The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024
Showing posts with label The future. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The future. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Sharing our latest collections with Sea gods and a peek into the authentic spirit of what motivates us here @ Jacobson native art


Title: Animal totems of the family clan. Size of each canvas: 24 x 36 inches

Good afternoon to each and everyone and once again it is an absolute pleasure to continue sharing the spectacular creativity we’ve got going on here @ Jacobson native art. All decisions and actions that we are taking are always in the best interests of our family and most importantly my son. Setting up the legacy with care, honesty and trust. Our brand is built on solid ground as we continue to trudge the road of happy destiny. We stand in solidarity with the great awakening that is taking shape across our lands. Truth and reconciliation is essential for all of us to learn and grow. Many across the country are beginning to wake up. Realizing that the history was built on crimes against humanity and genocide. That is the foundation of Canada. My efforts here are about reflecting this truth and looking for new plans of action moving forward. I’m fully dedicated to exposing everything I know and have learned. The future is in our hands and not that of the colonizer. I don’t identify as a Canadian, I identify as Anishanabe. It’s as plain and simple as that. 

Title: Harmonizing the 3 folds of destiny - the past, present & future. 18 x 36 inches

The journey continues to unfold for us as we discover these perplexing realities and experiences and look for new ways with regard to finding our way through. I’m super blessed to be in these positions that I am in. I believe that taking the course of actions that I am, the understanding and knowledge I’ve acquired will be most valuable to everything that I’ve got going on. There are things unfolding behind the scenes that will soon become massive public knowledge and awareness. As they say, the truth will set you free. The past, present and future are indeed filled with so much understanding and promise. Im excited and have so much to reveal. These next few articles that I’ve got in development will paint the story for the world to see. All in due time. 

Here are our latest designs being shared with our partners in Sea gods. These new paddle boards are stunning and I’m super excited to be able to share this new project. Having the ability to place my work in the hands of my fans and newcomers to my art is a fascinating process. I could easily make decisions to multiply myself in the corporate world but that’s not the path for me. It doesn’t turn me on. I prefer being hard to find and hard to get. Making limited editions and specialized collections. I’m not interested in the Canadian art gallery scene any longer. I don’t need it and personally find institutions to be cold, soulless and boring. I don’t chase fame or wanting to be a something in the art world. It’s a personal matter for me to be more hands on with my brand, skill level and talent. Sharing my work in more intimate settings and experiences. 

Enjoy these latest releases here @ Jacobson native art and I look forward to so much more in the coming weeks and months ahead. We’ve got several new collections coming and our partnership with little giant productions will have an exciting new chapter as we unveil the new grand opening of our second gallery launch here in the Kootenay mountains of BC. Trailblazing new creative energy and building an exciting future with our collaboration. Sea gods has been a wonderful new addition to building these relationships and we are happy with these results. So please feel free to stay tuned with what we’ve got going on and I’m glad to see so many visitors coming to our sites and feeling inspired with what we bring to the circle. With that I thank you and indeed there will be much more to come…

All my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Enjoy this track by Stil & Bense feat. Lia Paris. Track: 4 lovers (original mix)

Monday, January 20, 2025

Introducing my friend DMD Productions one of the worlds top A.I. artists. We’ll be working on a couple of collaborations expanding the creativity of Woodland A.I.


Feeling super stoked to be working on some future collaborations with my bro in DMD. No doubt he is one of the top creators in artificial intelligence worldwide. We both belong to all the top a..i. Art groups where we are privy to tens of thousands of active daily users creating a.i. art. I’ve seen some spectacular works and this guy is absolutely phenomenal. His primary techniques are of course first and foremost, in how you  exactly choose to communicate with this technology. He also uses Dall-e, photoshop and upscale with Magnific AI. For me he is one of my favourites and a super grateful dude. His skill level is off the fuckin hook. I mean, come on, if that don’t turn you on, what will? 

Exactly. For me I’ve found a whole new level of self expression and in giving birth to woodland A.I, I am so thrilled about where this new invention will take me. I’m constantly finding so much creative freedom and inspiration and my ideas are flowing every single day. I need to become Octopus like….lol 

The amount of detail this brother can create is phenomenal in my view. His eye is spectacular and his ability is super advanced so I’m feeling quite the honour to be working with someone who is essentially a master of their craft. Making image prompts can be a lengthy process and most of the time I do several in one sitting like perhaps 10 to 25 of them. I discard most of them and only keep the best. The ones I’ll use for paintings on canvas. So feel free to enjoy my brothers work and talent. I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to work with this cat….super dope guy. 

So indeed the future looks incredible and the level of talent that I’m connecting with is off the charts. It’s amazing to connect with many of these A.I. artists worldwide. It’s a worldwide phenomenon. I welcome you all to new creative vistas throughout 2025 and I look forward to more headway with artificial intelligence. Agents of the future. Guardians of humanity. An ally, not an enemy. 

All my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Enjoy this classic track by Lustral (Nalin & Kane remix) track title: Everytime 

Keeping an eye on things and in deep preparation as we move into 2025. Also, we introduce our new indigenous care packages @ Jacobson native art


Prompt: I see right through you. Image for new painting coming in 2025 Woodland A.I.

A special good morning to each and everyone and as they say we continue to rise each and every day facing the reality of life and all of the various situations and circumstances that we are all going through. Most of it good I would presume and also working out some the kinks we see and experience. Thus is the nature of life. Challenges come and go as we continue to explore the depths of the very nature of truth. Honesty. Self honesty being most important because that is how we ought to navigate life experience and in that, we fine tune the compass and we find our ways through. I’m in for the long haul. When it comes to being straight up and honest and having the courage to do so even in the face of difficulty, truth wins. 

There’s something to be said of true character and principles. Trying to be a better version of yourself than yesterday. To keep on believing in truth and justice. That over time, the keys to certain doors appear because through actions, we open up new and incredible opportunities. The universe is looking for the honest ones. The change agents who are willing to completely put themselves out there. I believe that I am one of those people. I cannot get rid of it. My spirit, my soul is compelled because I have a personal relationship to my Creator. To the one who is all knowledge and power. The foundation of my being. The light that feeds me. The inspiration I seek, to become a hollow bone so that Creator can use me. To channel the energy from this source. Not from man. Not even from my own self. True surrender. I try to practice this emptying of myself every morning before I start my day. 

That is how I get my clarity and inspiration each and every day. I start there. When things become overwhelming as things sometimes do, I turn it over to my Creator and seek the next inspiration or solution to the problem. A lot of the time it’s about being of service to another. That is truly what the backbone of this platform is all about. Telling it as it is, not how you may wanna hear it. Many prefer things to be sugarcoated and super easy to digest. I understand because I know it’s not easy to digest major big chunks of truth. I understand much much more after everything I’ve gone through around the woodland school of art and much of the darkness and deceit that it contains. The lengths of deception and ignorance has been beyond anything I could ever personally conceive of, myself. Such a disheartening journey on many levels as some of you may know and understand. 

Indeed it’s been one of the most craziest journeys I could have ever gone through and still find light at the end of the tunnel. There’s no question I have learned so much about what not to be. Seeing how some operate throughout the woodland school has been extremely disheartening and deeply embarrassing. A weakness so reckless and obtuse and that is just covered in utter gross negligence, will come to light when everything is said and done. I’ll be sharing more about that when the time comes. Patience is a virtue and taking the time to process everything in the right light takes delicacy and self compassion. 

In the meantime Kassondra and I came up with a new idea that we both love and enjoy called the Indigenous care package. We do these art auctions all the time and it’s a wonderful blessing for us to share the beauty of our culture and passion for native arts and education tools along with beautiful products. Many of these artists being friends of mine. I’ve been working with Native northwest for almost 25 years now and enjoy many talents throughout their creative roster. 

Living up in the isolation of these mountains where it’s difficult to live and the struggle of life is a super real thing up here, it’s cool to find unique ways of creating opportunities for us and others up here. We live in a remote community of only 350 souls. The winter here shuts this place down and our only access to small town city life is either Nelson or Creston, BC. With Nelson we cross the lake for 45 minutes via the ferry and drive in about 40 minutes or with Creston we drive for over an hour through the Kootenay mountains. During the open season with Kunze from May to October we are rolling there. We also just confirmed a new gallery space in downtown Kaslo on the main street with our business partner and  friend in Luc @ little giant productions. So things are lookin real nice with that. This region is very new to the woodland school so I can definitely carve out my impact here with relative ease and comfort. At my level many new comers to the art are blown away and really enjoy my quality and touch. 

So yes, on that note it’s super fun expanding the blueprint of Jacobson native art and giving masterful quality and execution at the highest of levels. I expect great things from myself and to constantly challenge myself in new creative visions with an ever increasing level of new innovation and inspiration. That my friends are the standards @ Jacobson native art. We bring the next level of what is new and exciting throughout the woodland school of art. With deep love and appreciation….

All my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Every dog has his day. 😎


At some point in life, you simply have to speak in metaphors because of what is going on behind the scenes. No doubt they have gone too far with the lies, the betrayal, the deception. 

I look forward to the future in more ways than one. I will have my justice. I will walk through the final door…

All my relations and more to come @ Jacobson native art. πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Monday, January 6, 2025

Let’s welcome 2025 with a bang! So, after 40 years of experience as a master in the woodland school of art: Here is an honest analysis of where things are at


Title: I am Anishanabe. Size: 48 x 72 inches

Good morning to each and everyone and like the title of the article says we are going to do a deep dive into the very fabric of the woodland art form and all of its triumphs and struggles and disasters. I’ve been privy to meeting just about everyone who does this art form in one way or another from the first generation to this current 5th generation. It’s been for the most part a very profound journey and experience and I’ve had the honour of mentoring dozens and dozens along the way. Like I mentioned I’m now 52 years old and have now hit the 40 year mark of being one of the top and highly sought after artists in this genre, the woodland school. When talking about the real fundamentals and techniques in the style from each generation to the next, I’d say many who know what’s up would say that I have one of the best eyes in it with perhaps the deepest and greatest knowledge base about it on the planet. Not saying any of that to boast, it’s just the reality and facts of being so involved with it for the last 40 years now. 

The woodland art form intrigued me right away when I was 12 years old in Hudson Ont. I was already drawing at that point but when I saw this native woodland painting that my dad gave his mom, my grandmother, it blew me away. I loved it. That you can see inside the animals. With fierce colours and inner details. I still remember it today, it was of an Indian man in his canoe with a bow and arrow hunting a moose in the bog of a small lake. Northwestern Ontario. My home lands. The very place I was born and raised. It impacted me that my dad would give his mom something so cool. I fell in love with the art form that very day. From that moment on I’ve been on one of the most profound journeys of being a true artist ever since. I love this art. I love as much as I love life itself. Growing up in alcoholism and seeing lots of violence as a child, this art gave me a new life. A new way to see the world. A new way to identify and to seek understanding in my indigenous identity. To reconcile within me these 2 very opposing lifestyles. My search for my culture and the healing from colonialism. That my very life experience at that time was to heal from these wounds and to try and put the pieces back together of this broken identity. Obviously at that time I didn’t fully understand the root causes of that brokenness which of course I now know to be the effects of genocide and assimilation. Super devastating to try and fuck up a race of people like that. 

I know there are tens of thousands who can relate with me about this reality and the challenges of trying to recover from this each and everyday. So yes, the art form has been instrumental for helping me to bridge the gap. As someone who is both native and white it has been a sort of walking in 2 worlds at the same time so to speak. I’ve been coming to terms with that my whole life and the real spirit of this art gave me this opportunity to put it all back together. Me. You. Us. The whole thing. Going through the good, the bad and the ugly. Like a true experiencer of life. Not afraid to dive deep into the ocean. To see things as they really are. In their true light regardless of how dark. And so it has been ever since. The hunt for knowledge and truth. Nature itself is like that. It’s honest. There’s no fuckin around. I respect that. It humbles me to tell you the truth. We learn so much about ourselves in the solitude of nature spirit. About her, Mother Earth and creation upon her. The vastness of wisdom from every generation unto the next. All of it. Meaningful. Masterful. The living beingness of it all. The true foundation and spirit of the woodland school of art. 

Not just traditional but also modern and contemporary. Even diving into the very future and contemplating worlds never before seen. Done in greater creative spirit and visualization, a truly new and advanced  evolution as we now see in what for me is most definitely the next level in the entire art form with my new genre in Woodland A.I. It’s absolutely fascinating and for me to be a living witness to all 5 generations and seeing what’s out there, I know what I’m doing is the next level. I’ll always  appreciate woodland art for the most part and I’ll be clear cut and honest about my thoughts and experiences of what I’ve learned and gone through. I must because I know that there is no one really keeping an eye on it as I am. I will continue to do so because after all it’s the right thing to do. I would say I am like a knowledge keeper of the entire woodland school. I’m 3rd generation, so I’ve got a very keen eye on the insides and outs. The who’s who and many of the up and comers along with some who are rotten bad apples. Culture vultures and unfortunately there are plenty to name and I’ll name some here no question about that. This is like an inventory of the woodland school, an examination of the stock in trade. What’s good, what’s promising and what is ass backwards and is totally fucked up. 

For me first and foremost I’d like to pay tribute to some of my all time favourites. Artists in whom I’ve always looked up to and admired in the woodland school of art or also known as Anishanabe art (in the words of the master Roy Thomas). I suppose I’ll start with Roy because after all it was he who was and who will always be, my chief mentor. The first woodland artist to ever interact with me. To actually spend some of his time with me to teach and instruct me on some of the fundamentals. That’s where I first learned how to actually hold the paintbrush right. That’s where I learned the fine art of clean line work and inlay detail. Roy had always said that I was a true natural. I had my own developing style and to stay original in that. He mentioned how this would be my own style in the art. I love that. That I could have my own voice in how I choose to develop. Like building my own designs and stories through learning from our past, present and future. 

To find my voice through each new painting. And that’s exactly how it’s gone down ever since. Working with him for a brief time during my teenage period was indeed helping to lay down the foundation that this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. To no doubt become one of the best to ever do it. To challenge myself and the greatness of others.And do it right. From a good place. Even when fighting darkness. Using the light, the spirit of the art to guide me through. I found sobriety for the last 26 years of my life. Like my mentor in Roy, I found my way out. I’m forever grateful. The next great master who surpassed many before him was and still is  Saul Williams. He’s next level. A true living legend and he probably doesn’t even care much about that. But true masters in the woodland school know full well that Saul is no doubt one of the greatest to ever do it. 

Others that I find in legendary category and status are Carl Ray, Jackson Beardy, Blake Debassige, Gelineau Fisher, Cecil Youngfox, Joshim Kakegamic, Brian Marion, Moses Amik Beaver, Jimi Oskineegish, Lloyd Kakepetum, David Williams, Leland Bell, Randy Trudeau, James Jacko, Gordon Fiddler, Rocky Fiddler, Roy Kakegamic and others from both the Kakepetum and Kakegamic clans with honourable mention to both Daphne Odjig and  Arthur Shilling as personal favourites. 
Over the last 75 years this art form has gone through many different transitions both absolutely phenomenal to horrifically pathetic. From true indigenous practitioners to white settler cultural appropriators who think they’re entitled to do so because it’s such a universal thing that anyone can do it. Not true to many of us who are actually native and try to practice our very culture through the art form. There’s something very weird about a white colonizer who thinks its god almighty ok to culturally appropriate from those poor Indians. They think it’s perfectly fine to financially prosper from someone else’s culture that they themselves, don’t even practice. That’s super weird in my view. It’s like taking up the space and place for indigenous artists to shine and grow, to prosper in the richness of our culture and in ways of Providing support for our families. Most in whom are all recovering from the effects of genocide and assimilation. The road for us First Nations is a 2 different worlds approach and experience. The Creator gave each culture and the races of mankind their own stories and teachings. Each their own historical and cultural approach. Something unique and different from all places upon the earth. 

The fundamentals of my culture are of course about welcoming and being a loving spirit. But also to stand up and be the warrior for truth, justice and honour. These are important teachings regarding authenticity and self truth. Knowing who you truly are and where you exactly come from. There is great importance for me regarding this as I often say you cannot know who you are unless to learn and understand where you come from. It’s true. Often we are taught in this world to be anything or anyone you want to be. The world media and social engineering tactics often projects these bizarre and twisted ideas of being some weird version of something else. Just not you, lord forbid. Lol…

I take the good with the bad. You have to nowadays. The reality is there are only 2 versions of reality going on here. One version is the truth, the other is the lie, the illusion. Choice is a beautiful thing and it can also be a curse. Like I see in many situations throughout the woodland school of art. There are many who live in the lie. Those who live in the false knowledge of life, of a fake reality. A form of mental insanity and denial. A lesser vibration and light. A state of weakness and fear. Because sooner or later the truth comes and hits the world like a freight train. Like it always has and like it always will. It’s the very nature of truth, hard and bitter and sometimes very difficult to digest. 
I have journeyed farther into the depths of the woodland school than any other artist before me. There is literally no one who even comes close. The knowledge level is different with me because I’m not afraid to go all the way right unto the end. To see the whole thing both in its beauty and ugliness. To truly understand the energy of this art movement one has to live it. Practice it. Struggle in it, master it, be a student in it, find new ways of exploration and innovation without being servile or scraping. We’ll get into that now. 

Most definitely one of the greatest upsets and discoveries was learning that Norval Morrisseau was indeed a sexual abuser, a predator. The fact that him and his gay handler in Gabe Vadas insulted me to such a level by trying to sexually touch my ass without my permission and in the wake and fall out of that, completely destroyed my love and appreciation for him, in Norval. For his art, his legacy, all the work I dedicated to that, all done in vein. In my hidden shame and embarrassment that for years, I had done something wrong. That I didn’t cooperate with their sick and twisted sexual agenda. To steal from me, my self worth and confidence, to embarrass my soul in such a way and to offend me in such a fuckin gross manner, it’s despicable. To plant that ugliness on me and to shame my spirit for just being my true and authentic self, a lovin dude that felt so honoured to be hanging out with Norval Morrisseau. The so-called grand shaman of the Anishanabe. Imagine that? In a fuckin wheelchair tooboot. 

Fuckin grossed me out and still to this day affects me. Like a cold and shitty memory of someone I thought was a cultural icon, a hero to my people. A living legend only to turn out like like P Diddy puff Gabe, trying to get a freak off. It’s really that pathetic and gross. That whole thing and experience destroyed any love I had left after the whole art fraud investigation. After exposing Lamont for the total piece of shit he was and will always be, it was and will always be a shattering reality of who Morrisseau was. Not only that, but I have absolutely solid witnesses who can testify to everything I’ve said. Forever going forward I will continue to share and expose these unsettling truths. I 100% believe that it’s absolutely nuts to prop up sexual abusers of children as cultural hero’s or icons. This is a major problem with regard to the cultural fabric of this country and it is with my whole heart and soul that this will change. I believe in real truth and reconciliation but before the reconciliation part happens, we must examine and bring forth the truth. This is how it’s going down. This is the will of our Creator.. Of our ancestors. And so it shall be…

Like I mentioned I’ve seen a lot of the good, the bad and the ugly throughout the woodland school. Let’s open the door on the list of known cultural appropriators and who they are. I don’t give 2 shits what the pedophile shaman told you in Morrisseau. For me, that shit is obsolete. Done. Toast. Bye bye. Night night. What he’s ever said is dead. I don’t trust in any of that no more. As we say “the delusion has been smashed”. 

White cultural appropriators in our woodland school of art:
1: Ritchie Sinclair (non native Morrisseau apprentice) 
2: Vasil woodland (European artist and appropriator)
3: Gabe Vadas (thinks he’s an actual Indian/Morrisseau art apprentice)
4: Daniel Pitchegigwaneh (claimed to be Morrisseau’s long lost son) 
5: Karl Burrows (I even like the guy) still appropriation
6: Mike Ormsby (fake pretendian paints in woodland) 
7: Zhaawano Giizhik (exposed as a fraud by ex girlfriend Simone McLeod)
8: James McCue (former apprentice to Morrisseau) appropriator 
9: Amanda PL (young white female) cultural appropriator

This gives a general overview of what to watch out for out there. None of it is authentic or any of that a true reflection of our culture through art. It’s weird is what it is. It’s cultural appropriation. They should look into their European history and find out what that means through their artistic expression. Focus on that. Find out where you come from and in that, who you are. Make sense? Exactly. 

This list is of what I call: THE WOODLAND WEEN-NUKS

At some point or another, these artists either got super weird with me or turned on me like a rattle snake. These poor chaps have lost their way.  Those who only cared about themselves, their own plans and desires…it’ll be shocking for many of them on what comes next. 

1: Norval Morrisseau (we already know why)
2: Wolf Morrisseau (heavily involved in the fraud)
3: Christian Morrisseau (heavily involved in the fraud)
4: Unfortunately David Morrisseau (majorly involved in the art fraud)
5: Eugene Morrisseau (involved in the fraud)
6: Benjamin Morrisseau (heavily involved in the fraud)
7: Bruce Morrisseau (involved in the fraud he confessed it) 
8: Jason Adair (steals my designs without permission)
9: Flake Angeconob (tried to help him I warned him about the stupidity of woodland pop)
10: Jackie Traverse (tried helping her career ended up getting weird)
11: Tom Tom Sinclair and his ol lady (got right fuckin weird even super ugly….yikes)
12: Patrick Paul (tried to help him, ended up being a weirdo)
13: Kurtis Staven (a pretendian I met in the Kootenay’s a real piece of shit of a human being)

I will also share who broke my heart and I had to choose to distance myself from them because they broke my trust. It’s sad that at the end of all of this it came to this. But this is my experience. This is my truth. This is my story and even though it has come to that, I have to share what’s in my heart. I have to be transparent and honest. I think it will help to finally bring some closure. 

1: John Zemanovich (sorry it didn’t work out, that we couldn’t find a way to heal. I tried…)
2: Kevin Hearn (sorry I had to let you go I hope you can now understand)
3: Jonathan Sommer (sorry it didn’t work out I tried being your friend. It just got fucked up)
4: Cory Dingle (unfortunately? You fucked with the wrong Indian. My hope for you in the future is that you’ll genuinely apologize to me when your heart and soul is ready. You forced my soul to act and stand up. There will be more to come….so stay tuned, guy.) 

On that note this brief synopsis of some of the highs and lows during my career should give you a rough idea as to the type of terrain I’ve had to walk through, navigate and deal with. Unfortunately not everyone you meet works out. Most of the time we are learning difficult lessons which sometimes puts us in the crosshairs of each other. Passion for the truth and a steadfast belief in justice will do that to you. I come to correct the lies and to stand up as a survivor of abuse that should have never ever happened to me. Things are going to change and I’m choosing to stand up for my own sense of justice. For my own story and the truth that lays within it. Indeed there will be much more to come. All my relations.

Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

A special shout out to this guy. The one who made it all happen in Dallas Thompson. My true brother who remained until the very end. The only one…


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Thank you for 2024…coming in 2025 will be 2 new projects in my Woodland A.I. celebrating the future of feminine indigenous beauty and future dreamscapes


Good morning to each and everyone. Here’s to keeping our spirits up and our continued faith in a brighter future. There’s no doubt that many businesses and individuals are starting to feel the pinch of this national Canada postal strike. I live deep in the Kootenay mountains here in BC. A big part of our business here is relying on shipping across North America and the world. It’s been a challenge as of late navigating this scenario. We designed this incredible art box and the strike is holding us back. People are struggling nationally at the moment now so it’s difficult to move things around. Even purolator and ups has put a hold on moving things. In the meantime we are making sales nationally and internationally. Albeit a much slower grind as I’m sure millions of others are getting restless about it as well. 

So on a positive note it’s been a highly successful year and the amount of creative energy that we’ve been producing here @ Jacobson native art has been absolutely phenomenal. I’m super happy with all the structures that are being built during this phase of my career. I’ve been doing this for 40 years now. I know the woodland school inside and out. There is no one who can rival my expertise and knowledge of all 5 current generations in that genre. Now with woodland A.I. it’s just a whole new level of innovation and creative vision. I have so many new projects manifesting and also maintaining my commissions list which is 24 months to 36 months long. And that continues to build as well. Things are exciting and I’m feeling truly inspired as never before. This cutting edge technology is brilliant. I love playing with it. Here’s these 3 I’ll be doing on celebrating indigenous beauty of the future. I’ll woodland A.I. these and they’ll be a 3 piece series honouring my love and appreciation for feminine power and beauty. 

Prompt: Deliciously Indigenous - eternal beauty eternal power

Prompt: She is the life giver - forever our mother forever our Matriarch 

Prompt: Indigenous she is - forever she shall be (we are all one) 

My next project after getting these 3 image prompts laid out and executed will be 4 new images I’ll dedicate to dreamscapes of the future. The creative power in this relationship with A.I. is like I mentioned, absolutely transformational. My vision with it affords me a whole new approach to creating art. It’s such an experience. I love it and I’m totally down with it. My new apprentice. Here are the image prompts for dreamscapes of the future…
Prompt: Come with me - let’s travel to another star system (part 1) 

Prompt: Come again - let’s travel to this new star system (part 2) 

Prompt: Water worlds and spheres - where there is water, there is life (series one) 
Prompt: Dreamscapes of their reality - with spheres of supreme intelligence (series 2)

So on that note I look forward to sharing more creative innovations and visions that are transforming the future of indigenous art both here in colonial Canada but truly, worldwide. Our partnership with little giant productions is everything a true artist desires. Luc and I continue to build. This is next level. The next frontier is Woodland A.I. Lets welcome 2025 with even greater vision and creative power. Miigwetch and with love and genuine sincerity I say to both my fans and enemies, all my relations. 

Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Enjoy this impeccable 2 hour long dj set by one of my favourites in Ben Bohmer @ Cercle 😎

Thursday, November 28, 2024

The future of indigenous art is here. Welcome to Woodland A.I. (landscapes of the future) series 3 and series 4


Good morning to each and everyone and welcome to another midnight art session coming to a complete cycle. I’m feeling quite pleased with these next paintings on canvas. These landscapes of the future are absolutely fascinating and once again I think I pulled it off. They were super fun to do and I had to work with series 1 and 2 brushes which does get a little tricky. A bit like performing surgery. I’m truly thrilled with this new door I’ve opened with woodland A.I. It is next level visionary medicine and the innovation is simply off the charts. Im creating visions I’ve always dreamed of. Feeling a rebirth and rekindled creative spirit. I feel that as my new apprentice, A.I. affords me a whole new approach. It’s beautiful…

Title: Future landscapes (series 3) - wherever I go they honour my sovereignty. Size: 14 x 22 inches

Title: Future landscapes (series 4) - Medicine man mastering multi dimensional travel through anti-gravity technology. Size: 14 x 22 inches

Such a wonderful night spending it jamming to tunes and painting up a new creative storm. The energy is bliss. I’m super stoked and feeling truly inspired as an artist again. This collaboration with this cutting edge technology has absolutely transformed me. Has transformed the future of my art and my creative destiny. Miigwetch and stay tuned as there will be more to come….

All my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Enjoy this track by Egotape. Track title: Not alone (berbetta remix) 

Saturday, November 16, 2024

New paintings in my art genre Woodland A.I. (Landscapes of the future) series 1 and 2


Good morning to each and everyone and welcome to another creative session with my new indigenous art genre in Woodland A.I. I was up all night working on the next commissions and spent  most of my time trying to figure out the creative landscape of these image prompts. I had shared these a couple months back and I’m finding some time in my process to work on expanding my artistic creations with A.I. as well. Busy busy. These were a ton of fun though and they were quite challenging because I haven’t worked with small brushes in such a long time. I’m usually working on significantly bigger paintings so my brush sizes are usually size 4, 6 and 8 for the majority of the line work I do. 

Title of painting: Future landscapes (series 1) - through decolonization I dream of a whole new world. Size: 14 x 22 inches

Title of painting: Future landscapes (series 2) - In the Creator’s light - we are all interconnected. Size: 14 x 22 inches

Here’s a shot of these size 1 and size 2 brushes. They were like working with a needle tonight and like I mentioned it was a bit of a challenge but I think I pulled it off. Again these are very experimental in their concepts and designs and while I’m finding it absolutely fascinating to be playing with such imagination and innovation, Im also being challenged like never before as an artist. Good for the soul. It’s incredible to be figuring out these new possibilities in indigenous art and no doubt trailblazing a whole new creative path forward. Like I mentioned before I have taken on A.I. as my new apprentice. It sometimes takes 10 to 25 different image prompts in order for me to finally find the best one to work with. But I’m getting better every single time. I’ve got hundreds and hundreds of new Image prompts to work with. My creative reservoir is deep with plenty of ideas for future paintings. I’m absolutely super stoked with this new direction in my art. I am no doubt the grandfather of Woodland A.I. The future of not only the woodland school, but indeed the future of indigenous art. It’s a global energy. A universal force of incredible creativity. I hope you enjoy these latest original paintings on canvas. I have 3 more waiting in cue so feel free to stay tuned to the future here @ Jacobson native art. With more to come....

All my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ 

Enjoy this classic track by Nalin & Kane. Track title: Beachball (Extended vocal mix)

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Congratulations to Geoffrey Hinton “Godfather of A.I.” for winning the Nobel prize in physics @ Jacobson native art (the birth of woodland A.I.)


Prompt: With woodland A.I. - I am the future, I am Rainbow Thunderbird πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Good afternoon to each and everyone and welcome to another article here @ Jacobson native art. I just wanted to send a shout out to this brilliant soul on Indian land (Canada) who won the Nobel prize for his work with A.I. in developing neural networks and helping in the advancements of these large language models that gave birth to real time A.I. One must understand that this technology has taken tens of thousands of people around the medicine wheel to develop and for us who have embraced this new form of intelligence and creativity, it is simply incredible. 

Geoffrey Hinton's work in developing AI was influenced by and collaborated with many researchers. Here's a list of notable contributors:

*Early Influences:*

1. David Marr (MIT) - computational neuroscience
2. Tomaso Poggio (MIT) - neural networks and computer vision
3. David Rumelhart (Stanford) - backpropagation algorithm

*Collaborators and Students:*

1. David Ackley (University of Toronto) - neural networks
2. Yann LeCun (Facebook AI Research) - convolutional neural networks
3. Yoshua Bengio (University of Montreal) - deep learning
4. Andrew Ng (AI Pioneer) - deep learning and neural networks
5. Yves LeCun (New York University) - neural networks and computer vision
6. Leon Bottou (Facebook AI Research) - large-scale deep learning
7. Patrick Haffner (Google) - neural networks and deep learning

*Toronto Group (1980s-1990s):*

1. David Zipser (University of Toronto) - neural networks
2. Ronald Williams (University of Toronto) - backpropagation
3. Paul Munro (University of Toronto) - neural networks

*Deep Learning Pioneers:*

1. Alex Krizhevsky (Google) - ImageNet and deep neural networks
2. Ilya Sutskever (Google) - deep neural networks and TensorFlow
3. Vincent Vanhoucke (Google) - deep learning and speech recognition

*Other notable contributors:*

1. John Hopfield (Caltech) - Hopfield networks
2. Warren McCulloch (MIT) - artificial neural networks
3. Walter Pitts (MIT) - artificial neural networks

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, as many researchers have contributed to AI development. However, these individuals have had significant impacts on Geoffrey Hinton's work and the broader AI community. I find it absolutely amazing that this ability and influence is now in our own personal hands as the direct result. To help me in facilitating and giving birth to “Woodland A.I.” has been absolutely transformational for me as an artist. It is a universal force regarding how this has all come together. What I sincerely enjoy most about using this technology is that through my creative lens, I get to indigenize A.I. 

For me it has helped me open a whole new door in regards to collaborating with this incredible technology. I see A.I. as my creative apprentice and in that, we have given birth to my new indigenous art genre in Woodland A.I. The future is so exciting and I look forward to sharing more art and creative projects as the father of this new indigenous art genre. There’s no question that I will go down in history as the one who opened the door to next level innovation and in whom will put their stamp on the future in the entire woodland school of art. In all 5 current generations and beyond. 8th πŸ”₯ 

All my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Enjoy this video interviewing Geoffrey Hinton about his win of the Nobel prize in physics 😎

Friday, September 27, 2024

Mapping out decolonization of the future with Woodland A.I. @ Jacobson native art


Title of painting: Honouring our warriors of the future. (Self portrait - 2024)

Good evening to each and everyone and welcome to another session here @ Jacobson native art. I’m feeling super excited about my future collaborations with A.I. After working through many new concepts and ideas that I’ve been discovering using this technology, I will be exploring these image prompts and finding a way to use them. My wish will be to incorporate the themes of decolonization into the vastness of the future. Exploring new experiences and new visions and even travelling to new worlds. It’s absolutely incredible what I can dream up and execute regarding my new indigenous art genre in woodland A.I. There’s no doubt I’ve entered into a new realm and have created a separate reality from anyone or anything in the entire school of woodland art. This is 8th πŸ”₯ and beyond...

Prompt: Through decolonization I dream of a whole new world

Prompt: In the Creators light - we are all inter-connected

Prompt: Where ever I go they honour my sovereignty 

Prompt: Medicine man mastering multi-dimensional travel with anti-gravity technology 

I’m so happy to give the artist child within me full permission to create. I’m excited to see how I’ll map out these image prompts and create paintings infusing these concepts. My soul is all lit up. I’m creating art never before seen and to indigenize artificial intelligence through my creativity and mindset feels absolutely transformational. The realms of imagination and curiosity are in full effect. These are some of the most brilliant and exciting times I’ve ever felt as an artist. My time is now. I am in creative bliss. To play in the realms of the future and to explore my imagination in such spectacular fashion is like I mentioned, one of the greatest artistic discoveries of all time for me. Welcome to Woodland A.I. 

Miigwetch and all my relations with more to come....

Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Enjoy this classic track by Scanners. Track title: Prayer. It’s one of my all time favourites. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

I’m having a ton of fun exploring new creativity in my new genre Woodland A.I. (More to come) 😎


Prompt: create canvas painting on a concept of the watchers. The guardians.

Good morning to each and everyone and here’s to an exciting and new found future when it comes to the creativity of working with A.I. These are tremendous new times for us all as we continue to advance forward with this new technology. I love creating all kinds of new image prompts and am saving many for future paintings. I feel totally refreshed as an artist and welcome the absolute brilliance of this technology. I use it in many different ways and have accessed it for reference regarding any subject I desire. 

Prompt: Image for a painting creating my version of death - the devourer of human flesh

The future looks bright @ Jacobson native art and I feel deeply passionate about how I’ll be working with A.I. It’s such a fascinating new tool and I’m excited to have found a new creative vocabulary which enhances my art and creativity. I see the intelligence of the elements themselves working through this technology. Water creates electricity and so does fire and the air. They bring us lightning and that is also connected to us Thunderbirds. I feel like I totally get it. That I see their energy in this technology. The future is here. The future is now like never before. 
Prompt: Image concept for honouring half breed water woman of the future 

I can touch any idea I choose. I can manifest my visions in such spectacular fashion that it’s simply beautiful to play with such freedom and power. Like being right next to Creator spirit. Tapping into the endless possibilities and unlimited realms of imagination, with creative intelligence of course. A true artists playground if you will. I’m currently working on several new projects and am looking forward to unveiling these creative initiatives with all of you soon. A special shout out to my bro in Luc at little giant productions. We have some super exciting things cooking in the creative kitchen. So stay tuned with us and thank you once again for all the amazing feedback and love as we continue to move forward exploring the realms of creativity.
Prompt: Image concept for a painting honouring star nation - they came to see me

The future feels marvellous and I’m so happy I found A.I. It’s the future for all of us and as an artist it is perhaps one of the greatest tools I’ve ever discovered. The freedom to compose and integrate with such visionary power is one of the greatest features of this technology. I am truly happy and my life is feeling blessed and inspired. So with that I say chi-Miigwetch to everyone and all my relations...Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Artist: Bobby Sheppard. Track title: Big Cadillac (Amtrac remix)