The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024
Showing posts with label 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2017. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Let me share with you about the greatest day of my life here @ Jacobson native art


Photo taken Dec. 1st, 2017 @ Kootenay lake hospital in Nelson BC. (Sagein is 2 hours old) 

Good evening to each and everyone and here’s to a healthy and strong new year as we continue to trudge this road of happy destiny. For those who know having a child is reality bending and changing on every level you can think of. The most profound journey any soul can go through. It’s our true purpose. Our son Sagein Wisdom is all of that and more. As I have stated several times throughout many of my articles, he’s the most profound teacher I’ve ever known. The pound for pound greatest champion of my heart. A true living legend that I’m super blessed to help guide and navigate with through this thing called life. Indeed it is true what they say that having a child opens up a part of your heart you never knew you had. It’s been over 6 years now with him in my life each and every day. All of it has been absolutely mind blowing and truly phenomenal on all levels. I don’t want to be anywhere else in life except right here, beside him. 

Ever since leaving Vancouver in 2017 and moving out here to the Kootenay mountains we’ve been living a beautiful and peaceful lifestyle. We live right in the heart of the mountains off Kootenay lake. Tucked away in the hidden landscapes living our dream life. I have access right outside my front door to the thresholds of Mother Earth. Grizzlies comb our backyard, cougars have trails around here. The elk and deer are plentiful and our water supply comes right from the top of the mountain where we live. We breath clean air and are not bothered by corporations or the Canadian colonial government. No cops for 2 hours atleast and we police ourselves out here. There are only 350 souls who live here. Nobody fucks around because if you do? You’ll find out. You can get shot here and there’s nobody to help you for a couple hours atleast. So you learn quickly about the responsibility of community here or your out. 
I’ve got lots of options out here and nobody really knows anything about the woodland school of art so I can fully represent the true living spirit of my culture and artform here. It’s refreshing. Also I’m one of only a hand full of Indians living here so that too is quite fresh and renewing for me as well. It affords me a lot of creative freedom and individuality as I bring a whole new creative energy with regards to what Jacobson native art is. It’s absolutely beautiful to just be myself and bring a new fresh approach to the woodland school or as my great mentor Roy Thomas would say; Anishinaabe art. With me staying true to the actual spirit of the art and perfecting the process of laying it down for future generations. Being out here as a Thunderbird spirit is where Thunderbirds like to be. In places like this. 
This is a shot of Kaslo BC and we lived there for 2 years before moving here to Crawford bay BC. I loved it there and built some strong relationships and memories of the whole region. It’s where I also confronted my generational trauma and began to process decades and decades of life experiences. Having a child will no doubt bring everything up for you as a new parent and you’ll be forced to look at yourself and your family dynamics. You will go either 2 ways. Hide and deny or face it and heal. The spiritual powers inherent in our children are astronomical. Creator like. The purity of it. Transformational. 

Pictured here: Sagein observing his painting I’m making for him. 2019 in Kaslo, BC

This whole awakening of becoming a father and sticking to the plan each and every day has profoundly changed me. All thanks to my little boy in Sagein. The most spectacular change agent I know. It’s so powerful and our bond is the best I’ve ever had. You see, I know the fuckin road maps of what it was like, what happened and what its like now. I grew up with an absentee father who struggled with the bottle his whole life. Never really made an effort when he left after around 7 years old for me. It left a hole in my soul that nothing could ever really fill. A fathers role is that important, it’s that significant. Especially for us boys. 
Title of painting: In honour of our son - Sagein Wisdom. Size: 36 x 48 inches. (Gift to him) 

So indeed the masterful levels of self reflection and the changing of the behaviours and actions from times of the past are essential. To grow and learn how to do things different and not follow those old paradigms is truly a transformational process. It is refinement and a filling of all those holes in your heart that you unfortunately had to endure and go through. That’s why I place the highest values on my son. Because no other force could do it, could get in there. The keys to my heart he was born with. Only his existence could open those doors. A failed childhood filled with major suffering and trauma leaves a lasting stain on your soul. The magic is in our children. I know this because my son shows me the way each and every day. Love, trust, safety and comfort are essential to his wellbeing. For him to fully express himself. A living dynamo of self expression. The very nature of his life to just be. Perfect little him in every single way. All of it the gift of his life, our life as father and son. My true light in this world, why every day is really the best days we've ever had. All my love to you my boy, momma and dadda love you always and forever...
All my relations MAJ - Rainbow Thunderbird πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

For those who may not know, I’ll leave you with my favourite song of all time and really is for me, my life anthem by New Order. Track is called: Everything’s gone green. 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

The Pentagon confirms that UFO’s also known as UAP”s are real. Disclosure is here...

Good afternoon to each and everyone. Last week was another pivotal move forward regarding the ufo uap phenomenon. I have been a believer for quite a while now and over the last 30 plus years I’ve experienced numerous encounters with strange moving lights, orbs dancing across the skies. I have had several different witnesses see them with me and have confirmed through these experiences that this phenomenon is legit. It’s real.

What it all means I certainly dont know, but the fact that mainstream media, the governments of the world are now getting on board with disclosure is a huge awakening, globally. They’re here. History has recorded this reality as well. Us First Nations have known about these relatives from star nation for millenniums. We are definitely in one of the most interesting times of unfoldment for our planet. 

Title of painting: Cosmic consciousness 36 x 48 inches, 2009

This video of the United States congress and the intelligence agencies getting together to have this discussion is a major step forward. Ever since the discovery and release of those ufo videos by the New York Times in 2017, this reality has greatly shifted. This has always been one of my dreams coming true regarding this disclosure. I’ve wanted this since I was a young boy seeing my first ufo around the age of 6. From there I’ve been hooked on this subject matter ever since. 

Any how enjoy this video as it gives more Information into this new awakened reality. The fact that the U.S government is confirming that this technology is a major leap forward that we haven’t seen anything like this is transformational. It excites me like no other earthly or cosmic discovery. This knowledge is the greatest knowing our human intelligence has ever come close to...we are on the cutting edge as a human species entering unchartered territory. An unknown super intelligence is upon us.

All my relations, MAJ

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The reality is we are healing from genocide, colonialism and oppression here @ Jacobson native art

Below is data report on numbers of children murdered by Canada. March, 2022
Blessings to all my relations who are brave and strong enough to wake up to these facts of our genocide as First Nations people here on our land. The tragedy is absolutely horrifying and unbearable to feel and understand on so many levels. The unyielding madness of this genocidal operation in Canada and the force and control being exercised upon us is absolutely fucking pathetic. Killing our children and building your dreams on the backs of these murdered children is beyond gross, beyond any sense of humanity.

Yet the denial of these truths continues on in how this thing called Canada all came to be. It’s so fucked. What’s even more fucked is how white Canadian settlers think that this is a natural occurrence. Conquer and destroy is their motto. White pride being heralded as the great light upon humanity. Makes me wanna barf. Ignorance of their own history and campaigns of murder upon my people. I see it in the settler. Their black abyss looking eyes. Soulless and empty...in dire need of light and healing. 

Most of them Fuckin abusers and nothing more. 

To combat this “fuckedupness“ we paint, we create, we teach and share, we sing, we drum and we dance. That’s how we fight this blackness and sickness of Canada. Guilty of crimes against humanity, selfish oppression of my people and our culture and yet still, I’m thriving and am fully alive. Fuck you to all who think otherwise. I have you and your flag of shit completely beat and mastered each and every day that I’m alive. Not only that but so does my kid, my son. He’s 4 years old and I teach him every single day about these beautiful ways in which we have as Anishanabe. He will learn about the truth behind what has happened to our people from every generation since it’s beginning. He is a direct descendant of all these murdered residential school children.

He embodies their light by being the seed they couldn’t kill, that they couldn’t destroy. Like me, his father. We shed this darkness by actually practicing our culture each and every day. We give reverence and actual living proof of experience by acknowledging these children who were taken way too soon by a corrupt and murderous nation in Canada. I can laugh at the devil right in front of his ugly clown face.

And I don’t pity you at all. Your an embarrassment. It’s really the same shit being done by Russians towards the people of Ukraine. It’s just disguised a little differently. We First Nations are world leaders in unravelling the colonizer’s lies. That’s why they hate us so much. Because from every generation since then, we remind them of their crimes, of their hate, of their lies and deceptions, of just how corrupt their society truly is when being built as it has on the truth of what they did and continue to do. Which of course is murder, crimes against humanity, stealing our land and resources and continual and perpetual oppression of us to have your white settler/Canadian immigrant way of life. 

We are still in the discovery of the truth phase when it comes to this idea of truth and reconciliation....

All my relations, MAJ

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Here at the Jacobson art studio, our boy just turned 3 years old. Happy birthday, son.


Hope all is well with each and everyone. Wishing you many blessings of love, hope, faith and charity. The  big news these days is that my son, Sagein Wisdom just turned 3 years old the other day. Oh my goodness what an absolutely divine creation he is. I have never loved someone so much as I do my boy. 

He is the most Beautiful being I’ve ever laid my eyes on. I can’t believe it, how spectacular and blown away I am by his life. These last 3 years of learning how to be a dad to him, to give him all the space and room to be his dynamic self is simply incredible. I have never loved someone so much. He’s completely changed my life. 

He’s made me better in so many ways it’s just too powerful. I am humbled and graced by his magnificence  and beauty. He’s the greatest thing to ever happen to me. It’s so profound loving a child, a gift that we are given to nurture and love each and every day. He changes me, daily. The most powerful teacher I’ve  ever met. 

Sagein, you are everything to me. You are the most incredible being I’ve ever had the privilege to meet and get to know up at this point of our journey at the marvellous age of 3. Your incredible momma Kassondra is simply the best mom I have ever seen. You are truly such a blessing. I tell you every day that you are a dream come true. Because that’s exactly what you are. I love you more than anything in the world. You are my number one. My inspiration, my best lil friend in the whole universe. 

I love being your daddy. You are the patriarch of the entire Jacobson bloodline as your grandfather, my father, Gerald Frank Jacobson was the first born son to his parents, great grandfather Yert and great grandmother Clara Jacobson. Your great grandparents on the Jacobson side of the bloodline had 14 children. 

Your great grandfather Nick Kowalow and great grandmother Victoria Oskineegish had 9 children. Your grandmother Helen Kowalow Chukra is my mother. I am her and grandpa Geralds first born son. You are my first born child and this makes you the new patriarch of our bloodline. We are mesmerized by your creativity, curiosity and incredible beingness. Happy birthday baby boy. I love you for eternity...your father, Mark Anthony Jacobson. XOXO