The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024
Showing posts with label 2023. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2023. Show all posts

Sunday, December 31, 2023

The closing out of everything 2023 here @ Jacobson native art - Happy New Years...πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ


Good evening to you all and thank you for a fascinating journey here in 2023. It’s been a heck of a ride in uncovering, discovering and recovering the truth. I’ve always believed that honesty is the best policy. Being a crooked fuck who lies in the 21st century is super weak in character. Throughout these last 20 years and being involved in uncovering the art fraud and sex crimes of Norval Morrisseau,s legacy, the filth on both sides of that Morrisseau coin, I’m happy to refocus and move on.

There’s really nothing else to say about it all and I’ve written plenty of articles on this subject matter inside and out. I think I can safely say I’ll always remain one of the worlds leading experts on this complete investigation. I feel that through courage and strength of integrity in character, I’ve exposed it all. The whole fuckin thing. I’m sure others will continue to come forward and I’ll remain to hold a watchful eye on the future of our woodland school of art. And everybody in it. From the artists to the galleries and estates, I’ll be watching. The reality is there truly is no one capable of doing so at my level of knowledge and experience. And with Lamont and the others having to face their reality, I think at this point the truth has taken me far enough in the realms of every thing Morrisseau. 

So with the illumination of Creator spirit and my unique and sovereign relationship to it, we will continue to light the way throughout the entire woodland school and the world of art. My focus will now be on expanding my blueprint in the woodland school and support those artists who desire to keep things in their fundamentals. Cultural appropriation will continue to be called out by yours truly. Truth and reconciliation is something that I’ll continue to explore and test the reality of these principles. Everything I’ve ever written here has come from the truth of my heart, my knowledge, my learning and research along with decades of experience as being a true master in this style, this art movement. Those who know fuckin know...plain and simple as that. 

Any how let’s welcome some change and fresh new energy as we welcome the new year of 2024. A special Miigwetch to each and everyone of you...even my enemies...All my relations...

Rainbow Thunderbird πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Enjoy this track by Tal Fussman titled: It was misunderstood (How I feel about 2023) 

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Showcasing new products and designs for Winter & Spring 2023/2024 @ Jacobson native art



Good evening to each and everyone and welcome to Jacobson native art. We are proud to announce our new line of beautiful designs and products in partnership with my amazing friend and soul brother in Luc @ Littlegiant productions here in the Kootenay mountains of B.C. We are a family run enterprise in the spirit of truth and reconciliation. Both of our families are First Nations and it is an honour to partner together building a multi generational partnership. For our children’s children and so on...

All links to the products are posted to their respective image. We thank you for your love, appreciation and solidarity. We walk in truth and authenticity. We believe in sharing the transformational powers inherent in my art and protecting the integrity of our culture for future generations. We also both believe in fine quality products stamped in a uniqueness that is highly present in our connection to the spirit and business of our art. So feel free to have a look at these amazing new releases. Miigwetch and all my relations, MAJ


Friday, December 1, 2023

Happy birthday to my son Sagein Wisdom today, may you have many more....happy birthdays ❤️


Today is a special day. It’s my sons 6th birthday today and we are honoured and so grateful for the love and beauty he carries every single day into our lives, our hearts. He is indeed the most precious and phenomenal teacher I have ever known. Such a dynamic soul who shows me so many gifts of his existence and pure beingness. Truly he is the only one who has been able to simply move mountains in my heart. It’s the greatest love I’ve ever known. 

These photos were taken of us being up the Kootenay mountains about 50 km’s deep. He wanted to build a snowman up here and so we went on a magical cruise through these magnificent mountains. These really are the most amazing and brilliant times of my life. Showing up and being present in his life each and everyday is definitely the greatest times of my life. He is such a happy and playful boy. His energy is such a gift and I’m so grateful to be his dadda. I love you son with all my heart and I look forward to us continuing to grow together each and every day. Life with you is so profound...

Love always, Dadda

Medicine way, grandfather peyote continues to show the way. Happy birthday son ❤️

Sunday, November 26, 2023

The reality is: The mantle of The woodland school of art sits right here with my son and I @ Jacobson native art

Good evening and once again welcome to where the heartbeat of truth and reconciliation is regarding my experience and understanding of the process so far. As someone who has made myself whole and one, I see things from both my white side and the Indian in me. I’m much more powerful than most. Because I see with 2 sides of my heart. This is why it’s super difficult and challenging to lie to me. To manipulate me. To deceive me. I am spirit. I am connected to Creator in such a way that I’m able to pierce through the lies and deceptions because my soul is aligned. 

And so it is when one is able to see things as Creator does. Honest, in its pure situation and reality. I feel this way as a true guardian of the entire woodland school of art and the current 5 generations of artists. There is no one at my level in the entire knowing of hundreds of artists throughout the woodland school. I am truly the only one who knows and has worked with hundreds from  the first generation of artists to the current new ones beginning to blossom in our 5th generation. There are no academics or historical researchers who even come close. That’s my strength and power through direct experiences. Not even anything or anyone Morrisseau can claim that. I’m the key who sees them all. And that is direct from Creator spirit. It’s the knowledge and the experience. It’s unfuckable. 

My sovereignty as Anishanabe supersedes anything colonial including anything Canadian. It’s our law, Creators law. I am one with that law. It’s been here for 10’s of thousands of years. Fuckin old school. That’s how I choose to roll. I speak truth. I am truth. I am an instrument of truth. Miigwetch and all my relations....MAJ 


Learning truth: πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Crown Title:  A Colonial Lie

"Most Canadians assume that somehow Canada acquired formal title to this land 150 years ago in the British North America Act, the country’s founding document. That this is not the case is clearly reflected in the fact that Canada is still desperately negotiating with hundreds of First Nations to have them surrender, once and for all, their title to the lands given to us by the Creator.

So, it is clear even today that Canada and the provinces that were created by an Act of the British Parliament in 1867 do not have any inherent authority in our territories. In the creation of the state, the lie of underlying title was passed along without much thought to the implications. Or, if the British House of Commons or Lords thought of the implications, there was a decision made at some point to try to simply disinherit the rights of our nations.

We see the continuation of these same legal lies today in the so-called British Columbia treaty process, which is clearly a sham process. It is not a treaty process. It is not dealing with the real issues of underlying title. The land claims policy of Canada works from the assumption that the title vests in the Crown and that the Indians are making a “claim” for our own lands and territories.

The British used the Doctrine of Discovery to assert authority and jurisdiction over our territories throughout Turtle Island. It was to prevent other colonizers from asserting their jurisdiction. The British Crown sent representatives across the oceans to the shore of our island. What they saw, they wanted. There was only one problem. The lands and resources were being used by our nations. In order to gain access to our territories, the British Crown enacted the Royal Proclamation of 1763 to govern the subjects. This Proclamation was for the subjects of the Crown to follow when trying to access our territories. There are three important aspects of the Royal Proclamation: 1) In order to access the lands and territories of “Indian Nations or Tribes,” there needed to be an agreement or a treaty. 2) If the Crown’s subjects were within the territories of the Indian Nations or Tribes, the Crown was obligated to remove them (they would be considered squatters). 3) Agreements or treaties would be made only if the Indians “so desired.” This makes treaties a prerequisite to the Crown’s subjects legitimately moving into the territories of Indigenous Nations.

There was a start to the treaty-making process that moved from the east going west and north; when the colonizers reached the Rocky Mountains, they stopped making treaties with our nations. Except for the treaties made on Vancouver Island and a small section of the northeastern part of what is now called British Columbia, the rest of the present province remains without the treaties that were demanded by the directives of the British Crown.

In 1972, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – which some people refer to as the World Court – issued an advisory opinion in relation to the rights of Indigenous peoples in the Western Sahara case. The Court struck down the concepts of discovery, conquest and terra nullius -lands without any people. Our nations were never discovered; we were not lost. We were not conquered. Our territories were not terra nullius – the ICJ directed that there needed to be a treaty prior to entering into their territory. British Columbia and large areas of Canada did not have treaties with the colonizers. Instead, Canada tries to manipulate the treaty process. The policies leave our nations in debt as our small underfunded communities need to borrow money to have the resources to negotiate with Canada. The irony of the whole process is not lost on our old people – “Why are we borrowing money to talk about our lands?” Then, there are the non-ending unilateral decisions by Canada while it changes the non-ending policies and directives. Canada makes no attempt to have a true treaty relationship based on trust and good faith. It is one-sided. It is also contrary to the United Nations’ directives.

This was clear in Canada’s creation of the federal Comprehensive Land Claims Policy in 1986. This is a policy. It is not a law. It is not based on the elements of the Royal Proclamation of 1763. Canada continues to seek certainty largely through a de facto extinguishment of Aboriginal title. Most of the recent settlements contain a clause: “This Agreement constitutes the full and final settlement in respect of the aboriginal rights, including aboriginal title, in Canada of X First Nation.” If our nations did not have title, why does the state spend so much money and time to get the nations to sign off on the extinguishment clauses of a claims settlement?

There is no attempt by Canada to seek co-existence as set out in the Royal Proclamation, which recognized our nations and tribes as having ownership to our lands and the need for a treaty to access them. What is so hard to understand? Ownership would eliminate poverty. It would raise up our nations to their rightful place in the family of nations. Clearly, the state of Canada has a vested interest in maintaining the lie."

Sharon Venne

Enjoy this track by Blanka Barbara featuring Amber Long titled: Epiphany 

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Be warned: The Norval Morrisseau estate is not telling you the truth


Good afternoon and welcome to Jacobson native art. I appreciate all the support and solidarity over these last few months. Exposing Norval Morrisseau and that spiritually bankrupt estate has been and continues to be a massive honour for me. Same can be said of holding ol Buffy Sainte-Marie to the light as well and seeing just how deep her lies and deceptions are. For both of them are guilty of lying to the public for decades. Lies, lies and even more lies is the reality here. It is truly a cultural abomination holding up historic sexual abusers and fake pretendians as cultural icons. It’s wrong to carry on with these lies from one generation to the next. 

Holding these people accountable is what is needed. Not spreading more falsehoods and misinformation throughout the present and future for us Anishanabe and countless others who simply don’t know the extent of the truths around this. I am definitely one of the worlds leading experts on Morrisseau and the woodland school of art. I know all the players on both sides of the coin. And believe me both sides are guilty of deceptions and falsehoods. It’s why I left the investigation and everyone who was involved. Because I simply started seeing it as it truly is. 

Take for example the estate of Norval Morrisseau posting about their beloved criminal mastermind in Christian Morrisseau, one of the children who was heavily involved in manufacturing, distribution and sales of fake Norval Morrisseau paintings. He painted hundreds of fakes himself, worked with Jim white of white distribution who is currently charged in the art fraud by OPP and the Thunder Bay police. He owed tens of thousands of dollars to people and never took care of any of this before he died. He died a forger of his fathers bullshit art and he was simply a fraud, not a genius at all. A criminal. That is the truth of his legacy. A mediocre artist who sold his soul for the all mighty dollar. That’s the truth of his so-called weak legacy of betrayal, dishonesty and disgrace. He fucked over just about everybody he met. It’s nothing to celebrate or even be proud of. He died a liar and a broken man. 

Again the estate of Norval Morrisseau is still in a place of sorting out all the criminal behaviour that has happened over the last 30 plus years of these forgeries and fakes. Here they are posting last week about Buffy Sainte-Marie being a cultural hero, that they look forward to working with their great sister in the future and to make the world a better place....lol. Sick isn’t it? Many people need to realize that the current ceo of the estate in Cory ding dong Dingle doesn’t know what the fuck he is actually talking about. He’s a white guy who thinks it’s his duty to regurgitate Morrisseau one liners and to fit everyone into one fish bowl so to speak. Never mind taking into account the reality that both Buffy Sainte-Marie and Norval Morrisseau lied for generations to the entire world. It’s pathetic and it will be corrected. Even this poor art student of Morrisseau who gifted Buffy that painting you see with her in the above photo. Even this sick bird can’t face the truth. These people want you to believe that loving these fraudsters is where it’s at. Never mind the reality of the truth. Let’s just make it up as we go along.....wrong. 

It is my responsibility to share the truth with all my readers, collectors and fans. Many are in the dark because those with platforms are willing to lie to each and everyone of you, for your money. They live in denial of the truth. They only want you to see their version of the facts. So they willingly lie to protect the money and those investments. It’s absolutely disgraceful. You have to be diligent in finding the real story and that is one of my greatest strengths is that I’m willing to do that, to do the research and tell it as it is. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. That’s what separates me from them. I don’t give a shit about the money, the wealth, the lies and  illusions that they are willing to tell you. I have no financial interests with any of these people. They are scumbags and I’m willing to shine the light on all of this. To protect the future generations of children being born into this world. To help protect you from these lies. From the scam. 

I would advise all of you to watch this documentary done by the 5th estate that came out a few days ago. It’s a compelling investigation into the very nature of being a fraud, a liar for generations and this is what the world of Norval Morrisseau is. It is a scam, a lie, a false narrative being invented to manipulate you, the art buying public. Be aware that not everyone in the art scene is telling you the truth. Many have hidden agendas, to keep you in the dark. To carry on the fraud....all my relations, MAJ

THE VIDEO from CBC’ s the 5th estate. Exposing Buffy Sainte-Marie as a fraud. A pretendian for over 60 years. Norval Morrisseau is next on the chopping block...

Monday, October 30, 2023

Artists like Buffy Saint Marie and Norval Morrisseau are liars, they conned generations of people


Good afternoon and here’s to discovering more truth about the lies concerning both the pretendian Buffy Sainte-Marie and the historic sexual abuser in Norval Morrisseau. Both a national disgrace. Who is the real Buffy Sainte-Marie? Well now we know. She was an Italian woman who for over 60 years pretended to be indigenous. She had the whole world fooled. She achieved international fame by being one of the most pathological liars in history. It’s absolutely gross if you ask me. All the awards? The grants? The Canadian government giving them accolades. Canadian media celebrating both her and Norval as icons. The Order of Canada recipient just like Morrisseau, Wow huh? Lol...

Foolish to buy into this. This is one of the main reasons why I have bowed out of the colonial way of life, Why I have chosen to live deep in the mountains and to live a solitary lifestyle. To be close to nature spirit and the animals that inhabit this beautiful spirit of Mother Earth. The colonial system is absolutely fuckin weak, Soulless, Cultureless and empty. Starving for the very cultural fabric it has been stealing from us First Nations since contact. The levels of betrayal, mistrust, lies and deceptions is simply over the top. Too challenging for most to deal with and face. It is the very plan and outline of colonialism, to keep you in the dark. To make it up as they go along. To oppress and take what is ours for their own selfish benefit. 

Times are indeed changing. The great awakening is upon us. The real spirit of truth and reconciliation is a spiritual force. The souls of all of us who have been gravely affected by these acts of genocide, crimes against humanity and the effects of residential schools is a testament to our strengths and perseverance. There are still so many who cannot get over this reality. They are stuck in the grips of this pain or are in total denial. They cannot bring themselves to the truth. They are afraid to step up because many are so dependent on this colonial system. They are afraid to lose the money, the fame, the notoriety and success. So they remain silent out of fear to rock that boat of comfort, of success. 

 I will continue to choose to rock the boat and I will continue to stand for truth in a time when this colonial world loves the lie. I will stand for justice because I know it’s the right thing to do. I will raise my voice and speak up on affairs I think are of national importance for the people of today and the souls of tomorrow. You know, I feel sorry for artists who live a life of half truths. Who hide behind the shine of the dollar. Who they themselves prefer the deceptions. They can’t even admit when their wrong it’s that bad. They have their own head up their own ass. Just like Norval and Buffy. 

Artists like Jackie Traverse and Blake Angeconeb both in whom I’ve tried to help along who ended up betraying me with their stupidity. Ignorant little farts in the wind. Both ignorant of the truth. Take for example Jackie who thinks only the historic sexual predator and child sex abuser in Norval Morrisseau should only be painting woodland style. Never mind who inspired him and where he took from like his predecessors in those who first created the pictographs, the birch bark scrolls etc. She is a major disappointment. An angry, bitter and jealous female native artist who decided to take a stand against me because I speak the truth. She’s done absolutely zero investigations into the cultural fabric of our woodland school. It’s embarrassing really. Good riddance. And the same can be said of Flake Angeconeb who chose to go the root of colonialism and not the true way of authentic apprenticeship. 

You can plainly see it in his lack of knowledge in the art form and the animal clan teachings. It’s mostly  stolen ideas from others and a mishmash of colonial concepts such as cartoons and tv programs. Even still with the news of the Morrisseau sexual abuse Scandal and now about Buffy Sainte-Marie being a pretendian. A fake, a scam and he says and does absolutely nothing. Too afraid to do any real meaningful research artists like these are shadow artists. Shadow people. Afraid of the real truth and light that separates the truth from the lie. Cowards. Weak, sell outs. All for the money. For the white mans path to success.

 That is not the spirit of woodland art. Even artists like my mentor in Roy Thomas, his friends in Saul Williams and Gelineau Fisher knew to stay away from Morrisseau. They knew he was a complete douche bag and was an abuser of young boys and young men. Discoveries I recently learned investigating these sex abuse claims. That is where the truth is. In legends like this who knew what I know. What I am now choosing to share and expose to the world. More importantly for the future. For woodland school artists who’ll find me and say: chi-miigwetch for telling the truth. For setting the record straight. For future generations....

All my relations, MAJ

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

In dealing with sick and twisted sexual abusers like Norval Morrisseau? This is how it’s done


Being out here deep in the vast wilderness of the Kootenay mountains has taught me so much about self reliance and independence. I am certainly not afraid to be out here by myself. These last 6 years out here have built my character and sharpened by daily awareness about life and survival in some of the worlds most harshest climates. City life is for wimps. You have to truly abandon yourself and your philosophy of the good and bad because nature itself simply doesn’t give a fuck. That’s why I love her so much. Man is nothing out here but a whimper in the grand scheme of things. Nature spirit is king alpha out here. The more time I spend with her alone, the clearer I get. And so it is with sharing these truths around our new knowledge of Morrisseau and the entire sickness of that grotesque estate. 

In the spirit of truth and reconciliation everything in this moment of time is being turned upside down. The hunger for real truth and transformation is upon us. We are moving into a deeper knowing and knowledge. It is how this reality works. The world of lies and deceptions is crumbling all around us. The light of truth is illuminating many uncomfortable facts in this generation. Our ability to share and access information is perhaps the greatest it’s ever been in human history. From one generation to the next there are those of us who have had it with the bullshit, the lies and scams that keep hard truths in the realms of secrecy. We are tired of the old paradigms. Slowly we are waking up to the facts that colonialism is the weapon against us, all of us both indigenous and non native alike. 

We have so much work to do in being brave enough to break away from those things that cause the bondage of self. The hunger for money, property and prestige. The desire to run over and control, to cheat and manipulate. To oppress others for their own selfish gain. To hide the truth because of whatever that hidden agenda may be, most of the time it’s money. Once you see that? The rest is usually pretty easy to see and become enlightened to. Truth is like that. You can depend on it. It’s a real force in life. It guides the way. It illuminates and exposes what is hidden in the darkness. 

The exact same principles have been applied and have exposed the sick and twisted reality of the historic sexual abuser in Norval Morrisseau. A man who abandoned his children to chase the white mans dream of sex drugs and rock n roll. Art fame in good ol colonized Canada, his chief abuser and manipulator. The church and the abuse that happened there only fed his inner perversions and he too fell into the warped reality of being an abuser. An abuser of children which is really the fuckin worst. He even sexually abused his own son. What the fuck? I don’t know what kind of reality these Morrisseau followers and those in the estate are thinking but in the larger world around your stupid and fake bubble? 

Sexual abusers get bricks shoved down their fuckin throats. In prison they get their throats slit. Most of them get either stabbed, shot and killed. That’s what happens to sexual predators. Morrisseau is no fuckin different. A father who sexually abuses his own child is the absolute fuckin worst. You people are beyond disgusting. It’s so warped and fucked up that history is correcting it. The present forces are indeed correcting it. The future is correcting it. Those like the estate of Morrisseau have been the most spiritually bankrupt people I have ever met. So blocked off from the sunlight of the spirit, their only reality becomes that of maintaining the lie, the delusion because they simply cannot handle the very nature of this truth. 

They are in such a dark abyss of denial that the truth becomes too much to bare. Think of this whole police investigation? Think of the Ontario superior court saying that the fake Morrisseau paintings were actually real? Think of all those people who vouched for the fake paintings? Even his own children and family signed sworn statements that the fakes, the black drybrush were all real? Legal experts saying the fakes were real? Dozens and dozens of galleries and auction houses all vying for their stakes in the fakes?

Holy fuckin shit is right. 

Even worse than that? This current police investigation into the criminal enterprise of the fakes and not even knowing that they were actually bringing some sort of justice to the pedophile artist and sexual child abuser in Norval Morrisseau. Imagine that? Holy fuckin christ is right. That is the reality going on here. This is what has been found and discovered regarding the legacy of Norval Morrisseau. 

You know, it’s crazy shit, no doubt. A destroyer of delusions is exactly what this truth is. There’s no way of getting around it. The witnesses and survivors have spoken. More will be revealed. The truth is being shared and many more people have personally contacted me to congratulate me on my strength and courage. To tell it as it is. No motive except for the truth. This is what sets me apart from a multitude of opinions. I am living this truth. I am in it. I see. 

I will continue to share the truth of my story. There is so much power in being genuine and honest. I am grateful to the spirit of my Creator who continues to show me the way. For our children and for those like my son, an innocent boy who has all my confidence and trust in the world and I having his. Daddy always loves you and will be here for you to protect you each and every day. The way a real father does....

All my relations, MAJ 

P.S: Watch this video. This is how fathers protect their children from sexual predators and abusers. Get a fuckin life Morrisseau estate. 

Saturday, September 30, 2023

In the real spirit of truth and reconciliation: Norval Morrisseau was, is and will always be a sexual abuser of children


Today is national truth and reconciliation day. It’s something I don’t celebrate and actually don’t have a lot of faith in. The depth of indoctrination and denial is so bad that most First Nations and Canadians are beyond repair because of the multi generational ongoing acts of genocide,  trauma and lies caused by colonialism. It’s absolutely fuckin gross. Multi layered and so bent that there is very little hope of anyone actually turning this thing around. The colonizer has raped, murdered and destroyed generations of indigenous people. For what? For what we have. They’ve built their dreams, lives and goals all on the dead bodies of our children. Piling up their new found wealth on stolen Indian land. Buying their homes, properties and businesses through fake titles sold to them all by criminal Canada, the crown and the banks. All of it are actually active and ongoing crime scenes. Again, it’s fuckin gross. 

Same thing can be said of that fake bullshit white colonized world of their sexual predator and filthy sex shaman in Norval Morrisseau. A national disgrace. Sexually abusing his own son, little boys who were 8 years old. Young teens and young men. White man in complete denial. Can’t accept it. Can’t come to terms with it because of the money and truly that’s the only reason why. Scum bags like Gabe Vadas should pack his fuckin bags and go back home to Hungary. People like you are not wanted here. You types are part of the ongoing problem in Indian country. You are not welcome here on our lands, on my land. Same can be said of that idiot ceo in ding dong Dingle. You are a fuckin disgrace white boy. You look so fuckin stupid pimping out your sexual abusers in Nob, Norb Norval Morrisseau and that predator and enabler in Gabe Vadas trying to save face by living your pathetic white life in complete denial of the truth. 

It’s embarrassing to say the least. Same goes for all you idiot fucks in academia, the government, your institutions, your schools, the media, your meaningless positions in society, lawyers, cops, judges, politicians, your religion. All of it a big gigantic shit stain on the cultural fabric of this whore of a fake country and fake identity as so-called Canadians. Even the majority of Indians who have been baptized by their abuser in colonial Canada. Sold out chiefs, twisted so-called elders, wanna be gangster Indians who try to be black. The whole thing is beyond hope. It’s fucked. Permanently. 

This is why we’ll need a whole new approach. This one we all currently live in is fucked. It’s broken. It’s destroyed. It’s an unworkable system designed by historic white colonial idiots who thought their way was the right way. Finding your way through this isn’t easy. I’ll be the first one to tell you that. The scam is so large, it’s so big that it’s simply too late to save this old beast. She’s dying. Slowly but it’s dying. My hope is in the long away future of an unknown and undreamt reality. My only real hope is there. I get glimpses of this future in my son, in the children who are being taught the real truth of colonialism. Somewhere in their hearts are the seeds. The insanity of all of this is a horrible reality to bare. My sanity is in being alone in the pure spirit of Mother Earth. Only there do I find my healing, my wellness, my true connection. 

Any how I must continue on in this fuckin madness of humanity. The more I learn the more I see. Some good, but most of it ugly truths. It is my super power I would suppose. Seeing it as it truly is. Eyes wide open...

No question about it though, when it comes to this truth and reconciliation we are most definitely still, in a period of discovering the truth phase. All my relations I suppose...MAJ

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Celebrating my birthday today and some recent success @ Jacobson native art


Good afternoon to each and everyone. Thank you for all the recent support and love over these last few months. The journey has been eye opening for many and the truth of what I’ve been investigating concerning the historic sex crimes of Morrisseau and those around his legacy has been permanently transformational. There is no going back to pretend land. Holding up sexual abusers as cultural icons and hero’s is over. It’s done. It’s finished. The delusion has been smashed. Now it’s in the hands of time. I’ll have more to say around these revelations but today is my birthday so let’s explore some good that I’m grateful to be apart of.

The above image is a screenshot from quilts for survivors which last week broke over 50K in likes, loves and support. It makes me feel very proud that my art can be used in such a healing and comforting process. I’m a 60’s scoop survivor myself and many in my indigenous family bloodlines are survivors of residential schools. So with my fabric line called: Healing waters, to see the positive effects being shared for these kinds of initiatives warms my heart and soul. It’s the whole reason why I decided to work with northcott fabrics. To let people from all walks of life have the opportunity to work with my designs. 

This second image here is a sneak peek of my second Fabric line coming out in 2024 titled: Sacred Earth. This will also be a major success as the results from Healing waters was incredible. I aim to be very selective in how my work is both shared and represented. I’m not a big fan of whoring out my life’s work to greedy and selfish organizations or corporations that have nothing to do with really supporting us First Nations. It’s weak to do that and embarrassing really. I pride myself on being hard to find and hard to get. I prefer small limited edition runs and exclusive collections. It’s not about being famous and in everyone’s homes or businesses etc. Same can be said of the institutions. I don’t care about that. 

I recently have partnered with a friend to handle my printing, my clothing line and other publishing goals regarding new exclusive designs and products. It’s exciting because first of all, he’s a genuine friend, a new found brother in life. I trust him, he trusts me. We are upfront and honest about everything. No secrets, no hidden agendas and no bullshit. I run my legacy and thank goodness it’s not in the hands of others who are non native. This is absolutely 100% an Anishanabe run business and artistic legacy. We Indians here @ Jacobson native art control our spaces, our voice, our platform. It’s authentic in every possible manner and should be this way for any others out there. This is how reconciliation moves forward for us. Support from our non indigenous friends and ally’s should understand that. To be authentically First Nations? It should be run by First Nations. Plain and simple as that. 

Any how I am having a fantastic day and it’s a beautiful birthday hanging out with my family and my little boy who is the greatest birthday gift a father could ever have. With all the best love I could ever receive I’m happy that life is moving forward one day at a time. The joy of living and the spiritual power of multiple awakenings and transformations has me continually seeking the will of the Great Spirit each and every day. Chi-miigwetch and all my relations, MAJ

Enjoy this newly discovered track which truly resonates for me about the power of truth and transformation. It’s by Robert Babicz titled: Human forest. It’s simply magnificent 😎

Friday, August 18, 2023

What an honour to heal and light my Norval Morrisseau collection on fire...πŸ”₯

The word is spreading  like wildfire and many have now seen my Facebook video of lighting my sexual abuser Norval Morrisseau collection on fire. What a privilege and honour to step up and expose this disgusting abuser of young children, young boys and young men. Along with that spiritually bankrupt co conspiring sex abuser in Gabe Vadas. The false narrative sharing that he was norvals adopted son. But it ain’t true because as I’ve stated why would an adopted father have sex with his adopted son?

Exactly. The whole Morrisseau world is one big gigantic scam. For decades these were the stories that many had hoped would never see the light of day. Until now of course. Which is obviously the right thing and was the right timing to do. With all these high profile sexual abusers getting exposed worldwide, it was only a matter of time that these heinous crimes would be exposed. Now seeing the light of day. Reflecting after this whole experience over the last while on why I have forever turned my back on Morrisseau, you can easily see and understand why. It was because these 2 fuckin douche bags needed to be exposed. 

For me I can see as to why this guys legacy has had such karmic problems and issues. It truly is the most dysfunctional thing I have ever seen and witnessed. His own children betraying him, his brothers and cousins and nephews. It all stems from this reality. That hidden from the public and the institutions across Canada and beyond? Was  this. A chronic sick fuck who manipulated and imposed his sick will on others. Feeding his sexual impulses and carrying out his darkest wishes. A real Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde.

This picture truly reminds me of all those around the art and legacy of Norval Morrisseau feasting off the dead pedophile corpse of their sex shaman, copper thunderbird. A national disgrace. It’s really that fuckin ugly and pathetic. All of them holding on to the lie attaching their names and reputations to this sick and twisted reality. Dealing with their own delusional belief systems. But now things are changing. The amount of support and solidarity that I have encountered is off the charts. Many coming forward through PM on Facebook etc sharing their personal accounts with me. Congratulating me for having the courage to step forward and share my story, my truth of everything that happened. I’ll leave you with a link to the 12 minute video and once again an honour to come forward and be one of the first in native art history to do this. To say no to these predators and to expose them for the sick fucks they are. From this point forward these truths will change the world. All my relations, MAJ

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Today is the day I share all my evidence about Norval Morrisseau and Gabe Vadas being sexual abusers


First of all I want to thank my Creator for giving me the strength and power to investigate these historic sex crimes and abuses that were perpetrated by Norval Morrisseau and his sexual deviant and corrupted so-called adopted son in Gabe Vadas. This story has been a very difficult one to confront, expose and bring light to. It’s embarrassing and humiliating that I too have been a victim. I am a heterosexual man. I’ve never had a gay experience in my entire life and from as far back as I can remember, I was never sexually abused as a child. 

There are many layers that I’m going to share and expose because first and foremost, the truth is what is most important. I have been seeking through “Spirit” what would be the right way to go about this and that presents a challenge because it means I’ll have to give names and share all the facts and evidence that was presented to me. I know that some will be offended by that but it is the very nature of being a investigative reporter on this subject matter. The future generations of our children need to know what happened and how. History needs to be corrected and told from the lense of truth. Propping up sexual abusers like Morrisseau and those around him and like him is disgusting. I will not tolerate these lies and falsehoods in a society both indigenous and non native alike that continue to perpetuate such a delusion. It will be smashed. The truth of everything I know and have learned will see the light as of today. I stand by every word. I believe that change starts with me so here is my story...

As many of you know I have always been a truth teller and have championed the causes of fighting for the broken, the weak, the aspects of society where those who wander feeling displaced, indifferent and lost almost destroyed as human beings. Like me, many can find their way out. We can survive and heal and become instruments of that healing. When I began investigating these accusations and accounts I simply couldn’t believe it. I was shocked. I am still in a state of shock. It bothers me so much that no matter what anyone may have to say about it, I have to tell the truth. I have to set the record straight because both history and the future are counting on me. 

I feel like this is my destiny regarding this story and finally putting to rest the debate that I’ve been struggling with as to whether to do so....or not. Today this has now changed. I buried this sick and dark event for over 17 years now. Trying to do some good regarding my involvement in helping to save Norval Morrisseau’s legacy was perhaps the perfect distraction for me burying this truth. When that painting showed up I posted in the second photo here on my doorstep just around 6 months ago? I knew that the Creator was trying to get my attention. The title of this is called: Norval and Gabe. It was a very deep synchronized event. I live deep in the Kootenay mountains with a population of 350 souls. This painting showed up in my house for a week. There were 2 things that came to me about it. One was could this be about reconciliation with the Norval Morrisseau estate? Or could this be about me now addressing what happened to me in 2006 while visiting Norval and Gabe in Nanaimo? 

The reality is that before there can be reconciliation? The truth must be told. The truth then must be processed and shared. The results will be what they will be. That’s the freeing part of telling the truth. The reconciliation part is my own healing and that of the healing of others. And for me? This is why I have struggled with pretty much everything and everyone around the estate of Norval Morrisseau. In my view and knowledge they are willingly or unknowingly protecting a historic sexual abuser. And the same can be said of that dysfunctional liar in Gabe Vadas who crossed the line with me in 2006. I was visiting as I had so often had from 2005 to 2007, just before Norvals death. This gross and embarrassing event happened one afternoon there. I had a sore back for a few days. I mentioned this to Gabe and right away he says: Norval has healing hands. Let him touch your back. 

I turned around because I didn’t want to offend either Norval or Gabe, you know being a guest at their house and all. Next thing I know, Gabe is trying to stuff Norvals hand down my ass. I freaked out and jumped away feeling really fuckin embarrassed. I was weirded right out by that experience. Nobody had ever done that to me.  I felt really uncomfortable and in that moment I wanted to smash Gabe right in the fuckin teeth. He looked shocked by my rejection and attempted to be apologetic saying oh, sorry man...with a dazed and glossy eyed look on his face. But he knew exactly what he was doing. Predators are like that. They test to see how far they can go. It’s about power and control for these types. And this piece of shit of a human being was no different. It’s been his M.O. since being Morrisseau’s own sex doll and personal lover. We all know the stories and truth about how it really was just a coverup for the Canadian public and media regarding that false narrative they put out about Gabe being Norvals adopted son. It isn’t true because why would an adopted father have sex with his adopted son? 

Gabe Vadas himself told me this. He confessed to me one time during these visits about what it was like to get “poked by the shaman”.  His exact words. He cried to me telling me about the first time it happened to him. He mentioned these gay sex scenarios on a few occasions. That Norval was some kind of Chukachee sex shaman, again his terminology. It weirded me out and has weirded me out about him ever since. I blame Norval Morrisseau too. After that shocking experience even Norval had that weird gay sexual abuser look in his eyes, that Gabe himself had. With a weird slimy grin on his face, strapped to his wheelchair and all. Fucking degrading experience and I felt humiliated and embarrassed. And stuffed this dark and twisted event until now. For the whole world to see. To share this with all of you. For the sake of correcting history and the future. For the safety of our children, men and women and to historically  set the record straight. 

People have said a lot of misinforming things about me because of my willingness to start exposing these stories. They gossip behind my back that I have mental illness, that I’m assassinating Norval Morrisseau’s legacy, that I’m a narcissist, that I’m jealous, I’m too angry and that I don’t treat people well. That extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence? Isn’t that fuckin weird eh? How about that I’m the evidence. Im in possession of much more evidence as the direct result. I was sexually assaulted by both Norval Morrisseau and Gabe Vadas. I know because I called a few sexual assault hotlines sharing this story and every single councillor said that this is sexual abuse. That nobody has the right to sexually touch you without your consent. And that is exactly and precisely right. They had no right to do that. They crossed the line and offended me and my well-being and confidence. They took from me. It was just a moment, but a moment that has caused me ugliness and embarrassment for over 17 years now. That gross and disgusting feeling ends today. It ends forever. I’m telling this story and reclaiming my power, my dignity and sense of integrity and self respect. 

This photo was taken by Gabe sexual abuser Vadas in 2005. What was one of the most proudest moments in my career. Having a show with Norval Morrisseau. This was at the 20 year mark of my career. Now? I’ll never be proud of this ever again because of what they did to me and the others. This brings me to the next chapter of this story. The evidence of multiple victims some still alive, most of them now dead. The case for the historic sexual abuse. With real testimony and truth and I have some people to thank for being apart of this story. What really is my story. And how they have played a vital and integral part in this historic investigation.

First of all I sincerely want to thank many of you for helping me to piece together these accounts. I want to acknowledge Dr. Golden and Elder Shelly Charles for their support and sharing about the sexual abuse that happened to David Morrisseau, something that took place when David was but a child and struggled with that for his whole life. David himself confessed to this. I tried to reach out but he continues to struggle with alcohol and drug abuse all these years later. There was an out of court settlement to keep these accusations off the radar but the thing with the past is that some believe they maybe done with the past, but the past isn’t done with you. And this really rings a bell when it comes to historic sexual abusers. Because of the very nature of exposing these accounts it must be done for the greater good and whole. 

I would like to acknowledge Michael Cywink who exposed the story of Norval Morrisseau raping Brian Marion when Brian was 16 and 17 years old in Toronto Ont in the late 1970’s. Michael was in the apartment when it happened, listening to the cries of Brian telling Norval in the bedroom...no, no, no, please don’t do it, please no. Micheal told me about how shocking it was, he froze and simply didn’t know what to do. I can relate to how awkward and uncomfortable being in the vicinity of that is. I worked with several sexual assault survivors who truly are the real warriors in the movie I’m executive producer of called “There are no fakes”. It’s devastating and my heart goes out to the memory of Brian and his legacy. But what happened there is real. I trust micheal and his accounts of what took place. 

These are unfortunate truths that must be shared. There is an awful history here and like I mentioned propping up historic sexual abusers as icons, cultural hero’s and such is wrong. It’s disgusting and we need to put a stop to this. Many educators, collectors, institutions and children in schools need to be protected. Both indigenous and non indigenous alike. This is about correcting history. This photo here is of Gary Lamont and Norval Morrisseau back in the 1980’s. Lamont is a convicted.serial rapist awaiting trial yet again for several new sexual assault charges. He was recently charged 2 months ago as well for his involvement in the fraud of his sexual mentor in Norval Morrisseau. It is well known in Thunder Bay Ontario that these guys were sometimes sexual partners. It’s the underlying reason why Gary did what he did. He was jealous and felt betrayed by Norvals relationship to Gabe Vadas. It’s the elephant in the living room. The history that many have tried to deny. That Norval Morrisseau was a deviant sexual abuser of both boys and young men. Gary Lamont himself has mentioned this. I crossed paths with this bastard a couple times back in my day in Thunder Bay. Bought weed off of him but never spent much time hangin around. Gary was always a weird and fuckin slimy personality. I never trusted him. By that time I was Rollin with much bigger players in the criminal world. I was a young and crazy mother fucker when I was a kid. I was packing a gun at 16 years old selling cocaine and other designer drugs including tons of lsd. 

I loved fighting and beating the piss out of people back then. Obviously the alcohol and drug scene caught up with me much faster and by the time I was 20 years old I was strung out on 9 different physc meds and 
ended up hanging myself in prison and being dead for 7 minutes and in a coma for 5 days. So my whole life has been an uphill battle and to be where I am today is a testament to the courage and strength it takes to pull yourself out of the gutter. I believe in a better today and tomorrow because of the things I’ve confronted and conquered in my past. This story is no different. 

As one of the worlds premier woodland school artists who prides himself in being a fighter for truth and justice and seeing the broken put themselves back together again, I find it an honour to be honest and transparent  with you all. Thank you for your love, kindness and support. I appreciate all the historical accounts from Karl Burrows and David O’Connell who shared their stories of being around Gabe and Norval, the sex abuse and acquiring of young boys in boys town, young male prostitutes on the DTES of Vancouver. Where the continued abuse took place of young victims dealing with their brokenness on the streets while being victimized by both Norval Morrisseau and Gabe Vadas. I want to thank the legendary woodland painter in Saul Williams who shared on the truths of Norval Morrisseau being “shunned” from up North in our northern communities and reservations. These sex crimes were a serious issue for Norval back then and this was one of the leading reasons why he left Ontario. 

This last witness is a bit tricky for me because we recently had a falling out of his own choosing. I want it understood that he played a vital role in helping me come forward in my abuse and helped me to come to terms with that. Even though you chose to abandon me because of your own defects of character, I forgive you for that. I know your road is a challenging one as the abuse that happened to you will take a lifetime to heal. I hope this helps you with strength and courage Tom Tom Sinclair. I am sincerely grateful for the time we did share over these last 6 months. Your ability to be so open and honest with me about Norval sexually  abusing you when you were just a little boy opened that door for me to confront what happened to me. You see, I have an innocent and pure 5 year old son who walks this life beside me each and every day. Through our sharing it made me reflect that if anyone hurt my child? I’d wipe them off the face of this earth. I still stand by that today. 

I have a duty to be honest and transparent as I’ve expressed throughout this article. You telling me this story made me feel so sad but it was the event that triggered this awakening within me. For not only us to heal but for this truth to be shared as a tool for change. Mass change. Change in our communities and change in how we find our ways through, to the other side. Know that I only meant to come and be a friend. But friendship is a 2 way street young blood. You unfortunately jumped the gun and listened to coyotes who have a hidden agenda. You should’ve known better than that and this is perhaps the reason why you went astray. I shared with you in the beginning what I was about to do, being an investigative reporter and all around this. You are right and I won’t be telling your whole story. You’ll deal with that when your ready. That’s your story. But here, with this fucking disgusting truth around Morrisseau being a sexual abuser of children, young boys, young men? You are apart of my story. And no matter what, I’ll always be grateful for that. It helped to heal me. To come forward and be honest so that little boys like my son will never have to feel ashamed or embarrassed to be honest and truthful if these events ever happened to them. For me, this is about accountability and transparency. It’s the only way things really ever change. 

All my relations, MAJ - Rainbow Thunderbird πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ