The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024
Showing posts with label crime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crime. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2024

On this Canada day, why I turned down the Toronto star and why the Canadian media cannot be trusted. They lie like the estate of sexual predator Norval Morrisseau


Pictured here: Morrisseau and Vadas  (tried to sexually abuse me in 2006) SCUM! 

Pictured here: Cory “ding dong” Dingle of that spiritually bankrupt estate

Good afternoon to each and everyone who is seeking the truth here @ Jacobson native art. I was recently approached by the Toronto star and this rogue reporter named Ryan McMahon who I thought was a friend. He contacted me 6 weeks ago saying I was the first one he sought out to ask the question where do we go from here? He mentioned how he was going to send me some questions to answer but that never materialized. We exchanged text messages and it just began to slowly fall apart. His approach to doing a story seemed unprepared and sketchy at best. Very poor follow through and expected me to wait on him hand and foot so to speak. So I declined. I didn’t feel like he was capable of working with me about this story. Although he said he did believe me about the sexual abuse concerning the pedophile in Morrisseau, 

My spirit wasn’t feeling it with him though as I don’t think he is invested in the truth as I am. After explaining to him that it was best for him to move on, he began to make comments how I’m not a real journalist and that I was bullying him around. Again not true as when it comes to this Morrisseau strory I don’t think there is anyone in the world more equipped to be honest and straight forward as me. It’s just another sad and pathetic reality when it comes to the Canadian media telling us the truth. They simply cannot. Their ability to tell the truth is weak and totally inconsistent with doing the due diligence that is necessary around this dark and troubling story. So I bid him farewell and cut those loose ends wishing to hopefully connect with someone who is willing to do some real reporting. 

Here are a few reasons why the Canadian media cannot be trusted. It’s disgraceful to see these empty stories being fed to us First Nations and Canadians alike. They need to seriously do a better job if they ever mean to represent truth and reconciliation. It’s disgusting that these reporters don’t tell us the truth. 

Take for example this: 
 The story recently put out by Global news is a scam. Their not telling us the truth. The Morrisseau children were involved in that fraud. Their not victims. They’ve never come clean about their involvement. They never came forward about writing these false statements which are criminal. They are lies that haven’t been dealt with.  Why does the estate continue to lie to you, the public? Why do they lie to the Canadian media by not being honest with their involvement? They owe it to the cultural fabric of this country to tell the truth. It’s absolutely disgraceful. Here’s what the family of Morrisseau said about those black dry brush fakes that are now being exposed in this criminal investigation:

The estate of sexual predator Norval Morrisseau needs to come clean. They need to set the record straight. This reality that they are in will never find justice until they start from the bottom up. They want the glory and healing without doing any of the real and meaningful work that is a head of  them. They need to address the sex crimes and get honest about that part of Norval. He was a very sick man in his life, still drinking right up until his death. I know, I saw it. I witnessed his so called adopted son in Gabe Vadas still feeding him alcohol, strapped in his wheelchair. With Parkinson’s disease. Even there, trying to sexually touch my ass with norvals hand in 2006. I have witnesses and survivors who told their story to me and having to share it with the world because it is the right thing to do. Because of the grave nature of telling future lies about this man being a cultural icon. Setting up another generation of children and the public with this continued lying. All for the money at the end of the day....even still. 

As one of the worlds leading woodland school artists it is my obligation to tell you the truth. I must continue to do so because the Canadian media simply can’t. Another issue I have is how the Canadian media spins this story as the biggest art fraud in Canadian history? Not true. That statement  was taken from the police investigation and they don’t know what their even talking about. None of those police officers are experts in art fraud. It was their first time covering an investigation like this. The real truth is that the biggest art fraud in Canadian history is the continual world wide fraud of Pacific Northwest Coast art. That fraud is in the  billions of dollars and supersedes anything related to the Morrisseau fraud. Again shitty reporting by the Canadian media. So from my standpoint you can see why I have major issues with this deception. 

I’ll end with this final revelation regarding the continual lies being put forth by just about everyone concerning the corrupt legacy of sexual predator Norval Morrisseau. Here’s a screen shot from the estate. Listen carefully because this is going to cook your noodle: 
When I was talking with Ryan McMahon of the Toronto star I said to him, how is it that it’s ok to lie to the church about norvals past? Why is it ok to hide Morrisseau’s sins of sexual abuse behind the cross of Jesus? Does the metropolitan United church of Canada know of this? What about having a suspected forger of Morrisseau’s art as the so called elder giving his shady views on the pedophile artist? How come no one is investigating Kinsmen Robinson gallery for selling dozens and dozens of those suspect CΓ΄te fakes? They even admitted it but said if it got out they’d go bankrupt. What about that? You see the more you know, the more clear this story becomes. How come they aren’t being held accountable? Is it fair to us survivors of that abuse and is it fair to throw around the concepts of truth and reconciliation regarding these deeper truths? How does that make those of us who have suffered feel any justice at all? I find it absolutely fuckin disgusting. I’m a 60’s scoop who is alive and who has fought my way through so much of this and how come I still cannot have justice? Do I have to carry the lie and be quiet because the money that is involved is worth more than me? 

How come the lawyers, the legal institutions and the law continue to turn a blind eye? Why is it that I’ve had to turn my back on everyone who continues to uphold the lie? Why is it that the world of academia turns a blind eye as well? Don't these people realize how hard it is to come forward  and try to do the right thing? I mean no wonder people have such low confidence in this system. It’s such a challenging experience to put yourself out there and to try and set the record straight. It’s difficult because of all the fucking lying going on. That’s the reality. At this point it is a lonely road standing up for the truth and there simply isn’t enough help and I need to trust the reporter that will cover this story eventually. That’s my dilemma I suppose and I guess it’s up to me to keep on moving forward. I will. I’ll continue to do so because I believe in telling the truth. Unlike the Canadian media who doesn’t even know what the real story is. But I can assure all of you who come here to read that I’ll be honest about everything I know. I trust that the great spirit is with me and sooner than later I hope to find someone who is willing to report on all the truth I know. As for Ryan McMahon and the Toronto Star? 

You should’ve done a much better job at handling this truth and treating me with the integrity and respect I deserve. I gave you names of victims, I gave you names of the previous reporters I dealt with, I explained to you the weight of what I carry each and every day and you did nothing except attack me in the end. And that dear Ryan? Was fuckin pathetic. 

All my relations and more to come...Miigwetch. Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Exposing the crooked decision making by “Ding dong Dingle” of that spiritually bankrupt Norval Morrisseau estate...just gross.


Indeed it is true what they say that you cannot make a crooked bird fly straight. The hard truth and reality is just that. I’ve been watching this whole scene unfold for well over 20 years of investigation and expert research. I’ve unfortunately met them all around the legacy except for most of Morrisseau’s children, thank goodness. I have met David Morrisseau years ago who was sexually abused by his own father. Go ask David, apparently he tells just about everybody he meets. It’s common knowledge in the art circles around Toronto and lots of Indians know this. As a father myself it absolutely disgusts me that a fake legend like diddler Norval has done this to his own child, his own son. There are other victims and witnesses who have come forward since including myself. It’s the main reason why I suspect David has always been an outcast from his family. Why he was so heavily involved in the art fraud of his “Pedophile” fathers legacy. The exact same can be said of all of Norvals children. They all backed the black drybrush fakes that were spearheaded by convicted of art fraud and serial rapist in Gary Lamont from Thunder Bay Ont, an old dear friend of Norvals. This is the reality. 

The truth is that there really is no one who is even willing or who can keep these crooked birds accountable. I am that individual and I hold this light with integrity because quite frankly I believe it is absolutely wrong to prop up sexual abusers of children as cultural icons. There are many who I know feel the very same way. It is difficult for many to realize this because they’ve been lied to by so many broken souls around the legacy of Norval Morrisseau. Hiding these stories from the general public. Those in academia and in hundreds of Canadian institutions being either in denial or simply haven’t done their research regarding these dark chapters in our history. We are in a period of truth and reconciliation, not hide and seek or denial. Here’s another example of many regarding this sick and twisted legacy of the pedophile Morrisseau:

Pictured here is a screen shot from the Norval Morrisseau estate Facebook page. The insanity of this feature post that they’ve released involves none other than Phil Cote, a suspected forger of Morrisseau’s art in the 1990’s and 2000’s through Maslak Mcleod gallery now permanently shut down out of Yorkville area in Toronto. They are making crooked decisions like this, including backing the cultural appropriation and deceptions of Buffy Saint Marie, (saying statements that ol Buffy shines like 16 suns...lol) saying as well that Christian Morrisseau was a genius when really Christian was also heavily involved in the forgery of his sexually abusing fathers art works and legacy. There are so many examples of just how sick and broken that old dying bird of the Morrisseau legacy has done. It’s disgusting. The whole fuckin thing. Here’s an example of a suspected Phil Cote fake sourced from Maslak mcleod:

Here’s the guy doing a talk at the church no less where he’ll give his bullshit interpretation of Morrisseau’s “man changing into crooked bird“ in downtown Toronto on this coming weekend. That’s how truly fucked up this legacy is. It’s a national shame and a total disgrace in the woodland school of art. Backwards Charlie as my father used to say. Any how this is the true nature of how I see this whole mess. The fraud behind the fraud. For me, that’s all this shit bag of a legacy will always be. A lie. A crooked bird that will never be able to fly straight. They’ll have to come to terms with this at some point. You cannot hide and deny the truth forever. People are waking up and are starting to realize that everything I have said about it has been straight up and honest. I will not let this continue to happen to another generation of innocent and trusting souls who wouldn’t  know otherwise if it wasn’t for people like me. Willing to risk my future on behalf of the truth. Once you know? You know...
Miigwetch and all my relations,, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ