The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024
Showing posts with label Kootenay mountains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kootenay mountains. Show all posts

Sunday, July 28, 2024

The greatest days of my life are hanging out with my son Sagein Wisdom - the CEO of Jacobson native art

The best days of my life are with my little guy, my son Sagein. He absolutely lights up my life like nothing else in the universe. His playful spirit and energy is no doubt the greatest force of love I’ve ever known. Nothing even comes close. He is my pride and joy. The star of my heart. My greatest teacher and young master. A true privilege to be his father. I’m so happy these days and as each day passes our bond continues to grow. We travel through these peaks and valleys sharing about the spirit of Mother Earth, the many species of animals and their clan powers, we discuss animal tracks and the types of trees and flowers. Always tying it to the interconnectedness of life. That nature spirit is the most honest power here. It always tells the truth. A privilege to share these fundamentals with my son. 

You are my everything little boy. I am so thankful to have you on this journey of life walking this road of a happy destiny together. You inspire me, you teach me like no other. You are such a dynamic spirit and it warms my heart to play with you everyday and have so much fun living in these mountains. This one is for you my boy. From my heart to yours, spirit to spirit from the mountain tops. I love you eternally and in the foreverness I’ll always be with you…my little Jacobson boy! 

You are loved always, Dadda πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Enjoy this peyote prayer song by Louie Gonnie called: From the mountain tops ❤️

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Proud to announce our second gallery location coming to Kaslo BC with little giant productions & Jacobson native art


Good evening to each and everyone here @ Jacobson native art. We are happy to announce with pride and excitement our second gallery location out here in the Kootenay mountains of B.C. Our first main gallery with Kunze and Jacobson native art is a beautiful success and my partnership with them is absolutely stellar to say the least. Both Sandy and her husband Dirk understand the true path of truth and reconciliation. They have been so loyal and respectful, kind and loving that it has reinvigorated my love and appreciation for humanity. They have opened their life to me and have gone out of their way to make me feel apart of. It’s so refreshing and beautiful. 

Photo of art studio and boutique in Creston BC @ Kunze gallery & Jacobson native art

I’ll be sharing my time at both new gallery locations as we are building something very beautiful together. I do believe this has never been done by an indigenous artist throughout colonial Canada. To be operating and managing 2 galleries simultaneously here in the region is quite unique and special. I feel super thrilled by the whole pursuit of making my art and the cultural and spiritual energy of the great Anishanabe a focal point for bringing the people together. Mother Earth and all creation upon her must find a way so that we can joyfully cocreate for future generations ahead. This is the purity of my heart. 

Photo taken of the inside studio space @ Kunze gallery & Jacobson native art 

There will be so much new growth and potential manifesting here that I’m truly excited to be apart of. My new partnership with Luc @ little giant productions is coming along beautifully. We both are excited about our new and upcoming grand opening in Kaslo BC this July 1st, 2024. Our product lines are simply the best out there and we are offering collections with a unique touch that really nobody else is doing. We are fresh in energy and spirit. Our common goals are aligned and this is truly the kinds of partnerships I’ve been searching for my whole life. It’s coming together, the visions and dreams now have their time to be born. What a wonderful blessing for all of us combined. Stay tuned as more information and updates to come over the next few weeks. We are truly building a dream here @ Jacobson native art. Miigwetch and all my relations...MAJ

Enjoy this track to kick off our second gallery enterprise.

 It’s by Underworld, track title: 2 months off (Tim green remix) 

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Let me share with you about the greatest day of my life here @ Jacobson native art


Photo taken Dec. 1st, 2017 @ Kootenay lake hospital in Nelson BC. (Sagein is 2 hours old) 

Good evening to each and everyone and here’s to a healthy and strong new year as we continue to trudge this road of happy destiny. For those who know having a child is reality bending and changing on every level you can think of. The most profound journey any soul can go through. It’s our true purpose. Our son Sagein Wisdom is all of that and more. As I have stated several times throughout many of my articles, he’s the most profound teacher I’ve ever known. The pound for pound greatest champion of my heart. A true living legend that I’m super blessed to help guide and navigate with through this thing called life. Indeed it is true what they say that having a child opens up a part of your heart you never knew you had. It’s been over 6 years now with him in my life each and every day. All of it has been absolutely mind blowing and truly phenomenal on all levels. I don’t want to be anywhere else in life except right here, beside him. 

Ever since leaving Vancouver in 2017 and moving out here to the Kootenay mountains we’ve been living a beautiful and peaceful lifestyle. We live right in the heart of the mountains off Kootenay lake. Tucked away in the hidden landscapes living our dream life. I have access right outside my front door to the thresholds of Mother Earth. Grizzlies comb our backyard, cougars have trails around here. The elk and deer are plentiful and our water supply comes right from the top of the mountain where we live. We breath clean air and are not bothered by corporations or the Canadian colonial government. No cops for 2 hours atleast and we police ourselves out here. There are only 350 souls who live here. Nobody fucks around because if you do? You’ll find out. You can get shot here and there’s nobody to help you for a couple hours atleast. So you learn quickly about the responsibility of community here or your out. 
I’ve got lots of options out here and nobody really knows anything about the woodland school of art so I can fully represent the true living spirit of my culture and artform here. It’s refreshing. Also I’m one of only a hand full of Indians living here so that too is quite fresh and renewing for me as well. It affords me a lot of creative freedom and individuality as I bring a whole new creative energy with regards to what Jacobson native art is. It’s absolutely beautiful to just be myself and bring a new fresh approach to the woodland school or as my great mentor Roy Thomas would say; Anishinaabe art. With me staying true to the actual spirit of the art and perfecting the process of laying it down for future generations. Being out here as a Thunderbird spirit is where Thunderbirds like to be. In places like this. 
This is a shot of Kaslo BC and we lived there for 2 years before moving here to Crawford bay BC. I loved it there and built some strong relationships and memories of the whole region. It’s where I also confronted my generational trauma and began to process decades and decades of life experiences. Having a child will no doubt bring everything up for you as a new parent and you’ll be forced to look at yourself and your family dynamics. You will go either 2 ways. Hide and deny or face it and heal. The spiritual powers inherent in our children are astronomical. Creator like. The purity of it. Transformational. 

Pictured here: Sagein observing his painting I’m making for him. 2019 in Kaslo, BC

This whole awakening of becoming a father and sticking to the plan each and every day has profoundly changed me. All thanks to my little boy in Sagein. The most spectacular change agent I know. It’s so powerful and our bond is the best I’ve ever had. You see, I know the fuckin road maps of what it was like, what happened and what its like now. I grew up with an absentee father who struggled with the bottle his whole life. Never really made an effort when he left after around 7 years old for me. It left a hole in my soul that nothing could ever really fill. A fathers role is that important, it’s that significant. Especially for us boys. 
Title of painting: In honour of our son - Sagein Wisdom. Size: 36 x 48 inches. (Gift to him) 

So indeed the masterful levels of self reflection and the changing of the behaviours and actions from times of the past are essential. To grow and learn how to do things different and not follow those old paradigms is truly a transformational process. It is refinement and a filling of all those holes in your heart that you unfortunately had to endure and go through. That’s why I place the highest values on my son. Because no other force could do it, could get in there. The keys to my heart he was born with. Only his existence could open those doors. A failed childhood filled with major suffering and trauma leaves a lasting stain on your soul. The magic is in our children. I know this because my son shows me the way each and every day. Love, trust, safety and comfort are essential to his wellbeing. For him to fully express himself. A living dynamo of self expression. The very nature of his life to just be. Perfect little him in every single way. All of it the gift of his life, our life as father and son. My true light in this world, why every day is really the best days we've ever had. All my love to you my boy, momma and dadda love you always and forever...
All my relations MAJ - Rainbow Thunderbird πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

For those who may not know, I’ll leave you with my favourite song of all time and really is for me, my life anthem by New Order. Track is called: Everything’s gone green. 

Friday, January 5, 2024

We welcome 2024 with a fresh new energy and spirit here @ Jacobson native art


Title of painting: The facing of your fears. Size: 36 x 48 inches. Created in 1999 Toronto, Ontario (Colonial Canada) 

A special welcome to each and everyone and my hope for all of you this new year is deeper appreciation for life and to take better care of each other and the great Mother Earth herself. We have plenty of work to do to prepare the way for future generations. This attitude is fundamental for our future survival and wellbeing as a species. The fine art of relearning how to coexist with the planet, with the resources and with one another. 

Walking a good life each and every day with being mindful through our actions is how the change and growth continues. Like doing a daily self inventory. In the realms of learning to master ones self we find that there are always things to shift and change within ourselves. The art of life itself should be focused in this manner. I aim for this everyday. To try and be a better version of myself than yesterday. The living reality of the human being existence without a spiritual compass is a difficult life indeed. Many have never been shown the way, or are ignorant and choose to max out self in every way possible. A weak perspective  if you ask me. 

The reality is that not everyone is on the same page. Many still clamour for this or that needing those instincts for self to be fed. Mostly by the world and it’s people. One of the big reasons why there is so much struggle in the world. Why many prefer the illusion and the lie, because it’s easier to live with in most cases. The truth is not an easy road to follow. It requires great personal strength of character because you will literally be changing the world and everyone in it. That is the very nature of truth. It exposes what is hidden, it enlightens, it Illuminates and lights the way. 

 Living out here deep in the Kootenay mountains is transformational each and every day. There is a natural cleansing of the heart and mind that affords us being so close to nature spirit. She heals me, it’s the greatest awareness because literally I’m living in deep spiritual intimacy with the spirit of Mother Earth. I wake up and go to sleep in her beauty. The best move I ever made coming out here to live a solitary life style. I’ve never had to get vaccinated as the direct result. We live in a community of 350 souls and we all live spread out around these mountains. You have to be someone who’s very comfortable in their own skin. You also need a deep passion for creativity and being engulfed in the majesty of this beauty every single day...lol. 

Photo of my playground out here in the Kootenay mountains 

So with that I’m excited for this new year in 2024. I feel like turning the page on many things I was once busy with as the direct result of warrioring up on behalf of the truth. It frees up the spirit or should I say makes more room within ones true self and knowing. It’s an honour to continue on this journey of life. I feel resolved and I’m looking forward to the future...all my relations, MAJ 

Enjoy this track by one of my friends from Montreal, a legend in Misstress Barbara. Track title: Dance me to the end of love. Let’s welcome 2024 with a classic:

Friday, December 1, 2023

Happy birthday to my son Sagein Wisdom today, may you have many more....happy birthdays ❤️


Today is a special day. It’s my sons 6th birthday today and we are honoured and so grateful for the love and beauty he carries every single day into our lives, our hearts. He is indeed the most precious and phenomenal teacher I have ever known. Such a dynamic soul who shows me so many gifts of his existence and pure beingness. Truly he is the only one who has been able to simply move mountains in my heart. It’s the greatest love I’ve ever known. 

These photos were taken of us being up the Kootenay mountains about 50 km’s deep. He wanted to build a snowman up here and so we went on a magical cruise through these magnificent mountains. These really are the most amazing and brilliant times of my life. Showing up and being present in his life each and everyday is definitely the greatest times of my life. He is such a happy and playful boy. His energy is such a gift and I’m so grateful to be his dadda. I love you son with all my heart and I look forward to us continuing to grow together each and every day. Life with you is so profound...

Love always, Dadda

Medicine way, grandfather peyote continues to show the way. Happy birthday son ❤️

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Celebrating our opening night with Kunze gallery and Jacobson native art


Good afternoon to each and everyone and what an amazing spiritual experience we all had that attended our opening night festivities. We came together in the real spirit of truth and reconciliation. My second season is officially off to a brilliant start. We shared in prayer and a powerful sacred smudging ceremony where everyone got blessed. I also performed a real and true adoption ceremony bringing the entire Kunze family into my Thunderbird clan. A real privilege for us all. 

Pictured here: A photo of yours truly sharing the sacred power and cleansing of the smudging ceremony 

It is very inspiring for me to see the willingness of my relatives want to share and participate in our good Indian ways. The spiritual energy and powers of our cultural way of life most certainly was inspiring for all who attended. I feel honoured and it is such a beautiful feeling to carry our Anishanabe teachings and practices to a whole new audience out here in the Kootenay mountains, Creston BC. 

Here is a new article written in the local news about our partnership and the festivities that were involved. I wish you all a beautiful afternoon and thank you for all the love and support moving forward. All my relations....MAJ 

LINK: https://www.mycrestonnow.com/34432/featured/creston-welcomes-newly-renovated-grain-elevator-with-art-show/

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Our 2nd season is here in partnership with Kunze gallery and Jacobson native art


Good evening to each and everyone and just wanted to share this amazing new relationship I’ve been developing for over 2 years now. In the real spirit of truth and reconciliation both Kunze gallery and Jacobson native art are proud to announce this exciting partnership. We are both honoured to be grassroots in our approach in expanding our consciousness and spiritual energy towards widening the circle. 

This is officially my second season and I’m absolutely in joy as we continue to push forward expanding the vision. The Kootenay region is much like a new born child in this regard. We are creating ally’s and alliances that will help with the fundamental changes needed in how we approach the future. The next 7 generations to come. Any how, enjoy the photos and wish me luck...

More to come. All my relations, MAJ

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Celebrating life and having fun in my playground @ Jacobson native art


Good evening to each and everyone. Just a short post today about being happy and joyful about where my life is at these days. I get to go zipping around on my atv for hundreds of kilometres at times visiting spots where Mother Earth is in her splendour. I know these mountains better than people who have been living out here for over 40 years.

I love it so much and it’s super healing and powerful. Excites my spirit every single time. These are a couple shots of today’s ride. Enjoy this track as it was something I was listening to while riding throughout these mountains today....free as a Thunderbird. All my relations, MAJ

The track: Child Inner by Freek Strano 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Happy 5th birthday to my incredible and beautiful son Sagein Wisdom @ Jacobson native art

Enjoying life and things are well here at the studio. My son celebrates 5 years of being on Mother Earth. What a gift. This lil guy has effected me and changed my life in such a way he truly is my shining light in this world and in this life. Here he is resting after another masterpiece sculpture from him...lol. He’s the best, what class. What a mind, what a soul. My boy...my greatest love in  the entire universe...

Happy birthday sonny boy. We enjoy these incredible DJ sets when we hang out and create together. It’s the coolest thing. It’s another reason why he’s such a Jacobson boy. He loves music and dancing and singing...such a joy. I love you...


Enjoy this 2 hour set by Artbat from the Ukraine playing in Rio de Janeriro Brazil.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Continuing to build these dreams @ Jacobson native art


Good afternoon to each and everyone. It’s been a busy last 7 weeks since our opening. We are gliding nice and high like being on the wings of an Eagle. The transformations taking shape are tremendous and beautiful. Our goals and aspirations are growing and we continue to make genuine contact with each new visitor and provide a wonderful safe space for deep and meaningful conversations and exchanges to take shape.

We are growing...we are dreaming @ Jacobson native art. All my relations, MAJ

Enjoy this track by lazarusman and stimming: your dreams 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Preparing for our first “Medicine bag” making workshops this weekend @ Jacobson native art

Good evening to each and everyone. Things have been absolutely incredible here at the new gallery and open art studio. The energy and spiritual force has been transformational for every single visitor who comes to experience us. We are definitely playing in the fields of true healing and inspiration. I’ve been to all the galleries across Canada dealing in indigenous art and everyone who comes here and experiences this agrees, there is nothing like what we are offering and bringing to the table. 

Our combined spiritual energies and alignment is a spearhead for this new and exciting evolution here @ Jacobson native art. We are the platform out here and new model for how these conversations are manifesting in regards to the healing of the cultural fabric of this country, our nation. All who come in to our creative temple leave feeling inspired, understood, valued and deeply appreciated. 

The ancestral power and guiding lights of the souls of our residential school children are leading the way for us. We are instruments of healing, of love and compassion. It’s what these children want, to come together as the human race and embrace each other for the beauty that we are. They desire this unity and healing, this oneness. 

We will be working with master leather artist: Kurtis Staven

He is of Sioux heritage and it is an honour and blessing to have one of our featured artists at the gallery and studio lead us in this exciting medicine bag making workshop.

For more info please leave a comment with your questions etc.

Thank you...MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Saturday, July 30, 2022

New photos of our gallery space and room 2 (the working studio) here @ Jacobson native art

Good morning to each and everyone. Here’s to new blessings and new directions as we turn the page and open our creative temple to the world. The grand opening was a big success and we’ve been dealing high energy and volume here in what is now our peak season. The community is excited and hundreds of new souls continue to find us here deep in these Kootenay mountains.
This photo captures the essence upon arrival here at the gallery. We are being our true and authentic selves here and the region is buzzing. Lots of action every single day. We’ve been going hard 7 days a week and every morning waking up to this new reality is a dream come true. 

This photo gives you an interesting perspective of some of the energy and art that we’ve got happening here. So far all of our new visitors have felt warmly welcomed and over joyed with our enthusiasm and energy. All have been deeply inspired by our new gallery.
Here in this photo we have a clear shot of our lounging area. A place to take a breather and take in the vibe at Jacobson native art. We have children’s books, educational materials, travel mugs and limited editions on stretched canvas. 
Here’s another cool shot giving you another look at what we have in the gallery. Beautiful shirts with incredible First Nations art and designs being offered. We have an eclectic selection we believe and offer a variety of interesting and incredible art pieces. 
Here is room 2 of the gallery studio space. We have 25 foot ceilings and mega space to create bigger works of art. We have a lot of room for workshops, fellow artists in our community to come and hang out and just paint. I love it...it feels so awesome and exciting.
Once again here’s another section of this incredible space. With dozens of paintings on the go and all of them in various stages, it truly gives the onlooker a real sense of what an actual working studio and gallery space feels like. 
We are absolutely delighted to be bringing such cultural depth and light to the Kootenay region. At this level, it’s never been done out here before. I’m the first. I feel so honoured to be spearheading such an amazing force in regards to our spiritual energy and power. 
Here’s the staircase and another viewpoint of the space, room 2. Room 3 above is a spot for the antique lovers of the world. We wanted to have a little something for the soul travellers out here. I’ve always loved antiques and weird odds and ends as I like to call that. 
This is another angle from above at the top of the staircase. Just to give some size in space and perspective. The feeling is one of warmth, creativity and spiritual energy. Our passion comes from within and our vision is to connect each and everyone who comes through our gallery. Culture is the foundation. Spirit is the guiding light.
The amount of energy we have put out over the last 30 days has been absolutely transformative. We are here. We are open and ready to serve each and everyone with the highest principles of love, hope, faith and creativity. It has been an exciting ride so far and every day is a new experience meeting so many incredible souls who are embracing our new vision and dream. 

To share the brilliance of our culture through art, ceremony and spirit. I’ll continue to upload new stories and articles as we trudge the road of a happy destiny. Until then, enjoy the photos and I hope to see you come by and make the effort to come out  and find me...

All my relations, MAJ

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

We did it. Our new art gallery and studio is open and ready for the world here @ Jacobson native art

A beautiful good morning to each and everyone. I have exciting news to share with you. It’s finally happened and we are here deep in the Kootenay mountains opening up our very own First Nations art gallery and studio. It literally is a dream come true. I feel so happy and joyful. It’s been a vision of mine for quite some time and now, we are here. 
Pictured above here is our Golden eagle which will welcome every single soul who enters our creative temple. It is an honour to be able to share our culture and art with the world. Our passion and enthusiasm is off the charts. Everyone is getting excited for our grand opening this coming Saturday. 

This is room one of three that we are building. This section will house some original art in paintings, carvings, masks, limited edition prints on canvas and various products through my publisher at native northwest. I’ll have a smudging ceremony section as well where fellow souls can receive some help and guidance. 

This 3rd photo showcases where much of the purchasing business will be handled. The atmosphere is deeply spiritual and filled with authentic indigenous art and culture throughout our studio grounds. Our mission and desire is to share our wealth of spirit and that knowledge with each and everyone. This will be a major cultural experience where all are welcome. 

Here in this 4th photo is another example and perspective of our gallery. We will be having a sacred fire pit behind the gallery space with a full on tipi experience with an outdoor art studio. We are also building our sweatlodge and will have that up and running in a couple weeks. It’s been super busy getting ourselves  organized and ready for our launch. Every day is absolutely worth it in every way. I’m so grateful for this amazing opportunity. 
Here’s another shot giving you a view of our room one experience. We have a wood stove here as well to help us keep warm when the seasons change. My partner Johnny and his wife are absolutely stoked. Our connection is deeply spiritual and filled with daily fun and laughter. It’s truly healing how we all share and communicate with one another. It’s so refreshing for my soul as well. 

We even have some Norval Morrisseau art to share with our new friends, clients and collectors from around the world. We will offer sound education and advice when dealing in woodland art. Our love and passion for our culture and art is the foundation stone of this vision. We are here to share our light with all of you. 

Here is the entry to our gallery space. It’s a big sliding wooden door being protected by the eagle staff hanging above. This is a unity staff which will be shared with all my relations. That is the vision and the gift that I was given regarding the development of this space. The ancestors and our residential school children want me to share my medicine with the world. And so....I shall. 

What an absolute blast we’ve been having on our new journey. The excitement and anticipation is so much fun. I really am beginning to feel at home here in these mountains. I love it here so much. I get to wake up right in the heart of Mother Earth each and everyday. The blessings are in manifestation and this dream is now a reality. I am so thankful and honoured to be Anishanabe. To be a voice for my culture, the spirits of creation and our Mother Earth. To walk in beauty once again...

More information and photos to come. I’ll update you all as I continue to explore this new vision with various experiences and new stories. I wish you all a wonderful new day and thank you for being a part of my life, art and journey. All my relations, MAJ