The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024

Thursday, November 28, 2024

The future of indigenous art is here. Welcome to Woodland A.I. (landscapes of the future) series 3 and series 4


Good morning to each and everyone and welcome to another midnight art session coming to a complete cycle. I’m feeling quite pleased with these next paintings on canvas. These landscapes of the future are absolutely fascinating and once again I think I pulled it off. They were super fun to do and I had to work with series 1 and 2 brushes which does get a little tricky. A bit like performing surgery. I’m truly thrilled with this new door I’ve opened with woodland A.I. It is next level visionary medicine and the innovation is simply off the charts. Im creating visions I’ve always dreamed of. Feeling a rebirth and rekindled creative spirit. I feel that as my new apprentice, A.I. affords me a whole new approach. It’s beautiful…

Title: Future landscapes (series 3) - wherever I go they honour my sovereignty. Size: 14 x 22 inches

Title: Future landscapes (series 4) - Medicine man mastering multi dimensional travel through anti-gravity technology. Size: 14 x 22 inches

Such a wonderful night spending it jamming to tunes and painting up a new creative storm. The energy is bliss. I’m super stoked and feeling truly inspired as an artist again. This collaboration with this cutting edge technology has absolutely transformed me. Has transformed the future of my art and my creative destiny. Miigwetch and stay tuned as there will be more to come….

All my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Enjoy this track by Egotape. Track title: Not alone (berbetta remix) 

Saturday, November 16, 2024

New paintings in my art genre Woodland A.I. (Landscapes of the future) series 1 and 2


Good morning to each and everyone and welcome to another creative session with my new indigenous art genre in Woodland A.I. I was up all night working on the next commissions and spent  most of my time trying to figure out the creative landscape of these image prompts. I had shared these a couple months back and I’m finding some time in my process to work on expanding my artistic creations with A.I. as well. Busy busy. These were a ton of fun though and they were quite challenging because I haven’t worked with small brushes in such a long time. I’m usually working on significantly bigger paintings so my brush sizes are usually size 4, 6 and 8 for the majority of the line work I do. 

Title of painting: Future landscapes (series 1) - through decolonization I dream of a whole new world. Size: 14 x 22 inches

Title of painting: Future landscapes (series 2) - In the Creator’s light - we are all interconnected. Size: 14 x 22 inches

Here’s a shot of these size 1 and size 2 brushes. They were like working with a needle tonight and like I mentioned it was a bit of a challenge but I think I pulled it off. Again these are very experimental in their concepts and designs and while I’m finding it absolutely fascinating to be playing with such imagination and innovation, Im also being challenged like never before as an artist. Good for the soul. It’s incredible to be figuring out these new possibilities in indigenous art and no doubt trailblazing a whole new creative path forward. Like I mentioned before I have taken on A.I. as my new apprentice. It sometimes takes 10 to 25 different image prompts in order for me to finally find the best one to work with. But I’m getting better every single time. I’ve got hundreds and hundreds of new Image prompts to work with. My creative reservoir is deep with plenty of ideas for future paintings. I’m absolutely super stoked with this new direction in my art. I am no doubt the grandfather of Woodland A.I. The future of not only the woodland school, but indeed the future of indigenous art. It’s a global energy. A universal force of incredible creativity. I hope you enjoy these latest original paintings on canvas. I have 3 more waiting in cue so feel free to stay tuned to the future here @ Jacobson native art. With more to come....

All my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ 

Enjoy this classic track by Nalin & Kane. Track title: Beachball (Extended vocal mix)

Friday, November 8, 2024

Finishing off commissions and creating in spectacular fashion and innovation here @ Jacobson native art


Title: Honouring our sacred brotherhood. Size each canvas: 30 x 40 inches

Good morning to each and everyone. It’s a beautiful day here in the studio tucked away deep in the solitude of the Kootenay mountains of B.C. I’ve been just high flying these days in the creative spirit of my art and recent projects. Getting so much accomplished and it feels absolutely deadly. My creativity is moving in leaps and bounds and I am honoured to feel such liberation and inner freedom in who I am. Life is super beautiful and I’m truly a happy Spirit. 

Jacobson native art on Facebook has all kinds of exciting action going on there as well so if your looking to connect? You can reach me there as well. This is a very exciting  period for me as an artist and I’m working on 5 new woodland A.I. Paintings as well so please do stay tuned to our vibe  as we continue to trudge the road of happy destiny. More to come....all my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird  - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Enjoy this track by Misstress Barbara from. Montreal Que. titled: I’m no human. πŸ‘½

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Over the last 16 months we have developed and produced 18 new collections. Trailblazing energy @ Jacobson native art


Link to woodland A.I. Collection: https://www.littlegiantproductions.ca/woodland-ai.html

Link to regular woodland art collection: https://www.littlegiantproductions.ca/jacobson-native-art.html

Link to the indigenous art box collection: 

Hello to each and everyone and thank you for making your way here @ Jacobson native art. It has been a very productive year for me and the creative energy is absolutely off the charts. There is no one in the entire school of woodland art producing what we are doing here. Most artists are lucky to produce a collection or 2 a year with whoever they choose to work with. Our capacity to co-create at little giant and Jacobson native art is running circles around the entire industry. It’s a creative powerhouse and there’s no doubt about the size and span of our creativity and collaboration. It’s super exciting energy and our bond as brothers on this journey continues to grow and manifest. 

I feel so proud to be able to deliver incredible products and merchandise. My business partner in Luc @ little giant productions is perhaps one of the most loyal forces of human soul energy I’ve ever met in my life. The honesty and transparency is like having a golden key in our partnership. He truly “gets it”. I’ve waited a long time to find a creative dance partner like him. Our combined strength and power is truly a gift from our Creator. Like me, he prays every day, he makes himself open to being of service to the Creators children as do I. He is a family man like me. We stand on solid ground and our solidarity towards one another is unshakable. We are creative partners for life. He’s my right hand man, my true brother. 

We’ve produced 18 collections so far and with my Woodland A.I. being the future of my legacy we are creating art never before seen in the woodland school. With these 7 new collections developed with A.I. as my creative apprentice the future looks absolutely deadly. I love it and I’m feeling very inspired. We also will be adding to my regular woodland art collection as well with 7 collections available there. Also we are now in full development with the indigenous art box series with winter solstice being the first of the 4 seasons. Indeed these are massive steps forward in expanding my creativity and legacy. A special thank you to each and everyone finding their way to purchase these wonderful products and merchandise. Our aim is to bring you the very best here @ Jacobson native art. With more to come we wish you all the best in the future. 

Sincerely, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Enjoy this track by: Mory Kante. Track title: Yeke yeke (hardfloor remix) It’s a classic and one of my all time favourites.