The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024
Showing posts with label Cory Dingle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cory Dingle. Show all posts

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Warning to the entire woodland school of art and all lovers of indigenous art - watch out for this guy Cory “ding dong” Dingle he is a disaster to our culture, our art our true stories and teachings


Good evening and it’s nice to come back and make some time for  a new article as I’ve been quite busy the last few days. Any how Im happy to now make some room for  this absolute fuck nut in whom I deeply regret ever meeting in Cory DING DONG Dingle. A disgrace to our woodland school of art who lied to me on several occasions and also in whom I told directly that Norval Morrisseau was, is and will always be, a sexual abuser of children, young men. Many victims/survivors that I was able to talk with who shared their truth and story with me including myself as well. 

I told him these things over 2 years ago and he’s done absolutely nothing to deal with this truth. He is no doubt a white colonizer who has absolutely no respect for sexual assault victims, our trauma and experiences. He is literally a total piece of shit of a human being. I’ll never trust him and it’s a complete disgrace that he is even weirdly involved in being the ceo of the permanently disgraced Norval Morrisseau estate, the historic sexual abuser. 

I have shared publicly many times about the reality of these truths that I discovered about the dead pedophile artist. I sent emails, messages etc in trying to help educate people around this and there is no doubt he is aware of that. Still? Nothing. He goes on pretending like that didn’t happen and does absolutely nothing to educate people about this reality. There is no doubt he has his reasons and I know for a fact that during the fraud, he amassed a nice little collection for himself. He certainly has a major invested financial interest. He is one of the creepiest people in this business. A shadow. A false reflection.

 Here’s a new and updated list of those who came forward and shared their stories and personal testimonies with me which helped me to come forward as well. It is gross negligence to ignore these honest accounts in whom Morrisseau truly was. There are many institutions, consulting firms, those in academia who are part of the problem. These colonial entities are either in denial, unwilling to believe it or simply don’t know. Either way it’s disgraceful to continue ignoring this reality and the time for changing this narrative is upon us. Propping up sexual abusers of children, young boys and men is wrong. What many including Ding dong Dingle continue to do is not the spirit of truth and reconciliation. It’s an utter abomination of my culture and a total disrespect to these historic sexual abuse survivors. It’s so ugly and hurtful. 

This list is an accurate account of what I was precisely told by these witnesses and experiencers. None of them have any other motive than to tell the truth. This is the honest reality of what I found and in what also propelled me to come forward. My only aim was to always tell the truth and here’s what I found:

David  Morrisseau - recieved an out of court settlement for sexual abuse claims. Was settled by Norval and Gabe Vadas in early 1990’s. David himself told several people about this sexual abuse from his father.  I have 3 witnesses who told me David had confessed the abuse to them as well. Sadly David passed away in august of 2024. Those 3 are elder Shelley Charles, Dr. Golden and Tom Tom Sinclair. 

Brian Marion - Story of this account is heartbreaking. A fellow artist in Michael cywink told me exclusively how back in the late 70’s he was in the same apartment with Norval and Brian. They were in another room when he heard Brian yelling out: no Norval, no, please no…while being raped by Norval in the other room. Michael said he froze, he didn’t know what to do and left in a panicked state. 

Tom Tom Sinclair - told me in conversations (written as well) that he was sexually abused at 8 years old by Norval Morrisseau. He also mentioned in writing that there were 4 other victims from Thunder Bay who were around the same age as him that were sexually abused by Norval Morrisseau. Those victims now deceased. 

That makes for 7 victims right there. With my story that is now 8. And what? That doesn’t matter? The money is more important? The false legacy of grand shaman and cultural icon is all that matters? This whole thing makes you look awful Dingle. You truly are a white windigo. Everything you touch is tainted. Sending the pedophile to the moon. Yippe fuck head. Thanks for contaminating the moon, asswipe. How about the united church of Canada fiasco? Tying the pedophile artist to that. Hiding the sex crimes of your chum behind the cross of Jesus. Lovely work guy. I wonder what they’ll have to say about all of that? You making moves under the umbrella of truth and reconciliation with that? Fucking disgusting. You truly gross me out. You are an insult to my culture white boy. You do it all ass backwards. You’re doing it wrong. It’s a disgrace how you choose to operate. You even mentioned how Buffy saint Marie shines like 16 suns or some weird ass shit like that. Saying how the estate fully supports the now discovered fraud of Buffy. Your characteristics are a lot like hers. It’s bizarre watching you roll the dice like that. 

Rolling with suspected forger in Phil Cote. During that whole disgraceful show and event you put on with united church of Canada. All of that while many of us indigenous peoples are still trying to heal from many of the abuses these churches are guilty of. During a period while many residential schools are still being searched and  finding  the dead bodies of thousands of children. You do not get it. You do not have the right mind and sensitivity regarding my culture. You are abusive. You represent a false light and a false narrative. You are a disgraceful individual. You are not capable of doing things in the right way. Our way. You seek the glory, the show and shine. Your approach is 100% colonial. 

You are a disgrace to my culture and I wish for you to be exposed for who you really are. You misrepresent the truth, regardless of how ugly it is. And for that, you lack true humility and understanding when dealing with indigenous issues and concerns. It’s an abomination. Total gross negligence. 

In the meantime here’s my video of lighting my entire Morrisseau collection on fire. It serves as a very proud moment in my life by standing up to the lies and deceptions of those around the art, life and legacy of Norval Morrisseau who through me, got exposed for the total piece of shit he’ll always be. A  gay sex junkie who became an exposed child sexual abuser. A real and true scum bag. A total piece of shit…


In the meantime there’ll be more to come. I am honoured that I can be a gate keeper of truth for my people the great Anishanabe and for the entire school of the woodland art. I have a duty to tell the truth. To stand up and tell it as it is. It is a privilege….all my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Exposing the crooked decision making by “Ding dong Dingle” of that spiritually bankrupt Norval Morrisseau estate...just gross.


Indeed it is true what they say that you cannot make a crooked bird fly straight. The hard truth and reality is just that. I’ve been watching this whole scene unfold for well over 20 years of investigation and expert research. I’ve unfortunately met them all around the legacy except for most of Morrisseau’s children, thank goodness. I have met David Morrisseau years ago who was sexually abused by his own father. Go ask David, apparently he tells just about everybody he meets. It’s common knowledge in the art circles around Toronto and lots of Indians know this. As a father myself it absolutely disgusts me that a fake legend like diddler Norval has done this to his own child, his own son. There are other victims and witnesses who have come forward since including myself. It’s the main reason why I suspect David has always been an outcast from his family. Why he was so heavily involved in the art fraud of his “Pedophile” fathers legacy. The exact same can be said of all of Norvals children. They all backed the black drybrush fakes that were spearheaded by convicted of art fraud and serial rapist in Gary Lamont from Thunder Bay Ont, an old dear friend of Norvals. This is the reality. 

The truth is that there really is no one who is even willing or who can keep these crooked birds accountable. I am that individual and I hold this light with integrity because quite frankly I believe it is absolutely wrong to prop up sexual abusers of children as cultural icons. There are many who I know feel the very same way. It is difficult for many to realize this because they’ve been lied to by so many broken souls around the legacy of Norval Morrisseau. Hiding these stories from the general public. Those in academia and in hundreds of Canadian institutions being either in denial or simply haven’t done their research regarding these dark chapters in our history. We are in a period of truth and reconciliation, not hide and seek or denial. Here’s another example of many regarding this sick and twisted legacy of the pedophile Morrisseau:

Pictured here is a screen shot from the Norval Morrisseau estate Facebook page. The insanity of this feature post that they’ve released involves none other than Phil Cote, a suspected forger of Morrisseau’s art in the 1990’s and 2000’s through Maslak Mcleod gallery now permanently shut down out of Yorkville area in Toronto. They are making crooked decisions like this, including backing the cultural appropriation and deceptions of Buffy Saint Marie, (saying statements that ol Buffy shines like 16 suns...lol) saying as well that Christian Morrisseau was a genius when really Christian was also heavily involved in the forgery of his sexually abusing fathers art works and legacy. There are so many examples of just how sick and broken that old dying bird of the Morrisseau legacy has done. It’s disgusting. The whole fuckin thing. Here’s an example of a suspected Phil Cote fake sourced from Maslak mcleod:

Here’s the guy doing a talk at the church no less where he’ll give his bullshit interpretation of Morrisseau’s “man changing into crooked bird“ in downtown Toronto on this coming weekend. That’s how truly fucked up this legacy is. It’s a national shame and a total disgrace in the woodland school of art. Backwards Charlie as my father used to say. Any how this is the true nature of how I see this whole mess. The fraud behind the fraud. For me, that’s all this shit bag of a legacy will always be. A lie. A crooked bird that will never be able to fly straight. They’ll have to come to terms with this at some point. You cannot hide and deny the truth forever. People are waking up and are starting to realize that everything I have said about it has been straight up and honest. I will not let this continue to happen to another generation of innocent and trusting souls who wouldn’t  know otherwise if it wasn’t for people like me. Willing to risk my future on behalf of the truth. Once you know? You know...
Miigwetch and all my relations,, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Friday, April 14, 2023

Honest message to Ding Dong Dingle of the spiritually bankrupt Norval Morrisseau estate


Pictured here: Ding dong Dingle posing pretty for the camera of CTV talking only about money, money, money...

Pictured here: Gabe “sexual groomer” Vadas painting Norval Morrisseau paintings that were sold primarily through KRG (Former Kinsman Robinson gallery in Toronto)

Good evening to each and everyone who is continuing to follow these new discoveries surrounding the sexual abuser in Norval Morrisseau. This new reality is a devastating series of truths that I am honoured to be sharing because of the trust of the survivors, something the Morrisseau estate knows nothing about...trust. 

My message to you Ding dong Dingle is why? Why would you think that you can outright fuckin lie to me? Why would you ever think that you could out maneuver me? Are you that fuckin stupid? You must be. To think that you could ever out muscle me when it comes to the truth? You really are fucked. I can tell your spirit is weak, that your soul is sick. Just like that fuck nut you work for in Gabe. The whole lot of you aren’t much different than the Goldi’s of the world. The same character traits of Ugo Matulic and Gary Lamont. 
Your personality types are so much in alignment, it’s scary. You live in a world where lying, cheating, scamming and hurting others is your M.O. You should have never thought that you could easily just lie to my face. That was your move which put this reality into motion. You fucked with the wrong Indian. (I’m super tight with the Creator) You’d think that everything you have learned and what I have personally shared with you regarding my years of investigation skills on this Morrisseau shit would make you smarter. But no. You are a complete dildo. A piece of shit in my books who went down the wrong path. 

You shouldn’t have done that. You should’ve been smart and spoke the truth but you couldn’t. Because you are merely a Morrisseau puppet working for your bitch monkey in Vadas. Like I mentioned before, feel free to confront me anywhere, anytime. You are in denial and I’m going to educate you and the entire world about this reality. 

There is nothing that any of you can do to stop this. Nothing. You have no choice now but to live out your lie. And mark my words you will all be exposed. The levels of truth coming forward will not only completely shake the foundation of that bankrupt estate but this will no doubt change the course of Morrisseau’s legacy. And please don’t thank me, you can thank Norval Morrisseau in your prayers. You can thank that fuck for misleading you as well. 
This is a warning to all of you trying to hide and protect your sexual abuser. Don’t be stupid like the Goldi’s and risk it all to save a lie. This truth I hold is so holy and sacred. It’s so powerful and real. There are energies coming into alignment regarding this reality. The survivors will have their day, they will have their story shared with the entire world. They choose to set the record straight. Once and for all. It is now my honour to help them do so.

More to come and stay tuned. All my relations, MAJ

THIS SONG IS FOR YOU DING DONG....ENJOY IT....while it lasts...

Monday, February 6, 2023

Exposing the stupidity, ignorance and lies of those around the Norval Morrisseau estate


Good evening to each and everyone who continues to find the truth being shared here @ Jacobson native art. This article will be about exposing the stupidity and ignorance around the art, life and legacy of Norval Morrisseau and that bastard estate. Let’s start with Gabe and Michelle Vadas. Pictured above. 

These 2 have done so much damage in their lies and deceptions. Doing whatever it takes to project this false image of the sexual predator in Norval Morrisseau and his art. Why? The money. That’s the only reason why. It’s disgusting how white settlers will literally sell their souls for the all mighty dollar. No integrity and with regard to Michelle Vadas I’m happy to hear that she left her abuser in Gabe Vadas. That is a very good move for her and I hope she does heal. She was forced to lie for that sack of shit in Gabe who was also Morrisseau’s sexual pimp and boy toy. 

I have information for you Michelle. I have living evidence that Gabe Vadas has been cheating on you for years. Behind your back. He slept with other men’s ladies and sexual partners. Men too. Get well and don’t ever go back to that. You can do much better. You deserve to heal and get out. I hope your children heal too. They deserve a better life. Norval Morrisseau’s historic sex crimes shouldn’t be swept under the carpet. The time for exposing these truths are upon us. More to come...

Pictured here: Convicted serial rapist Gary Lamont with historic sexual abuser Norval Morrisseau 

Pictured here is the former pimp and drug dealer for Norval Morrisseau in Gary Lamont. Plastered all over the news and internet for his grotesque sexual crimes. Standing in front of a fake Morrisseau painting (the black drybrush garbage). How fitting though when you step back and take a real long look at this picture, it all makes sense. Sex crimes, rape, cultural genocide, prostitution, art fraud, perversion and the list goes on and on. What a disgrace. The whole fuckin lot of them. 
Pictured here: Don Robinson holding a fake Morrisseau in Yorkville (Toronto Ont.)
Next in line are these crooked fuck nuts from Kinsmen Robinson gallery in toronto. Both liars who sold numerous fakes and who have been holding up several lies about who they are and their involvement in deceiving the Canadian art buying public. When the black drybrush fakes started popping up at auction houses like Randy potter auctions and so forth, these 2 clowns started buying them all up thinking that they had their hands on a new gold mine. Lol. Fuckin idiot fucks especially Paul Robinson (pictured above ) this lying sack of shit. He reminds me of a filthy looking sewage rat. He’s another one id like to take up the mountain for a nice little trip. Fuckin bottom feeder scum. 

Pictured here: White settler and ceo of the historic sexual abuser in Norval Morrisseau and the estate, Cory “ding dong” Dingle. This idiot is a complete fool in the art world. Imagine that eh? Collecting hundreds of paintings from a historic sexual abuser. Thinking he’s a hero. an icon, grand shaman....right. How about grand bullshit. The whole fucking legacy of Norval Morrisseau. The biggest let down in the entire school of our woodland art. What a disgrace...

Pictured here: So called Morrisseau expert and Academic but very poor researcher in Carmen Robertson. Here she is standing in front of a fake “Phil Cote fake Morrisseau” sourced from kinsmen Robinson gallery in Toronto called: white mans curse. What a scam by KRG getting Carmen to sell herself out with these types of fakes found in the book “travels to the house of invention”. Doing whatever it takes to try and legitimize those abominations. It was John Zemanovich, me and yes, Ritchie too who were the experts and that is why we were such a force back then. But look now? Weakness everywhere. I feel sorry for this woman...too bad. Just goes to prove that academia is a fuckin joke. The real experts are the master artists in this school. Remember that. 
Pictured here:Morrisseau family foundation discussing their criminal plans and activities. It’s really gross what these Morrisseau children and family members are guilty of. An ugly mess of forgery, crimes, drugs, alcoholism and raping their fathers legacy. 

Next we have the dysfunctional white settler and fake Morrisseau art lover and collector in Jim White who is the brain child of white distribution and publishing. Responsible for polluting our woodland school of art with thousands upon thousands of fake prints, his collection of fake Morrisseau paintings, this guy is a self centred greedy old white man. His whole deportment stinks. Everything about him, grotesque. One of the biggest fools in the art business. Super gross what he is responsible for. 

Next is this poor sap in Joe Otavnik. This guy bought dozens of fake Morrisseaus hoping against hope that he had hit the jack pot as well. Not. What happened here is these guys who bought these fake black drybrush Morrisseau paintings all got fucked. By who? A convicted serial rapist in none other than Gary Lamont who is currently awaiting criminal prosecution for yet again 3 more sexual assaults. This pig in Lamont just did 5 plus years in federal prison for being the fuckin skinner that he is and will always be. It’s so beyond pathetic and yet still all these settlers and Morrisseau collectors and dealers wait on pins and needles for the police investigation to produce criminal charges, some sort of results. But nothing....still. 

Pictured here is chronic bullshitter and criminal conspirator in Wolf “small wille” Morrisseau standing with you guessed it, fake Norval Morrisseau Paintings. This guy is a sad sack of shit as well. Lying to anyone and everyone about him teaching big brother and historic sexual abuser in Norval to sign the back of these abominations in black drybrush paint in English. To help the white settler understand better...lol. Fuckin idiots around this whole thing. So pathetic what the lust for money does to a person. Yuck. 

Pictured here: Benjiman “broken wing” Morrisseau. This idiot is such a lying dirt bag. Responsible for thousands of fake “uncle diddler” Morrisseau’s this poor and broken soul served the obsessive nature and desires of his filthy and disgusting habits. Unable to tell the truth, he continues hide out in Thunder Bay underneath some fuckin rock. What a complete piece of shit. Even now....just gross really. 

Pictured here: Bryant ross who really is a personal let down for me. I used to like this guy as a friend  and even did some business with him but yet again, ignorance, ego and pride got in the way with this guy. A man who served the needs of his historic  sexual abuser friend and mentor in Norval Morrisseau, he continues to serve Gabe Vadas and the estate of Norval Morrisseau selling prints paintings and whatever else he can get his fuckin hands on. Including finishing off Morrisseau paintings in his studio out in Aldergrove BC. 

Pictured here: White cultural appropriator in Ritchie “star dreamer” Sinclair. A Morrisseau puppet who would do just about anything to achieve art stardom. It’s sad when I really think about it. I actually kinda feel sorry for Ritchie. A proxy in fighting the Morrisseau art fraud, he too fell victim to the belief that Norval was some sort of “grand shyster shaman” bullshit. White people have a tendency to want to be us so bad, that their willing to sell their souls and create these fake identities and try to become these pretendians. It’s super fuckin weird grey owl shit. It’s sad...

Pictured here: Flake Angeconeb not knowing a fuckin thing about the spirit of the woodland school of art. A fame hungry and colonized appropriator, this guy has to be one of the biggest jokes in the woodland school. Bastardizing our art form with his misleading cartoon garbage and thievery of everybody else’s art  except his own, he reminds me of a lost soul out at sea trying to plug the hole in his little dingy. 

Without doing any research about the art fraud of Norval Morrisseau or the involvement of the criminal activities of the estate, he goes around kissing ass and polishing nuts to try and get ahead, to make a name for himself. It’s fuckin gross really. He reminds me of Ritchie Sinclair a little bit in that regard. It’s a pattern with this “toy” as well. He knows nothing of our culture except how to rub the colonizer the right way. This guy will always be an art prostitute in my books and someone who should’ve done his “research” when it comes to aligning yourself, your family and name to the historic sexual abuser in Norval Morrisseau. Now you see. You should’ve been smart and asked those of us who knew more about this reality then you did. But like the philosophy of the white colonized settler, it appears now that money fame and prestige were more important. What a waste of potential...

Now you’ve tied google, yourself and family to historic sexual abuse in Morrisseau. Let alone all the fraud, crime etc tied to the estate. You really are such a “TOY”. Real fuckin smart....goof. 

Above google doodle a reference for what not to do when building a career around the arts. Do your research people. It’s the only way to move forward without tying yourself to this shit. Trust me, I too have learned. There will be more information coming forward with all of this soon. So stay tuned....all my relations, MAJ

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Fuck you to the entire legacy of Norval Morrisseau....and that pathetic estate

Photo sourced from Michelle Vadas, given to JZ and me in Nanaimo BC photo is of Gabe Vadas painting Morrisseau’s

 Everything around Norval Morrisseau and his fucked up and pathetic legacy of lies will be exposed. It’s a national travesty for not only Canadians and their investment in Morrisseau but more importantly for our First Nations youth, artists and the very fabric of our culture. It’s absolutely abhorrent and I’ve never felt so disgusted as a woodland school artist. 

Above video of Gabe Vadas stating: It’s all mine....greedy Gabe, says. 

White colonizers like Gabe Vadas and his filthy fuckin lies are going to be brought to light now. This guy has to be one of the worst examples around our woodland school. A painter for Morrisseau along with his wife in michelle, he has a lot to answer for. Let’s get into the truth:

1: Gabe Vadas was a street hooker when he met Morrisseau. A down and out drug addict who sold himself and his services on the street, on the downtown east side of Vancouver. That’s the truth. 

2: Gabe Vadas was never Norval Morrisseau’s “Adopted son”. He was Morrisseau’s sexual boy toy. Think about that narrative they’ve been dishing out to the public for years. Adopted son? No, he was Norvals slut who eventually graduated to become Morrisseaus part time lover then his pimp. Not his adopted daddy. Why would an adopted father have sex with his adopted son?....Right.

3: It’s all a lie. Designed to trick everybody and create this false narrative that’s been propped up and held onto by Canadian art institutions, the government of Canada, native art galleries, collectors, educators and the estate of Norval Morrisseau. It’s all a scam because underneath this massive pile of bullshit is the reality, the truth, the secrets. 

4: Why is it that Norval Morrisseau became such good friends with Gary Lamont? A now convicted sexual rapist and predator? I know why. Not only was it for the drugs, but Gary himself used to say how he was Norvals pimp. He wanted to be like Norval, a sex shaman. So he procured young sexual gay lovers for Norval Morrisseau. 

5: It’s true what I say. These are the facts and truths I learned in Indian country while I lived in Thunder Bay. These are our hidden stories. These hidden secrets of utter disgust, shame and sexual filth. Norval Morrisseau had a dirty history of taking advantage of the weak, the lost, the broken. This is fact. This is the reality. He’s had his white handlers and enablers protect and cover for him his whole fuckin life. 

6: Gabe Vadas is a broken and sick white settler who lied his way to the top of the Morrisseau food chain. He is severely mentally unstable. A shadow of a man hiding in his secrets, his lies. That is why his whole fuckin family is broken, suffering. Why he can’t perform any of the duties of this fucked up and broken estate. There is an old saying in AA that your only as sick as your secrets. 

7: Gabe Vadas should count his fuckin blessings that I’m sober. He’s nothing. Just a small and weak piece of shit liar. Back in my old days, this guy wouldn’t last a day in my old world. He’d be eaten up and spit out. Feel free to confront me any fuckin time, bitch. Same goes for you Cory Dinky....I mean Dingle. Fuck you too. Your nothing in my world as well. Your just a lying sack of shit. Trying to deny your boss in Gabe Vadas as a painter for Morrisseau. It was michelle Vadas herself who gave me and JZ that photograph. You fuckin dirt bag. 

8: Special message for Cory Dingle: Fuckin try me? You say your going to run right over me? Why don’t you make a trip here to the Kootenay mountains and fuckin try me? Come and see me tough guy? You fuckin bitch monkey. I’ll take you up the mountain, you and me, we’ll go for a little trip. Anytime, bitch. Also you fuckin nut job, stop trying to sound like Norval in your talk. It’s you little pukes who are the psychic leeches. Tryin to spew off Norval Morrisseau “one liners’. 

9: The truth is that Norval Morrisseau was a deviant sexual predator. This is why I have turned my back on this total pile of shit legacy. Norval was an abuser. A sexual abuser. A fuckin scumbag abuser. This is the truth. This is the reality behind the false narrative of  the grand shaman Morrisseau. First of all, we don’t have grand shamans in our culture or stories. Any good indian knows that in nature, there is nothing really grand about the human being or his spiritual understandings that make him or her...”Grand’. That’s white settler mentality. Not the indian mind set. It’s a scam, a false myth perpetrated by you guessed it, the white man. He tends to think like that. 

10: More truth is coming concerning this sexual abuse by Norval Morrisseau. Mark my fuckin words. I’ve had to dig really fuckin deep with this. I wouldn’t say these things if I couldn’t back them up. That is where the power is. It’s in the truth of these discoveries. It all made sense to me when this information came forward recently. It’s devastating. I feel devastated. I feel so betrayed. I feel lied to. I feel absolutely disrespected. And this is the reason why I’ll never honour this mans art or legacy ever again. He is finished. Even in the afterlife, I’m coming for you. You filthy piece of shit...

As hard and ugly and difficult as this is, it has to be brought to light. All of it. It must be exposed. Historic sexual abuse and sex crimes are still sex crimes. Even after death. The recent Netflix documentary on exposing the historic sex crimes of Jimmy Seville is a powerful example of these truths to come. I recently saw this film and was absolutely blown away. The comparisons are very bizarre and this film truly “spoke to me”. It helped me to open this door. This door will be opened. Regardless of what any white settler either thinks or wants to hide...this truth will be exposed. 

This will be the final chapter in my investigations into the art, man, soul and legacy of the disgraced Norval Morrisseau...one of the biggest letdowns of my entire life. More to come....all my relations, MAJ 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Exposing the dysfunctional CEO in Cory Dingle of the Norval Morrisseau estate

I am going to outline several points of clear cut evidence that this liar in Cory Dingle is not the right fit for the estate of Norval Morrisseau. There will be a major shift coming in this regard of the actual estate itself.  As many of you know, I have always been honest and straight forward with each and everyone of you regarding my knowledge and experiences of this investigation. I had a falling out with Cory Dingle this past weekend. I’ll share with you why:

1: Dingle isn’t fit for the role of CEO because he has a major personal invested interest, financially. I know that he has amassed a collection of roughly 200 to 250 Morrisseau paintings. 

2: How did he amass such a collection? He used the Morrisseau fraud as an opportunity to buy paintings when the market was in an upheaval regarding the fakes. He used a fake indigenous identity in gizhemanidoo@gmail.com scouring the Internet like kijiji, ebay, Craigslist,  auction houses, Facebook for deals on buying paintings. 

3: He bought when people were selling during the fraud investigation at rock bottom prices taking advantage of the market in disarray. He was literally preying on the weak Morrisseau collector/owner during this time. 

4: At the time he was no expert whatsoever in Norval Morrisseau art. Never was and never will be. He relied on John Zemanovich, Ritchie Sinclair and me to authenticate what he was finding on the internet through his fake indigenous identity. I have dozens and dozens of email communications around these activities. 

5: He has a dark history with Morrisseau involving drugs, perverted sex, extreme alcoholism, working on Morrisseau paintings himself when he was a young teenage boy in White rock, BC (early 1990’s)

6: Infact he told me a story as a youth with Morrisseau, building him a wooden “fuck chair” with a 2 foot carved wooden dildo as the centrepiece of this bizarre sexual contraption. During this time Morrisseau was a complete fuckin mess getting people around him to secure sexual relations with young sex workers and gay drug addicts. (Many of them underage and illegally obtaining their services) 

7: He is a white settler who unfortunately doesn’t know the size and scope of the woodland school of art. He is no expert on Morrisseau art. He doesn’t know our legends and teachings. He is an exposed liar with self serving motives. He can never be trusted because of his financial interests in safe guarding his Morrisseau collection.

8: He is insulting. He is ignorant and cannot be trusted. This past weekend he tried to get me on board with the estate. I was willing to help but then I caught him in an outright lie. I cannot and will not align myself with that. That was his first mistake with me regarding this. So naturally I was offended. He then proceeded to tell me that he’d run right over me and that I have mental issues and that I’m really angry. He went on to say that I need help and that he gave me his so-called psychological opinion on me. What a fuckin joke this guy is. Really. 

9: He went to say during our text message discussions this weekend that I caused significant loss for the estate financially. He said he had 2 deals fall through for over $140,000.00 because of my articles on this site explaining that those clients didn’t want to buy after reading about the criminal involvement of Christian Morrisseau. Which is fact. Which of course will be exposed in the national criminal police investigation when that time and space happens.....soon. 

10: Hanging me out to dry like that when I’ve been the most consistent person investigating this art fraud and not placing that loss or it’s blame on the Morrisseau family foundation, the estate of Norval Morrisseau, Maslak Mcleod gallery, Kinsmen Robinson gallery in toronto, hundreds of shady dealers in fraud, and fake paintings and their crimes was and is gross negligence of the truth. To pull that move? A big fuck you to Cory Dingle, you dirty and filthy rat. 

Last week I did a deal with selling this Norval Morrisseau painting. It came right to my art studio and was here for a week. I believe that spirit brought this painting to me for several reasons. I’ve been sober for over 24 years now so when it comes to spiritual things happening to me, I can see them. That’s one of the many gifts of sobriety. This painting is titled in pencil on the back: Norval and gabe. Early 1990’s...how ironic. 
Any how I first thought that maybe Norval was sending me this in a way to wanting me to reconcile with Gabe and the estate. But that is more wishful thinking and behind this is a much more dark, sinister and horrifying reality. Because truthfully? There is a much more hidden and darker story to this painting arriving in my presence. A story that I’ve been hesitant to tell because it also involves me and what direction I must go in to truly set this record straight, once and for all. What will be...the final chapter.

I am surrounded by really good people these days. I’m happy to be living my life out here in the Kootenay mountains of B.C. My son is the whole reason why I left Vancouver in 2017 to come out here and raise my child in the pure glory of our Mother Earth. We are doing really well and my son is the centre piece of my entire life. Everything I do is truly for him and for the future generations of our people the great Anishanabe.
We are a people that are strong, resilient and will never surrender to the evil and wicked ways of colonialism. We are healing, from this generation unto the next. There is going to be some really big changes coming to the world of Norval Morrisseau art. As I stated in the last article I had written,  this will indeed be a legacy changing event and will alter the course of Norval Morrisseau’s legacy. It must be done because the Creator and the ancestors say it so. Even the soul of Norval Morrisseau knows what’s coming on the horizon...
That time is now upon us. For the real truth to come out. For the final chapter of this story to be written. For the entire world to see. So that those left behind can truly heal from what is about to be discovered.
Stay tuned because these next series of articles are going to blow the whole world away...

More to come. All my relations....MAJ

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Exposing the current corruption and lies of the estate of Norval Morrisseau

I thought this time the estate could be fixed. I thought this time that there was a real chance at healing the lies and deceptions that have plagued the legacy of Norval Morrisseau. I was fuckin wrong. I am literally heartbroken by this. The new CEO of the estate of Norval Morrisseau was a supposedly old friend named Cory Dingle. (Pictured above in the glasses) I had a couple of challenging experiences with the fella previously but thought that this could all be worked out. Not.

This photo of Cory Dingle and his culturally appropriating buddy in james McCue (pure white guy doing native art) link:  https://www.jamesmccue.com/ had visited me here at my old studio in Vancouver back in 2016. I tried being friends with these 2 back then but they became offensive with their white privileged bullshit. I should have never tried to help McCue sell his culturally appropriated art. That was wrong of me. I should have never supported this in the first place. 

I feel so betrayed by this weekend. I actually tried to be open hearted and welcoming but again, the lies. You see, people only usually lie when they got something to hide. And trust me, after this weekend and trying to make a go of this, Cory Dingle tried to deny the truth of this second photo of Gabe Vadas painting Norval Morrisseau art. 

This photo was given to both John Zemanovich and me by Gabes own wife, in michelle Vadas. She wanted the truth to come out, but Gabe made sure to cut off all ties with JZ and I. That was over a decade ago. And still, the estate is fucked up with these lies and continual deceptions. They have time after time tried to control this narrative because they didn’t want this truth to come out. 

I exposed this. I have put this photo out to share with the world that indeed, this estate is corrupt. It is fucked up and can never be trusted. Not at this point. And I’ve been actively involved as an independent investigator for over 17 years now, since I first met them and Norval in 2005. Asked to protect his legacy and from this point forward, never again. Norval Morrisseau art is so washed up on fakes, lies, corruption and filth that’s it’s not worth it to buy Norval Morrisseau art. My advice? 

Run for the fuckin hills. Go buy other native art from living artists. They need it more than white people trying to make a buck off this whole mess. Morrisseau’s legacy will remain fucked for many more years to come. It’s a cesspool of garbage. That’s my conclusion after all these years of trying to help. What a fuckin complete waste of my time. Of my life. I feel so ashamed about this.  

Here is this photo Cory Dingle tried to deceive me by saying this isn’t Norval Morrisseau art that gabe is working on....Right. How fuckin stupid do you think I am? Mr. CEO of the estate? Right. You are an unbelievable sack of shit for trying to lie to me about this. You showed me your hand, your cards. You are willing to do whatever it takes to spin this reality into something else. Not on my watch. I caught you this weekend trying to lie and manipulate me. But I caught you....that’s why you are back peddling now. You are Gabes new henchman. That’s it. It’s still the same sick and mentally ill situation over there. 

Recently I found out about a whole bunch of new information which I’ll be sharing over the next while. You have to realize that the consciousness of the cultural fabric of this country is changing. Indigenous peoples across our stolen lands are waking the fuck up. They as well as myself are sick and tired of having white people control our spaces, stories and narrative. These residential school children being discovered across our lands are giving light to this reality. White settlers are learning quickly that our stories are our stories. They don’t belong to you. They belong to us. And let’s face it, the art and legacy of Norval Morrisseau belongs to his people. It belongs to us. 

We are the culture creators, we are the true legacy of the great Anishanabe. This is our lense. These are our teachings. Yet still? These settlers think it’s all about them. That they are the culture guardians and that they are the gatekeepers of our history and our stories. How wrong this is on so many levels. It’s frightening. It’s perverse when you boil all the shit off and see it as it truly is. This is what happened this weekend. I tried to be open, I tried to give this another chance. But those like Gabe Vadas and Cory Dingle  have shown their hand and have played their cards. Now? I see you for who you really are. Fuckin filthy liars....

Stay tuned, more to come...all my relations....MAJ