian citizen’s mind set is in this regard. It breaks my heart to see and at times experience the uneducated Colonial mind set in action. This “me first” approach and the basis of “money is king” with regard to the structures of the Canadian society hierarchy are becoming more glaring and distinct in that very structure. 

I see it as the greatest weakness that the cultural fabric of this country has. It’s embarrassing and I find it a bit “slow in the head and heart”. I have always been about people coming together for the greater good. It’s the foundation of who I am. The very basis of our culture is that we are a loving and welcoming people. But I find it very disturbing really to experience such a vastness of this across these lands. 

One can most definitely say that the multi generational plans of colonialism have done not only a serious number on us First Nations, but it is quite evident that the average Canadian citizen has been blindsided by the effects of this as well. The wheels of injustice and the horrific reality of this ongoing genocide to us in the 21st century should move every Canadian soul to wanna change. To make it right. 

This truth will always be my greatest wish. To see a vision of real true healing take shape and help to create that missing link that is in all of our hearts on some level: somewhere we have forgotten that we are all one. This is the reality that I try to live and teach my boy each and every day. That he is a vital and sacred part in all life. That all life is sacred, is to be honoured and respected. I know that I will continue to be a voice for not only this generation, but for many generations to come. My teachings are in my art. I am a culture creator, a visionary, a storyteller. 

The power and legacy of my culture has taught me that. There are those of us who come to realize just how powerful they are. For me I will never surrender my sovereignty as Anishanabe to anyone. My cultural path and identity will remain with me forever. I have found my way. My legacy is in the hands of my son now as well. My greatest wish and joy for him is to create his life experience in any way he so chooses. This is his power. But I will always desire for him to carry on the torch so to speak with regards to our cultural ways, teachings and understandings. 

For this shall always remain as our essence. That we are spectacular and immensely so beautiful. That our richness is in the magnificence of who we are. That together, we stand on great shoulders. From one generation to the next we are the change we have always been searching for. All my relations, MAJ

Friday, November 6, 2020

Jacobson native art is now available to educators, institutions and native organizations...

To all educators, institutions, native organizations: 

I’m opening up time slots across Canada with all schools/programs who want to do zoom/FaceTime classes online with me. The concept will be my Ojibway animal clan totem and clan teachings, book. 

This package is all available through my award winning children’s book (for all ages) titled: Ojibway clans - animal totems and spirits. This book will be the premise and discussion points, making the art and the symbols outlining the class focus. 

Please get in touch with me at: jacobson101@hotmail.com as spots are now being taken and worked out....thank you. All my relations...MAJ