Photo taken Dec. 1st, 2017 @ Kootenay lake hospital in Nelson BC. (Sagein is 2 hours old)
Good evening to each and everyone and here’s to a healthy and strong new year as we continue to trudge this road of happy destiny. For those who know having a child is reality bending and changing on every level you can think of. The most profound journey any soul can go through. It’s our true purpose. Our son Sagein Wisdom is all of that and more. As I have stated several times throughout many of my articles, he’s the most profound teacher I’ve ever known. The pound for pound greatest champion of my heart. A true living legend that I’m super blessed to help guide and navigate with through this thing called life. Indeed it is true what they say that having a child opens up a part of your heart you never knew you had. It’s been over 6 years now with him in my life each and every day. All of it has been absolutely mind blowing and truly phenomenal on all levels. I don’t want to be anywhere else in life except right here, beside him.
Ever since leaving Vancouver in 2017 and moving out here to the Kootenay mountains we’ve been living a beautiful and peaceful lifestyle. We live right in the heart of the mountains off Kootenay lake. Tucked away in the hidden landscapes living our dream life. I have access right outside my front door to the thresholds of Mother Earth. Grizzlies comb our backyard, cougars have trails around here. The elk and deer are plentiful and our water supply comes right from the top of the mountain where we live. We breath clean air and are not bothered by corporations or the Canadian colonial government. No cops for 2 hours atleast and we police ourselves out here. There are only 350 souls who live here. Nobody fucks around because if you do? You’ll find out. You can get shot here and there’s nobody to help you for a couple hours atleast. So you learn quickly about the responsibility of community here or your out.
I’ve got lots of options out here and nobody really knows anything about the woodland school of art so I can fully represent the true living spirit of my culture and artform here. It’s refreshing. Also I’m one of only a hand full of Indians living here so that too is quite fresh and renewing for me as well. It affords me a lot of creative freedom and individuality as I bring a whole new creative energy with regards to what Jacobson native art is. It’s absolutely beautiful to just be myself and bring a new fresh approach to the woodland school or as my great mentor Roy Thomas would say; Anishinaabe art. With me staying true to the actual spirit of the art and perfecting the process of laying it down for future generations. Being out here as a Thunderbird spirit is where Thunderbirds like to be. In places like this.
This is a shot of Kaslo BC and we lived there for 2 years before moving here to Crawford bay BC. I loved it there and built some strong relationships and memories of the whole region. It’s where I also confronted my generational trauma and began to process decades and decades of life experiences. Having a child will no doubt bring everything up for you as a new parent and you’ll be forced to look at yourself and your family dynamics. You will go either 2 ways. Hide and deny or face it and heal. The spiritual powers inherent in our children are astronomical. Creator like. The purity of it. Transformational.
Pictured here: Sagein observing his painting I’m making for him. 2019 in Kaslo, BC
This whole awakening of becoming a father and sticking to the plan each and every day has profoundly changed me. All thanks to my little boy in Sagein. The most spectacular change agent I know. It’s so powerful and our bond is the best I’ve ever had. You see, I know the fuckin road maps of what it was like, what happened and what its like now. I grew up with an absentee father who struggled with the bottle his whole life. Never really made an effort when he left after around 7 years old for me. It left a hole in my soul that nothing could ever really fill. A fathers role is that important, it’s that significant. Especially for us boys.
Title of painting: In honour of our son - Sagein Wisdom. Size: 36 x 48 inches. (Gift to him)
So indeed the masterful levels of self reflection and the changing of the behaviours and actions from times of the past are essential. To grow and learn how to do things different and not follow those old paradigms is truly a transformational process. It is refinement and a filling of all those holes in your heart that you unfortunately had to endure and go through. That’s why I place the highest values on my son. Because no other force could do it, could get in there. The keys to my heart he was born with. Only his existence could open those doors. A failed childhood filled with major suffering and trauma leaves a lasting stain on your soul. The magic is in our children. I know this because my son shows me the way each and every day. Love, trust, safety and comfort are essential to his wellbeing. For him to fully express himself. A living dynamo of self expression. The very nature of his life to just be. Perfect little him in every single way. All of it the gift of his life, our life as father and son. My true light in this world, why every day is really the best days we've ever had. All my love to you my boy, momma and dadda love you always and forever...
All my relations MAJ - Rainbow Thunderbird ππ¦ π
For those who may not know, I’ll leave you with my favourite song of all time and really is for me, my life anthem by New Order. Track is called: Everything’s gone green.
Title of painting: The facing of your fears. Size: 36 x 48 inches. Created in 1999 Toronto, Ontario (Colonial Canada)
A special welcome to each and everyone and my hope for all of you this new year is deeper appreciation for life and to take better care of each other and the great Mother Earth herself. We have plenty of work to do to prepare the way for future generations. This attitude is fundamental for our future survival and wellbeing as a species. The fine art of relearning how to coexist with the planet, with the resources and with one another.
Walking a good life each and every day with being mindful through our actions is how the change and growth continues. Like doing a daily self inventory. In the realms of learning to master ones self we find that there are always things to shift and change within ourselves. The art of life itself should be focused in this manner. I aim for this everyday. To try and be a better version of myself than yesterday. The living reality of the human being existence without a spiritual compass is a difficult life indeed. Many have never been shown the way, or are ignorant and choose to max out self in every way possible. A weak perspective if you ask me.
The reality is that not everyone is on the same page. Many still clamour for this or that needing those instincts for self to be fed. Mostly by the world and it’s people. One of the big reasons why there is so much struggle in the world. Why many prefer the illusion and the lie, because it’s easier to live with in most cases. The truth is not an easy road to follow. It requires great personal strength of character because you will literally be changing the world and everyone in it. That is the very nature of truth. It exposes what is hidden, it enlightens, it Illuminates and lights the way.
Living out here deep in the Kootenay mountains is transformational each and every day. There is a natural cleansing of the heart and mind that affords us being so close to nature spirit. She heals me, it’s the greatest awareness because literally I’m living in deep spiritual intimacy with the spirit of Mother Earth. I wake up and go to sleep in her beauty. The best move I ever made coming out here to live a solitary life style. I’ve never had to get vaccinated as the direct result. We live in a community of 350 souls and we all live spread out around these mountains. You have to be someone who’s very comfortable in their own skin. You also need a deep passion for creativity and being engulfed in the majesty of this beauty every single
Photo of my playground out here in the Kootenay mountains
So with that I’m excited for this new year in 2024. I feel like turning the page on many things I was once busy with as the direct result of warrioring up on behalf of the truth. It frees up the spirit or should I say makes more room within ones true self and knowing. It’s an honour to continue on this journey of life. I feel resolved and I’m looking forward to the future...all my relations, MAJ
Enjoy this track by one of my friends from Montreal, a legend in Misstress Barbara. Track title: Dance me to the end of love. Let’s welcome 2024 with a classic:
Pictured here: Elk mask transformation. Carved by artist Michael Price
Pictured here: Hanging out with 2 incredible indigenous elders @ Kunze gallery
Good evening to each and everyone on this marvellous evening. Things are rolling well with our new partnership @ Kunze gallery and Jacobson native art. The spirit of real truth and reconciliation is definitely upon us and all those in whom I meet. It’s absolutely amazing and this partnership is where it’s at when it comes to how a gallery supports their artists. I feel so honoured and a part of, every single day. They absolutely love having me there and show me huge respect.
They honour my knowledge and experiences throughout First Nations art across our lands and hold me in very high esteem. The way it should be. My power to influence and expand the spiritual energy and consciousness at the gallery is the best freedom Ive ever found in working with any gallery or institution. They allow me to shine, to speak the truth and share everything I’ve learned along the journey.
They see me as a vast resource and indeed I am. It’s a beautiful fit in every sense of the word.
I have pure freedom to be me. They are never embarrassed or intimidated in any way shape or form. They truly support me. Like a real family member and I too show them this same spirit and awareness. We work together so well. No issues, no power struggles, no fuckin weirdness whatsoever. I’m so happy about it.
You know, I’ll tell you this. There are 3 types of people in life. The weak cup of coffee, the medium cup of coffee and like me, the strong cup of coffee. That’s just the truth of the matter. I don’t fuck around and I stand in my truth with strength and real spiritual power. I know I rub people the wrong way and many find me very challenging and difficult to deal with.
But it’s not because I’m fucked up or mentally ill or a dark personality or whatever else people dream up in their little warped minds about me. Ive been dealing with that shit for years. It’s because I’m principled. I’m intelligent and very straight forward and I’ll tell you the truth regardless of your feelings or beliefs or delusions.
This is the reality. I’m not some bent codependent wimp struggling with trying to fit in. I personally don’t give a fuck what you or anyone else may think. Not regarding honesty. I’ll lay it all out for you. Precisely. On point. And I won’t take shit from anyone. I’m also very reasonable and fair. But if you cannot see your wicked ways, your errors, your defects of character and your hidden agendas? My soul will expose you and I’ll see right fuckin through you. That’s why most struggle with me.
I’m the mirror. I’ve seen and been through it all. It’s hard to fuck around when I live my truth. That’s why people struggle. Why they eventually break themselves against me. It’s my spirit, my connection to Creator, I walk my life in truth. I live my spirituality in the upper, middle and lower worlds. Like the Creator has taught me and continues to teach me each and every day. I’m not afraid of pain, suffering or the darkness. I swim in the positive and the negative. Both are vital to understamding and true knowledge of the human condition. That’s me. That’s MAJ.
All my relations and more to come....
Enjoy this peyote prayer song by Louie Gonnie called: A new dawn
Pictured here: the CEO setting up his office and working on his tablet with Dadda
Pictured here: Original painting titled: For future generations. Size: 48 x 72 inches
Pictured here: A beautiful dreamscape of my son earning his wings
Good evening to each and everyone. Here at Jacobson native art we are proud to share the majestic beauty and spiritual powers of our son in Sagein Wisdom. He truly is the light of my world and each and every day a spiritual force of teaching me how to be a gentle, loving and trusting father. The greatest journey I've ever been on in my 50 years on Mother Earth.
A beacon of spiritual light that aligns me with the fun and creative will of the great master itself, our Creator. I am blessed beyond measure to witness this energy and spirit each and every day. The greatest of my loves, our son. So with that, I welcome you all to whom it is a fine privilege to share in this magical life and the one in whom we work for. Our boy. All my relations and more to come. MAJ
This track is for you my boy. To always know and remember our deepest love and honour for you. In life and in death, I’ll be here for you. This I trust in the great foreverness...
Pictured here: Fake Morrisseau painted by Phil Cote for Maslak McLeod (early 1990’s)
Good afternoon to each and everyone following the truth here @ Jacobson native art. This article will go into the very reasons why the estate of Norval Morrisseau is a complete scam and why they are guilty of gross negligence throughout Morrisseau’s legacy and the woodland school of art. They can never be trusted. They are liars and live on the backs of those of us who did the real work. They did fuck all.
This is a painting done by a great artist in Steven snake. Unfortunately the subject matter of this painting is of Norval Morrisseau painting a Phil Cote fake sourced from a Maslak McLeod catalogue. It’s disgusting and what’s even worse is that the estate of Norval Morrisseau does absolutely nothing to correct these issues. They sit back and say nothing, do nothing and hide underneath a rock. It’s so weak and embarrassing. Their only focus is the money. This is why the estate is not the representation of our woodland school. That reality now sits with us living artists who are indigenous and have the right to paint these stories and teachings. White settlers who hide behind Morrisseau are not capable of speaking up in this regard. This art form belongs with us, the great Anishanabe.
Pictured here: A Steven Snake painting of Norval Morrisseau with a fake black drybrush thunderbird image
This is how warped and distorted this whole art fraud of Morrisseau’s legacy has become. It’s so multi layered and in need of being cleaned up but those dipshits like Gabe Vadas and Ding dong Dingle do absolutely nothing. These weak and shallow individuals continue to ride the coat tails of those of us who did the hard work of confronting these issues on behalf of Morrisseau but now more importantly for the authenticity of our woodland school of art. The estate is an embarrassment to us. It is broken and will probably never have the same feel ever again. It’s over for them.
This is why they have no power in my world. They are an embarrassment to the industry, the woodland art movement and will be exposed for their inability to function properly. You see when you boil off all the shit around the estate you see who they are and what they’ve become. Naked and soulless, empty of any real meaning. This is the true estate of Norval Morrisseau. A legacy built on lies, deceptions and absolute gross negligence. The next reality coming for them is how do you continue to hide the sexual abuse of innocent little children? Huh? What? Really? Exactly. You won’t be able to. This is what is coming next for them. The hunger for money will cease and you will be confronted with this on a much larger scale then you can imagine. It’s absolutely disgusting what these people have done including that grand shaman shyster bullshit in Norval Morrisseau himself. Guilty of historic sex crimes. The biggest let down of my entire life. The art and life of sexual abuser Norval Morrisseau....
Good evening to all of you following the truth in this story. This is just a short post to acknowledge the next chapter in this horrific and devastating new development regarding the historic sex crimes of the now disgraced Norval Morrisseau and the estate.
This is by no means in any way, shape or form, a joke. What happened to Lamont and the other perpetrators of these art crimes will no doubt follow suit with the legacy of Morrisseau. I stand in the truth along with all survivors of sexual abuse. Your time of hiding underneath the last fuckin rock, is over.
The truth of our Creator is now on its way. To set the record straight...once and for all. Your denial of these truths will mean absolutely fuckin nothing. This is being designed and hand delivered by the great spirit itself. There is no doubt in my heart about it....
More to come. All my relations, MAJ
Enjoy this track by Judas Priest: Heavy duty - Defenders of the faith
Good evening to each and everyone and I sincerely wish you a happy new year for 2023. Recently there have been huge and dramatic shifts for me and some others I’ve met concerning the legacy of Norval Morrisseau. I’m 100% finished. I’ll never be able to look at or enjoy Norvals art the same ever again.
Holding up the myth, the icon and so-called legend has been completely destroyed. I’ll never see him in that light again. I was fooled to believe many things but that time is over. These new revelations have shifted that like no other force could.
It’s fuckin devastating and those responsible will definitely be held accountable. There is no turning back from this truth. The legacy has been a gross fuckin lie propelled by mostly the white settler and unfortunately many of us First Nations as well. But indeed what is coming must be told. It must be shared. For after all, these are our stories. This is our space.
More to come...stay tuned. All my relations, MAJ
P.S: Fuck you to the entire estate of Norval Morrisseau. Blocking me from sharing the truth on your stupid fb page only proves that it is you clowns who have everything to hide. Wait and see....your fucked.
Good morning to each and everyone. Just had an amazing day taking my boy out for his first full atv experience deep in the mountains. With spring time opening up more of the trails it was time to take him on this incredible ride. We travelled about 50km on these beautiful and stunning trails together and he was in absolute Mother Nature paradise today. He was beaming with joy and totally enjoyed every single minute of it.
Pictured here: Dadda and baby boy having fun
Here is my boy having a “Anishanabe zen moment” as he takes it all in having had the journey of his life going to places most people only see in their dreams or on postcards. For me, there is nothing greater than having the opportunity each and every day to hang out with this amazing and dazzling light. He truly is my everything. My dream come true. That’s what I tell him every single day. Being with him at this stage of my life is really the icing on the cake. I now know what selfless true love is. It’s being a caring and responsible father to your child each and every day. Nothing in this world can ever replace that. Nothing should ever get in the way of this.
Ever since his birth I’ve been on this absolutely most incredible journey of discovery. As I’ve mentioned I have never met any soul in my entire life who has impacted such change in my life, in who I am. My little teacher, the one who moved mountains in dadda. What can I say but that I’m eternally grateful for your existence, your precious soul and life.
My beautiful boy, my hope in a future where true love will continue to reign through our Jacobson name for many future generations to come. This is my ultimate wish, to be the father I never had and to continue our incredible and awesome journey together as father and son.
This ones for you, Sagein Wisdom. A special message between us in this track from dadda to you...
Artist/DJ: Kiko Navarro & Nader Behravan - Sounds of my breath
Pictured above: The new paddle board with Sea Gods, White rock BC
Good evening to each and everyone and I wanted to send out a heartfelt thank you for all the love, kindness and support these days. I appreciate it very much and through this site and my Facebook native arts group the response has been incredibly warm and supportive. So chi-meegwetch for that. Lately I’ve been re-examining my marketing approach and have opened up some new doors as the direct result.
Because of ebay, most auction websites, Kijiji, Walmart, the Hudson’s Bay and the like are peppered with fake Morrisseau’s and poor quality reproductions, fake prints of fake paintings it is quite overwhelming the amount of garbage that is out there. Not only is that the fault of barbarians like jim white publishing and the filth surrounded around the Morrisseau family foundation, Kinsmen Robinson gallery and the negligence of the Norval Morrisseau estate, many others have gotten involved with selling this cheap shit to the average consumer.
It’s embarrassing that this fraud continues to multiply, the lies and deceptions are hurting consumers while everyone waits for some results regarding this national police investigation being headed by the OPP. The amount of loss that many First Nations artists have suffered because we are forced to compete in this market is atrocious. Gross negligence by Canada in every way you can think of. I’ve watched it all go down for the last 2 decades. It’s pathetic and depressing.
So, here at Jacobson native art, we are moving in some fresh and new directions. We have decided to work with a couple different platforms where our quality can be appreciated and where we don’t have to contend with fake prints of Norval Morrisseau on eBay for $39.99. What a joke. More over it’s absolutely disgusting really. Most days I’m just getting pretty sick and tired of anything Morrisseau. The toll of dealing with this art fraud for over 17 years now has become quite numbing.
The amount of garbage out there is staggering so getting proactive about our new direction has put in some fresh hope and courage concerning what I offer and bring to the table. Unlike Morrisseau, my level and quality matters a great deal to me. Not only with my originals but also with the quality of my prints and publishing decisions.
We have chosen to go with poshmark and Etsy with regard to providing a playful and fun platform for those seeking limited editions on stretched gallery canvas. All prints come signed, titled and numbered and are directly sourced from my art studio. Everything released from the studio is released to the public in mint condition. Flawless. Perfect. We only choose the highest quality and best products to represent Mark Anthony Jacobson native art.
I feel very excited and happy about protecting the integrity of my art and legacy. After everything I have learned around Morrisseau it is imperative that a successful artist does everything they can while they are alive to steer this ship in the right direction. I have also decided to enter the world of NFT’s and I’m thankful to my friend, collector and new brother Chad in Toronto for encouraging me to enter this new realm. I don't know much about this digital world but I’m willing to dip my toe in the waters to find out what this potentially may lead to. I am interested to scope out these new worlds online.
For now I’ll leave some links at the bottom of this article here and you can check them out and I sure hope you enjoy the new products and services that we are offering. I take great pride in trying to do my best on every single canvas and this reflects that pride in the quality of products and decisions I make regarding my art. With great respect...all my relations, MAJ
Good evening to each and everyone. We just got back from a trip to Cranbrook B.C. and went shopping for our monthly supplies etc. Like I’ve mentioned before I live in a very small community deep in the Kootenay mountains on the east shore of kootenay lake. The views and scenery are absolutely majestic. Any how we did our shopping and we ventured off to the toy store.
When my boy Sagein saw these, his eyes lit up with joy and excitement. When I saw them I thought to myself, if I was 4 years old would I want these? You betcha. So I did what any cool father would do and made the purchase. Lol. This robot Batman lights up, talks, is quite interactive along with that cool looking batcar. He loved em. It took us 3 hours to get back home and my boy fell asleep on the drive home. But when he woke up this morning?
He was the happiest boy on earth. And that for me, is the essence of my happiness, my joy. The truth be told, my childhood was a pretty ruff deal. I see the path every day with this little one. My love and complete admiration for him. His love, trust and confidence in me, the best feelings ever. He is the center of my universe. I don't want to be anywhere else on earth except right there beside him every single day.
I know the road map of what I had to endure and survive as a child and this lil guy is my only child. He is the CEO of Jacobson native art. He will be handed the responsibility of taking care of this for future generations. Everything I do is truly about taking care of his wellbeing each and everyday. I want the best for him. He deserves it. He has shaped and changed me like no other human being ever in my life, could. He is that unique and special to me.
He’s the light of my world. He’s the light of my life. It’s an honour to be his father...
Good afternoon to each and everyone. These are indeed very difficult and challenging times that we are in. With the discovery and recovery of our residential school children, this genocide of my people, the war with Russia and Ukraine, global warming, the pandemic, the list just goes on and on. These challenges effect us all in more ways than one. Yet the fight for truth must continue.
For years now I’ve been doing whatever I can to assist in fighting this fraud of our art. It started with standing up for the legacy of my friend in Norval Morrisseau. That has been a 17 year fight so far. Now my work is being stolen and taken advantage of by these criminals and not just here in Canada but worldwide.
It has been a refreshing energy to have actual help and assistance with regard to these matters. The police are fucking useless and have offered absolutely zero help. In this day and age you have to hand them the case on a silver platter like I did with Morrisseau where you have done most of the work, being unpaid and using your own resources to even get them to help or assist. Even in that, they have provided me with no assistance.
So, I’m stuck either doing it myself or finding those who actually care enough to help. I belong to a group called “Fraudulent native art exposed”. It is a small team of dedicated and trusted souls who do work as I’ve listed above. I’m a part of this group. I continue to not only help defend my own interests and authenticity but indeed I’m still helping dozens of other native artists...including still, the art of Norval Morrisseau.
This article is an overview of how to go about protecting your own art and copyrights. You have to become your own law and justice. Relying on others to get the job done will not suffice. One must take the lead themselves. You have to take action. I hope this piece of advice becomes useful to those who are suffering with these issues. It’s become quite a problem for many native artists across this god forsaken country called Canada.
Have a safe weekend and thank you for your continued respect and support of all these efforts being done. All my relations, MAJ