Pictured here: Morrisseau and Vadas (tried to sexually abuse me in 2006) SCUM!
The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024
Monday, July 1, 2024
On this Canada day, why I turned down the Toronto star and why the Canadian media cannot be trusted. They lie like the estate of sexual predator Norval Morrisseau
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Sexual predator Norval Morrisseau art fraud investigation update:
Just a quick update that the long awaited Norval Morrisseau “sexual predator“ art fraud investigation appears to have some results. On Friday March 3rd, at 10.00 am eastern time will be the announcement. There was a time when I would have cared more about this result but finding out information that Morrisseau is and was a sexual abuser of children has really changed all of that.
Cleaning up some of this garbage is necessary more for our woodland school of art and the future generations who would be misled by these abominations. There are more than 12 waves of fakes out there. We’ll see what work has been done on this behalf. This investigation simply has just scratched the surface of what lies beneath. It’s taken the police forces over 14 years to come to these conclusions. We’ve known about this for much longer. I told you this was gonna happen. Wait until what comes next...
More to come and stay tuned here @ Jacobson native art. All my relations, MAJ
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Exposing the hidden truth between the freedom convoy and that pimp of a Prime minister
Good afternoon to each and everyone today. It’s been a wild ride watching this “Freedom convoy” and this cause and effect process that is unfolding. From an indigenous lense it gives me a perspective that I’m very familiar with as a First Nations soul. I hear the term “occupier” and I think to myself, hmmmmm, I know exactly what that looks like. They were being first identified as peaceful protestors, ordinary Canadians seeking to stand up for their “rights and freedoms” within the framework of the Canadian constitution.
Monday, February 7, 2022
Disclosure of some personal revelations of truth here @ Jacobson native art
Good morning to each and everyone and I have been in a deep place of transformation ever since I left Vancouver in 2017 and headed out to the Kootenay mountains. The reality of the vastness of space, power and quiet inspiration out here has absolutely changed my point of view and perceptions about many things. I’ve had tons of time out here to reflect on the cultural fabric of this country, the realities of surviving genocide, being a 60’s scoop survivor, escaping death, battling the disease of alcoholism (been sober now for over 23 years and counting).
Being heavily involved in the rebirthing of myself as a true Anishanabe soul, sovereign from Canada and the Queen of England, truly. My identity as a real version of a freeman on my land. I am governed by the Creator first, my ancestry, 7 sacred grandfather teachings and the experience in who I am in relation to this and through my own lense. As much as the occupier in Canada and their so-called rule of law which is founded on genocide in actuality, I am free to live my life governed by these principles which supersede the rule of law. These are universal source codes in reality. Applicable to all human beings. This is a spiritual perspective that really shows the way to what real freedom is for us Anishanabe. I know Canada doesn’t want me to see this truth for me and my people, but sorry to say to them, it is our ways which must come first. This is what you have tried to kill in me. This is what you have tried to strip from me, my voice, my truth, my identity, my power.
The real truth of my real fight has been in establishing who I really am. My own views and experiences throughout my life and telling it truthfully, no sugar coating, raw and real from a true First Nations and indigenous lense. This is my voice speaking up, speaking truth to power. Exposing these crimes against humanity and pointing my arrows where they ought to be pointed. I’m absolutely fuckin disgusted to tell you the truth and I make no bones about my dissatisfaction with my abuser in Canada. This country owes us trillions and trillions of dollars, let alone all the land and resource thefts, cultural artifacts being stolen, etc. It’s so gross about how the majority of white settlers don’t even know the real history of how this country came to be. What a disgrace to the fallen...many of them had no fuckin clue either that they were all that deceived. But these residential school children are showing us some things that this country has tried to deny and tuck away into the past, somewhere non existent.
But they speak and speak they will continue to do. I too will continue to speak and to tell it as it is. Unfiltered much like the Canadian media cannot do because of how fucked up that whole industry truly is. Mostly parasites and maggots feasting on the pain and misery of others who get paid for that. I don’t get paid by anyone here. Only by the truth do I get to see more and get paid. It’s more of a spiritual thing for me seeing things on the upper plains, middle plains and lower plains. Laws of spirit. Other than this, I don’t give a shit about Canadian media at all. Most of it is pretty useless information and at the end of the day, I don’t need any of it. I am my own media. I am the truth of my experience. My lense is purely from an indigenous point of view. It’s as simple as that..
The same can be said of being recognized by this country for all the good I’ve done concerning the reality of getting directly involved in saving the lives of numerous sexual assault victims, helping to facilitate justice for them by getting their abuser arrested, charged and put into a federal penitentiary for 5 years. I know, not nearly enough time as he has always been not only the chief suspect of this Morrisseau art fraud, but he is also the main suspect of the murder of Scott Dove in Thunder Bay back in 1984. It’s still an unsolved murder, even now. These guys have been wanting to deal with Gary Lamont up there for years, but it took Indians to get the job done. Even up until this very day nobody from Thunder Bay never thanked me for getting involved in not only saving the lives of these victims/survivors and helping to remove a serial rapist from their streets. Not once...