The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024
Showing posts with label First Nations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label First Nations. Show all posts

Friday, December 16, 2022

I stand with the AFN chiefs regarding Bill - C21 here @ Jacobson native art


I agree that this new bill - C21 has a whole lot of issues and problems with it. I also don’t agree with the government of Canada trying to take away more of our rights and protections. Be weary of those who choose to sell their souls to the government. 

The government of Canada for multi generations now has been guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity. They have long been an instrument of abuse, scandal and utter horror to our people. It’s a shame so deep that most Canadians have really no clue how or why they got what they got. They don’t even understand the concept of white privilege they’ve been so bamboozled. 

Photo: picture taken as an art piece. Summer of 2022

Colonialism is the great evil from the time of discovery to now. This plague continues to go on and on and on...Sadly. Hope is a strange thing sometimes. Even in these times we must continue to stand for what is right and what is true. Even though I’m not into guns and prefer other ways of catching food in the bush etc, I still feel that we must be able to protect ourselves and those we love with the integrity of our rights. I for one stand with that, the truth of survival. The truth of protecting our loved ones and families. All my relations MAJ

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Happy 5th birthday to my incredible and beautiful son Sagein Wisdom @ Jacobson native art

Enjoying life and things are well here at the studio. My son celebrates 5 years of being on Mother Earth. What a gift. This lil guy has effected me and changed my life in such a way he truly is my shining light in this world and in this life. Here he is resting after another masterpiece sculpture from him...lol. He’s the best, what class. What a mind, what a soul. My boy...my greatest love in  the entire universe...

Happy birthday sonny boy. We enjoy these incredible DJ sets when we hang out and create together. It’s the coolest thing. It’s another reason why he’s such a Jacobson boy. He loves music and dancing and singing...such a joy. I love you...


Enjoy this 2 hour set by Artbat from the Ukraine playing in Rio de Janeriro Brazil.

Monday, July 11, 2022

With deep respect and love we say goodbye to a cherished soul here @ Jacobson native art

Blessings to each and everyone. Sadly we lost one of the best souls I ever had the honour to meet. A friend  of mine for over 25 years, a genuine and loving brother who shared his experience, strength and hope with me on a regular basis. Known him for over half my life. 

A peyote man, road man, sun dancer, sweatlodge chief and a father, grandfather and friend to tens of thousands. He was the first one to introduce me to the medicine “Ogima Mushgigi”. I’ve had the honour and privilege to sponsor several “meetings” and hold dear to my heart and soul, the spiritual powers of grandfather peyote. 


Thank you my brother for all the love, lessons and shared teachings and vision. You will be greatly missed but I will forever remember you and think on you, often. Every time I give the grandfathers in the sweatlodge a drink of water, I’ll think of you. With the deepest and most sincere gratitude for everything you taught me...With all the love in the world....I’ll miss you. All my relations, MAJ


Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The reality is we are healing from genocide, colonialism and oppression here @ Jacobson native art

Below is data report on numbers of children murdered by Canada. March, 2022
Blessings to all my relations who are brave and strong enough to wake up to these facts of our genocide as First Nations people here on our land. The tragedy is absolutely horrifying and unbearable to feel and understand on so many levels. The unyielding madness of this genocidal operation in Canada and the force and control being exercised upon us is absolutely fucking pathetic. Killing our children and building your dreams on the backs of these murdered children is beyond gross, beyond any sense of humanity.

Yet the denial of these truths continues on in how this thing called Canada all came to be. It’s so fucked. What’s even more fucked is how white Canadian settlers think that this is a natural occurrence. Conquer and destroy is their motto. White pride being heralded as the great light upon humanity. Makes me wanna barf. Ignorance of their own history and campaigns of murder upon my people. I see it in the settler. Their black abyss looking eyes. Soulless and empty...in dire need of light and healing. 

Most of them Fuckin abusers and nothing more. 

To combat this “fuckedupness“ we paint, we create, we teach and share, we sing, we drum and we dance. That’s how we fight this blackness and sickness of Canada. Guilty of crimes against humanity, selfish oppression of my people and our culture and yet still, I’m thriving and am fully alive. Fuck you to all who think otherwise. I have you and your flag of shit completely beat and mastered each and every day that I’m alive. Not only that but so does my kid, my son. He’s 4 years old and I teach him every single day about these beautiful ways in which we have as Anishanabe. He will learn about the truth behind what has happened to our people from every generation since it’s beginning. He is a direct descendant of all these murdered residential school children.

He embodies their light by being the seed they couldn’t kill, that they couldn’t destroy. Like me, his father. We shed this darkness by actually practicing our culture each and every day. We give reverence and actual living proof of experience by acknowledging these children who were taken way too soon by a corrupt and murderous nation in Canada. I can laugh at the devil right in front of his ugly clown face.

And I don’t pity you at all. Your an embarrassment. It’s really the same shit being done by Russians towards the people of Ukraine. It’s just disguised a little differently. We First Nations are world leaders in unravelling the colonizer’s lies. That’s why they hate us so much. Because from every generation since then, we remind them of their crimes, of their hate, of their lies and deceptions, of just how corrupt their society truly is when being built as it has on the truth of what they did and continue to do. Which of course is murder, crimes against humanity, stealing our land and resources and continual and perpetual oppression of us to have your white settler/Canadian immigrant way of life. 

We are still in the discovery of the truth phase when it comes to this idea of truth and reconciliation....

All my relations, MAJ

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Exposing the hidden truth between the freedom convoy and that pimp of a Prime minister

 Good afternoon to each and everyone today. It’s been a wild ride watching this “Freedom convoy” and this cause and effect process that is unfolding. From an indigenous lense it gives me a perspective that I’m very familiar with as a First Nations soul. I hear the term “occupier” and I think to myself, hmmmmm, I know exactly what that looks like. They were being first identified as peaceful protestors, ordinary Canadians seeking to stand up for their “rights and freedoms” within the framework of the Canadian constitution. 


Three weeks later and now Canadian citizens who are involved with this trucker convoy are now being labeled “terrorists”. By your own elected officials and government. The clowns in whom you, Canada, have voted on to run this continued occupation on our lands, on our backs as First Nations. The fuckin irony is absolutely mind bending. Now this douche bag of a prime minister has put in to place, the war measures act, the Canadian emergency act against its own citizens in whom you as a voter, put into power. Absolutely fuckin crazy if you ask me. Your whole system is geared to fuck you in the end. That’s Canada. A colonized state built on oppression, murder, land theft, resource theft, force and control. 

It’s perverse how the “rule of law” operates on our land as Anishanabe. To witness how Canada not only portrays First Nations and our rights and freedoms, but now Canadians are getting an inside point of view on how their elected leaders operate once in power. You are now seeing it for yourselves Canada. It reminds me of what a scam this whole empire of darkness truly is. I’ve known it for quite some time now in the discovery of my own process of decolonization. It’s the same shit being regurgitated to you Canadians. Only on a softer level but the reality is welcome to getting fucked by your so-called country. Oh Canada, your homes on stolen land....false patriot love....yada yada yada. 

This scam of a leader you have elected in your bullshitter prime minister shows what a coward nation you have adopted in regards to the laws and policies that have been put into place. All created by the colonizer.  The ruling power as that old fuck nut in Justin’s daddy in Pierre was known to say. Fuck him and his pathetic legacy as well. A long line of douche bags, liars, land and resource thieves. Building your white colonizer dreams on the backs of our murdered residential school children.

Fuck you Canada. And fuck you to the entire establishment. Fuck this bastard government and fuck all your institutions. It’s the people who have the power. But most Canadians have forgotten that. I mean, most Canadians don’t even know what the fuck actually took place here in how this whole thing was acquired. Murdering little innocent children. Raping our women and murdering them. Doing everything in its power as a nation to destroy us First Nations. Dont be fooled by your Canadian media trying to paint some fucked up picture of truth and reconciliation. They dont know how. That’s been the whole problem  because  that means completely changing up the entire plan and program. Reparations is what I’m talking about. At this stage, some 500 years later, Canada is so weak that they still can’t bring themselves as a so-called nation to right these layers and layers of wrongs. 

So now your rights and freedoms mean nothing and if you stand up for truth this country will send out their colonized goon squads after you to “enforce” this scam of a white settlers rule of law being misused and misrepresented on stolen Indian land. Now they’ll go after your instincts for feeling safe and secure, they will attack your businesses, go after your money, all of your assets and then paint you as a terrorist. And all you wanted was your rights and freedoms to be protected, to be honoured.....right. 
 Welcome to just a small little glimpse of our world. What we as First Nations have had to endure for centuries. That indeed you can now see what the term “occupier”  really means. Your government isn’t here to protect Canadians....lol. For fuck sakes eh. See it? They are instructed to enforce and control you. To use any means necessary to execute this delusion to the max. 

As a sovereign Anishanabe soul I am somewhat happy to witness this go down the way it is. By Canada electing to enact this emergencies act and to enforce and control this situation by stripping away your rights and freedoms says everything that I’ve been saying. It’s so bizarre and so perverse. The contradictions and double standards are overwhelming. The status quo huh?....right. Proud to be a Canadian are ya? Right. I mean the one good thing Ive seen in this whole mess is that some of these war veterans can see it. They are seeing what kind of tyranny is taking shape and has been with their government. Dying for a flag that in the end, will betray you, will abandon you, will rob you and disempower you inside and out. Welcome to your Canada. A nation built on the murder and continual oppression of my people, the great Anishanabe. All my relations, MAJ 

Monday, November 29, 2021

Dear Canada, I’m ashamed of you for murdering our Residential school children...it’s so disgusting!


These are indeed very dark and challenging times. The very fact that the international criminal court will not follow through with an investigation into these Active crime scenes is perhaps some of the greatest injustice I have ever seen in my lifetime. It’s beyond appalling and should be recognized for the abortion of the rule of law that it is. 

That is exactly what the rule of law is on our holy and sacred lands. A grotesque perversion of colonial white settler racism in its ugliest and shittiest of forms. Oh Canada, your home on stolen lands. Killing little innocent children in the name of progress, in pride of being a so called Canadian. Super fuckin gross and super fuckin disturbing if you ask me. 

Everything I have said has come true up to this point. The absurd apology of the pope of the Catholic Church is meaningless. It has zero depth and weight. Apologizing for murder wouldn’t cut it in any courtroom across Canada as a solution that would suffice. How the fuck could it? Any normal person knows that getting away with crimes against humanity is much like nazi Germany getting away with war crimes against the Jews.

It is skin crawling disgusting. I think of anyone being proud to be a Canadian and it gives me the major shivers and hee bee gee bees. Holy fuck is right. Giving your life in honour of this country and it’s real history of murdering tens of thousands of innocent children and building your settler dreams on the very backs of these dead children makes you really think about values. I know this:

I’m absolutely grateful to be awake and to have the veil lifted so that I can truly see things as they are. I am a sovereign Anishanabe. I will continue to speak for those whose voice was robbed of them by Canada and their agents of death, the Catholic and Christian churches along with the RCMP. All twisted fucks. I’m in a place of deep healing and reflection and I will need some time to rest for a while...my soul is tired. My heart is heavy and I need time to heal from these continual acts of genocide...MAJ

Thursday, September 30, 2021

The reality of truth and reconciliation @ Jacobson native art


Good afternoon to each and everyone who continues to find me here @ Jacobson native art. Well as many of us know today is the first annual national truth and reconciliation day. Definitely another move in the right direction but a very small move it is. There is such a list of grievances against this nation called Canada. 

There are many agents who are guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity including the Catholic Church, many other Christian churches as well including many of the police forces as well as the RCMP. It’s absolutely disgusting on so many levels. How, (their rule of law was invented on stolen Indian land) when the white man says to follow the rule of law but they cannot follow it themselves. They choose to find ways to hide from their crimes, to bend the law, the rules and everything else they get their fuckin hands on, to their own advantage. It’s a real dr. Jeckel and mr. Hyde scenario. 

Canada and most Canadians simply cannot be fully trusted. Most Canadians are complete airheads when it comes to the history of how Canada came to be. (Even the white man in me knows this) How they got what they got....(stolen goods from stolen lands resources etc). Most Canadians dont even know how bad they got it. They are so colonized and assimilated that they literally can’t even think for themselves so they vote for white colonial so-called leaders to do the thinking for them.

And that is exactly the reason why Canada continues to fail miserably with us First Nations. Obviously there are tens of thousands of more reasons on top of that but the reality is Canada is a genocidal program built on the murder of us First Nations and the continual raping and exploitation of our resources. Our wealth. The colonial doctrine of discovery is a racist and discriminatory action against First Nations and other indigenous tribes throughout the world. 

Canadians whether they know it or not, their so called country is built on this foundation. Land theft, resource theft, murder, rape, stealing our children, racism, discrimination, hate, violence, force and control. Building your dreams as Canadians on the backs of oppression, on the very backs of us First Nations. That is what Canada is. That is what it means to identify as a Canadian. It’s gross I know. But this is the truth. And we cannot have true reconciliation until we deal with these matters of truth. 

I’ve always said since my awakening into my own process of decolonization and for the last few years now being in the pursuit of my sovereignty as Anishanabe that reconciliation will take time. In fact, the way I see it is that the cultural fabric of this country is still in the discovery of the truth phase. We have not even truly begun to deal with what real reconciliation will look like. 

Still even in the thickness of all of this, I must continue to remain hopeful. The fog of assimilation is beginning to lift albeit very slowly across our lands. I have friends who wouldn't be able to grasp any of this 5 years ago. They now can talk more openly with me about it. I see organizations and people beginning to stand up more and more with regard to how this must shift and change for all First Nations and Canadians alike. 

For now we will continue to move forward each and every day. I’m willing to seek this change and I’m willing to open up my heart to others who want to walk this path with us. I truly believe that it will remain a difficult challenge for Canada to learn how to shift and change with us. The government knows that they are in the wrong. Most of them know it. But greed, selfishness and exploitation still lead the way in the Canadian mind set. And let’s be honest, until our white settler brothers and sisters learn how to decolonize themselves, we are still a long long way from real and meaningful change. These types of Canadian settler sickness must be dealt with. It is the very poison that keeps the genocidal colonial machine still alive in this, the 21st century. 

Check out this 6 minute Video by one of the great First Nations teachers of our time: Arthur Manuel on aboriginal title:

All my relations, MAJ

Monday, May 31, 2021

Prayers of love for the 215 First Nations children found murdered by Canada and the Christian church

 Sometimes it just seems so out of reach this idea of truth and reconciliation. I feel really angry at Canada and the Christian church. I feel disgusted that no one has been held accountable for these crimes. Not Canada, not the church, not the priests or nuns or government officials who were and are responsible for this atrocity. 

These are crimes against humanity. They are crimes against us. It is beyond tragic. I am totally heart broken by this discovery yet again. How in the world do you trust anything “Canadian” when time after time this horrific history rises up from its ashes and speaks literally from the grave about these innocent and treasured 215 souls of native children who were massacred? 

It’s simply too hard to accept these truths. I feel devastated by it. The trust for Canada? A vanishing. An emptiness. A ghost of nothingness. These are just a few of the reasons on why I don’t identify as a Canadian. I am Anishanabe. Period. I’ll always belong to my people. We are sovereign. We always will be.

Fuck Canada and fuck that ridiculous Canadian flag. And fuck that cross too. None of these entities deserve my respect. None. If you cannot see this as it really is which is absolutely disgustingly wrong on every level, then indeed you will need some help with that. Being a proud Canadian is a delusion. There is something the matter with your understanding of history. There is something wrong with your identity. Your identity in being a Canadian. 

Even hard to say this....all my relations, MAJ 

For these 215 children...this is for them in eternal love:

Friday, February 12, 2021

The pride and joy @ Jacobson native art 2021

 Good afternoon to each and everyone. Wishing you the highest good as we all continue to endure this pandemic and the many struggles that are happening for millions of people worldwide. I have been struggling myself a little around here at the studio lately. I’ve had some weird outside energy pop into my life that was quite frankly, discriminatory. 

It is still so unfortunate that the reality is that the cultural fabric of this country and how the approach must be made better and better each and every day with regard to the educational process regarding colonialism and genocide to our people as First Nations.

It blows my mind just how unaware and how unfortunately, the average Canadian citizen’s mind set is in this regard. It breaks my heart to see and at times experience the uneducated Colonial mind set in action. This “me first” approach and the basis of “money is king” with regard to the structures of the Canadian society hierarchy are becoming more glaring and distinct in that very structure. 

I see it as the greatest weakness that the cultural fabric of this country has. It’s embarrassing and I find it a bit “slow in the head and heart”. I have always been about people coming together for the greater good. It’s the foundation of who I am. The very basis of our culture is that we are a loving and welcoming people. But I find it very disturbing really to experience such a vastness of this across these lands. 

One can most definitely say that the multi generational plans of colonialism have done not only a serious number on us First Nations, but it is quite evident that the average Canadian citizen has been blindsided by the effects of this as well. The wheels of injustice and the horrific reality of this ongoing genocide to us in the 21st century should move every Canadian soul to wanna change. To make it right. 

This truth will always be my greatest wish. To see a vision of real true healing take shape and help to create that missing link that is in all of our hearts on some level: somewhere we have forgotten that we are all one. This is the reality that I try to live and teach my boy each and every day. That he is a vital and sacred part in all life. That all life is sacred, is to be honoured and respected. I know that I will continue to be a voice for not only this generation, but for many generations to come. My teachings are in my art. I am a culture creator, a visionary, a storyteller. 

The power and legacy of my culture has taught me that. There are those of us who come to realize just how powerful they are. For me I will never surrender my sovereignty as Anishanabe to anyone. My cultural path and identity will remain with me forever. I have found my way. My legacy is in the hands of my son now as well. My greatest wish and joy for him is to create his life experience in any way he so chooses. This is his power. But I will always desire for him to carry on the torch so to speak with regards to our cultural ways, teachings and understandings. 

For this shall always remain as our essence. That we are spectacular and immensely so beautiful. That our richness is in the magnificence of who we are. That together, we stand on great shoulders. From one generation to the next we are the change we have always been searching for. All my relations, MAJ

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Newly released Limited editions on canvas at Jacobson native art

Title of series: Honouring the four seasons
Size of each print: 24 x 30 inches
Limited edition size: 200  per unit
Price per unit: $600 or $2000 for full set 

Email:  jacobson101@hotmail.com
For Inquiries 

Spring equinox 

Summer solstice 

Fall equinox 

Winter solstice 

Good day to each and everyone. For the first time ever I’m releasing these 4 new images celebrating the power of the four seasons. Each limited edition comes signed, numbered direct from my art studio. It is an honour to release these new editions on the lands of the great Ktunaxa nation. 

Please feel free to get in touch with me about how to acquire these stunning new releases during this worldwide pandemic we are all going through during Covid-19. It is a blessing for each and everyone of us to get back to connecting with nature spirit. Wishing you all appreciation and good health as we move into 2021. All my relations...MAJ 

Story to each piece in the series:

Added note: These paintings were created in 2005, as a set. When I held an exhibition in Nanaimo B.C. in the late summer of 2005, I met Norval Morrisseau for the very first time. I had the honour to show him these 4 paintings on canvas that each measured 36 x 48 inches each. This was the moment when Norvals eyes lit up like Christmas trees. I knew then in that exact moment that Norval knew and acknowledged me as a fellow master artist. It’s something between him and I that will remain with me forever...

Friday, November 6, 2020

Jacobson native art is now available to educators, institutions and native organizations...

To all educators, institutions, native organizations: 

I’m opening up time slots across Canada with all schools/programs who want to do zoom/FaceTime classes online with me. The concept will be my Ojibway animal clan totem and clan teachings, book. 

This package is all available through my award winning children’s book (for all ages) titled: Ojibway clans - animal totems and spirits. This book will be the premise and discussion points, making the art and the symbols outlining the class focus. 

Please get in touch with me at: jacobson101@hotmail.com as spots are now being taken and worked out....thank you. All my relations...MAJ

Monday, October 19, 2020

Here’s a few photos of the outdoor art studio....deep in the Kootenay’s

 This first photo here is all custom built and designed. By a wonderful father and son combination here in the Kootenay’s. This community has welcomed us with open arms and we feel honoured that we have the privilege and respect to share the art form and the cultural teachings with all who come. 

Here’s another view upon entering the grounds of the art studio. You’ll see us getting our winter wood ready as well as that is a bigtime must for those of us living in the mountains. The pace of daily life out here is all dependent on how you choose to embrace all 4 seasons. Preparation is a huge asset in one’s character out here, that’s for sure. 

This 3rd photo brings in a cool perspective of what’s going on here as well. Giving people the opportunity to become a part of the circle in my cultural practices along with the spirit of creativity and that powerful energy. To be all inclusive and to always remain welcoming are fundamental teachings to us Anishanabe that go way way back, much before settler contact. These are the old teachings that still must be practiced daily, even under pressure and difficulty. 

Here is a scared space created where visitors to the studio can smudge, can pray and meditate. They can come and sing their songs here too. All are welcome. The ancestors desire for our ways to be shared. We are the spirit of these ways of the land and of the waters. Our culture is filled with such richness and depth. We have a saying called: All my relations that means exactly what it says. I believe 9n this with all my heart and soul. 

Here’s an art sculpture I built on a meditation I had here while developing this outdoor studio concept. The whole theme is like having a sacred amulet of well-beingness and protection. The spirit loves pretty things. Colour and magic is everywhere...all my relations. 

The sacredness of the eagle staff is of major importance and has major significance for us First Nations. It is a symbol of strength, governance and empowerment that entails a spirit of sovereignty and dignity and pride that is quite distinguishing in our spirit world and understandings. The eagle staff has been with our people’s for tens of thousands of years. Thus coming before any flag either Canadian or American. These are old school teachings that come with those who carry the staffs. All my relations. 

Some of my limited edition prints I have available at the studio. They all come with the title and story to each piece as well. A wonderful edition for with the new or seasoned art collector. All my relations. 

A place for the opportunity to receive signed and personally autographed copies of my award winning children’s book: Ojibway clans - animal totems and spirits. Along with personally hand picked art cards being shown as the wonderful forms of art each card is. Along with a Jacobson original hanging on the wall. Along with my own fabric being laid on that very wall...

Here’s a wall shot inside the studio space. Always a reminder with this Norval Morrisseau piece to be very very careful when playing with snakes. Obsessions are dangerous but people can be even deadlier. I hang this Morrisseau as a reminder to be very wise in whom comes to my inner circle. After the experience with the movie there are no fakes, I learned a great deal about how shallow human beings really are. The chest plate made out of bullets is a reminder that I am a true warrior for my people, for all people. 

A table to paint on, a place to create. I use easels as well but when doing my finishing processes and touches, I prefer a flatter surface 9n which to navigate those lines and details. So, there you have it, a soft walk through the space and what I’m beginning to envision while being here in this art community deep in the Kootenay mountains. Here’s to another beautiful day of life upon our Mother Earth. All my relations...MAJ

Monday, September 14, 2020

Jacobson art studio open to the public

 I have been busy during this covid-19 thinking on how to offer my knowledge and experience of the art world to the public. I believe I’ve come up with a fantastic solution. I’ll be opening up my art studio and practice as an artist to the public to share in the teachings of my culture and this art form. I’m excited to finally be in a place where I feel I’m ready and in a good place to do so. 

After the Norval Morrisseau art fraud fiasco and unravelling a ton of sickness and garbage from both sides of the coin, meaning the good guys and the bad guys involved, it got to be too heartbreaking. I focused on our son and on living a new life out here in the Kootenay’s. The change has been divine to say the least. 

I also learned a valuable lesson in the Canadian art scene. During this entire covid-19 experience, not one of these Canadian art galleries even called or asked how I was doing, on how my son is and such. Absolutely nothing. It’s really empty and cold in my view now. I made many of these galleries and dealers  10’s of thousands of dollars and not a peep. I came to conclude that in the era of truth and reconciliation, in a time where decolonization is the new light for us and my people the great Anishanabe, there was zero efforts by any of these so-called art dealers. 

It’s quite embarrassing and disappointing if you ask me. Not for me, but for them. That their hearts are that way. It was just pathetic and thus I came to a place where I’ve decided to move on. This has now empowered me and my brand to what is the next level for me. Ive also got some exciting new activity shaping up in Europe so, the time for international connections and such is most definitely upon me. 

Who needs the heartache and constant let down from such dubious characters anyhow. With me at the helm, being fully responsible for everything I’m doing, it feels way more exciting. No reliance on outside sources trying to make a quick buck on my back. I make the decisions and shall reap the benefits of my success and hard work. Especially for my son, Sagein. My real boss and the one I work For now...

Also, this studio doesn’t need to be advertised. You have to find me out here. Customers and collectors will have to make the efforts to reach out and find out where I’m at and how to view and purchase the new art. With my new energy manifesting in Europe, the new open studio being available to the world public out here, I feel that I’m unstoppable. I am...

All my relations....MAJ

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Jacobson art deep in the mountains


I absolutely love riding my quad in these spectacular mountain ranges called the Kootenay’s. I left Vancouver in 2017 because of the birth of my son, Sagein Wisdom. I spent 17 years living in Vancouver. Before that I also cut my teeth as an artist in Toronto Ontario for about 8 years. I left there in 2003 and have never looked back. 

Obviously it was necessary to leave the big cities because I felt that my boy would flourish well living so close to nature spirit and indeed this has proven to be the case. I too have felt the immense changes and power of this move. My work is definitely way more connected to the spirit of our Mother Earth. We literally live on a mountain so, it’s incredibly powerful and moving for anyone let alone us artists. 

Life these days is truly fantastic. I love living out here and the access I have to nature spirit has been the most profound connection I’ve ever had in my life. It is influencing me and the artworks in a dramatic fashion. The language of Mother Earth runs deep. I know this language intimately and I encourage anyone  when the opportunity knocks to connect with nature spirit, do it. When she invites you in, embrace her power, her wisdom. 

All my relations....MAJ