The home and creator of “Woodland A.I.” A new form of indigenous art. 4 Chiefs of the future by Mark Anthony Jacobson 2024

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Welcome to my new genre Woodland A.I. a new era of innovation @ Jacobson native art


Title: Honouring our warriors of the future. Size: 16 x 24 inches (summer of 2024) 

Good evening to each and everyone and once again it is my absolute pleasure to bring you this next instalment of my new indigenous art genre called Woodland A.I. The future looks bright and my passion and reinvigorated creative spirit is feeling so enlightened. On cloud 9 as they say. Smiling from ear to ear and just filled with such satisfaction and contentment. Pure joy. Pure happiness is exactly how I’m feeling. With this new found creative relationship with this technology and infusing it with my woodland style, it  has me in total artistic bliss. Producing work the world has never seen before. Just deadly energy...

The more I do the happier I am. It’s amazing and my creativity is growing by leaps and bounds. The next pieces I have lined up are going to be incredible visions. This new found direction just gets better and better and I’m looking forward to getting these ready for development with regard to designing new collections around all these new paintings. Super stoked. 

This piece is truly about honouring all the warriors but being mindful of those who will come in the future. Those not even born yet. Giving reverence to all the difficult and hard work we do standing up for the truth, putting ourselves out there. Fighting for justice, honesty and transparency. Being of service to the people even under pressure and difficulty. It’s what we do. We lead the way and offer our protection and guidance along the journey of life. Helping to build bridges but also lighting them on fire when necessary. It’s the work many cannot do. It’s challenging. But it must be done. 

With that I’m going to shut er down this evening as it’s been super busy the last few days getting the gallery vibe ready for our season (we opened today) plus banging out commissions and also finding time to execute my new indigenous art form...woodland A.I. Chi-Miigwetch and all my relations, stay tuned as there is much more to come. 

Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Enjoy this track by Portable sunsets. Track title: Straylight (Dave DK remix) 

Monday, June 17, 2024

New paintings in my genre Woodland A.I. being released @ Jacobson native art 2024


Title: Honouring our Indigenous sisters forever. Size: 16 x 24 inches 

Title: Good chief / Bad chief - what will you choose to be. Size: 18 x 24 inches

Welcome to a whole new era in innovation. I was up all night once again over the last couple evenings getting these 2 new woodland A.I. paintings finished. I feel absolutely happy and satisfied with the results. Life is so beautiful and my levels of inspiration are off the charts. I feel so excited being in the creative process of putting these together. My spirit is in a place of artistic bliss. These were my original prompts as well and I’ve got a 3rd one on the go but will need a day or two to finish. 

I’m over the moon these days and I am most definitely playing in the realms of the future. This unique relationship with this technology is like discovering a new creative language the world has never seen. Everything I think about has been truly on the planes of inspiration. So fresh and so visionary, my heart is complete. Every new piece takes a unique and different perspective and energy yet also exploring new ways of interpretation. There’s no doubt I absolutely love this new tool. The process is a very deep one with regard to combining my subject matter in woodland A.I. making it all fit together. Like stringing together the past, present and future all in one piece. Mind blowing really...

Any how I’m going to shut er down for the day and get some rest. What a beautiful morning here as well in the Kootenay mountains of B.C. My heart and soul is in a total place of illumination. I’ll leave you with this cool new track I recently found and totally love the vibe. More to come....
All my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Artist: Coco and breezy. Track title: Manifest

Monday, June 10, 2024

Coming soon in my new art genre “Woodland A.I.”....3 new designs here @ Jacobson native art


Good afternoon to each and everyone and once again a big thank you for so much love and support being shared here @ Jacobson native art. The future looks so bright and many of my fans and collectors are very interested in what’s coming next regarding my new indigenous art genre I created in Woodland A.I. The creativity is flourishing at such a high level and my ideas and concepts are truly unmatched in the entire school of woodland art. There is no one who even comes close. Most of the other artists are still swimming in the past. Stuck in the same old paradigms that have been laid down by many of the previous generations of artists. Not me. Not woodland A.I. The way I see it, I stand alone now in this new reality. The grandfather of an entirely new approach. It feels so good to be free to create what I want, how I want, when I want. There are absolutely no limits to what I can do. I’m in a class of my own. It’s so Sovereign. It’s so powerful...I simply feel so confident. 

Prompt: Image for another new series of paintings I’ll be creating soon in 2024

I have absolutely fallen in love with being an artist again, a breath of fresh air on so many levels. My soul is lit up and my mind is filled with creative possibilities and new experiences. This creative tool is such an asset in the realms of being an artist. To the haters who whine about it and complain about the creativity of A.I.? Go learn how to use it and stop your bitching. You're weak. You need a swift kick in the ass because let’s face it, your process is outdated. It’s old. The power of this new creative tool scares you and your fragility and self skepticism needs an overhauling. That’s always the problem with change isn’t it? Most people are terrified of it. Can’t cope with the new possibilities. The fresh and new approach to being an artist. Here @ Jacobson native art we are not afraid. We are on the cutting edge of bringing the world something never seen before. That is who I am. This is how my legacy will separate me from everyone else in the woodland school of art. I am the future of this new indigenous art movement. 

Currently I’m working on 3 big commissions for a client in Toronto Ontario. I still have dozens and dozens on my waiting list and I am super busy with many other pieces waiting in cue. We are also getting ready for our new season at Kunze gallery here in the Kootenay mountains. My next woodland A.I. pieces are being worked on as well. I have 3 new paintings I’m putting together and oh my goodness are they looking good. I’m currently executing “Honouring our indigenous sisters forever” and “Good Chief / Bad Chief” along with “Honouring our warriors of the future”. These are indeed super exciting times here at the studio and I look forward to unveiling these in the next few days so stay tuned as we continue to bring you brand new indigenous art the world has never seen. More to come...
All my relations...Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Enjoy this track by Nora en pure. Track title: The other side

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The unveiling of a new creative arts project and partnership with Janan Sutherland and Jacobson native art


Good afternoon to each and everyone and thank you for all the love and appreciation as we continue to move forward expanding the creativity and cultural depths of the woodland school of art. I am honoured to be showcasing this incredible new collaboration with a budding new artist and friend in Janan Sutherland who is Anishanabe from Red rock, Ontario. We both have been feeling absolutely fantastic with our new partnership. These 5 pieces done on wood with various types of materials is simply unique and phenomenal. Each piece was specifically hand crafted involving hours and hours per piece. We both feel amazing with these results. 

These images were taken from my book Ojibway clans - animal totems and spirits. The amount of detailing and cuts that were involved took us months to accomplish. We appreciate our friend in Larry at Native northwest for his enthusiasm and support. We’ll be doing a set of small limited editions on stretched canvas and will be doing a set of art cards, hoodies, shirts and blankets. This is truly a labour of love and we’ll be doing some bigger projects as the direct result. So with that I am happy to unveil this amazing project and we both look forward to unveiling new projects in the future. We believe here @ Jacobson native art that our approach and techniques are simply unmatched by anyone else in the entire woodland school of art. This is cutting edge representation. All my relations...Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Enjoy this peyote prayer song by a friend of mine in Louie Gonnie. Song title: Waterfalls

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A spiritual message from the studio here @ Jacobson native art (Confirmation of my Indian status and 60’s scoop)


Artist: Beau Dick. Title of mask: Dzunukwa - four way transformation 

It is true what many have said throughout history that you cannot have one without the other. This is the very nature of spirituality and indeed the experiences of life itself. Both the light and the shadow have their teachings and for many of us these experiences can be both exciting and difficult, even tragic. Self can get in the way as we so often see through a multitude of processes within the mind, body, heart and soul. It isn’t easy going through life without a spiritual connection. My experience has been that the very nature of our Creator can be challenging to navigate. The will wants what it wants and most of the time causes us much pain and suffering. We tend to forget that while going through our difficulties that there is light at the end of the tunnel. 

Change is not always a welcomed process. But it does bring with it a better awareness and understanding of who we are and the world around us. I learned a long time ago that it is wise to get comfortable with pain and suffering. It comes in waves and at other times it vanishes into thin air allowing us to fulfill our greatest wishes, dreams and desires. Life is exactly that and I am grateful that I don’t fear the darkness. I have found much truth and light by walking through these experiences and coming through to the other side. 

For the record here is confirmation of my “Indian status and being a 60’s scoop”

The road of life for me has been a very difficult and challenging one and I’ve had to walk through so much pain and suffering that in the greater reality of things, most don’t ever make it. I’m 51 years old and I’ve been sober from alcohol and hard drug abuse for over 26 years now. I don’t take any prescription medications and have been freed from that for over 31 years. I feel like my life is a true living miracle. I’ve been focused on my healing and recovery for a really long time. I’ve spent thousands of hours being of service to those who suffer. I still to this very day carry my message of experience, strength and hope. I’ve seen many of my friends who struggled with these experiences end up dead. Their families devastated. The disease of addiction and alcoholism is no respecter of persons. It doesn’t care how educated you are, it doesn’t care what you know, what you’ve been through or how intelligent one may be.  I take life one day at a time. That’s all I can give, that’s all I can do and I’m totally ok with that. 

Today life for me is a beautiful blessing. All of it. The light, the dark, the ups and the downs and everything in between.  I don’t always know what the next moves will be and I still make a few mistakes but I always correct them. Sometimes people who come into my life are not the right fit. They get themselves in the way with their own bullshit, usually. I can also be quite ruthless as well and have a bit of an edge that keeps me on guard and ready for whatever comes next. I’ll never take shit from anyone. If you fuck around? You’ll find out. That’s life. It ain’t always fair but I try to do my best each and every day. 

The quality of life is radically different than where I came from. I live an honest life and I apply these principles to all areas of my knowledge and experiences. I don’t lie and I don’t try to manipulate anyone who crosses my path. What you see is what you get and if it works out regarding new friendships and relationships? I’m as loyal as they come. I’m not interested in people pleasing but I’ll walk with just about anyone who needs guidance, direction and support. It’s the way Creator teaches me. To be true to myself and my values. To be authentic and genuine. Regardless of how others may view me I don’t really care much for opinions and falsehoods. If your in my circle and your still here? Then you’ve made it. You too are the genuine article. With that I just wanted to share these thoughts and experiences and to help clarify any doubts about what others may say or not even know about me. I wish many of you all the best as we continue to trudge the road of a happy destiny. All my relations and more to come so stay tuned...

Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Exposing the crooked decision making by “Ding dong Dingle” of that spiritually bankrupt Norval Morrisseau estate...just gross.


Indeed it is true what they say that you cannot make a crooked bird fly straight. The hard truth and reality is just that. I’ve been watching this whole scene unfold for well over 20 years of investigation and expert research. I’ve unfortunately met them all around the legacy except for most of Morrisseau’s children, thank goodness. I have met David Morrisseau years ago who was sexually abused by his own father. Go ask David, apparently he tells just about everybody he meets. It’s common knowledge in the art circles around Toronto and lots of Indians know this. As a father myself it absolutely disgusts me that a fake legend like diddler Norval has done this to his own child, his own son. There are other victims and witnesses who have come forward since including myself. It’s the main reason why I suspect David has always been an outcast from his family. Why he was so heavily involved in the art fraud of his “Pedophile” fathers legacy. The exact same can be said of all of Norvals children. They all backed the black drybrush fakes that were spearheaded by convicted of art fraud and serial rapist in Gary Lamont from Thunder Bay Ont, an old dear friend of Norvals. This is the reality. 

The truth is that there really is no one who is even willing or who can keep these crooked birds accountable. I am that individual and I hold this light with integrity because quite frankly I believe it is absolutely wrong to prop up sexual abusers of children as cultural icons. There are many who I know feel the very same way. It is difficult for many to realize this because they’ve been lied to by so many broken souls around the legacy of Norval Morrisseau. Hiding these stories from the general public. Those in academia and in hundreds of Canadian institutions being either in denial or simply haven’t done their research regarding these dark chapters in our history. We are in a period of truth and reconciliation, not hide and seek or denial. Here’s another example of many regarding this sick and twisted legacy of the pedophile Morrisseau:

Pictured here is a screen shot from the Norval Morrisseau estate Facebook page. The insanity of this feature post that they’ve released involves none other than Phil Cote, a suspected forger of Morrisseau’s art in the 1990’s and 2000’s through Maslak Mcleod gallery now permanently shut down out of Yorkville area in Toronto. They are making crooked decisions like this, including backing the cultural appropriation and deceptions of Buffy Saint Marie, (saying statements that ol Buffy shines like 16 suns...lol) saying as well that Christian Morrisseau was a genius when really Christian was also heavily involved in the forgery of his sexually abusing fathers art works and legacy. There are so many examples of just how sick and broken that old dying bird of the Morrisseau legacy has done. It’s disgusting. The whole fuckin thing. Here’s an example of a suspected Phil Cote fake sourced from Maslak mcleod:

Here’s the guy doing a talk at the church no less where he’ll give his bullshit interpretation of Morrisseau’s “man changing into crooked bird“ in downtown Toronto on this coming weekend. That’s how truly fucked up this legacy is. It’s a national shame and a total disgrace in the woodland school of art. Backwards Charlie as my father used to say. Any how this is the true nature of how I see this whole mess. The fraud behind the fraud. For me, that’s all this shit bag of a legacy will always be. A lie. A crooked bird that will never be able to fly straight. They’ll have to come to terms with this at some point. You cannot hide and deny the truth forever. People are waking up and are starting to realize that everything I have said about it has been straight up and honest. I will not let this continue to happen to another generation of innocent and trusting souls who wouldn’t  know otherwise if it wasn’t for people like me. Willing to risk my future on behalf of the truth. Once you know? You know...
Miigwetch and all my relations,, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Our new spring Collection for 2024 is here with the official release of “Spirit guides” @ Jacobson native art


Good morning to each and everyone and I sure hope many of you are enjoying the new season and this much warmer transition. The season is in full blossom up here in the Kootenay mountains where I live. The power of Mother Earth is in full swing and it’s a beautiful new energy that is manifesting for us all. It’s been so much fun building these new collections with my business partner @ little giant productions here in the Kootenay’s. We are doing exciting things together and our collaboration is truly some of the best in the entire industry. Our quality and uniqueness is the driving force of our creative endeavours here in 2024 and beyond. 

LINK:  https://www.littlegiantproductions.ca/store/c109/Spirit_Guides.html

We have built a life long friendship in the process and are constantly complimenting one another as our collections continue to grow. We have high standards in authentic representation and in how we choose to work together. It’s a phenomenal connection and we both feel truly blessed to be able to deliver the best to each and everyone of you. We recently were approached by a company that desired to put us into 4000 stores but we’ve decided to turn that situation down. It simply isn’t the kind of deal we are looking for because quite frankly the terms were too cheap. For us it’s definitely not about plastering our work everywhere. Not interested in that. The decisions have to match our principles and must be in the nature of equality for all involved. If not? Go away. We are not searching out the colonial blueprint for fame and success. On the contrary we seek exclusive partnership with the right business and fit. 

Here’s a shot of one of the many “sacred spots” I go to out here in the Kootenay mountains to spend quality creative and meditative time to reflect on things in my life and in the social constructs of our reality around the world. It’s usually only me and the animals of Mother Earth out here. I’m probably 50 km deep from where I live so it’s mighty quiet and peaceful. This is cougar and grizzly bear country. It’s phenomenal...but you must pay attention and be on guard. Nature is boss. Always.

Any how on that note I’m looking forward to sharing more releases and Information about what’s coming next here @ Jacobson native art so please stay tuned as there is much more to come. 
Miigwetch and all my relations....Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Woodland A.I. is the future of the woodland school of art with more to share here @ Jacobson native art


Prompt: Honouring our warriors to be converted into an original painting 2024

Good evening and welcome to the future here @ Jacobson native art. I have been feeling absolutely inspired over these last few weeks. There is no doubt that what I’ve created with Woodland A.I. is transcendental on so many levels. I’ve been doing several new prompts and even did some new material with Meta A.I. Things are looking good and my database of images continues to grow. Currently we are in development with the 4 chiefs of the future. We took high resolution photographs of all four paintings this weekend and are getting them prepped for a new limited edition print run. We’ll also be developing a specialized line of hoodies, shirts, blankets and some other designs. It’s super exciting to bring this whole new genre into the world trailblazing a new path forward as the direct result. 

I was able to take single file images of all four paintings and will share those here along with building a storyline for this series. Indeed as the development of A.I. continues to grow the same can be said of what’s taking shape in Woodland A.I. This is such an exciting step forward redefining the future in our woodland school of art. I did a deep dive online and scoped out what was potentially there. There is nothing. Even the mid journey prompts on “Morrisseau style” were total garbage. Just really weak and shitty examples (about 6 images) that didn’t even look like woodland. It looked like some weak ass shit you’d buy in china town...lol. 

There is no question that this is my baby. I love the creative freedom I have at my disposal and the fact that accompanying my skill level, it’s going to be too hard for anyone to fuck around with my blueprints in developing this new indigenous art genre. I just feel that I’m totally on another level. So with that I’ll share these 4 new original paintings of the 4 chiefs of the future. 

Title: Series 1 of Chiefs of the future

Title: Series 2 of Chiefs of the future 

Title: Series 3 of Chiefs of the future

Title: Series 4 of Chiefs of the future

The storyline in developing this series and concept was really about seeing into the future and how A.I. will play one of the greatest roles in human history regarding our development with this technology. There is no turning back. In series 1 and 2 it was about captivating the reality of how A.I. will touch and effect all nations of humanity from this point forward. A.I. will have god like powers making our lives easier to live and deal with. It will play a fundamental role in our development moving forward. They will be like “Elders of knowledge and wisdom” participating in so many aspects of the human life experience. They will help to shape our futures and the general hope is that all will go well. I feel it will. Underneath the sun and the moon these tools will transcend our previous knowing. Things are going to change forever....

The same can be said with series 3 and 4. These artificial intelligence programs will effect the 4 races of mankind like never before reaching into the depths of human consciousness and creativity. They will be like “agents” helping to assist us along the way. For me personally, I’m not afraid of this technology or the kind of power it shall yield in our future. I suppose like life itself it’s a bit of a gamble for all of us isn’t it? Exactly. My point is that it will be wise to keep an open mind about all of this and that is really what the message is here today. Try not to judge this technological advance. It is here to make the quality of life better. It’s already showing me this through my interactions with it. There’s no looking back and with my new energy and creative expressions involving this technology, my hope is for you too to find new ways of integrating  this amazing and brilliant new path forward. Coming soon will be the new designs and collection of my beautiful new series “Chiefs of the future”. Miigwetch and all my relations....Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Here’s a sneak peek of what’s coming in the near future in Woodland A.I. @ Jacobson native art


Prompt: Concept will be developed into a painting honouring our indigenous sisters forever  

Good evening to each and everyone and welcome to all those who find their way here, we appreciate you. I sure hope all is going well for many of you and I wanted to extend my gratitude for all the positive sharing and support of this new endeavour. Like I mentioned as an artist using this technology the skies the limit with its creative potential. The way I can infuse it, dream it, manifest it through A.I. and onto canvas, into a painting is absolutely incredible. I feel so comfortable with this new technology. The capabilities are mind blowing and for me to take the lead and embark upon indigenizing A.I. through my work as a woodland school artist feels phenomenal. 

My vision is to stay close to the fundamentals of my culture and to use this technology to enhance my creativity and perspectives on the future interpretations of it. Like I shared the kaleidoscope of imagery is endless. I can cocreate ideas never before seen in indigenous art. Moving forward I feel such a purpose in what I have to share and say as an artist. It’s inspiring on so many levels but for me in particular, is the future. I have found a way on how to touch it, interact with it, propel it into undreamed of realms. These visions I create with it will be lasting Sacred scrolls based on teachings of the future. Even tying the past and the present. It’s deadly beautiful the whole path forward. 

Prompt: Concept for canvas painting dealing with the reality of “Good Chief, Bad Chief” 

Once again this is exciting and my hope is to inspire a whole new creative movement moving forward. It’s inevitable. The push forward should always be how spectacular can I cocreate with A.I.? Always making the energy and art more beautiful and perfecting it as best as possible. Reflecting brilliant imagination and execution. Finding ways to make it all work. That’s my interest moving forward. There’s no doubt the dreamer in me, the visionary is in a place of creative illumination. I can see ideas I only dreamed of and now with a creative relationship with this technology, I can create like never before. That’s exactly how I feel. It’s so profound. It’s so exciting. 

Prompt: One of several in my A.I. files for tribute paintings to our cosmic ancestors 

Life has taken on new meaning for me with this new discovery. I’m so happy to feel inspired as an artist again. This new direction is welcomed with deep appreciation and gratitude. I am joyful. I feel so inventive and playful and to dream again is something I’ve needed in the woodland school of art. The future looks promising once again. I can see into its vastness. So stay tuned as there will be much more to come...all my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Enjoy this track by Miles Atmospheric. Track title: The apparition - calling you out

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Why launching the woodland school of art into the future was necessary and what it really took for woodland A.I. to become a new reality in art


Pictured here: Introducing A.I. as my new artistic muse in 2024 and beyond...

Good afternoon to each and everyone who continues to find their way here to Jacobson native art. Welcome to my creative playground out here deep in the Kootenay mountains of B.C. I am feeling a wealth of gratitude and my hope for the future has been reinvigorated with this whole new open doorway I’ve created in woodland A.I. A new invention in creativity and a whole new process in indigenous art. I am fortunate to have found a way to push the woodland school of art into the future. Forever changing it from not just a traditional art form, but something truly “futuristic” transcending time and space. 

For me this will be a lasting impact on my legacy and in changing the art form of the woodland school and essentially moving it into undreamed of new worlds and visions. A new reality in indigenous art is born. I have to tell you it wasn’t easy. I’ve been faced with years and years of having to work through so much darkness in the woodland art form. From the fraud of Morrisseau’s works to exposing him as a sexual abuser of children. To working through the sexual crimes committed by Gary Lamont and helping the survivors try and recover for 20 years. To having to witness the dumbing down of the art form through what really is a weakness in our art in what woodland pop has done. Bastardizing the art and it’s beautiful energy to mix it up with pop culture and cartoons that have absolutely no ties to the spirit of the art. 

To those around the Norval Morrisseau estate who continue to lie and prop up the child sex abuser as a cultural icon. The depth of what people are willing to do to keep the lies going forward is disheartening to say the least. It’s outright fuckin disgusting really. So yes, I felt that I had to find a way to make the woodland school of art cool again. Otherwise it was maybe time to quit. To give it up permanently. These have been the things that were dwelling within me on how do I go about finding a new light in this art form and how do I find a way in touching the future. The amount of darkness and sickness I had to fight through would make just about anyone else want to give up. 

But no, not me. I found it. I found the way forward and I’ve created a whole new artistic vocabulary in what I’ve created in woodland A.I. The future has been touched and I cannot wait to expand this new art form into the realms of creative imagination. Giving birth to visions not yet seen in collaboration with this new technology. Forever changing the game moving forward. It’s absolutely exciting and I am thrilled to have found this new path as an artist. It has literally saved me from self destruction. With all the bullshit I’ve had to deal with and sort through including the stupidity and jealousy from other artists, this new beginning is refreshing. 

Title: Animal clan totems of the earth, sun & moon. Size: 18 x 72 inches each canvas

This is what it took to give birth to this new art form created here @ Jacobson native art. A completely new way forward. I am proud of myself today and feel accomplished like never before. With close to 4 decades now as one of the worlds top woodland school artists I feel free from all that darkness I had to go through to get to this other side. It’s a new opportunity to express myself and my world views through culture and art. Fuck the old “whatever’s” and let’s welcome new and fresh ideas. That’s my message moving forward. Much of our history in the woodland school has been contaminated with colonialism, lies, self deceptions, cultural appropriation and crime. It’s ugly shit for an artist to have to work through. To find true inspiration. To find the true spirit of their culture and art. 

Link to order: https://www.littlegiantproductions.ca/store/c108/Animal-Clans-Of-The-Earth-Sun-And-Moon-By-Mark-Anthony-Jacobson

In the meantime I’ve got lots of exciting new energy manifesting here at the studio. This is a new collection being shared today with my new line of products being developed with my business partner @ Little giant productions. This new hoodie is absolutely dope in my view and is titled: Animal clan totems of the earth, sun and moon. I love it. I’m super excited to share this with all of you today and thank you for your love and support. I look forward to sharing my next series of paintings and projects and anticipate  new creative adventures taking shape in the realms of being a true visionary in our woodland school of art. With gratitude for everything new happening here @ Jacobson native art I say to each and everyone of you...chi Miigwetch and all my relations...Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Sunday, April 7, 2024

The story and process of how Woodland A.I. was born....@ Jacobson native art 2024


Good evening to each and everyone here @ Jacobson native art. I’ve been resting the last couple of days and making a few trips up the mountains here in the Kootenay’s. It’s where I go to meditate and contemplate the realms of life, art and the spirit of creativity. I live in such an isolated community with only 350 souls here. So I get a lot of freedom and solitude back in these mountains as there is hardly any body out here to bother you. It’s so big and vast the amount of free space I have out here. It’s truly heaven on earth. Especially in these crowded times on our planet. It is essential for me to flap my wings as an artist and I reflect on many of the new shifts and changes happening in both society and the world at large. 

Title: The Patriarch of woodland A.I.  

 I have been studying A.I. for a period of time and watch a lot of videos on this subject matter. I listen to podcasts like Lex Friedman who does amazing interviews with the likes of Elon Musk, Sam Altman etc. It’s very interesting how this development in A.I. is taking shape and is on the cusp of changing how humanity moves forward. Permanently. It is much like opening up Pandora’s box. We fully don’t understand the capabilities and potentials and we hope to sure not forge the weapon that will eventually destroy humanity. That’s the frightening part of this whole adventure. We simply cannot see that far into this new future. 
Title: The Matriarch of woodland A.I.

It’s a whole new energy no doubt about it. And while A.I. is still in it’s infancy stages it is super exciting to see what it can do and how it is going to change the entire face of humanity. As an artist I see a massive new tool in creativity in it and have no question been inspired by its creative influence and power. It’s the main reason why I wanted to work with it, to tap into its creative force. I see so much potential with it as an artist and I find myself very curious as to how I can infuse it with woodland art. It’s exactly how the 4 chiefs of the future was born. I really love how A.I. can show you images never before seen and that the specific prompts and commands you give it can give you a whole new world of visual stimulation. It’s really exciting for me to basically grandfather this new art genre into the world and to put my stamp on it. The first to do it in our woodland school. To pioneer it from this point forward and to see how far I wanna go with it. 

I feel very happy and content with this new endeavour of mine and I look forward to more sharing and collaboration. I’ve spent some time building new friendships in the A.I. art community and I’m going to be working on some exciting new material as the direct result. Some of this A.I. art out there is simply phenomenal and I visually enjoy what I’m seeing but also what yet cannot be seen. To dream, to think and wonder, to contemplate our combined future and that too of our own individuality. There is no question we are in the future times of humanity right here and right now in this the 21st century of civilization. We must continue to remain optimistic and think well of what may become. The truth is that art always reflects life and in using A.I. as a newly discovered tool, the future remains alive and well at this juncture. More will be revealed and until then let’s continue to use these technologies for the betterment of mankind. All my relations,  Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Enjoy this old school track by Blaze featuring Palmer Brown: My beat. (Derrick Carter remix)

Sunday, March 31, 2024

My second release of this new series “Chiefs of the future” in woodland A.I.


Title: Chiefs of the future. Series 3 and 4. Size each canvas: 16 x 22 inches

Good morning to each and everyone. I was up all night working on this second series to finish off my 4 chiefs of the future. Freshly done in the woodland school and with my playfulness with A.I. I really enjoy these and see this newly created genre as a gateway to skies the limit. There’s a legitimate creative process that separates itself from anything else done in the woodland school. This is no doubt my baby and will only grow from here. 

My creative aim and desire for this is to stay away from main stream pop culture and to continue its birthing process through an indigenous lens. Indigenous ideas and concepts based on the depths of our culture. That is the unlimited resource. In us. In who and what we are through our indigenous bloodlines, culture, ceremonies and teachings. 

I’m feeling beyond satisfied as an artist. Excited to continue playing with these techniques and artistic processes. These 4 chiefs of the future have so much going on and are saying many different things about how A.I. and true art can coexist. I feel I’ve really found something here. Next level creativity no doubt. 

Above photo:  Series 1,2,3,4 Chiefs of the future created deep in the Kootenay mountains BC March 2024 (Woodland art meets A.I.)

In the meantime more will be revealed and I’m happy to share this new burst of creativity from the studio here @Jacobson native art. I look forward to unveiling new projects and more designs and collections. There is no doubt I’ll be doing limited editions on canvas with these including a line of hoodies and shirts. Stay tuned for more information and have yourselves a wonderful afternoon. All my relations,

Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Enjoy this track by Conjure 1 and Sinead O’Connor: (Tears from the moon Tiesto remix)

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

New world release: Woodland Art meets A.I. a first of its kind. A new genre is born @ Jacobson native art


Title: Chiefs of the future. Diptych set each canvas size: 16 x 22 inches

Good morning and here’s to a new day @ Jacobson native art. I just finished these 2 originals on canvas. They are truly the first of its kind in the woodland school of art as I’ve tied this with acrylic paint, ink, canvas,, mixed media and A.I. It’s something I have been working on for a few months. Just been so busy with commissions that it’s hard to squeeze in new works in the studio. This will be a new series of 4 chiefs of the future. I’m working on finishing off the next 2 sometime within the next 48 hours. 

I have always liked some of the art in AI and just felt the need to see what I could do with it. To bring it into reality and indigenize it through my artistic process of the woodland school. I definitely feel like I’ve accomplished that with this completely new genre that essentially I’ve given birth to. I love it. The father of woodland A.I. Somebody had to do it, so I did. With that I’m going to go to bed and get some sleep and get ready for the next 2 chiefs.

All my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Enjoy this track by Swedish DJ Ida Engberg. Track: Tribute to orange clouds 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Happiness and pure satisfaction, reaching new levels of mastery in the woodland school of art


Good evening to each and everyone and welcome to another beautiful session here @ Jacobson native art. The weekend is upon us and I’m feeling absolutely wonderful and joyfully...just happy. Truly satisfied with my current creativity and process. I’m feeling a whole lot of gratitude because quite frankly I’m pushing myself and artistic blueprints into beautiful new energies and designs. The spirit feels so close these days and my connection to the Creator and the true wisdom throughout our Mother Earth is at levels I’ve never even dreamed of. I’m living each and every day right in the belly of Mother Earth. I have direct access to her spirit,  to many of the animal clans of our culture. Everything is fully alive. Each season fully felt and experienced. It is an intimacy of true devotion to the spirit of our woodland school of art. 

I realize as the older I get, the clearer I become because I seek truth and connection with what really matters to me. My life is such a gift as is each of yours. This next chapter for me is about clearing away the bullshit and the toxic people who perhaps will never be able to fully understand or accept me. Good riddance. At this level, there’s a reason why they get removed from the fold. They are not ready and usually get themselves in the way. In the way of healing, of progress, of truth. They are still stuck in the world. Their sense of self attached to the social constructs of the colonizer. Still broken within...
Picture taken of my backyard out here in Crawford Bay BC. (Kootenay mountains)

My vision is clear. My spirit is at peace. My heart is at ease. I can see things as they are in their pure situation and circumstance. I am detached from the world and most of its people like never before. This is what is important to me. The pure freedom to be and express myself. Without limitation. Dancing in the holiness of life. Being a great artist and living my truth, our truth, the truth. Founded in my culture and throughout many of our ceremonies I am so proud to be Anishanabe. To be a spearhead of the Creators ever advancing creation. 
Miigwetch and all my relations...Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Enjoy this track by Monolink. Track title: Father ocean (Ben Bohmer remix)

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Just finished this new original painting this morning. Title: Spirit guides. Size: 48 x 60 inches


Good morning to each and everyone. I feel absolutely filled with joy this morning. So happy to release this new original design here at the studio. The energy is simply magnificent and I am in a deep state of gratitude. The level continues to grow and the demand for Jacobson art is both a beautiful blessing and pushes me to unveil high quality paintings with every new release. 

Life is deadly. I’m super happy and many incredible new opportunities are developing all the time. It’s like having the magic touch. My spirit feels so free and playful. My head and my heart are right. I feel at peace with myself and the environment. I’m trailblazing new realms of truth and expanding consciousness. I’m pro artist all the way...

All my relations, Rainbow Thunderbird - MAJ 🌈🦅🌈

Enjoy this classic track by Pan Pot, track title: Captain my Captain