The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

One of main suspects in Norval Morrisseau art fraud case (Gary Lamont in Thunder Bay) rearrested yet again for sexual assault x 2

 In another bizarre sequence of events, one of the main suspects involved in the creation, marketing and sales of fake Norval Morrisseau paintings called (the black drybrush) has just been rearrested and charged with 2 more counts of sexual assault, today. He was charged again just last week and before that, in January. It’s absolutely fuckin crazy why this piece of shit continues to get let out. He’s RAPING PEOPLE in Thunder Bay Ontario. He’s a serial rapist who cannot stop himself. 

It’s way too extreme allowing this habitual sexual predator to be rereleased into the community. Fuckin step up Thunder Bay. What is wrong with you?  Holy fuck already. Enough is enough. You guys have major energy to sort through up there. It’s really sad watching all this turmoil taking shape. It creates a real separation of trust and belief in the justice system. The racism needs to be fuckin gone from your thinking up there as well. Get it together...you all look really bad. 

This national police investigation headed by the OPP and Thunder Bay police needs to get to the finish line. It’s been far too long waiting for justice in the Norval Morrisseau art fraud investigation. It’s like being held hostage, really. I hate how long this is all taking. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after fuckin year....

I think of Morrisseau these days and I just feel exhausted and uninspired. Waiting and waiting and waiting... and in the meantime Lamont continues his raping ways sexually abusing innocent people because of the very colonial system that allows for this injustice to perpetuate itself creating yet still, more victims in the process. 

It’s a fucked up world that we all live in. Sad but true...all my relations, MAJ 

Below image is a collage of the Gary lamont inspired black drybrush fake Norval Morrisseau rape paintings. It’s fuckin gross how this shit is still peoppered all over the Internet and Canadian art scene...

Sunday, May 22, 2022

The Pentagon confirms that UFO’s also known as UAP”s are real. Disclosure is here...

Good afternoon to each and everyone. Last week was another pivotal move forward regarding the ufo uap phenomenon. I have been a believer for quite a while now and over the last 30 plus years I’ve experienced numerous encounters with strange moving lights, orbs dancing across the skies. I have had several different witnesses see them with me and have confirmed through these experiences that this phenomenon is legit. It’s real.

What it all means I certainly dont know, but the fact that mainstream media, the governments of the world are now getting on board with disclosure is a huge awakening, globally. They’re here. History has recorded this reality as well. Us First Nations have known about these relatives from star nation for millenniums. We are definitely in one of the most interesting times of unfoldment for our planet. 

Title of painting: Cosmic consciousness 36 x 48 inches, 2009

This video of the United States congress and the intelligence agencies getting together to have this discussion is a major step forward. Ever since the discovery and release of those ufo videos by the New York Times in 2017, this reality has greatly shifted. This has always been one of my dreams coming true regarding this disclosure. I’ve wanted this since I was a young boy seeing my first ufo around the age of 6. From there I’ve been hooked on this subject matter ever since. 

Any how enjoy this video as it gives more Information into this new awakened reality. The fact that the U.S government is confirming that this technology is a major leap forward that we haven’t seen anything like this is transformational. It excites me like no other earthly or cosmic discovery. This knowledge is the greatest knowing our human intelligence has ever come close to...we are on the cutting edge as a human species entering unchartered territory. An unknown super intelligence is upon us.

All my relations, MAJ

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Prince Charles admits truth and reconciliation is vital, acknowledgment of the horror of Colonial past / Gary Lamont rearrested


Good evening to each and everyone. I was going to divide these 2 articles into 2 different posts but it’s really the news of the day so I’ll post this all in one shot. First off, it’s a step in the right direction when the monarchy is piping up about the vital need to address this horror done to my people across our lands with regard to this ongoing genocide and addressing the sickness of colonialism and starting to claim responsibility for it. 

It’s a big deal. It makes me somewhat happy to see that the players responsible for this as well as that pope  are coming forward. Of course Canada itself needs to be held accountable for these crimes against humanity because that’s exactly what we are dealing with. It is a higher energy in healing to see these things taking shape. The dignity of our murdered residential school children deserve to have their justice including all of us who are alive and have been directly effected.

Our next piece of news today comes out of Thunder Bay Ont. with the fact of sexual serial rapist Gary Lamont being re arrested yet again, for sexual assault. This is just fuckin mind blowing how Canadian colonial law continues to let this sick fuck out of prison to yet again, reoffend. 3 months ago he tried to rape someone with a knife, at knife point. He gets released into the community on house arrest but there he is again, out fuckin raping people in the community. 

It’s a tragedy of justice and protection to those who are vulnerable in that community and who become his victims. I have suspected for years that this piece of shit was a rat for the Thunder Bay police and this is why he gets “Special treatment” the way he does by the justice system up dere in dirty ol Thunder fuckin Bay. That city is a fucked up place. They’ve been head over heels practicing their racist colonial garbage and mind set up there for too long. There is a massive police investigation on the police board and it’s services dealing with the very mind set I explain about here on my blog. 

It’s taken way too long waiting for justice in regards to the Norval Morrisseau art fraud investigation as well. That date has been pushed back several times now and the OPP had to get involved with all that turmoil regarding the Thunder Bay police and it’s board. They wonder why it’s difficult to have any faith in them? 


Any how, I sure hope they lock that bastard fuck up in Gary Lamont, permanently. What a waste of a human. Fuckin sick bastard serial raping piece of shit. Also responsible for the fraud in Norval Morrisseau fakes. The rape paintings - the black drybrush. 

All my relations, MAJ 

Sunday, May 1, 2022

The greatest love of my life is this lil guy - the CEO of Jacobson native art


Good morning to each and everyone. Just had an amazing day taking my boy out for his first full atv experience deep in the mountains. With spring time opening up more of the trails it was time to take him on this incredible ride. We travelled about 50km on these beautiful and stunning trails together and he was in absolute Mother Nature paradise today. He was beaming with joy and totally enjoyed every single minute of it.

Pictured here: Dadda and baby boy having fun

Here is my boy having a “Anishanabe zen moment” as he takes it all in having had the journey of his life going to places most people only see in their dreams or on postcards. For me, there is nothing greater than having the opportunity each and every day to hang out with this amazing and dazzling light. He truly is my everything. My dream come true. That’s what I tell him every single day. Being with him at this stage of my life is really the icing on the cake. I now know what selfless true love is. It’s being a caring and responsible father to your child each and every day. Nothing in this world can ever replace that. Nothing should ever get in the way of this. 

Ever since his birth I’ve been on this absolutely most incredible journey of discovery. As I’ve mentioned I have never met any soul in my entire life who has impacted such change in my life, in who I am. My little teacher, the one who moved mountains in dadda. What can I say but that I’m eternally grateful for your existence, your precious soul and life. 

My beautiful boy, my hope in a future where true love will continue to reign through our Jacobson name for many future generations to come. This is my ultimate wish, to be the father I never had and to continue our incredible and awesome journey together as father and son. 
This ones for you, Sagein Wisdom. A special message between us in this track from dadda to you...

Artist/DJ: Kiko Navarro & Nader Behravan - Sounds of my breath 

With all my love,  MAJ