The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Exposing the current corruption and lies of the estate of Norval Morrisseau

I thought this time the estate could be fixed. I thought this time that there was a real chance at healing the lies and deceptions that have plagued the legacy of Norval Morrisseau. I was fuckin wrong. I am literally heartbroken by this. The new CEO of the estate of Norval Morrisseau was a supposedly old friend named Cory Dingle. (Pictured above in the glasses) I had a couple of challenging experiences with the fella previously but thought that this could all be worked out. Not.

This photo of Cory Dingle and his culturally appropriating buddy in james McCue (pure white guy doing native art) link:  https://www.jamesmccue.com/ had visited me here at my old studio in Vancouver back in 2016. I tried being friends with these 2 back then but they became offensive with their white privileged bullshit. I should have never tried to help McCue sell his culturally appropriated art. That was wrong of me. I should have never supported this in the first place. 

I feel so betrayed by this weekend. I actually tried to be open hearted and welcoming but again, the lies. You see, people only usually lie when they got something to hide. And trust me, after this weekend and trying to make a go of this, Cory Dingle tried to deny the truth of this second photo of Gabe Vadas painting Norval Morrisseau art. 

This photo was given to both John Zemanovich and me by Gabes own wife, in michelle Vadas. She wanted the truth to come out, but Gabe made sure to cut off all ties with JZ and I. That was over a decade ago. And still, the estate is fucked up with these lies and continual deceptions. They have time after time tried to control this narrative because they didn’t want this truth to come out. 

I exposed this. I have put this photo out to share with the world that indeed, this estate is corrupt. It is fucked up and can never be trusted. Not at this point. And I’ve been actively involved as an independent investigator for over 17 years now, since I first met them and Norval in 2005. Asked to protect his legacy and from this point forward, never again. Norval Morrisseau art is so washed up on fakes, lies, corruption and filth that’s it’s not worth it to buy Norval Morrisseau art. My advice? 

Run for the fuckin hills. Go buy other native art from living artists. They need it more than white people trying to make a buck off this whole mess. Morrisseau’s legacy will remain fucked for many more years to come. It’s a cesspool of garbage. That’s my conclusion after all these years of trying to help. What a fuckin complete waste of my time. Of my life. I feel so ashamed about this.  

Here is this photo Cory Dingle tried to deceive me by saying this isn’t Norval Morrisseau art that gabe is working on....Right. How fuckin stupid do you think I am? Mr. CEO of the estate? Right. You are an unbelievable sack of shit for trying to lie to me about this. You showed me your hand, your cards. You are willing to do whatever it takes to spin this reality into something else. Not on my watch. I caught you this weekend trying to lie and manipulate me. But I caught you....that’s why you are back peddling now. You are Gabes new henchman. That’s it. It’s still the same sick and mentally ill situation over there. 

Recently I found out about a whole bunch of new information which I’ll be sharing over the next while. You have to realize that the consciousness of the cultural fabric of this country is changing. Indigenous peoples across our stolen lands are waking the fuck up. They as well as myself are sick and tired of having white people control our spaces, stories and narrative. These residential school children being discovered across our lands are giving light to this reality. White settlers are learning quickly that our stories are our stories. They don’t belong to you. They belong to us. And let’s face it, the art and legacy of Norval Morrisseau belongs to his people. It belongs to us. 

We are the culture creators, we are the true legacy of the great Anishanabe. This is our lense. These are our teachings. Yet still? These settlers think it’s all about them. That they are the culture guardians and that they are the gatekeepers of our history and our stories. How wrong this is on so many levels. It’s frightening. It’s perverse when you boil all the shit off and see it as it truly is. This is what happened this weekend. I tried to be open, I tried to give this another chance. But those like Gabe Vadas and Cory Dingle  have shown their hand and have played their cards. Now? I see you for who you really are. Fuckin filthy liars....

Stay tuned, more to come...all my relations....MAJ

Friday, December 16, 2022

I stand with the AFN chiefs regarding Bill - C21 here @ Jacobson native art


I agree that this new bill - C21 has a whole lot of issues and problems with it. I also don’t agree with the government of Canada trying to take away more of our rights and protections. Be weary of those who choose to sell their souls to the government. 

The government of Canada for multi generations now has been guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity. They have long been an instrument of abuse, scandal and utter horror to our people. It’s a shame so deep that most Canadians have really no clue how or why they got what they got. They don’t even understand the concept of white privilege they’ve been so bamboozled. 

Photo: picture taken as an art piece. Summer of 2022

Colonialism is the great evil from the time of discovery to now. This plague continues to go on and on and on...Sadly. Hope is a strange thing sometimes. Even in these times we must continue to stand for what is right and what is true. Even though I’m not into guns and prefer other ways of catching food in the bush etc, I still feel that we must be able to protect ourselves and those we love with the integrity of our rights. I for one stand with that, the truth of survival. The truth of protecting our loved ones and families. All my relations MAJ

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Under the umbrella of truth and reconciliation, this current exhibition @ Royal Ontario Museum and Jacobson native art steps forward...

Good evening. Blessings moving forward and wishing wellness and healing to each and everyone. Thank you for all the kindness and support and here’s to better things ahead. Indeed this exhibition is about just that, moving forward. We must continue to find new paths and open new doors towards one another. This process of truth and reconciliation hasn’t been an easy one. 

This project is about pushing forward with healing energy and power. Here in the 21st century we must continue finding new ways of creating space and dialogue in honour of the healing, the awareness and wisdom of reconciling our history. So that today can be a better place for our people. To learn to live in harmony together for the future. It starts with every single one of us. Any how, thanks for simply just understanding. We heal together. For the future...

All my relations and I’ll leave you with a quote from FB:

I didn’t even want to do this exhibition because of my awareness regarding genocide to us Indians from the hands of Canada and many of their institutions.

Finally I thought about the residential school children and thought to myself with them in prayer:

The art and our culture is the bridge to healing these wounds.

Let this be a channel through truth and reconciliation to help bridge the gap.

It’s the main reason why I did the line in the first place. Not only did I want indigenous peoples working with my designs but I and the souls of the children envisioned white old ladies and immigrants from all over the world who call our land home, working together. Creating “good medicine”.

Thus the line is called: Healing waters. πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Happy 5th birthday to my incredible and beautiful son Sagein Wisdom @ Jacobson native art

Enjoying life and things are well here at the studio. My son celebrates 5 years of being on Mother Earth. What a gift. This lil guy has effected me and changed my life in such a way he truly is my shining light in this world and in this life. Here he is resting after another masterpiece sculpture from him...lol. He’s the best, what class. What a mind, what a soul. My boy...my greatest love in  the entire universe...

Happy birthday sonny boy. We enjoy these incredible DJ sets when we hang out and create together. It’s the coolest thing. It’s another reason why he’s such a Jacobson boy. He loves music and dancing and singing...such a joy. I love you...


Enjoy this 2 hour set by Artbat from the Ukraine playing in Rio de Janeriro Brazil.

Friday, November 11, 2022

A delayed justice in art fraud and the death of Christian Morrisseau

Good afternoon and here’s to trying to move forward amongst the chaos and continual delayed justice in the Norval Morrisseau art fraud case which I’ve been investigating and fighting for over 17 years now. It’s absolutely pathetic how the Canadian rule of law operates. It’s fucking gross, really. Day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year we continue to wait wait wait and wait even more...I truly realize why most gave up a long time ago in regards to the idea of justice for Norval. It’s just so grotesque in regards to how Canada deals with issues of justice around First Nations causes etc. No wonder nobody believes in them any more.
Last week one of the main suspects in the forgery of Norval Morrisseau’s art and legacy died. Norvals own son, Christian Morrisseau. Dead. Gone. For good....What a disgrace of a legacy. I was told that he would be cooperating with the Thunder Bay police investigation. It looks like that won’t be happening now. Congratulations to the Thunder Bay police and OPP for yet again, fucking that up. They should all be embarrassed of themselves. Talk about gross negligence and indeed you can add the disgrace of the Norval Morrisseau estate into that equation. 

This whole thing has become an unfolding train wreck. From the players on both sides of the coin I’ve seen so much go wrong in this investigation. From the lies and deceptions of Gabe Vadas, Don and Paul Robinson from kinsmen Robinson gallery in Toronto, lies and deceit of Joe Mcleod, the scams of Randy Potter auctions, Jim white publishing fraud, Morrisseau family foundation scam, dysfunctional Morrisseau researcher in John Zemanovich, white cultural appropriator in Ritchie Sinclair, losers like Joe Otavnik and Ugo Matulic, Scumbags and rapists like Gary Lamont and a whole host of shady art galleries across Canada who sold and dealt fraudulent Morrisseau art to countless unsuspecting Canadians and people around the world. What a scene of garbage really...

And then you have guys like this Det. Jason Rybak of the Thunder Bay police. A false prophet in my books. He came rolling into my world more than 2 years ago now telling me that this whole thing would be wrapped up in 6 months. Fucking bullshit. It’s been several months now going on year 2 waiting for those results. With all the turmoil up there in Thunder Bay in regards to their continual problems in racism, discrimination and their genocidal policies in policing on stolen Indian land we can understand why the wheels of justice simply haven’t been moving properly. Their whole operation is fucked up. They don’t communicate well, they stall the process of justice and pass the buck around hoping someone will eventually do something. It’s absolutely gross dealing with the colonizer. Period. 

Any how, this is where things are at. I’ll leave you for now with this atrocious video of Christian “Judas” Morrisseau betraying his supposed “grand shaman father” in Norval Morrisseau. It’s one of the worst betrayals I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Forcing daddy bound to a wheelchair suffering from Parkinson’s disease to sign off on the fakes. The black drybrush garbage that a convicted serial rapist from Thunder Bay in Gary Lamont spearheaded, not only sadistically raping First Nations youth but also guilty of raping the artistic legacy of my old friend in Norval Morrisseau...

The true legacy of the Morrisseau family foundation:

Monday, October 24, 2022

Honouring true apprenticeship in the heart of the woodland school @ Jacobson native art

Good afternoon to each and everyone and thank you for all the positive energy and love these days as we transition into another season heading into the wonders of the great snowfall. Sitting up here deep in the Kootenay mountains I recently had the honour of one of my apprentices of 3 years now come up from Vancouver to pay a visit.

We got to hang out and paint, paint and paint. We shared life stories, teachings and the spiritual connection and powers inherent in the woodland school of art. That there is an order of actions and protocols that one should learn in practicing the art form. For those that do not know this or in whom do not practice the spirituality of the art? You are completely missing the point. You are lost at sea...most likely lost in the abyss of colonialism. 

It is important to have understanding of the spirits of these animal clan totems in which we are blessed to work with. A working knowledge of feasting the spirits and ancestors as there is spirit memory attached to these energies involving the clarity of the art form and its spirit. We must be humble in this regard because one can hurt themselves as in the case of Morrisseau himself. Guys like Roy Thomas, Gelineau Fisher, Moses Amik Beaver, Blake Debassige, Saul Williams, my uncle Jimi Oskineegish along with a few others understood this. 

The ability to practice a good sense of living your life in a good way. I would say that sobriety from alcohol is also key as the temple of the artist should be well balanced with that as well. Things like peyote, mushrooms or even pot should be regarded as medicine. For it grows from our earth mother to help us in these regards. I’m a peyote boy and have been involved with sponsoring meetings etc for 20 years now. That medicine is very very powerful for us here on turtle island. The only real way to use it is in ceremony and to pray with it, throughout the night with a fire by your side. 

These things I have found to benefit my spiritual health and practice. I pray every day and do something ceremonially each day as well. My life is a living spiritual experience. This is the light that can be found in our art. This is the love found in who we are. The great Anishanabe. An honour to carry this life force into my very being, a greater honour to pass on this awareness and knowledge. From one brother to another....

All my relations...MAJ 

Enjoy this Peyote prayer song titled: A new dawn by Louie Gonnie. A respected brother...

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Celebrating the successful end of season @ Jacobson native art 2022 edition

Good evening to each and everyone. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve last posted but indeed it is because of a very successful season. I am absolutely delighted to have been able to touch thousands of souls this summer. What an incredible and life changing experience. The spiritual energy and power that was being exchanged throughout the summer of 2022 will last a lifetime. 

I’m super happy to know that there is a needed spiritual force taking shape across the cultural fabric of our lands as First Nations and both Canadians and travellers from around the world got to share in the healing. Most important though this year is the growth and development of my boy, Sagein. He loved it at the gallery and open art studio this year. He’s only 4 years old but wow did he ever touch a lot of lives.

A real big and significant experience for him was meeting all kinds of new people from around the world. You could tell how impacted he was by everyone and he grew a liking to each and everyone who were inclined by his energy and presence.He was my sidekick at the gallery, helping dadda close a few sales and having a bunch of fun in the process. 

I must admit it was a lot of hard work showing up and giving er everyday for weeks on end. Quite a shift after the pandemic and being withdrawn from human activity like the rest of the world was from 2020 to this summer of 2022. All in all it was fantastic and I’m looking forward to next season with new plans and actions that are manifesting. Until then my friends I say chi-meegwetch to all of you and wishing you all beautiful energy and love...all my relations, MAJ 

Enjoy this track by George Fitzgerald - Setting sun. In honour of my boy, Sagein Wisdom

I love you son.  Forever...

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Continuing to build these dreams @ Jacobson native art


Good afternoon to each and everyone. It’s been a busy last 7 weeks since our opening. We are gliding nice and high like being on the wings of an Eagle. The transformations taking shape are tremendous and beautiful. Our goals and aspirations are growing and we continue to make genuine contact with each new visitor and provide a wonderful safe space for deep and meaningful conversations and exchanges to take shape.

We are growing...we are dreaming @ Jacobson native art. All my relations, MAJ

Enjoy this track by lazarusman and stimming: your dreams 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Life and love being shared and multiplied @ Jacobson native art

Things are going absolutely phenomenal these days @ Jacobson native art. Every day is filled with excitement, spirit, creativity and healing. It’s a real dream come true. I feel so grateful and appreciative of this new direction in my life. My gallery partner in Johnny and fellow master artist in Kurtis and the rest of the team is delighted beyond measure. We are all super happy...

Also the creative energy has been picking up significantly and I’m getting ready to maximize the outdoor art studio over the next coming weeks. The temperature will be much more efficient during the fall into Indian summer. So I’m getting really excited about that. I have numerous commissions to execute and this season has been just explosive regarding all this new energy.

Today at the gallery and art studio we had the honour and privilege to clean up this eagle we found a couple weeks back. We feasted the eagle clan and offered our tobacco offerings in a good way. We took care of all aspects of this sacred bird. We believe this was a gift to us from Creator and Mother Earth. The skull is being prepared, 2 eagle bone whistles, tail fan, 2 wings and talons being cured. We know from these signals of the spirit that indeed all is well. We are on the path...and with that I say chi-meegwetch to all my relations and enjoy this Peyote prayer song by Louie Gonnie titled: Spheres and Talismans.

This is how powerful and beautiful it felt for us today dealing with the Eagle...

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Preparing for our first “Medicine bag” making workshops this weekend @ Jacobson native art

Good evening to each and everyone. Things have been absolutely incredible here at the new gallery and open art studio. The energy and spiritual force has been transformational for every single visitor who comes to experience us. We are definitely playing in the fields of true healing and inspiration. I’ve been to all the galleries across Canada dealing in indigenous art and everyone who comes here and experiences this agrees, there is nothing like what we are offering and bringing to the table. 

Our combined spiritual energies and alignment is a spearhead for this new and exciting evolution here @ Jacobson native art. We are the platform out here and new model for how these conversations are manifesting in regards to the healing of the cultural fabric of this country, our nation. All who come in to our creative temple leave feeling inspired, understood, valued and deeply appreciated. 

The ancestral power and guiding lights of the souls of our residential school children are leading the way for us. We are instruments of healing, of love and compassion. It’s what these children want, to come together as the human race and embrace each other for the beauty that we are. They desire this unity and healing, this oneness. 

We will be working with master leather artist: Kurtis Staven

He is of Sioux heritage and it is an honour and blessing to have one of our featured artists at the gallery and studio lead us in this exciting medicine bag making workshop.

For more info please leave a comment with your questions etc.

Thank you...MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Going hard and strong for the last 3 weeks since our grand opening here @ Jacobson native art

Pictured here: Finding some time and space to rest
Good evening everyone. All has been well here since our grand opening last month. The amount of energy being produced every single day with each and every visitor has been absolutely transformational. They are literally coming in droves and on the hearts of everyone are our residential school children. The outpouring of love, connection and providing a safe environment for these conversations to happen has been soul touching.

When I was granted this vision to manifest this reality regarding the gallery and open art studio, I simply hadn’t seen the levels of healing that are happening. Canadians are sharing their heartfelt experiences and simply wish to be as helpful as possible around these discoveries. They feel horrible about this dark and horrific history and every single one of them has vowed to never want this to ever repeat itself. 

The respect, humility and compassion has been absolutely incredible. No one leaves feeling bad, we share our love and healing. We appreciate them and their heart and understanding. The time for healing this nation is upon us. I see it each and every day at the gallery. It’s so beautiful to be a part of this healing. It’s what the souls of these children want, what they desire. I feel so humbled and honoured to be a spearhead of this transformation out here in the Kootenay mountains. 

This is where I get my time to reflect, to process and heal all this energy. I truly feel blessed to be a voice for our children, in a good way, relearning once again how to walk in a kinder, softer, gentler way. To try and walk in beauty once again. I say chi-meegwetch to all my relations, MAJ 

Enjoy this magnificent prayer song by one of my all time favourite singers in the peyote way, Louie gonnie with: Meditate

Saturday, July 30, 2022

New photos of our gallery space and room 2 (the working studio) here @ Jacobson native art

Good morning to each and everyone. Here’s to new blessings and new directions as we turn the page and open our creative temple to the world. The grand opening was a big success and we’ve been dealing high energy and volume here in what is now our peak season. The community is excited and hundreds of new souls continue to find us here deep in these Kootenay mountains.
This photo captures the essence upon arrival here at the gallery. We are being our true and authentic selves here and the region is buzzing. Lots of action every single day. We’ve been going hard 7 days a week and every morning waking up to this new reality is a dream come true. 

This photo gives you an interesting perspective of some of the energy and art that we’ve got happening here. So far all of our new visitors have felt warmly welcomed and over joyed with our enthusiasm and energy. All have been deeply inspired by our new gallery.
Here in this photo we have a clear shot of our lounging area. A place to take a breather and take in the vibe at Jacobson native art. We have children’s books, educational materials, travel mugs and limited editions on stretched canvas. 
Here’s another cool shot giving you another look at what we have in the gallery. Beautiful shirts with incredible First Nations art and designs being offered. We have an eclectic selection we believe and offer a variety of interesting and incredible art pieces. 
Here is room 2 of the gallery studio space. We have 25 foot ceilings and mega space to create bigger works of art. We have a lot of room for workshops, fellow artists in our community to come and hang out and just paint. I love it...it feels so awesome and exciting.
Once again here’s another section of this incredible space. With dozens of paintings on the go and all of them in various stages, it truly gives the onlooker a real sense of what an actual working studio and gallery space feels like. 
We are absolutely delighted to be bringing such cultural depth and light to the Kootenay region. At this level, it’s never been done out here before. I’m the first. I feel so honoured to be spearheading such an amazing force in regards to our spiritual energy and power. 
Here’s the staircase and another viewpoint of the space, room 2. Room 3 above is a spot for the antique lovers of the world. We wanted to have a little something for the soul travellers out here. I’ve always loved antiques and weird odds and ends as I like to call that. 
This is another angle from above at the top of the staircase. Just to give some size in space and perspective. The feeling is one of warmth, creativity and spiritual energy. Our passion comes from within and our vision is to connect each and everyone who comes through our gallery. Culture is the foundation. Spirit is the guiding light.
The amount of energy we have put out over the last 30 days has been absolutely transformative. We are here. We are open and ready to serve each and everyone with the highest principles of love, hope, faith and creativity. It has been an exciting ride so far and every day is a new experience meeting so many incredible souls who are embracing our new vision and dream. 

To share the brilliance of our culture through art, ceremony and spirit. I’ll continue to upload new stories and articles as we trudge the road of a happy destiny. Until then, enjoy the photos and I hope to see you come by and make the effort to come out  and find me...

All my relations, MAJ

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

We did it. Our new art gallery and studio is open and ready for the world here @ Jacobson native art

A beautiful good morning to each and everyone. I have exciting news to share with you. It’s finally happened and we are here deep in the Kootenay mountains opening up our very own First Nations art gallery and studio. It literally is a dream come true. I feel so happy and joyful. It’s been a vision of mine for quite some time and now, we are here. 
Pictured above here is our Golden eagle which will welcome every single soul who enters our creative temple. It is an honour to be able to share our culture and art with the world. Our passion and enthusiasm is off the charts. Everyone is getting excited for our grand opening this coming Saturday. 

This is room one of three that we are building. This section will house some original art in paintings, carvings, masks, limited edition prints on canvas and various products through my publisher at native northwest. I’ll have a smudging ceremony section as well where fellow souls can receive some help and guidance. 

This 3rd photo showcases where much of the purchasing business will be handled. The atmosphere is deeply spiritual and filled with authentic indigenous art and culture throughout our studio grounds. Our mission and desire is to share our wealth of spirit and that knowledge with each and everyone. This will be a major cultural experience where all are welcome. 

Here in this 4th photo is another example and perspective of our gallery. We will be having a sacred fire pit behind the gallery space with a full on tipi experience with an outdoor art studio. We are also building our sweatlodge and will have that up and running in a couple weeks. It’s been super busy getting ourselves  organized and ready for our launch. Every day is absolutely worth it in every way. I’m so grateful for this amazing opportunity. 
Here’s another shot giving you a view of our room one experience. We have a wood stove here as well to help us keep warm when the seasons change. My partner Johnny and his wife are absolutely stoked. Our connection is deeply spiritual and filled with daily fun and laughter. It’s truly healing how we all share and communicate with one another. It’s so refreshing for my soul as well. 

We even have some Norval Morrisseau art to share with our new friends, clients and collectors from around the world. We will offer sound education and advice when dealing in woodland art. Our love and passion for our culture and art is the foundation stone of this vision. We are here to share our light with all of you. 

Here is the entry to our gallery space. It’s a big sliding wooden door being protected by the eagle staff hanging above. This is a unity staff which will be shared with all my relations. That is the vision and the gift that I was given regarding the development of this space. The ancestors and our residential school children want me to share my medicine with the world. And so....I shall. 

What an absolute blast we’ve been having on our new journey. The excitement and anticipation is so much fun. I really am beginning to feel at home here in these mountains. I love it here so much. I get to wake up right in the heart of Mother Earth each and everyday. The blessings are in manifestation and this dream is now a reality. I am so thankful and honoured to be Anishanabe. To be a voice for my culture, the spirits of creation and our Mother Earth. To walk in beauty once again...

More information and photos to come. I’ll update you all as I continue to explore this new vision with various experiences and new stories. I wish you all a wonderful new day and thank you for being a part of my life, art and journey. All my relations, MAJ