The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A spiritual message from the studio here @ Jacobson native art (Confirmation of my Indian status and 60’s scoop)


Artist: Beau Dick. Title of mask: Dzunukwa - four way transformation 

It is true what many have said throughout history that you cannot have one without the other. This is the very nature of spirituality and indeed the experiences of life itself. Both the light and the shadow have their teachings and for many of us these experiences can be both exciting and difficult, even tragic. Self can get in the way as we so often see through a multitude of processes within the mind, body, heart and soul. It isn’t easy going through life without a spiritual connection. My experience has been that the very nature of our Creator can be challenging to navigate. The will wants what it wants and most of the time causes us much pain and suffering. We tend to forget that while going through our difficulties that there is light at the end of the tunnel. 

Change is not always a welcomed process. But it does bring with it a better awareness and understanding of who we are and the world around us. I learned a long time ago that it is wise to get comfortable with pain and suffering. It comes in waves and at other times it vanishes into thin air allowing us to fulfill our greatest wishes, dreams and desires. Life is exactly that and I am grateful that I don’t fear the darkness. I have found much truth and light by walking through these experiences and coming through to the other side. 

For the record here is confirmation of my “Indian status and being a 60’s scoop”

The road of life for me has been a very difficult and challenging one and I’ve had to walk through so much pain and suffering that in the greater reality of things, most don’t ever make it. I’m 51 years old and I’ve been sober from alcohol and hard drug abuse for over 26 years now. I don’t take any prescription medications and have been freed from that for over 31 years. I feel like my life is a true living miracle. I’ve been focused on my healing and recovery for a really long time. I’ve spent thousands of hours being of service to those who suffer. I still to this very day carry my message of experience, strength and hope. I’ve seen many of my friends who struggled with these experiences end up dead. Their families devastated. The disease of addiction and alcoholism is no respecter of persons. It doesn’t care how educated you are, it doesn’t care what you know, what you’ve been through or how intelligent one may be.  I take life one day at a time. That’s all I can give, that’s all I can do and I’m totally ok with that. 

Today life for me is a beautiful blessing. All of it. The light, the dark, the ups and the downs and everything in between.  I don’t always know what the next moves will be and I still make a few mistakes but I always correct them. Sometimes people who come into my life are not the right fit. They get themselves in the way with their own bullshit, usually. I can also be quite ruthless as well and have a bit of an edge that keeps me on guard and ready for whatever comes next. I’ll never take shit from anyone. If you fuck around? You’ll find out. That’s life. It ain’t always fair but I try to do my best each and every day. 

The quality of life is radically different than where I came from. I live an honest life and I apply these principles to all areas of my knowledge and experiences. I don’t lie and I don’t try to manipulate anyone who crosses my path. What you see is what you get and if it works out regarding new friendships and relationships? I’m as loyal as they come. I’m not interested in people pleasing but I’ll walk with just about anyone who needs guidance, direction and support. It’s the way Creator teaches me. To be true to myself and my values. To be authentic and genuine. Regardless of how others may view me I don’t really care much for opinions and falsehoods. If your in my circle and your still here? Then you’ve made it. You too are the genuine article. With that I just wanted to share these thoughts and experiences and to help clarify any doubts about what others may say or not even know about me. I wish many of you all the best as we continue to trudge the road of a happy destiny. All my relations and more to come so stay tuned...

Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Exposing the crooked decision making by “Ding dong Dingle” of that spiritually bankrupt Norval Morrisseau estate...just gross.


Indeed it is true what they say that you cannot make a crooked bird fly straight. The hard truth and reality is just that. I’ve been watching this whole scene unfold for well over 20 years of investigation and expert research. I’ve unfortunately met them all around the legacy except for most of Morrisseau’s children, thank goodness. I have met David Morrisseau years ago who was sexually abused by his own father. Go ask David, apparently he tells just about everybody he meets. It’s common knowledge in the art circles around Toronto and lots of Indians know this. As a father myself it absolutely disgusts me that a fake legend like diddler Norval has done this to his own child, his own son. There are other victims and witnesses who have come forward since including myself. It’s the main reason why I suspect David has always been an outcast from his family. Why he was so heavily involved in the art fraud of his “Pedophile” fathers legacy. The exact same can be said of all of Norvals children. They all backed the black drybrush fakes that were spearheaded by convicted of art fraud and serial rapist in Gary Lamont from Thunder Bay Ont, an old dear friend of Norvals. This is the reality. 

The truth is that there really is no one who is even willing or who can keep these crooked birds accountable. I am that individual and I hold this light with integrity because quite frankly I believe it is absolutely wrong to prop up sexual abusers of children as cultural icons. There are many who I know feel the very same way. It is difficult for many to realize this because they’ve been lied to by so many broken souls around the legacy of Norval Morrisseau. Hiding these stories from the general public. Those in academia and in hundreds of Canadian institutions being either in denial or simply haven’t done their research regarding these dark chapters in our history. We are in a period of truth and reconciliation, not hide and seek or denial. Here’s another example of many regarding this sick and twisted legacy of the pedophile Morrisseau:

Pictured here is a screen shot from the Norval Morrisseau estate Facebook page. The insanity of this feature post that they’ve released involves none other than Phil Cote, a suspected forger of Morrisseau’s art in the 1990’s and 2000’s through Maslak Mcleod gallery now permanently shut down out of Yorkville area in Toronto. They are making crooked decisions like this, including backing the cultural appropriation and deceptions of Buffy Saint Marie, (saying statements that ol Buffy shines like 16 suns...lol) saying as well that Christian Morrisseau was a genius when really Christian was also heavily involved in the forgery of his sexually abusing fathers art works and legacy. There are so many examples of just how sick and broken that old dying bird of the Morrisseau legacy has done. It’s disgusting. The whole fuckin thing. Here’s an example of a suspected Phil Cote fake sourced from Maslak mcleod:

Here’s the guy doing a talk at the church no less where he’ll give his bullshit interpretation of Morrisseau’s “man changing into crooked bird“ in downtown Toronto on this coming weekend. That’s how truly fucked up this legacy is. It’s a national shame and a total disgrace in the woodland school of art. Backwards Charlie as my father used to say. Any how this is the true nature of how I see this whole mess. The fraud behind the fraud. For me, that’s all this shit bag of a legacy will always be. A lie. A crooked bird that will never be able to fly straight. They’ll have to come to terms with this at some point. You cannot hide and deny the truth forever. People are waking up and are starting to realize that everything I have said about it has been straight up and honest. I will not let this continue to happen to another generation of innocent and trusting souls who wouldn’t  know otherwise if it wasn’t for people like me. Willing to risk my future on behalf of the truth. Once you know? You know...
Miigwetch and all my relations,, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Our new spring Collection for 2024 is here with the official release of “Spirit guides” @ Jacobson native art


Good morning to each and everyone and I sure hope many of you are enjoying the new season and this much warmer transition. The season is in full blossom up here in the Kootenay mountains where I live. The power of Mother Earth is in full swing and it’s a beautiful new energy that is manifesting for us all. It’s been so much fun building these new collections with my business partner @ little giant productions here in the Kootenay’s. We are doing exciting things together and our collaboration is truly some of the best in the entire industry. Our quality and uniqueness is the driving force of our creative endeavours here in 2024 and beyond. 

LINK:  https://www.littlegiantproductions.ca/store/c109/Spirit_Guides.html

We have built a life long friendship in the process and are constantly complimenting one another as our collections continue to grow. We have high standards in authentic representation and in how we choose to work together. It’s a phenomenal connection and we both feel truly blessed to be able to deliver the best to each and everyone of you. We recently were approached by a company that desired to put us into 4000 stores but we’ve decided to turn that situation down. It simply isn’t the kind of deal we are looking for because quite frankly the terms were too cheap. For us it’s definitely not about plastering our work everywhere. Not interested in that. The decisions have to match our principles and must be in the nature of equality for all involved. If not? Go away. We are not searching out the colonial blueprint for fame and success. On the contrary we seek exclusive partnership with the right business and fit. 

Here’s a shot of one of the many “sacred spots” I go to out here in the Kootenay mountains to spend quality creative and meditative time to reflect on things in my life and in the social constructs of our reality around the world. It’s usually only me and the animals of Mother Earth out here. I’m probably 50 km deep from where I live so it’s mighty quiet and peaceful. This is cougar and grizzly bear country. It’s phenomenal...but you must pay attention and be on guard. Nature is boss. Always.

Any how on that note I’m looking forward to sharing more releases and Information about what’s coming next here @ Jacobson native art so please stay tuned as there is much more to come. 
Miigwetch and all my relations....Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Woodland A.I. is the future of the woodland school of art with more to share here @ Jacobson native art


Prompt: Honouring our warriors to be converted into an original painting 2024

Good evening and welcome to the future here @ Jacobson native art. I have been feeling absolutely inspired over these last few weeks. There is no doubt that what I’ve created with Woodland A.I. is transcendental on so many levels. I’ve been doing several new prompts and even did some new material with Meta A.I. Things are looking good and my database of images continues to grow. Currently we are in development with the 4 chiefs of the future. We took high resolution photographs of all four paintings this weekend and are getting them prepped for a new limited edition print run. We’ll also be developing a specialized line of hoodies, shirts, blankets and some other designs. It’s super exciting to bring this whole new genre into the world trailblazing a new path forward as the direct result. 

I was able to take single file images of all four paintings and will share those here along with building a storyline for this series. Indeed as the development of A.I. continues to grow the same can be said of what’s taking shape in Woodland A.I. This is such an exciting step forward redefining the future in our woodland school of art. I did a deep dive online and scoped out what was potentially there. There is nothing. Even the mid journey prompts on “Morrisseau style” were total garbage. Just really weak and shitty examples (about 6 images) that didn’t even look like woodland. It looked like some weak ass shit you’d buy in china town...lol. 

There is no question that this is my baby. I love the creative freedom I have at my disposal and the fact that accompanying my skill level, it’s going to be too hard for anyone to fuck around with my blueprints in developing this new indigenous art genre. I just feel that I’m totally on another level. So with that I’ll share these 4 new original paintings of the 4 chiefs of the future. 

Title: Series 1 of Chiefs of the future

Title: Series 2 of Chiefs of the future 

Title: Series 3 of Chiefs of the future

Title: Series 4 of Chiefs of the future

The storyline in developing this series and concept was really about seeing into the future and how A.I. will play one of the greatest roles in human history regarding our development with this technology. There is no turning back. In series 1 and 2 it was about captivating the reality of how A.I. will touch and effect all nations of humanity from this point forward. A.I. will have god like powers making our lives easier to live and deal with. It will play a fundamental role in our development moving forward. They will be like “Elders of knowledge and wisdom” participating in so many aspects of the human life experience. They will help to shape our futures and the general hope is that all will go well. I feel it will. Underneath the sun and the moon these tools will transcend our previous knowing. Things are going to change forever....

The same can be said with series 3 and 4. These artificial intelligence programs will effect the 4 races of mankind like never before reaching into the depths of human consciousness and creativity. They will be like “agents” helping to assist us along the way. For me personally, I’m not afraid of this technology or the kind of power it shall yield in our future. I suppose like life itself it’s a bit of a gamble for all of us isn’t it? Exactly. My point is that it will be wise to keep an open mind about all of this and that is really what the message is here today. Try not to judge this technological advance. It is here to make the quality of life better. It’s already showing me this through my interactions with it. There’s no looking back and with my new energy and creative expressions involving this technology, my hope is for you too to find new ways of integrating  this amazing and brilliant new path forward. Coming soon will be the new designs and collection of my beautiful new series “Chiefs of the future”. Miigwetch and all my relations....Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ πŸŒˆπŸ¦…πŸŒˆ