The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024
Showing posts with label drawings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drawings. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

For the love of black and whites @ Jacobson native art 2021

Good afternoon to all my visitors, collectors and fans. Here’s to another blessed day of being alive and moving forward one day at a time. Although this pandemic has taken a real toll on our capacity for social relationships, sharing together and enjoying one another’s company, we must soldier on. Prayers and blessings for those going through a challenging time. Healing for those suffering. 

I wanted to share some inspiration through art and my cultural heritage. I have always been fond of the black and white drawings/paintings I’ve done. They are quite distinguishable from my use of colours. But have their own life force none the less. Working in this format helps to broaden the creative scope and vision of an Anishanabe woodland style artist. 

This process affords the artist to learn and grow with regard to line and form. The subject matter grows, refines itself through this process. We can find new imagery and designs in this flow. A way to work out the details and composition to a more refined state in result. Reminds me of our medicine scrolls and indeed that is exactly how I see these images myself. Rebirthing the stories and teachings of the animal clan council. 

I am honoured and thankful for the wisdom of our mother earth. Our ancestors knew this importance and understanding. It is our responsibility to continue to share these fundamentals and to give our history and teachings new life throughout every generation from this to the next. I truly love being an artist, a storyteller, a visionary. It is an honour to share these with each of you. Wishing you all continued strength and power....all my relations, MAJ