The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Continuing to expand my creativity and new innovation pushing the boundaries of the entire woodland school of art into the future…


Title of painting: All souls know who I am. (Tribute to our Creator) size: 48 x 72 inches

Good morning to everyone and a special thank you for all the appreciation and support that I get behind the scenes. Lots of people stand in solidarity with me and in a time where colonialism is still running rampant throughout Canada and in all our First Nations communities, we still continue moving forward a day at a time. We must and this has been the cornerstone of my daily spiritual walk. I communicate with our Creator each and every day. I seek its wisdom, truth and inspiration about how to walk as best I can while remaining truthful and transparent. This journey of life has not been easy by any means for many of you including myself but I feel that we eventually get to a place where Creator spirit is the only way moving forward. I came to a place within myself over 26 years ago where I truly surrendered to the Creator. That my way wasn’t working. That self power wasn’t enough. A spiritual experience. An utter transformation within the mind, body, heart and spirit. I haven’t had a drink since. 

It’s been an absolutely fascinating ride ever since. Like peeling away the layers and getting into the core of who you really are. A spectacular power that resides within. Creator consciousness or God consciousness as many religions of the world would say. Operating from this place is who I truly am. That doesn’t mean to stand back and just let life happen. My will is like a creative instrument. My inner force guided by principles. Much like being an agent of the Creators will. Being of service to others is where real growth and change takes place. Like that old saying: actions speak louder than words. 

Title: The divine elements of creation within the God mind. Size: 48 x 84 inches. 

I’m proud to walk my talk as best I can through this unique mindset and personal relationship with source. My culture obviously plays a major role and although I fall short at times, I continue to put one foot in front of the other. My spirit is steadfast and cannot be broken. I will not change my values to suit your needs. I will represent everything that I am. No excuses and no filter in being honest and genuine. I’m not governed by man in that sense. I am a warrior for truth and justice. My heart feels right about how I do things. Others may struggle with my levels, but rest assured I come to correct things. I come to shine the light. I am a knowledge keeper of this art form and I have a duty to my people to help shine the path forward. That is truly the standard here at Jacobson native art. 
Title of paintings: Chiefs of the future. (series 3 and series 4) Woodland A.I. 

My new indigenous art genre is the way into the future for me. An incredible new path filled with such wild imagination and creative innovation. I’m absolutely in love with it. It’s so transformative and moves the woodland school into the future like no one else. It’s that deadly to me and I’m so inspired by this new breath of fresh air. I just recieved 11 new image prompts and have drawn out 3 this weekend. I’ll post these soon as I’ll be making time for them next week. Still busy with commissions and designing new collections with little giant productions in Kaslo BC. We are looking forward to sharing new releases throughout 2025. In the meantime I’ll share more in the near future and thank you once again for being apart of my creative journey. More to come…all my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Enjoy this peyote prayer song by Louie Gonnie called: Soldiers lament. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Warning to the entire woodland school of art and all lovers of indigenous art - watch out for this guy Cory “ding dong” Dingle he is a disaster to our culture, our art our true stories and teachings


Good evening and it’s nice to come back and make some time for  a new article as I’ve been quite busy the last few days. Any how Im happy to now make some room for  this absolute fuck nut in whom I deeply regret ever meeting in Cory DING DONG Dingle. A disgrace to our woodland school of art who lied to me on several occasions and also in whom I told directly that Norval Morrisseau was, is and will always be, a sexual abuser of children, young men. Many victims/survivors that I was able to talk with who shared their truth and story with me including myself as well. 

I told him these things over 2 years ago and he’s done absolutely nothing to deal with this truth. He is no doubt a white colonizer who has absolutely no respect for sexual assault victims, our trauma and experiences. He is literally a total piece of shit of a human being. I’ll never trust him and it’s a complete disgrace that he is even weirdly involved in being the ceo of the permanently disgraced Norval Morrisseau estate, the historic sexual abuser. 

I have shared publicly many times about the reality of these truths that I discovered about the dead pedophile artist. I sent emails, messages etc in trying to help educate people around this and there is no doubt he is aware of that. Still? Nothing. He goes on pretending like that didn’t happen and does absolutely nothing to educate people about this reality. There is no doubt he has his reasons and I know for a fact that during the fraud, he amassed a nice little collection for himself. He certainly has a major invested financial interest. He is one of the creepiest people in this business. A shadow. A false reflection.

 Here’s a new and updated list of those who came forward and shared their stories and personal testimonies with me which helped me to come forward as well. It is gross negligence to ignore these honest accounts in whom Morrisseau truly was. There are many institutions, consulting firms, those in academia who are part of the problem. These colonial entities are either in denial, unwilling to believe it or simply don’t know. Either way it’s disgraceful to continue ignoring this reality and the time for changing this narrative is upon us. Propping up sexual abusers of children, young boys and men is wrong. What many including Ding dong Dingle continue to do is not the spirit of truth and reconciliation. It’s an utter abomination of my culture and a total disrespect to these historic sexual abuse survivors. It’s so ugly and hurtful. 

This list is an accurate account of what I was precisely told by these witnesses and experiencers. None of them have any other motive than to tell the truth. This is the honest reality of what I found and in what also propelled me to come forward. My only aim was to always tell the truth and here’s what I found:

David  Morrisseau - recieved an out of court settlement for sexual abuse claims. Was settled by Norval and Gabe Vadas in early 1990’s. David himself told several people about this sexual abuse from his father.  I have 3 witnesses who told me David had confessed the abuse to them as well. Sadly David passed away in august of 2024. Those 3 are elder Shelley Charles, Dr. Golden and Tom Tom Sinclair. 

Brian Marion - Story of this account is heartbreaking. A fellow artist in Michael cywink told me exclusively how back in the late 70’s he was in the same apartment with Norval and Brian. They were in another room when he heard Brian yelling out: no Norval, no, please no…while being raped by Norval in the other room. Michael said he froze, he didn’t know what to do and left in a panicked state. 

Tom Tom Sinclair - told me in conversations (written as well) that he was sexually abused at 8 years old by Norval Morrisseau. He also mentioned in writing that there were 4 other victims from Thunder Bay who were around the same age as him that were sexually abused by Norval Morrisseau. Those victims now deceased. 

That makes for 7 victims right there. With my story that is now 8. And what? That doesn’t matter? The money is more important? The false legacy of grand shaman and cultural icon is all that matters? This whole thing makes you look awful Dingle. You truly are a white windigo. Everything you touch is tainted. Sending the pedophile to the moon. Yippe fuck head. Thanks for contaminating the moon, asswipe. How about the united church of Canada fiasco? Tying the pedophile artist to that. Hiding the sex crimes of your chum behind the cross of Jesus. Lovely work guy. I wonder what they’ll have to say about all of that? You making moves under the umbrella of truth and reconciliation with that? Fucking disgusting. You truly gross me out. You are an insult to my culture white boy. You do it all ass backwards. You’re doing it wrong. It’s a disgrace how you choose to operate. You even mentioned how Buffy saint Marie shines like 16 suns or some weird ass shit like that. Saying how the estate fully supports the now discovered fraud of Buffy. Your characteristics are a lot like hers. It’s bizarre watching you roll the dice like that. 

Rolling with suspected forger in Phil Cote. During that whole disgraceful show and event you put on with united church of Canada. All of that while many of us indigenous peoples are still trying to heal from many of the abuses these churches are guilty of. During a period while many residential schools are still being searched and  finding  the dead bodies of thousands of children. You do not get it. You do not have the right mind and sensitivity regarding my culture. You are abusive. You represent a false light and a false narrative. You are a disgraceful individual. You are not capable of doing things in the right way. Our way. You seek the glory, the show and shine. Your approach is 100% colonial. 

You are a disgrace to my culture and I wish for you to be exposed for who you really are. You misrepresent the truth, regardless of how ugly it is. And for that, you lack true humility and understanding when dealing with indigenous issues and concerns. It’s an abomination. Total gross negligence. 

In the meantime here’s my video of lighting my entire Morrisseau collection on fire. It serves as a very proud moment in my life by standing up to the lies and deceptions of those around the art, life and legacy of Norval Morrisseau who through me, got exposed for the total piece of shit he’ll always be. A  gay sex junkie who became an exposed child sexual abuser. A real and true scum bag. A total piece of shit…


In the meantime there’ll be more to come. I am honoured that I can be a gate keeper of truth for my people the great Anishanabe and for the entire school of the woodland art. I have a duty to tell the truth. To stand up and tell it as it is. It is a privilege….all my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Introducing our second edition of the Indigenous fine art box collection of the 4 seasons here @ Jacobson native art 2025


Good morning to each and everyone and it is with great pride and joy that we introduce the second instalment of the Spring equinox of the 4 seasons with our indigenous art box collection. We have been absolutely delighted to cocreate with one another and little giant productions is quickly becoming the new standard regarding quality, detail and exquisite design. With Jacobson native art being the standard of some of the highest quality ever produced throughout the entire woodland school of art, we are thrilled to bring you this next collection. It is so vibrant and beautiful and I’m absolutely super happy with what we are developing and producing when it comes to my work. Stunning products and collections that offer brilliant quality and design layouts. This second season of spring equinox will be an edition of 250. 

Here’s what is contained in our second season, the Spring equinox:

First, a stunning 14 x 18 inch art box in incredible detail of the Spring equinox. The box comes with a magnetic hatch along with an artist bio and storyline to the work of art. 

Second: a 14 x 18 inch gallery stretched limited edition print on canvas of Spring equinox. Hand signed, titled and numbered of 250 edition. 

Third: A beautiful queen sized Sherpa blanket with the softest feel and materials. 

Fourth: A hardcover 11 x 8 inch of my Ojibway clans book by native northwest publishing. Hand signed by me. 

Fifth: A hand signed 8 x 10 inch art card with the story on back.

We are super excited to share this amazing new collection with you and our hope and vision is that you’ll be moved both in your heart and spirit to want to be apart of this. It’s a phenomenal energy and this opportunity is rare and unique in every sense. An honour for us to share in the power and transformation of the 4 seasons. If you have any further questions etc I’ll share the link to these collections at the bottom of this article. With that I say chi-Miigwetch to all of you and I look forward to sharing more exciting news and events in the coming days and weeks ahead. More to come so stay tuned…

All my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

