The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024

Friday, September 10, 2021

Proud to announce: Worldwide campaign “Honouring the residential school children” with Northcott fabrics & Jacobson native art


Good day to each and everyone. It is with great pride and love that I am truly honoured to announce my new Official worldwide campaign with Northcott fabrics and Jacobson native art. This new partnership and collaboration with regard to “Honouring the residential school children“ will be an initiative formed in the spirit of truth and reconciliation. We are releasing the collection: HEALING WATERS from 2022 to 2024.

This initiative is centred in love and healing for all the families and children effected by the residential schools tragedy. The whole reason for this release is to help find a way for First Nations, Canadians, Americans and those around the world to contribute to the solution of healing and well being for all involved. 

This campaign with the release of this collection “Healing waters” is specifically designed for quilters around the world. This is an opportunity for all of us to collaborate and work together. My goal is to see these chosen quilts to be offered to the families directly effected by these on going tragedies. 

We all have a role to share in the healing of the cultural fabric of this country. This campaign is designed to help bring us together. There was a time not so long ago during first contact between us First Nations and settlers where the “gifting of blankets” came from a place of love, care, warmth and comfort. 

Let us come together through the actions of these principles and share our gifts with those in need. Each selected quilt will be offered to a First Nations family directly effected. These quilts will obviously be donated to this cause. Your family name and created quilt will have an opportunity to be a part of this legacy. 

You will be remembered with respect and honour for sharing your love with such a deep and transformative cause. We can find the answers. We can work together and heal. It is our birthright to appreciate one another and to find meaningful ways of widening the circle between us. All of us. We all have something to bring to the table of brotherhood, sisterhood. We are the human family. 

More information will be presented over the next coming weeks. Please stay tuned to us here at: Jacobson native art. We’ll be working with Northcott on where to send the completed quilts for distribution in the next few weeks. We thank you with all of our hearts for wanting to participate and be a part of the solution. 

We each have a unique and special part to play in each others lives. Let’s see how far we can reach into one another and share the transformation and power of “HEALING WATERS”. Here is a link to my profile at Northcott fabrics. It will also be a source of staying current with this campaign. 


We are the solution we each have been searching for. The time for healing is now. We honour the past by learning from it, by making it better today. I truly and sincerely want to thank you all for sharing and participating in this opportunity. Together we can make the change we wanna see in our world. All my relations, MAJ