The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024
Showing posts with label justice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label justice. Show all posts

Monday, January 20, 2025

Keeping an eye on things and in deep preparation as we move into 2025. Also, we introduce our new indigenous care packages @ Jacobson native art


Prompt: I see right through you. Image for new painting coming in 2025 Woodland A.I.

A special good morning to each and everyone and as they say we continue to rise each and every day facing the reality of life and all of the various situations and circumstances that we are all going through. Most of it good I would presume and also working out some the kinks we see and experience. Thus is the nature of life. Challenges come and go as we continue to explore the depths of the very nature of truth. Honesty. Self honesty being most important because that is how we ought to navigate life experience and in that, we fine tune the compass and we find our ways through. I’m in for the long haul. When it comes to being straight up and honest and having the courage to do so even in the face of difficulty, truth wins. 

There’s something to be said of true character and principles. Trying to be a better version of yourself than yesterday. To keep on believing in truth and justice. That over time, the keys to certain doors appear because through actions, we open up new and incredible opportunities. The universe is looking for the honest ones. The change agents who are willing to completely put themselves out there. I believe that I am one of those people. I cannot get rid of it. My spirit, my soul is compelled because I have a personal relationship to my Creator. To the one who is all knowledge and power. The foundation of my being. The light that feeds me. The inspiration I seek, to become a hollow bone so that Creator can use me. To channel the energy from this source. Not from man. Not even from my own self. True surrender. I try to practice this emptying of myself every morning before I start my day. 

That is how I get my clarity and inspiration each and every day. I start there. When things become overwhelming as things sometimes do, I turn it over to my Creator and seek the next inspiration or solution to the problem. A lot of the time it’s about being of service to another. That is truly what the backbone of this platform is all about. Telling it as it is, not how you may wanna hear it. Many prefer things to be sugarcoated and super easy to digest. I understand because I know it’s not easy to digest major big chunks of truth. I understand much much more after everything I’ve gone through around the woodland school of art and much of the darkness and deceit that it contains. The lengths of deception and ignorance has been beyond anything I could ever personally conceive of, myself. Such a disheartening journey on many levels as some of you may know and understand. 

Indeed it’s been one of the most craziest journeys I could have ever gone through and still find light at the end of the tunnel. There’s no question I have learned so much about what not to be. Seeing how some operate throughout the woodland school has been extremely disheartening and deeply embarrassing. A weakness so reckless and obtuse and that is just covered in utter gross negligence, will come to light when everything is said and done. I’ll be sharing more about that when the time comes. Patience is a virtue and taking the time to process everything in the right light takes delicacy and self compassion. 

In the meantime Kassondra and I came up with a new idea that we both love and enjoy called the Indigenous care package. We do these art auctions all the time and it’s a wonderful blessing for us to share the beauty of our culture and passion for native arts and education tools along with beautiful products. Many of these artists being friends of mine. I’ve been working with Native northwest for almost 25 years now and enjoy many talents throughout their creative roster. 

Living up in the isolation of these mountains where it’s difficult to live and the struggle of life is a super real thing up here, it’s cool to find unique ways of creating opportunities for us and others up here. We live in a remote community of only 350 souls. The winter here shuts this place down and our only access to small town city life is either Nelson or Creston, BC. With Nelson we cross the lake for 45 minutes via the ferry and drive in about 40 minutes or with Creston we drive for over an hour through the Kootenay mountains. During the open season with Kunze from May to October we are rolling there. We also just confirmed a new gallery space in downtown Kaslo on the main street with our business partner and  friend in Luc @ little giant productions. So things are lookin real nice with that. This region is very new to the woodland school so I can definitely carve out my impact here with relative ease and comfort. At my level many new comers to the art are blown away and really enjoy my quality and touch. 

So yes, on that note it’s super fun expanding the blueprint of Jacobson native art and giving masterful quality and execution at the highest of levels. I expect great things from myself and to constantly challenge myself in new creative visions with an ever increasing level of new innovation and inspiration. That my friends are the standards @ Jacobson native art. We bring the next level of what is new and exciting throughout the woodland school of art. With deep love and appreciation….

All my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Friday, November 11, 2022

A delayed justice in art fraud and the death of Christian Morrisseau

Good afternoon and here’s to trying to move forward amongst the chaos and continual delayed justice in the Norval Morrisseau art fraud case which I’ve been investigating and fighting for over 17 years now. It’s absolutely pathetic how the Canadian rule of law operates. It’s fucking gross, really. Day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year we continue to wait wait wait and wait even more...I truly realize why most gave up a long time ago in regards to the idea of justice for Norval. It’s just so grotesque in regards to how Canada deals with issues of justice around First Nations causes etc. No wonder nobody believes in them any more.
Last week one of the main suspects in the forgery of Norval Morrisseau’s art and legacy died. Norvals own son, Christian Morrisseau. Dead. Gone. For good....What a disgrace of a legacy. I was told that he would be cooperating with the Thunder Bay police investigation. It looks like that won’t be happening now. Congratulations to the Thunder Bay police and OPP for yet again, fucking that up. They should all be embarrassed of themselves. Talk about gross negligence and indeed you can add the disgrace of the Norval Morrisseau estate into that equation. 

This whole thing has become an unfolding train wreck. From the players on both sides of the coin I’ve seen so much go wrong in this investigation. From the lies and deceptions of Gabe Vadas, Don and Paul Robinson from kinsmen Robinson gallery in Toronto, lies and deceit of Joe Mcleod, the scams of Randy Potter auctions, Jim white publishing fraud, Morrisseau family foundation scam, dysfunctional Morrisseau researcher in John Zemanovich, white cultural appropriator in Ritchie Sinclair, losers like Joe Otavnik and Ugo Matulic, Scumbags and rapists like Gary Lamont and a whole host of shady art galleries across Canada who sold and dealt fraudulent Morrisseau art to countless unsuspecting Canadians and people around the world. What a scene of garbage really...

And then you have guys like this Det. Jason Rybak of the Thunder Bay police. A false prophet in my books. He came rolling into my world more than 2 years ago now telling me that this whole thing would be wrapped up in 6 months. Fucking bullshit. It’s been several months now going on year 2 waiting for those results. With all the turmoil up there in Thunder Bay in regards to their continual problems in racism, discrimination and their genocidal policies in policing on stolen Indian land we can understand why the wheels of justice simply haven’t been moving properly. Their whole operation is fucked up. They don’t communicate well, they stall the process of justice and pass the buck around hoping someone will eventually do something. It’s absolutely gross dealing with the colonizer. Period. 

Any how, this is where things are at. I’ll leave you for now with this atrocious video of Christian “Judas” Morrisseau betraying his supposed “grand shaman father” in Norval Morrisseau. It’s one of the worst betrayals I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Forcing daddy bound to a wheelchair suffering from Parkinson’s disease to sign off on the fakes. The black drybrush garbage that a convicted serial rapist from Thunder Bay in Gary Lamont spearheaded, not only sadistically raping First Nations youth but also guilty of raping the artistic legacy of my old friend in Norval Morrisseau...

The true legacy of the Morrisseau family foundation: