The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Exposing the current corruption and lies of the estate of Norval Morrisseau

I thought this time the estate could be fixed. I thought this time that there was a real chance at healing the lies and deceptions that have plagued the legacy of Norval Morrisseau. I was fuckin wrong. I am literally heartbroken by this. The new CEO of the estate of Norval Morrisseau was a supposedly old friend named Cory Dingle. (Pictured above in the glasses) I had a couple of challenging experiences with the fella previously but thought that this could all be worked out. Not.

This photo of Cory Dingle and his culturally appropriating buddy in james McCue (pure white guy doing native art) link:  https://www.jamesmccue.com/ had visited me here at my old studio in Vancouver back in 2016. I tried being friends with these 2 back then but they became offensive with their white privileged bullshit. I should have never tried to help McCue sell his culturally appropriated art. That was wrong of me. I should have never supported this in the first place. 

I feel so betrayed by this weekend. I actually tried to be open hearted and welcoming but again, the lies. You see, people only usually lie when they got something to hide. And trust me, after this weekend and trying to make a go of this, Cory Dingle tried to deny the truth of this second photo of Gabe Vadas painting Norval Morrisseau art. 

This photo was given to both John Zemanovich and me by Gabes own wife, in michelle Vadas. She wanted the truth to come out, but Gabe made sure to cut off all ties with JZ and I. That was over a decade ago. And still, the estate is fucked up with these lies and continual deceptions. They have time after time tried to control this narrative because they didn’t want this truth to come out. 

I exposed this. I have put this photo out to share with the world that indeed, this estate is corrupt. It is fucked up and can never be trusted. Not at this point. And I’ve been actively involved as an independent investigator for over 17 years now, since I first met them and Norval in 2005. Asked to protect his legacy and from this point forward, never again. Norval Morrisseau art is so washed up on fakes, lies, corruption and filth that’s it’s not worth it to buy Norval Morrisseau art. My advice? 

Run for the fuckin hills. Go buy other native art from living artists. They need it more than white people trying to make a buck off this whole mess. Morrisseau’s legacy will remain fucked for many more years to come. It’s a cesspool of garbage. That’s my conclusion after all these years of trying to help. What a fuckin complete waste of my time. Of my life. I feel so ashamed about this.  

Here is this photo Cory Dingle tried to deceive me by saying this isn’t Norval Morrisseau art that gabe is working on....Right. How fuckin stupid do you think I am? Mr. CEO of the estate? Right. You are an unbelievable sack of shit for trying to lie to me about this. You showed me your hand, your cards. You are willing to do whatever it takes to spin this reality into something else. Not on my watch. I caught you this weekend trying to lie and manipulate me. But I caught you....that’s why you are back peddling now. You are Gabes new henchman. That’s it. It’s still the same sick and mentally ill situation over there. 

Recently I found out about a whole bunch of new information which I’ll be sharing over the next while. You have to realize that the consciousness of the cultural fabric of this country is changing. Indigenous peoples across our stolen lands are waking the fuck up. They as well as myself are sick and tired of having white people control our spaces, stories and narrative. These residential school children being discovered across our lands are giving light to this reality. White settlers are learning quickly that our stories are our stories. They don’t belong to you. They belong to us. And let’s face it, the art and legacy of Norval Morrisseau belongs to his people. It belongs to us. 

We are the culture creators, we are the true legacy of the great Anishanabe. This is our lense. These are our teachings. Yet still? These settlers think it’s all about them. That they are the culture guardians and that they are the gatekeepers of our history and our stories. How wrong this is on so many levels. It’s frightening. It’s perverse when you boil all the shit off and see it as it truly is. This is what happened this weekend. I tried to be open, I tried to give this another chance. But those like Gabe Vadas and Cory Dingle  have shown their hand and have played their cards. Now? I see you for who you really are. Fuckin filthy liars....

Stay tuned, more to come...all my relations....MAJ