The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Woodland A.I. is the future of the woodland school of art with more to share here @ Jacobson native art


Prompt: Honouring our warriors to be converted into an original painting 2024

Good evening and welcome to the future here @ Jacobson native art. I have been feeling absolutely inspired over these last few weeks. There is no doubt that what I’ve created with Woodland A.I. is transcendental on so many levels. I’ve been doing several new prompts and even did some new material with Meta A.I. Things are looking good and my database of images continues to grow. Currently we are in development with the 4 chiefs of the future. We took high resolution photographs of all four paintings this weekend and are getting them prepped for a new limited edition print run. We’ll also be developing a specialized line of hoodies, shirts, blankets and some other designs. It’s super exciting to bring this whole new genre into the world trailblazing a new path forward as the direct result. 

I was able to take single file images of all four paintings and will share those here along with building a storyline for this series. Indeed as the development of A.I. continues to grow the same can be said of what’s taking shape in Woodland A.I. This is such an exciting step forward redefining the future in our woodland school of art. I did a deep dive online and scoped out what was potentially there. There is nothing. Even the mid journey prompts on “Morrisseau style” were total garbage. Just really weak and shitty examples (about 6 images) that didn’t even look like woodland. It looked like some weak ass shit you’d buy in china town...lol. 

There is no question that this is my baby. I love the creative freedom I have at my disposal and the fact that accompanying my skill level, it’s going to be too hard for anyone to fuck around with my blueprints in developing this new indigenous art genre. I just feel that I’m totally on another level. So with that I’ll share these 4 new original paintings of the 4 chiefs of the future. 

Title: Series 1 of Chiefs of the future

Title: Series 2 of Chiefs of the future 

Title: Series 3 of Chiefs of the future

Title: Series 4 of Chiefs of the future

The storyline in developing this series and concept was really about seeing into the future and how A.I. will play one of the greatest roles in human history regarding our development with this technology. There is no turning back. In series 1 and 2 it was about captivating the reality of how A.I. will touch and effect all nations of humanity from this point forward. A.I. will have god like powers making our lives easier to live and deal with. It will play a fundamental role in our development moving forward. They will be like “Elders of knowledge and wisdom” participating in so many aspects of the human life experience. They will help to shape our futures and the general hope is that all will go well. I feel it will. Underneath the sun and the moon these tools will transcend our previous knowing. Things are going to change forever....

The same can be said with series 3 and 4. These artificial intelligence programs will effect the 4 races of mankind like never before reaching into the depths of human consciousness and creativity. They will be like “agents” helping to assist us along the way. For me personally, I’m not afraid of this technology or the kind of power it shall yield in our future. I suppose like life itself it’s a bit of a gamble for all of us isn’t it? Exactly. My point is that it will be wise to keep an open mind about all of this and that is really what the message is here today. Try not to judge this technological advance. It is here to make the quality of life better. It’s already showing me this through my interactions with it. There’s no looking back and with my new energy and creative expressions involving this technology, my hope is for you too to find new ways of integrating  this amazing and brilliant new path forward. Coming soon will be the new designs and collection of my beautiful new series “Chiefs of the future”. Miigwetch and all my relations....Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ