The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024
Showing posts with label Jonathan Sommer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jonathan Sommer. Show all posts

Friday, May 12, 2023

Honest message to Morrisseau art consulting, don’t be like the Goldi’s & risk it all to save a lie...


Pictured here: screen capture of Morrisseau art consulting, being run by former apprentice John Zemanovich and lawyer Jonathan Sommer Toronto Ont.

Good evening to each and everyone and thank you for all the love and support of these last few months. The woodland school of art is going through a major shift and transformation. The knowledge of Norval Morrisseau being exposed as a sexual abuser of children and of taking Sexual advantage of young homeless boys on the streets of Vancouver and elsewhere is a major dose of reality and truth coming forward. 

In the world of First Nations art here in this stolen country called Canada, this truth and awakening is absolutely heart shattering. Every day I struggle with this knowing. To digest just how fucking shocking it really is. It is heart wrenching as well because I had admired Morrisseau for years, most of my life. But the truth is just that, no matter how ugly, difficult, bitter and challenging to deal with, to confront and process, it must be done. The illusion must be exposed. The lies must be unravelled and the record must be set straight. We are in a different time now. The time of truth and reconciliation. This is about those who were hurt, sexually abused and raped by the predator, Norval Morrisseau.

My message to you John Zemanovich and Jonathan Sommer is: be careful. You don’t know to what extent this knowledge is. I know for a fact that Zemanovich knows about Norval sexually abusing one of his sons. We both were made aware of this but we simply didn’t know about how far down the scale this reality truly is. 

I’m glad that Kevin Hearn followed through with both Dallas and I saying that it was very ignorant and rude of you guys to put that cartoon caption shit on line and using it as advertising for your shitty consulting business of Morrisseau, the sexual abuser of children and his bullshit art, it was totally inappropriate. Also, you’ve made your move like dipshit Dingle of the spiritually bankrupt Norval Morrisseau estate, deleting my comments and blocking me from sharing this truth. It’s quite evident that denial is where you two piss ants wanna swim. It’s so weak of the both of you. Pathetic and I will not forget. That you side with a historic sexual abuser. Let that sink into your fuckin heads and heart. It’s super gross of you to not even acknowledge that or the victims/survivors. 

Don’t be stupid like the Estate or KRG,  like Maslak McLeod and the  Goldi’s, like Ugo Matulic, like Jim White, Gary Lamont and all those others who aligned themselves with a lie. Look what happened to them? They’ve lost more than just their credibility. I will tell you this: It’s a much different situation then dealing with the fraud. Denying this truth is choosing to live in the lie. You will be held accountable. Every move is being observed and watched. You are not in possession of this truth. But it’s coming. Trying to deny this is much like Canada in denial of the residential school children being murdered. Trying for decades to sweep that truth underneath the carpet. Trying to hide the truth, the truth of genocide against my people, against me. 

The same can be said of trying to hide and deny these historic sex crimes of the forever disgraced sexual abuser of children in Norval Morrisseau. I stand in absolute affirmation of everything I am sharing about this newly exposed reality. I have been honoured by living survivors who want to come forward and share their truth with the entire world. I stand in solidarity with them. 
More to come and all my relations, MAJ