The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024

Sunday, December 31, 2023

The closing out of everything 2023 here @ Jacobson native art - Happy New Years...πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ


Good evening to you all and thank you for a fascinating journey here in 2023. It’s been a heck of a ride in uncovering, discovering and recovering the truth. I’ve always believed that honesty is the best policy. Being a crooked fuck who lies in the 21st century is super weak in character. Throughout these last 20 years and being involved in uncovering the art fraud and sex crimes of Norval Morrisseau,s legacy, the filth on both sides of that Morrisseau coin, I’m happy to refocus and move on.

There’s really nothing else to say about it all and I’ve written plenty of articles on this subject matter inside and out. I think I can safely say I’ll always remain one of the worlds leading experts on this complete investigation. I feel that through courage and strength of integrity in character, I’ve exposed it all. The whole fuckin thing. I’m sure others will continue to come forward and I’ll remain to hold a watchful eye on the future of our woodland school of art. And everybody in it. From the artists to the galleries and estates, I’ll be watching. The reality is there truly is no one capable of doing so at my level of knowledge and experience. And with Lamont and the others having to face their reality, I think at this point the truth has taken me far enough in the realms of every thing Morrisseau. 

So with the illumination of Creator spirit and my unique and sovereign relationship to it, we will continue to light the way throughout the entire woodland school and the world of art. My focus will now be on expanding my blueprint in the woodland school and support those artists who desire to keep things in their fundamentals. Cultural appropriation will continue to be called out by yours truly. Truth and reconciliation is something that I’ll continue to explore and test the reality of these principles. Everything I’ve ever written here has come from the truth of my heart, my knowledge, my learning and research along with decades of experience as being a true master in this style, this art movement. Those who know fuckin know...plain and simple as that. 

Any how let’s welcome some change and fresh new energy as we welcome the new year of 2024. A special Miigwetch to each and everyone of you...even my enemies...All my relations...

Rainbow Thunderbird πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Enjoy this track by Tal Fussman titled: It was misunderstood (How I feel about 2023) 

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Showcasing new products and designs for Winter & Spring 2023/2024 @ Jacobson native art



Good evening to each and everyone and welcome to Jacobson native art. We are proud to announce our new line of beautiful designs and products in partnership with my amazing friend and soul brother in Luc @ Littlegiant productions here in the Kootenay mountains of B.C. We are a family run enterprise in the spirit of truth and reconciliation. Both of our families are First Nations and it is an honour to partner together building a multi generational partnership. For our children’s children and so on...

All links to the products are posted to their respective image. We thank you for your love, appreciation and solidarity. We walk in truth and authenticity. We believe in sharing the transformational powers inherent in my art and protecting the integrity of our culture for future generations. We also both believe in fine quality products stamped in a uniqueness that is highly present in our connection to the spirit and business of our art. So feel free to have a look at these amazing new releases. Miigwetch and all my relations, MAJ


Friday, December 1, 2023

Happy birthday to my son Sagein Wisdom today, may you have many more....happy birthdays ❤️


Today is a special day. It’s my sons 6th birthday today and we are honoured and so grateful for the love and beauty he carries every single day into our lives, our hearts. He is indeed the most precious and phenomenal teacher I have ever known. Such a dynamic soul who shows me so many gifts of his existence and pure beingness. Truly he is the only one who has been able to simply move mountains in my heart. It’s the greatest love I’ve ever known. 

These photos were taken of us being up the Kootenay mountains about 50 km’s deep. He wanted to build a snowman up here and so we went on a magical cruise through these magnificent mountains. These really are the most amazing and brilliant times of my life. Showing up and being present in his life each and everyday is definitely the greatest times of my life. He is such a happy and playful boy. His energy is such a gift and I’m so grateful to be his dadda. I love you son with all my heart and I look forward to us continuing to grow together each and every day. Life with you is so profound...

Love always, Dadda

Medicine way, grandfather peyote continues to show the way. Happy birthday son ❤️