Good afternoon to each and everyone and what an amazing spiritual experience we all had that attended our opening night festivities. We came together in the real spirit of truth and reconciliation. My second season is officially off to a brilliant start. We shared in prayer and a powerful sacred smudging ceremony where everyone got blessed. I also performed a real and true adoption ceremony bringing the entire Kunze family into my Thunderbird clan. A real privilege for us all.
Pictured here: A photo of yours truly sharing the sacred power and cleansing of the smudging ceremony
It is very inspiring for me to see the willingness of my relatives want to share and participate in our good Indian ways. The spiritual energy and powers of our cultural way of life most certainly was inspiring for all who attended. I feel honoured and it is such a beautiful feeling to carry our Anishanabe teachings and practices to a whole new audience out here in the Kootenay mountains, Creston BC.
Here is a new article written in the local news about our partnership and the festivities that were involved. I wish you all a beautiful afternoon and thank you for all the love and support moving forward. All my relations....MAJ