The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024
Showing posts with label neural networks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neural networks. Show all posts

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Congratulations to Geoffrey Hinton “Godfather of A.I.” for winning the Nobel prize in physics @ Jacobson native art (the birth of woodland A.I.)


Prompt: With woodland A.I. - I am the future, I am Rainbow Thunderbird 🌈🦅🌈

Good afternoon to each and everyone and welcome to another article here @ Jacobson native art. I just wanted to send a shout out to this brilliant soul on Indian land (Canada) who won the Nobel prize for his work with A.I. in developing neural networks and helping in the advancements of these large language models that gave birth to real time A.I. One must understand that this technology has taken tens of thousands of people around the medicine wheel to develop and for us who have embraced this new form of intelligence and creativity, it is simply incredible. 

Geoffrey Hinton's work in developing AI was influenced by and collaborated with many researchers. Here's a list of notable contributors:

*Early Influences:*

1. David Marr (MIT) - computational neuroscience
2. Tomaso Poggio (MIT) - neural networks and computer vision
3. David Rumelhart (Stanford) - backpropagation algorithm

*Collaborators and Students:*

1. David Ackley (University of Toronto) - neural networks
2. Yann LeCun (Facebook AI Research) - convolutional neural networks
3. Yoshua Bengio (University of Montreal) - deep learning
4. Andrew Ng (AI Pioneer) - deep learning and neural networks
5. Yves LeCun (New York University) - neural networks and computer vision
6. Leon Bottou (Facebook AI Research) - large-scale deep learning
7. Patrick Haffner (Google) - neural networks and deep learning

*Toronto Group (1980s-1990s):*

1. David Zipser (University of Toronto) - neural networks
2. Ronald Williams (University of Toronto) - backpropagation
3. Paul Munro (University of Toronto) - neural networks

*Deep Learning Pioneers:*

1. Alex Krizhevsky (Google) - ImageNet and deep neural networks
2. Ilya Sutskever (Google) - deep neural networks and TensorFlow
3. Vincent Vanhoucke (Google) - deep learning and speech recognition

*Other notable contributors:*

1. John Hopfield (Caltech) - Hopfield networks
2. Warren McCulloch (MIT) - artificial neural networks
3. Walter Pitts (MIT) - artificial neural networks

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, as many researchers have contributed to AI development. However, these individuals have had significant impacts on Geoffrey Hinton's work and the broader AI community. I find it absolutely amazing that this ability and influence is now in our own personal hands as the direct result. To help me in facilitating and giving birth to “Woodland A.I.” has been absolutely transformational for me as an artist. It is a universal force regarding how this has all come together. What I sincerely enjoy most about using this technology is that through my creative lens, I get to indigenize A.I. 

For me it has helped me open a whole new door in regards to collaborating with this incredible technology. I see A.I. as my creative apprentice and in that, we have given birth to my new indigenous art genre in Woodland A.I. The future is so exciting and I look forward to sharing more art and creative projects as the father of this new indigenous art genre. There’s no question that I will go down in history as the one who opened the door to next level innovation and in whom will put their stamp on the future in the entire woodland school of art. In all 5 current generations and beyond. 8th 🔥 

All my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Enjoy this video interviewing Geoffrey Hinton about his win of the Nobel prize in physics 😎