The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024

Monday, June 10, 2024

Coming soon in my new art genre “Woodland A.I.”....3 new designs here @ Jacobson native art


Good afternoon to each and everyone and once again a big thank you for so much love and support being shared here @ Jacobson native art. The future looks so bright and many of my fans and collectors are very interested in what’s coming next regarding my new indigenous art genre I created in Woodland A.I. The creativity is flourishing at such a high level and my ideas and concepts are truly unmatched in the entire school of woodland art. There is no one who even comes close. Most of the other artists are still swimming in the past. Stuck in the same old paradigms that have been laid down by many of the previous generations of artists. Not me. Not woodland A.I. The way I see it, I stand alone now in this new reality. The grandfather of an entirely new approach. It feels so good to be free to create what I want, how I want, when I want. There are absolutely no limits to what I can do. I’m in a class of my own. It’s so Sovereign. It’s so powerful...I simply feel so confident. 

Prompt: Image for another new series of paintings I’ll be creating soon in 2024

I have absolutely fallen in love with being an artist again, a breath of fresh air on so many levels. My soul is lit up and my mind is filled with creative possibilities and new experiences. This creative tool is such an asset in the realms of being an artist. To the haters who whine about it and complain about the creativity of A.I.? Go learn how to use it and stop your bitching. You're weak. You need a swift kick in the ass because let’s face it, your process is outdated. It’s old. The power of this new creative tool scares you and your fragility and self skepticism needs an overhauling. That’s always the problem with change isn’t it? Most people are terrified of it. Can’t cope with the new possibilities. The fresh and new approach to being an artist. Here @ Jacobson native art we are not afraid. We are on the cutting edge of bringing the world something never seen before. That is who I am. This is how my legacy will separate me from everyone else in the woodland school of art. I am the future of this new indigenous art movement. 

Currently I’m working on 3 big commissions for a client in Toronto Ontario. I still have dozens and dozens on my waiting list and I am super busy with many other pieces waiting in cue. We are also getting ready for our new season at Kunze gallery here in the Kootenay mountains. My next woodland A.I. pieces are being worked on as well. I have 3 new paintings I’m putting together and oh my goodness are they looking good. I’m currently executing “Honouring our indigenous sisters forever” and “Good Chief / Bad Chief” along with “Honouring our warriors of the future”. These are indeed super exciting times here at the studio and I look forward to unveiling these in the next few days so stay tuned as we continue to bring you brand new indigenous art the world has never seen. More to come...
All my relations...Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Enjoy this track by Nora en pure. Track title: The other side