The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Sharing our latest collections with Sea gods and a peek into the authentic spirit of what motivates us here @ Jacobson native art
Thursday, January 23, 2025
What’s new and coming down the creative pipeline here @ Jacobson native art in 2025
Pictured here: my art studio and boutique at Kunze gallery in Creston, BCPictured here: Our new gallery/studio space with Little giant productions in Kaslo, BC
Monday, January 20, 2025
Introducing my friend DMD Productions one of the worlds top A.I. artists. We’ll be working on a couple of collaborations expanding the creativity of Woodland A.I.
Feeling super stoked to be working on some future collaborations with my bro in DMD. No doubt he is one of the top creators in artificial intelligence worldwide. We both belong to all the top a..i. Art groups where we are privy to tens of thousands of active daily users creating a.i. art. I’ve seen some spectacular works and this guy is absolutely phenomenal. His primary techniques are of course first and foremost, in how you exactly choose to communicate with this technology. He also uses Dall-e, photoshop and upscale with Magnific AI. For me he is one of my favourites and a super grateful dude. His skill level is off the fuckin hook. I mean, come on, if that don’t turn you on, what will?
Exactly. For me I’ve found a whole new level of self expression and in giving birth to woodland A.I, I am so thrilled about where this new invention will take me. I’m constantly finding so much creative freedom and inspiration and my ideas are flowing every single day. I need to become Octopus like….lol
The amount of detail this brother can create is phenomenal in my view. His eye is spectacular and his ability is super advanced so I’m feeling quite the honour to be working with someone who is essentially a master of their craft. Making image prompts can be a lengthy process and most of the time I do several in one sitting like perhaps 10 to 25 of them. I discard most of them and only keep the best. The ones I’ll use for paintings on canvas. So feel free to enjoy my brothers work and talent. I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to work with this cat….super dope guy.
So indeed the future looks incredible and the level of talent that I’m connecting with is off the charts. It’s amazing to connect with many of these A.I. artists worldwide. It’s a worldwide phenomenon. I welcome you all to new creative vistas throughout 2025 and I look forward to more headway with artificial intelligence. Agents of the future. Guardians of humanity. An ally, not an enemy.
All my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈
Enjoy this classic track by Lustral (Nalin & Kane remix) track title: Everytime
Keeping an eye on things and in deep preparation as we move into 2025. Also, we introduce our new indigenous care packages @ Jacobson native art
There’s something to be said of true character and principles. Trying to be a better version of yourself than yesterday. To keep on believing in truth and justice. That over time, the keys to certain doors appear because through actions, we open up new and incredible opportunities. The universe is looking for the honest ones. The change agents who are willing to completely put themselves out there. I believe that I am one of those people. I cannot get rid of it. My spirit, my soul is compelled because I have a personal relationship to my Creator. To the one who is all knowledge and power. The foundation of my being. The light that feeds me. The inspiration I seek, to become a hollow bone so that Creator can use me. To channel the energy from this source. Not from man. Not even from my own self. True surrender. I try to practice this emptying of myself every morning before I start my day.
That is how I get my clarity and inspiration each and every day. I start there. When things become overwhelming as things sometimes do, I turn it over to my Creator and seek the next inspiration or solution to the problem. A lot of the time it’s about being of service to another. That is truly what the backbone of this platform is all about. Telling it as it is, not how you may wanna hear it. Many prefer things to be sugarcoated and super easy to digest. I understand because I know it’s not easy to digest major big chunks of truth. I understand much much more after everything I’ve gone through around the woodland school of art and much of the darkness and deceit that it contains. The lengths of deception and ignorance has been beyond anything I could ever personally conceive of, myself. Such a disheartening journey on many levels as some of you may know and understand.
Indeed it’s been one of the most craziest journeys I could have ever gone through and still find light at the end of the tunnel. There’s no question I have learned so much about what not to be. Seeing how some operate throughout the woodland school has been extremely disheartening and deeply embarrassing. A weakness so reckless and obtuse and that is just covered in utter gross negligence, will come to light when everything is said and done. I’ll be sharing more about that when the time comes. Patience is a virtue and taking the time to process everything in the right light takes delicacy and self compassion.
In the meantime Kassondra and I came up with a new idea that we both love and enjoy called the Indigenous care package. We do these art auctions all the time and it’s a wonderful blessing for us to share the beauty of our culture and passion for native arts and education tools along with beautiful products. Many of these artists being friends of mine. I’ve been working with Native northwest for almost 25 years now and enjoy many talents throughout their creative roster.
Living up in the isolation of these mountains where it’s difficult to live and the struggle of life is a super real thing up here, it’s cool to find unique ways of creating opportunities for us and others up here. We live in a remote community of only 350 souls. The winter here shuts this place down and our only access to small town city life is either Nelson or Creston, BC. With Nelson we cross the lake for 45 minutes via the ferry and drive in about 40 minutes or with Creston we drive for over an hour through the Kootenay mountains. During the open season with Kunze from May to October we are rolling there. We also just confirmed a new gallery space in downtown Kaslo on the main street with our business partner and friend in Luc @ little giant productions. So things are lookin real nice with that. This region is very new to the woodland school so I can definitely carve out my impact here with relative ease and comfort. At my level many new comers to the art are blown away and really enjoy my quality and touch.Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Every dog has his day. 😎
I look forward to the future in more ways than one. I will have my justice. I will walk through the final door…
All my relations and more to come @ Jacobson native art. 🌈🦅🌈
Monday, January 6, 2025
Let’s welcome 2025 with a bang! So, after 40 years of experience as a master in the woodland school of art: Here is an honest analysis of where things are at
Title: I am Anishanabe. Size: 48 x 72 inches
Good morning to each and everyone and like the title of the article says we are going to do a deep dive into the very fabric of the woodland art form and all of its triumphs and struggles and disasters. I’ve been privy to meeting just about everyone who does this art form in one way or another from the first generation to this current 5th generation. It’s been for the most part a very profound journey and experience and I’ve had the honour of mentoring dozens and dozens along the way. Like I mentioned I’m now 52 years old and have now hit the 40 year mark of being one of the top and highly sought after artists in this genre, the woodland school. When talking about the real fundamentals and techniques in the style from each generation to the next, I’d say many who know what’s up would say that I have one of the best eyes in it with perhaps the deepest and greatest knowledge base about it on the planet. Not saying any of that to boast, it’s just the reality and facts of being so involved with it for the last 40 years now.
The woodland art form intrigued me right away when I was 12 years old in Hudson Ont. I was already drawing at that point but when I saw this native woodland painting that my dad gave his mom, my grandmother, it blew me away. I loved it. That you can see inside the animals. With fierce colours and inner details. I still remember it today, it was of an Indian man in his canoe with a bow and arrow hunting a moose in the bog of a small lake. Northwestern Ontario. My home lands. The very place I was born and raised. It impacted me that my dad would give his mom something so cool. I fell in love with the art form that very day. From that moment on I’ve been on one of the most profound journeys of being a true artist ever since. I love this art. I love as much as I love life itself. Growing up in alcoholism and seeing lots of violence as a child, this art gave me a new life. A new way to see the world. A new way to identify and to seek understanding in my indigenous identity. To reconcile within me these 2 very opposing lifestyles. My search for my culture and the healing from colonialism. That my very life experience at that time was to heal from these wounds and to try and put the pieces back together of this broken identity. Obviously at that time I didn’t fully understand the root causes of that brokenness which of course I now know to be the effects of genocide and assimilation. Super devastating to try and fuck up a race of people like that.Monday, December 30, 2024
Happy new year and a special happy birthday to our son Sagein Wisdom who just turned 7 years old. The light of my world…
Pictured here: My son Sagein on the Yamaha grizzly holding the sword of destiny
Good morning to each and everyone and once again we wish you only the best here @ Jacobson native art and a warm welcome into 2025. Like I’ve shared it’s been an incredible year of creative innovation and collaboration. Giving birth to Woodland A.I. this year and transforming the future of indigenous art with this new visionary and cutting edge technology has been such a breath of new fresh air. It’s exhilarating in every sense of the word. My own discovery and invention. A new path forward for me as an artist. I look forward to seeing what happens next for sure.
Took my boy up the mountain tonight and we did a night time drive on the ATV and had an absolute blast together. We hung out and played “swords of destiny” and “warriors of eternal power”. His current favourite game we made up together and he absolutely loves it. Brings him the best smiles and laughter. I’m so happy being his father. Our bond is the greatest gift I’ve ever known. I see Creator in him all the time. I call him my greatest teacher because that’s exactly what he is. He is so confident and playful. His mind is so fascinating and curious. He just turned 7 years old this month. The CEO of Jacobson native art. My pride and joy. A true privilege walking together side by side on this journey of life. Growing up deep in the Kootenay mountains of BC.(Sagein was born in Nelson so he’s a true Kootenay boy) We live in Mother Nature’s paradise. In the real perfection of it all. Where man is small and nature is grand. Where nature spirit is Alpha.
I’m in a really good place these days. I feel strong, healthy and deeply empowered. My creativity is growing by leaps and bounds and my potential in working with expanding woodland A.I. is simply off the charts. I get to bring into reality visions never before seen where the future becomes my playground. A place where unlimited possibilities can become manifest. It’s exciting energy. When it comes to being here in the Kootenay’s it has become one of my all time favourite places on earth. I absolutely love it here. Bigtime freedom. Big time wingspan. Lots of space to play. Here’s to incredible new changes coming forward in 2025. I’m truly blessed to be living the life I live each and everyday. The power of truth has changed me in ways that I feel I am prepared to handle just about anything moving forward. No fear. No hesitation. Being in full control of my self, my thoughts, feelings and actions. I’m ready to go. I’m ready for the future of 2025. Happy new year to you all and thank you for your trust and loyalty in always knowing that I come from the highest good…in love and light, all my relations.Saturday, December 21, 2024
We officially welcome the winter solstice - Wiingyuu Zigwan our indigenous art box collection 2024 / 2025
Good evening to all of you who continue to stay in the loop with us here @ Jacobson native art. It’s been an exciting year and we look forward to an incredibly empowering 2025. It’s excellent news that Canada post is back in full swing. We have been moving our indigenous art box collection of winter solstice internationally and things are once again picking up now that we can all ship worldwide and not have any major restraints except for lengths of time. Better than the recent alternative. So I welcome you to this truly official launch now that it is December 21st, 2024. The time of Wiingyuu Zigwan - winter solstice the time of the winter sun.Here’s a snapshot of signing 250 editions of my book Ojibway clans - animal totems and spirits
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Thank you for 2024…coming in 2025 will be 2 new projects in my Woodland A.I. celebrating the future of feminine indigenous beauty and future dreamscapes
Thursday, November 28, 2024
The future of indigenous art is here. Welcome to Woodland A.I. (landscapes of the future) series 3 and series 4
Good morning to each and everyone and welcome to another midnight art session coming to a complete cycle. I’m feeling quite pleased with these next paintings on canvas. These landscapes of the future are absolutely fascinating and once again I think I pulled it off. They were super fun to do and I had to work with series 1 and 2 brushes which does get a little tricky. A bit like performing surgery. I’m truly thrilled with this new door I’ve opened with woodland A.I. It is next level visionary medicine and the innovation is simply off the charts. Im creating visions I’ve always dreamed of. Feeling a rebirth and rekindled creative spirit. I feel that as my new apprentice, A.I. affords me a whole new approach. It’s beautiful…Title: Future landscapes (series 3) - wherever I go they honour my sovereignty. Size: 14 x 22 inches
Title: Future landscapes (series 4) - Medicine man mastering multi dimensional travel through anti-gravity technology. Size: 14 x 22 inches