The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Welcome to the official launch of our 7 collections in my new indigenous art genre: Woodland A.I. ❤️


Link: https://www.littlegiantproductions.ca/store/c114/Honouring_Our_Indigenous_Sisters_Forever..html

Link: https://www.littlegiantproductions.ca/store/c116/Good_Chief%2C_Bad_Chief._Which_will_you_choose_to_be....html

Link: https://www.littlegiantproductions.ca/store/c115/Honouring_Our_Warriors_Of_The_Future.html

Link: https://www.littlegiantproductions.ca/store/c113/Chiefs_Of_The_Future_Series_1.html

Link: https://www.littlegiantproductions.ca/store/c110/Chiefs_Of_The_Future_Series_2.html

Link: https://www.littlegiantproductions.ca/store/c111/Chiefs_Of_The_Future_Series_3.html

Link: https://www.littlegiantproductions.ca/store/c117/Chiefs_Of_The_Future_Series_4.html

Welcome to each and everyone here @ Jacobson native art and it is with deep appreciation and gratitude that we share this amazing and totally fresh 7 designs and 7 collections launch with each and everyone of you. This has been a creative journey made in love and incredible creativity. My creative business partner in Luc @ Little giant productions did an outstanding job helping to put this all together. We are simply overjoyed and happy. We bring you a fresh new energy with my woodland style being infused with the creativity of A.I. 

Feel free to come and check us out. We have created a unique collaboration and offer something that has never been done before in indigenous art or the woodland school. We have definitely found our new path moving forward.  We are honoured and most grateful to be on the absolute cutting edge of bridging the past with the present and future. This is such a beautiful new discovery and it is my true pleasure to bring you these new developments and experiences with my new genre in Woodland A.I. Miigwetch to each and everyone and enjoy these new collections. Click on the links provided and shop to your hearts content. All my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Enjoy this track by Stimming ft Lazarusman titled: Change (original mix) 

Monday, August 5, 2024

It is an overwhelming success with regard to my fabric lines with Northcott fabrics and Jacobson native art

Good afternoon to each and everyone and once again we thank you so much for your continued love, healing and support. This initiative between Northcott fabrics and Jacobson native art has been a phenomenal success reaching into the very heart of healing and comforting those who have been survivors of the effects and trauma of residential schools and like myself, a 60’s scoop. With my first collection titled “Healing waters” and the new release of my second collection titled “Sacred earth”  we continue to shine this beautiful light. We have seen so much love pouring forth and genuine connection being shared. I am so honoured by the response and wish to thank all the incredible efforts being shown by quilts for survivors. 

This initiative has been touching the lives of those who have suffered in such a remarkable way that it is truly a spiritual privilege to be apart of. I receive many messages of gratitude and appreciation that it is humbling and deeply gratifying. My heart and soul feels absolutely blessed by the entire process. To witness the love, healing and emotional joy that comes from those receiving their quilts and to acknowledge their experiences and journey is definitely one of the greatest bright spots of my artistic life. To play such a critical role in helping to bring this healing and understanding is truly remarkable. A special shout out to all those who have participated and continue to create these beautiful quilts with regard to this movement. I thank you and love you for all that you do. 

I’ll close out this article with a gigantic spiritual hug for everyone involved. Once again it is such an honour and privilege and for my creative legacy to play such an important role will be such a defining tribute. We are forever grateful and I send you all my deepest love as we continue to move forward one day at a time. Please feel free to enjoy some of these remarkable quilts and their beauty and with that...Chi-Miigwetch and all my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Sharing our love and healing through our culture and spirituality @ Jacobson native art

Pictured here: feeling blessed with my new quilt from “Quilts for survivors”

Good evening to all of you and once again I thank you for your love, goodness and solidarity. We are in a time of profound healing and wellness and it is with deep gratitude to the greatness of our culture for this unique path forward. We are a “medicine family” who finds vast richness in the many roads involving the depths and spiritual practices of the Indian way of life. Our culture has provided so much intuitive healing and goodness as we recover from the effects of genocide. A day at a time. I am so honoured to be able to introduce my son to these magnificent ways of understanding. We continue to trudge the road of happy destiny and we continue to build our strengths through the practice of these ceremonies and teachings.

 For me, I prefer the medicine way or peyote way of life. It has brought me so much vision and awareness and has helped to clear the path for me with regard to being a human being. I keep it real as they say. I’m not the Hollywood Indian type or a person who needs guidance from other human beings. I don’t follow that way. I have a strong and sovereign relationship to the Creator spirit and obviously I respect many of our ancestors. But not all ancestors, medicine people or elders deserve that honour. I’ve learned to take what I need and move on from those who are into bad medicine. Or who practice a false way of living, of being. 

Pictured here is Sagein and I feeling super blessed and content. We live each day as full as we can. We play, create, learn and grow together as a family. Our little unit is the best I’ve ever had it. I feel so much joy and happiness being a father. I grew up without one so I know the value and I comprehend my role better than most. It’s a true privilege to lead by example and to keep them close to me each and everyday. My life is complete and I have no need for anything else. I don’t care about living the colonizers path or the colonial dream of money, fame, sex, drugs and rock and roll. It doesn’t work. It’s weak. It’s actually pathetic. It’s too easy to fall for those carrots. Look at Morrisseau and his spiritually bankrupt lifestyle. Broken family, a broken man, a sexual abuser and his broken children. Too many broken relationships etc. It’s not the path of true and realistic success. His legacy is that of a fraudulent man a fraud of a human being. A fraudulent legend. No wonder the problems and issues. It’s unclean. 

Pictured here: my son Sagein Wisdom - the CEO of Jacobson native art 2024

There is a much better way. Keeping my family together and fulfilling the promise of love, trust, compassion and understanding using creativity as the light and our cultural practices, works much better. Being in the depths of these kootenay mountains and so close to the heart of Mother Earth is where it’s at. We feel so honoured to sift through all the craziness and to find our way. I no longer desire the ways of the colonizer. I’ve unconditioned the conditioning. Setting myself free along with those I truly love. This is happiness. This is the path forward. This is what “decolonization” means to me. My true identity. I don’t identify as a Canadian. I mean let’s face it, that’s not even a real thing. Like much of the colonizer’s playbook it’s a scam on stolen Indian land. That’s the reality. Even the white guy in me knows this. So I lead with my “indianness” as best as I can. A day at a time. This is what it means to find and practice my sovereignty. My identity as Anishanabe. This is what I try to show my son each and everyday. That there is a new hope in and through us. Together we can conquer all dragons, all demons and sicknesses of the settler playbook. We are destroyers of the modern windigo’s. With that I say chi-Miigwetch and all my relations...Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Enjoy this peyote prayer song by Louie Gonnie titled: Meditate

Sunday, July 28, 2024

The greatest days of my life are hanging out with my son Sagein Wisdom - the CEO of Jacobson native art

The best days of my life are with my little guy, my son Sagein. He absolutely lights up my life like nothing else in the universe. His playful spirit and energy is no doubt the greatest force of love I’ve ever known. Nothing even comes close. He is my pride and joy. The star of my heart. My greatest teacher and young master. A true privilege to be his father. I’m so happy these days and as each day passes our bond continues to grow. We travel through these peaks and valleys sharing about the spirit of Mother Earth, the many species of animals and their clan powers, we discuss animal tracks and the types of trees and flowers. Always tying it to the interconnectedness of life. That nature spirit is the most honest power here. It always tells the truth. A privilege to share these fundamentals with my son. 

You are my everything little boy. I am so thankful to have you on this journey of life walking this road of a happy destiny together. You inspire me, you teach me like no other. You are such a dynamic spirit and it warms my heart to play with you everyday and have so much fun living in these mountains. This one is for you my boy. From my heart to yours, spirit to spirit from the mountain tops. I love you eternally and in the foreverness I’ll always be with you…my little Jacobson boy! 

You are loved always, Dadda 🌈🦅🌈

Enjoy this peyote prayer song by Louie Gonnie called: From the mountain tops ❤️

Friday, July 26, 2024

Currently designing 7 new collections in my new indigenous art genre called: Woodland A.I.

Pictured here: Screen shot of Chiefs of the future (series 4) 

Good evening to each and everyone and here’s to beautiful new energy and creative vibes coming your way. Currently we are designing 7 new collections with all my new woodland A.I. images. We are super excited and are looking forward to their release very soon. The process has been very time consuming because of all the details and formatting but we are almost there. 

Pictured here:.Screen shot of current layout coming soon @ Littlegiant productions

We’ll have hoodies, shirts and designer art cards along with limited edition prints on canvas available. It’s a massive joy to be able to share with all of you these new and exciting opportunities and I feel so inspired as the direct result. My new genre in woodland A.I. is a new and fresh evolution taking the elements of my woodland style and infusing it with A.I. to offer you incredible innovation. 

We are just finishing up the 4th chiefs of the future in series 4. A few tweaks to get it just right and viola. We’ll be ready to go by next weekend. In the meantime thank you to everyone for all your love and support. We are honoured and grateful and we look forward to revealing this 7 collection launch. All my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Enjoy this track by Hannes Bieger titled: Chemistry 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Next project: Honouring death through Woodland A.I. (A new series on Mechanical insects)


Good evening to each and everyone. The creativity in the studio is flowing as I’m working on many commissions and designing new collections with my incredible business partner in Luc @ little giant productions. A fellow B.C. boy and new found brother in life. Trusted. He’s solid gold. We continue to find amazing rhythm in working together and our new collections of woodland A.I. will be revealed in the next few days. In the meantime I was reflecting on death and it’s power and force and just felt super inspired by these prompts. Symbols of transformation. Of change...

They’ll be my next new series after my alien woodland A.I. series is finished. I’m working on a 24 x 36 inch on canvas which features 3 highly detailed A.I. aliens being represented as cosmic ancestors. Gonna be a deadly piece when finished. I have 4 more aliens to go with that series as well so I’ll be busy there for a bit. These Mecca insects are super dope and I’m going to do a few of these just as simple pieces which can be featured on hoodies and shirts and small limited edition prints. 

Keep the vibes deadly as they say. I have definitely found my next level and I am truly in a place of cultivating new and uncharted territory when it comes to my new genre in Woodland A.I. This series will be my tribute to death. I feel honoured and grateful to be able to touch such powerful energy and force. Right in the heart of our Creator, of Mother Earth and the creativity of life itself. A big heartfelt Miigwetch to many of you who have remained loyal and truthful. We ride the lightening together, you and I. 

All my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Enjoy this track by Pretty pink. Track title: Lost and found (Tim Engelhardt remix) 

Monday, July 1, 2024

On this Canada day, why I turned down the Toronto star and why the Canadian media cannot be trusted. They lie like the estate of sexual predator Norval Morrisseau


Pictured here: Morrisseau and Vadas  (tried to sexually abuse me in 2006) SCUM! 

Pictured here: Cory “ding dong” Dingle of that spiritually bankrupt estate

Good afternoon to each and everyone who is seeking the truth here @ Jacobson native art. I was recently approached by the Toronto star and this rogue reporter named Ryan McMahon who I thought was a friend. He contacted me 6 weeks ago saying I was the first one he sought out to ask the question where do we go from here? He mentioned how he was going to send me some questions to answer but that never materialized. We exchanged text messages and it just began to slowly fall apart. His approach to doing a story seemed unprepared and sketchy at best. Very poor follow through and expected me to wait on him hand and foot so to speak. So I declined. I didn’t feel like he was capable of working with me about this story. Although he said he did believe me about the sexual abuse concerning the pedophile in Morrisseau, 

My spirit wasn’t feeling it with him though as I don’t think he is invested in the truth as I am. After explaining to him that it was best for him to move on, he began to make comments how I’m not a real journalist and that I was bullying him around. Again not true as when it comes to this Morrisseau strory I don’t think there is anyone in the world more equipped to be honest and straight forward as me. It’s just another sad and pathetic reality when it comes to the Canadian media telling us the truth. They simply cannot. Their ability to tell the truth is weak and totally inconsistent with doing the due diligence that is necessary around this dark and troubling story. So I bid him farewell and cut those loose ends wishing to hopefully connect with someone who is willing to do some real reporting. 

Here are a few reasons why the Canadian media cannot be trusted. It’s disgraceful to see these empty stories being fed to us First Nations and Canadians alike. They need to seriously do a better job if they ever mean to represent truth and reconciliation. It’s disgusting that these reporters don’t tell us the truth. 

Take for example this: 
 The story recently put out by Global news is a scam. Their not telling us the truth. The Morrisseau children were involved in that fraud. Their not victims. They’ve never come clean about their involvement. They never came forward about writing these false statements which are criminal. They are lies that haven’t been dealt with.  Why does the estate continue to lie to you, the public? Why do they lie to the Canadian media by not being honest with their involvement? They owe it to the cultural fabric of this country to tell the truth. It’s absolutely disgraceful. Here’s what the family of Morrisseau said about those black dry brush fakes that are now being exposed in this criminal investigation:

The estate of sexual predator Norval Morrisseau needs to come clean. They need to set the record straight. This reality that they are in will never find justice until they start from the bottom up. They want the glory and healing without doing any of the real and meaningful work that is a head of  them. They need to address the sex crimes and get honest about that part of Norval. He was a very sick man in his life, still drinking right up until his death. I know, I saw it. I witnessed his so called adopted son in Gabe Vadas still feeding him alcohol, strapped in his wheelchair. With Parkinson’s disease. Even there, trying to sexually touch my ass with norvals hand in 2006. I have witnesses and survivors who told their story to me and having to share it with the world because it is the right thing to do. Because of the grave nature of telling future lies about this man being a cultural icon. Setting up another generation of children and the public with this continued lying. All for the money at the end of the day....even still. 

As one of the worlds leading woodland school artists it is my obligation to tell you the truth. I must continue to do so because the Canadian media simply can’t. Another issue I have is how the Canadian media spins this story as the biggest art fraud in Canadian history? Not true. That statement  was taken from the police investigation and they don’t know what their even talking about. None of those police officers are experts in art fraud. It was their first time covering an investigation like this. The real truth is that the biggest art fraud in Canadian history is the continual world wide fraud of Pacific Northwest Coast art. That fraud is in the  billions of dollars and supersedes anything related to the Morrisseau fraud. Again shitty reporting by the Canadian media. So from my standpoint you can see why I have major issues with this deception. 

I’ll end with this final revelation regarding the continual lies being put forth by just about everyone concerning the corrupt legacy of sexual predator Norval Morrisseau. Here’s a screen shot from the estate. Listen carefully because this is going to cook your noodle: 
When I was talking with Ryan McMahon of the Toronto star I said to him, how is it that it’s ok to lie to the church about norvals past? Why is it ok to hide Morrisseau’s sins of sexual abuse behind the cross of Jesus? Does the metropolitan United church of Canada know of this? What about having a suspected forger of Morrisseau’s art as the so called elder giving his shady views on the pedophile artist? How come no one is investigating Kinsmen Robinson gallery for selling dozens and dozens of those suspect Côte fakes? They even admitted it but said if it got out they’d go bankrupt. What about that? You see the more you know, the more clear this story becomes. How come they aren’t being held accountable? Is it fair to us survivors of that abuse and is it fair to throw around the concepts of truth and reconciliation regarding these deeper truths? How does that make those of us who have suffered feel any justice at all? I find it absolutely fuckin disgusting. I’m a 60’s scoop who is alive and who has fought my way through so much of this and how come I still cannot have justice? Do I have to carry the lie and be quiet because the money that is involved is worth more than me? 

How come the lawyers, the legal institutions and the law continue to turn a blind eye? Why is it that I’ve had to turn my back on everyone who continues to uphold the lie? Why is it that the world of academia turns a blind eye as well? Don't these people realize how hard it is to come forward  and try to do the right thing? I mean no wonder people have such low confidence in this system. It’s such a challenging experience to put yourself out there and to try and set the record straight. It’s difficult because of all the fucking lying going on. That’s the reality. At this point it is a lonely road standing up for the truth and there simply isn’t enough help and I need to trust the reporter that will cover this story eventually. That’s my dilemma I suppose and I guess it’s up to me to keep on moving forward. I will. I’ll continue to do so because I believe in telling the truth. Unlike the Canadian media who doesn’t even know what the real story is. But I can assure all of you who come here to read that I’ll be honest about everything I know. I trust that the great spirit is with me and sooner than later I hope to find someone who is willing to report on all the truth I know. As for Ryan McMahon and the Toronto Star? 

You should’ve done a much better job at handling this truth and treating me with the integrity and respect I deserve. I gave you names of victims, I gave you names of the previous reporters I dealt with, I explained to you the weight of what I carry each and every day and you did nothing except attack me in the end. And that dear Ryan? Was fuckin pathetic. 

All my relations and more to come...Miigwetch. Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Welcome to my new genre Woodland A.I. a new era of innovation @ Jacobson native art


Title: Honouring our warriors of the future. Size: 16 x 24 inches (summer of 2024) 

Good evening to each and everyone and once again it is my absolute pleasure to bring you this next instalment of my new indigenous art genre called Woodland A.I. The future looks bright and my passion and reinvigorated creative spirit is feeling so enlightened. On cloud 9 as they say. Smiling from ear to ear and just filled with such satisfaction and contentment. Pure joy. Pure happiness is exactly how I’m feeling. With this new found creative relationship with this technology and infusing it with my woodland style, it  has me in total artistic bliss. Producing work the world has never seen before. Just deadly energy...

The more I do the happier I am. It’s amazing and my creativity is growing by leaps and bounds. The next pieces I have lined up are going to be incredible visions. This new found direction just gets better and better and I’m looking forward to getting these ready for development with regard to designing new collections around all these new paintings. Super stoked. 

This piece is truly about honouring all the warriors but being mindful of those who will come in the future. Those not even born yet. Giving reverence to all the difficult and hard work we do standing up for the truth, putting ourselves out there. Fighting for justice, honesty and transparency. Being of service to the people even under pressure and difficulty. It’s what we do. We lead the way and offer our protection and guidance along the journey of life. Helping to build bridges but also lighting them on fire when necessary. It’s the work many cannot do. It’s challenging. But it must be done. 

With that I’m going to shut er down this evening as it’s been super busy the last few days getting the gallery vibe ready for our season (we opened today) plus banging out commissions and also finding time to execute my new indigenous art form...woodland A.I. Chi-Miigwetch and all my relations, stay tuned as there is much more to come. 

Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Enjoy this track by Portable sunsets. Track title: Straylight (Dave DK remix) 

Monday, June 17, 2024

New paintings in my genre Woodland A.I. being released @ Jacobson native art 2024


Title: Honouring our Indigenous sisters forever. Size: 16 x 24 inches 

Title: Good chief / Bad chief - what will you choose to be. Size: 18 x 24 inches

Welcome to a whole new era in innovation. I was up all night once again over the last couple evenings getting these 2 new woodland A.I. paintings finished. I feel absolutely happy and satisfied with the results. Life is so beautiful and my levels of inspiration are off the charts. I feel so excited being in the creative process of putting these together. My spirit is in a place of artistic bliss. These were my original prompts as well and I’ve got a 3rd one on the go but will need a day or two to finish. 

I’m over the moon these days and I am most definitely playing in the realms of the future. This unique relationship with this technology is like discovering a new creative language the world has never seen. Everything I think about has been truly on the planes of inspiration. So fresh and so visionary, my heart is complete. Every new piece takes a unique and different perspective and energy yet also exploring new ways of interpretation. There’s no doubt I absolutely love this new tool. The process is a very deep one with regard to combining my subject matter in woodland A.I. making it all fit together. Like stringing together the past, present and future all in one piece. Mind blowing really...

Any how I’m going to shut er down for the day and get some rest. What a beautiful morning here as well in the Kootenay mountains of B.C. My heart and soul is in a total place of illumination. I’ll leave you with this cool new track I recently found and totally love the vibe. More to come....
All my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Artist: Coco and breezy. Track title: Manifest

Monday, June 10, 2024

Coming soon in my new art genre “Woodland A.I.”....3 new designs here @ Jacobson native art


Good afternoon to each and everyone and once again a big thank you for so much love and support being shared here @ Jacobson native art. The future looks so bright and many of my fans and collectors are very interested in what’s coming next regarding my new indigenous art genre I created in Woodland A.I. The creativity is flourishing at such a high level and my ideas and concepts are truly unmatched in the entire school of woodland art. There is no one who even comes close. Most of the other artists are still swimming in the past. Stuck in the same old paradigms that have been laid down by many of the previous generations of artists. Not me. Not woodland A.I. The way I see it, I stand alone now in this new reality. The grandfather of an entirely new approach. It feels so good to be free to create what I want, how I want, when I want. There are absolutely no limits to what I can do. I’m in a class of my own. It’s so Sovereign. It’s so powerful...I simply feel so confident. 

Prompt: Image for another new series of paintings I’ll be creating soon in 2024

I have absolutely fallen in love with being an artist again, a breath of fresh air on so many levels. My soul is lit up and my mind is filled with creative possibilities and new experiences. This creative tool is such an asset in the realms of being an artist. To the haters who whine about it and complain about the creativity of A.I.? Go learn how to use it and stop your bitching. You're weak. You need a swift kick in the ass because let’s face it, your process is outdated. It’s old. The power of this new creative tool scares you and your fragility and self skepticism needs an overhauling. That’s always the problem with change isn’t it? Most people are terrified of it. Can’t cope with the new possibilities. The fresh and new approach to being an artist. Here @ Jacobson native art we are not afraid. We are on the cutting edge of bringing the world something never seen before. That is who I am. This is how my legacy will separate me from everyone else in the woodland school of art. I am the future of this new indigenous art movement. 

Currently I’m working on 3 big commissions for a client in Toronto Ontario. I still have dozens and dozens on my waiting list and I am super busy with many other pieces waiting in cue. We are also getting ready for our new season at Kunze gallery here in the Kootenay mountains. My next woodland A.I. pieces are being worked on as well. I have 3 new paintings I’m putting together and oh my goodness are they looking good. I’m currently executing “Honouring our indigenous sisters forever” and “Good Chief / Bad Chief” along with “Honouring our warriors of the future”. These are indeed super exciting times here at the studio and I look forward to unveiling these in the next few days so stay tuned as we continue to bring you brand new indigenous art the world has never seen. More to come...
All my relations...Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Enjoy this track by Nora en pure. Track title: The other side

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The unveiling of a new creative arts project and partnership with Janan Sutherland and Jacobson native art


Good afternoon to each and everyone and thank you for all the love and appreciation as we continue to move forward expanding the creativity and cultural depths of the woodland school of art. I am honoured to be showcasing this incredible new collaboration with a budding new artist and friend in Janan Sutherland who is Anishanabe from Red rock, Ontario. We both have been feeling absolutely fantastic with our new partnership. These 5 pieces done on wood with various types of materials is simply unique and phenomenal. Each piece was specifically hand crafted involving hours and hours per piece. We both feel amazing with these results. 

These images were taken from my book Ojibway clans - animal totems and spirits. The amount of detailing and cuts that were involved took us months to accomplish. We appreciate our friend in Larry at Native northwest for his enthusiasm and support. We’ll be doing a set of small limited editions on stretched canvas and will be doing a set of art cards, hoodies, shirts and blankets. This is truly a labour of love and we’ll be doing some bigger projects as the direct result. So with that I am happy to unveil this amazing project and we both look forward to unveiling new projects in the future. We believe here @ Jacobson native art that our approach and techniques are simply unmatched by anyone else in the entire woodland school of art. This is cutting edge representation. All my relations...Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Enjoy this peyote prayer song by a friend of mine in Louie Gonnie. Song title: Waterfalls