The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Exposing the hidden truth between the freedom convoy and that pimp of a Prime minister

 Good afternoon to each and everyone today. It’s been a wild ride watching this “Freedom convoy” and this cause and effect process that is unfolding. From an indigenous lense it gives me a perspective that I’m very familiar with as a First Nations soul. I hear the term “occupier” and I think to myself, hmmmmm, I know exactly what that looks like. They were being first identified as peaceful protestors, ordinary Canadians seeking to stand up for their “rights and freedoms” within the framework of the Canadian constitution. 


Three weeks later and now Canadian citizens who are involved with this trucker convoy are now being labeled “terrorists”. By your own elected officials and government. The clowns in whom you, Canada, have voted on to run this continued occupation on our lands, on our backs as First Nations. The fuckin irony is absolutely mind bending. Now this douche bag of a prime minister has put in to place, the war measures act, the Canadian emergency act against its own citizens in whom you as a voter, put into power. Absolutely fuckin crazy if you ask me. Your whole system is geared to fuck you in the end. That’s Canada. A colonized state built on oppression, murder, land theft, resource theft, force and control. 

It’s perverse how the “rule of law” operates on our land as Anishanabe. To witness how Canada not only portrays First Nations and our rights and freedoms, but now Canadians are getting an inside point of view on how their elected leaders operate once in power. You are now seeing it for yourselves Canada. It reminds me of what a scam this whole empire of darkness truly is. I’ve known it for quite some time now in the discovery of my own process of decolonization. It’s the same shit being regurgitated to you Canadians. Only on a softer level but the reality is welcome to getting fucked by your so-called country. Oh Canada, your homes on stolen land....false patriot love....yada yada yada. 

This scam of a leader you have elected in your bullshitter prime minister shows what a coward nation you have adopted in regards to the laws and policies that have been put into place. All created by the colonizer.  The ruling power as that old fuck nut in Justin’s daddy in Pierre was known to say. Fuck him and his pathetic legacy as well. A long line of douche bags, liars, land and resource thieves. Building your white colonizer dreams on the backs of our murdered residential school children.

Fuck you Canada. And fuck you to the entire establishment. Fuck this bastard government and fuck all your institutions. It’s the people who have the power. But most Canadians have forgotten that. I mean, most Canadians don’t even know what the fuck actually took place here in how this whole thing was acquired. Murdering little innocent children. Raping our women and murdering them. Doing everything in its power as a nation to destroy us First Nations. Dont be fooled by your Canadian media trying to paint some fucked up picture of truth and reconciliation. They dont know how. That’s been the whole problem  because  that means completely changing up the entire plan and program. Reparations is what I’m talking about. At this stage, some 500 years later, Canada is so weak that they still can’t bring themselves as a so-called nation to right these layers and layers of wrongs. 

So now your rights and freedoms mean nothing and if you stand up for truth this country will send out their colonized goon squads after you to “enforce” this scam of a white settlers rule of law being misused and misrepresented on stolen Indian land. Now they’ll go after your instincts for feeling safe and secure, they will attack your businesses, go after your money, all of your assets and then paint you as a terrorist. And all you wanted was your rights and freedoms to be protected, to be honoured.....right. 
 Welcome to just a small little glimpse of our world. What we as First Nations have had to endure for centuries. That indeed you can now see what the term “occupier”  really means. Your government isn’t here to protect Canadians....lol. For fuck sakes eh. See it? They are instructed to enforce and control you. To use any means necessary to execute this delusion to the max. 

As a sovereign Anishanabe soul I am somewhat happy to witness this go down the way it is. By Canada electing to enact this emergencies act and to enforce and control this situation by stripping away your rights and freedoms says everything that I’ve been saying. It’s so bizarre and so perverse. The contradictions and double standards are overwhelming. The status quo huh?....right. Proud to be a Canadian are ya? Right. I mean the one good thing Ive seen in this whole mess is that some of these war veterans can see it. They are seeing what kind of tyranny is taking shape and has been with their government. Dying for a flag that in the end, will betray you, will abandon you, will rob you and disempower you inside and out. Welcome to your Canada. A nation built on the murder and continual oppression of my people, the great Anishanabe. All my relations, MAJ