The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Creating in the studio tonight, the bones of a Jacobson original (48 x 60 inches)

Interesting fact: I draw out every image in one shot with a pen. Never pencil. I trust my art so much and the spirit of it that I get it right, the first time
Burning the midnight oil here @ Jacobson native art. I’ve got dozens and dozens of commissions to execute. I’m also preparing for our second season in the gallery business out here in the Kootenay mountains. We’ll be in a new and exciting location with incredible new partnership under the umbrella of truth and reconciliation. 

Exciting times and I’m super excited about the energy and spiritual power that we bring to the table. We fully understand what it means to be “agents of the Creator”. Instruments of the great spirit and like last season we were blessed to reach tens of thousands of souls and had such a transformational experience. 

Any how back to painting and working on this piece which is destined for Toronto. I got big moves coming that way so stay tuned. In the meantime here’s an amazing DJ set by Hannes Bieger from Germany. I paint a lot listening to these incredible electronic music sets. They are highly meditative and therapeutic. I’m an old school raver and used to throw 2000 to 4000 people parties in Vancouver back in the day. Anyways much love and respect...more to come. All my relations, MAJ

Hannes Bieger live @ Beatport: