The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024

Monday, November 29, 2021

Dear Canada, I’m ashamed of you for murdering our Residential school children...it’s so disgusting!


These are indeed very dark and challenging times. The very fact that the international criminal court will not follow through with an investigation into these Active crime scenes is perhaps some of the greatest injustice I have ever seen in my lifetime. It’s beyond appalling and should be recognized for the abortion of the rule of law that it is. 

That is exactly what the rule of law is on our holy and sacred lands. A grotesque perversion of colonial white settler racism in its ugliest and shittiest of forms. Oh Canada, your home on stolen lands. Killing little innocent children in the name of progress, in pride of being a so called Canadian. Super fuckin gross and super fuckin disturbing if you ask me. 

Everything I have said has come true up to this point. The absurd apology of the pope of the Catholic Church is meaningless. It has zero depth and weight. Apologizing for murder wouldn’t cut it in any courtroom across Canada as a solution that would suffice. How the fuck could it? Any normal person knows that getting away with crimes against humanity is much like nazi Germany getting away with war crimes against the Jews.

It is skin crawling disgusting. I think of anyone being proud to be a Canadian and it gives me the major shivers and hee bee gee bees. Holy fuck is right. Giving your life in honour of this country and it’s real history of murdering tens of thousands of innocent children and building your settler dreams on the very backs of these dead children makes you really think about values. I know this:

I’m absolutely grateful to be awake and to have the veil lifted so that I can truly see things as they are. I am a sovereign Anishanabe. I will continue to speak for those whose voice was robbed of them by Canada and their agents of death, the Catholic and Christian churches along with the RCMP. All twisted fucks. I’m in a place of deep healing and reflection and I will need some time to rest for a while...my soul is tired. My heart is heavy and I need time to heal from these continual acts of genocide...MAJ

Friday, November 12, 2021

We honour and respect the highly classified reality of the UFO/UAP phenomenon

 Title of painting: Universal sharing of the genetic codes

Good evening to each and everyone of you here @ Jacobson native art. I wanted to get into this article for quite some time and now I have the time to do so. There has been a radical shift over the last 4 years regarding the reality and truth of the Ufo/Uap phenomenon. It is the most top secret and classified file on the planet. Nothing even comes close. 

The New York Times really broke open the story in 2017 by the release of classified videos regarding the Nimitz encounters and what is now commonly known as the Tic Tac ufo incident. Over 4 months ago the pentagon confirmed that all these videos and photos of the incident are infact authentic. Now, that being said, we First Nations have known about these entities as “star nation” for tens of thousands of years. 

I have had dozens and dozens of experiences myself. All of them being fast moving orbs of light, changing colours and many of them moving in different directions. All signs of intelligence and with the confirmation of the pentagon, they have also released a detailed report to the U.S. senate in June of 2021 as well confirming this reality. 

Title of painting: Cosmic consciousness 

For me, on many of my experiences I’ve also had witnesses who have seen them with me including a couple family members who were literally blown away that I could summon them and they would show up. I really believe that they are open to revealing themselves to those with a beautiful heart. It’s always a non threatening experience for me. More or less a display of their capabilities and technology. A fantastic light show if you will.

We are most definitely in one of the most exciting periods of discovery ever, in human history. I feel so blessed to be in this awareness. It is a powerful energy no doubt. Their abilities with being trans medium, no propulsion, able to move in impossible g force conditions, breaking our known understandings of the laws of physics and being able to appear then disappear is some of the most intriguing energy around this phenomenon. Any how I feel so honoured that the time for disclosure is upon us. Slowly and step by step is how it has to be done. 

Enjoy this video as it gives a very clear cut idea into the subject matter at hand...wishing you all the highest good as we move into these new realities. All my relations, MAJ


Added note:

This is a highly credible list of researchers that Ive respected and admired over the last 35 years of my own experiences and research. 

1. Martin Stubbs NASA Transmissions 
2. Stanton Friedman physicist/Ufologist
3. Nimitz encounters / Robert Bigelow Aerospace Company
4. Paul Hellyer Canadian Defense minister
5. Steven M. Greer disclosure project
6. Dan Ackroyd Canadian actor ufo experiencer
7. Tyler from Secureteam 10
8. Lou Elizondo Director of secret UAP program, pentagon 
9. Richard Nolan ufo expert researcher 
10. Christopher Mellon - assistant secretary of Defense intelligence 
11.George Knapp and Art Bell both excellent researchers 

Monday, November 8, 2021

The centre of my Universe @ Jacobson native art

 Good afternoon to each and everyone. Wishing you all blessings in the highest good. I wanted to share some of the profound magic and spiritual energies between my son Sagein Wisdom and I. He has a deep fascination with our cultural ways and practices. My little chief as I call him. He is such an inspiration to me. Such a strong character and curiosity at 3 and a half years old. 

This is a photo of him running the smudging ceremony at the studio and with the eagle feather he is blessing me with the sacred medicines. He has a natural way about himself with these regards. He instinctively knows how to use these tools in a gentle and loving way. He makes me so super proud. He really is the most profound and life changing soul I have ever met in my entire life. Nobody even comes close. 

My journeys in life have been plenty. I’ve been to hundreds of sweatlodge ceremonies. I’ve sponsored several peyote meetings as well. I have learned many different prayer songs and ways to communicate with the spirit. My culture has been the foundation for me to heal from these active crime scenes of genocide upon my people across these stolen lands being occupied by the abuser in Canada. The deadly cause and effects of colonialism have been a major unwanted thorn in our sides. The time for real change is upon us. 

We are survivors of genocide, but we are also some of the most beautiful souls on this planet. We live in 2 worlds at the same time. Our new found heritage and the cultural strength and power that that represents, and the evil and wicked regime of this sick and twisted colonial occupation. So it is here, in this reality that I aim to father my son with the very best of who I am, each and every day. He deserves it and so do I. After all the shit Ive had to live through and overcome I am so much better prepared than my parents ever were. I have slain many dragons and have broken multi generational cycles. I am a change agent and have created my whole life out of defeating the odds. Those who really know me know this to be fact.

And that is where this all matters. It’s for him, my boy. To have a much deeper and better experience moving forward one day at a time. He will reap the benefits of my experience. He will know what I know in these regards. He is willing to learn and to bring more light to the human being experience. And for that, my heart sings...for him, my little chief, my warrior’s prayer living the most beautiful and enlightened life that I can give him. My dream come true...my Sagein Wisdom...

All my relations, MAJ

Enjoy this prayer song by Louie Gonnie. A master in ceremonies of the peyote way...

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

We appreciate the love and support @ Jacobson native art

 Good evening to each and everyone and I appreciate all the great energy of love and support these days as we continue to trudge this road of life and destiny. Recently I made some new shifts and changes to my social media vibes and it seems to be paying off in more ways than one. I am mentoring quite a few artists these days both indigenous and non native alike. 

I am born of both these worlds so it is wise for me to share my experience strength and hope in regards to turning the game around. Everyone can benefit from my truth and experience. The reality is I am a whole being. One with all things. Never separate from the whole. There is indeed all kinds of shit I don’t agree with etc in how we have been conditioned to believe and treat one another but underneath that static, is the power.

I am grateful that my reach is expanding and growing. It has always been about the healing and coming together of each and everyone of us. Time and space affords all kinds of shifts and changes. I see the underlying current of this force, this unified energy. It doesn’t matter what the mind thinks in this regard. It is the soul that should be in full control of who you are. That is where the true power is. 

With that, I just wanted to express my gratitude that there are millions of souls around the world who are resonating with this new found energy and power. It is newly found for many because one must peel away the layers of bullshit that hide us from this divine knowledge and power. The colonial playbook is just that.

All my relations and chi-meegwetch, MAJ