The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024

Friday, January 5, 2024

We welcome 2024 with a fresh new energy and spirit here @ Jacobson native art


Title of painting: The facing of your fears. Size: 36 x 48 inches. Created in 1999 Toronto, Ontario (Colonial Canada) 

A special welcome to each and everyone and my hope for all of you this new year is deeper appreciation for life and to take better care of each other and the great Mother Earth herself. We have plenty of work to do to prepare the way for future generations. This attitude is fundamental for our future survival and wellbeing as a species. The fine art of relearning how to coexist with the planet, with the resources and with one another. 

Walking a good life each and every day with being mindful through our actions is how the change and growth continues. Like doing a daily self inventory. In the realms of learning to master ones self we find that there are always things to shift and change within ourselves. The art of life itself should be focused in this manner. I aim for this everyday. To try and be a better version of myself than yesterday. The living reality of the human being existence without a spiritual compass is a difficult life indeed. Many have never been shown the way, or are ignorant and choose to max out self in every way possible. A weak perspective  if you ask me. 

The reality is that not everyone is on the same page. Many still clamour for this or that needing those instincts for self to be fed. Mostly by the world and it’s people. One of the big reasons why there is so much struggle in the world. Why many prefer the illusion and the lie, because it’s easier to live with in most cases. The truth is not an easy road to follow. It requires great personal strength of character because you will literally be changing the world and everyone in it. That is the very nature of truth. It exposes what is hidden, it enlightens, it Illuminates and lights the way. 

 Living out here deep in the Kootenay mountains is transformational each and every day. There is a natural cleansing of the heart and mind that affords us being so close to nature spirit. She heals me, it’s the greatest awareness because literally I’m living in deep spiritual intimacy with the spirit of Mother Earth. I wake up and go to sleep in her beauty. The best move I ever made coming out here to live a solitary life style. I’ve never had to get vaccinated as the direct result. We live in a community of 350 souls and we all live spread out around these mountains. You have to be someone who’s very comfortable in their own skin. You also need a deep passion for creativity and being engulfed in the majesty of this beauty every single day...lol. 

Photo of my playground out here in the Kootenay mountains 

So with that I’m excited for this new year in 2024. I feel like turning the page on many things I was once busy with as the direct result of warrioring up on behalf of the truth. It frees up the spirit or should I say makes more room within ones true self and knowing. It’s an honour to continue on this journey of life. I feel resolved and I’m looking forward to the future...all my relations, MAJ 

Enjoy this track by one of my friends from Montreal, a legend in Misstress Barbara. Track title: Dance me to the end of love. Let’s welcome 2024 with a classic: